Social Network Analysis in Huge-Scale Networks
Wu Bin, Dong Yuxiao, Qin Lei, Ke Qing and Wang Bai
School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Tucheng 10, West Road, Beijing, China
Keywords: Social network analysis, Distributed system, MapReduce, Huge-scale network.
Abstract: Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups,
computers and other information or knowledge entities. The continued exponential growth in the scale of
social networks is giving birth to a new challenge to social network analysis. The scale of these graphs, in
some cases, is millions of nodes and billions of edges. In this paper, we present a distributed system,
KANGAROO, for huge scale social network based on two main computing models which are for finding
common neighbour and maximal clique. KANGAROO is implemented on the top of the Hadoop platform, the
open source version of MapReduce. This system implements most algorithms of social network analysis,
including basic statistics, community detection, link prediction and network evolution etc. based on the
MapReduce computing framework. More than anything else, KANGAROO is applied to a real-world huge
scale social network. The application scenarios, including degree distribution, linear projection algorithm for
community detection and community visualization of presentation layer, demonstrate KANGAROO is
efficient, scalable and effective.
Social networks have grown stronger as a form of
organization of human activity. Social networks are
nodes of individuals that tie in one or more types of
independencies. It represents the human relationships
by the links among the nodes. There are so many
ubiquitous social networks around us, the
co-authorship network, the mobile call network, the
email network, the Facebook network etc. There are
two kinds of forms to represent information of the
social network: matrix and graph (Costa et al., 2005).
In this paper, we use graphs to learn and understand
the social networks with nodes representing actors
and edges representing relations. The graph theory is
the foundation of social network analysis.
With the expanding range of human activities,
human relations are becoming increasingly complex
and closely. This results in more and more large
social networks. In some cases, the scale of the
network has billions of nodes, trillions of edges. The
continued exponential growth in scale of networks is
giving birth to a new challenge to the social networks
analysis. The traditional social network analysis
based on graph theory mainly can not be able to play a
significant role because of the restriction by Moore’s
Recently, Yahoo have come up with a peta-scale
Graph Mining System, namely PEGASUS (Kang,
2009)and Google have dealt with this intractable
problem by using PREGEL which is also a system for
large-scale graph processing (Malewicz et al., 2010).
The two great companies concentrate on the graph
mining, and we put our focus on the distributed
network analysis using graph mining in this paper. At
the same time, Yahoo’s PEGASUS is run on M45,
one of the top 50 supercomputers in the world,
however, our system, namely KANGAROO, is
constructed on commodity machines without
supercomputers. The powerful capability of
MapReduce distributed computing framework
provides a solution of efficient processing of graph
mining. The move to distributed and parallel
computing model is being driven not because it is an
idea of dividing and conquering, but because it is an
efficient way to utilize numerous surplus computing
resource of large amount of commercial equipment
(Yang et al., 2009).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the related work. Section 3
Bin W., Yuxiao D., Lei Q., Qing K. and Bai W..
KANGAROO: A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM FOR SNA - Social Network Analysis in Huge-Scale Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0003387304040409
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 404-409
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
describes the model of computing. Section 4 presents
the framework and Implementation of KANGAROO.
Section 5 discusses several application scenarios. In
the last Section, we discuss the conclusion and future
The related work forms two groups, social network
analysis and Hadoop MapReduce framework.
2.1 Social Network Analysis
A social network is a social structure made of nodes
that are tied by one or more specific types of
interdependency (Costa et al., 2005). Its origin can be
traced back to the pioneering works on percolation
and random graphs by Flory (1941), Rapoport (1957)
and Erdos and Renyi (1961), social network became a
focus of attention for that it had characteristics which
are not like the uniformly random complex network.
Social network involves community structure, power
law degree distributions and bubs, among other
features (Barabasi and Albert, 1999).Two
developments motivated many ongoing research:
Watts and Strogatz’s investigation of small-world
networks (Watts and Strogatz, 1998) and Barabasi
and Albert characterization of scale-free models
(Barabasi and Albert, 1999). In this paper, we
demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our
framework by focusing on presenting the insights of
several large real social networks. In this paper, we
put our focus on the basic statistics, link prediction,
maximum clique and community detection.
2.2 MapReduce Framework
MapReduce is a programing framework (Dean and
Ghemawat, 2004) for processing huge amounts of
unstructured data in a massively parallel way,
collectively referred to as a cluster. Computational
processing can occur on data stored in a distributed
file system. The framework is inspired by map and
reduce functions commonly used in functional
programming. In Map step, the master node takes the
input, chops it up into smaller sub-problems, and
distributes those to worker nodes. In Reduce step, it
then takes the answers to all the sub-problems and
combines them in a way to get the output.
MapReduce framework has two may advantages: (a)
the programmer is oblivious of the details of the data
distribution, replication, load balancing etc. And
furthermore (b) the programming concept is familiar,
for example, the concept of functional programming
(Wu et al., 2009).
Hadoop is an open source implementations of the
MapReduce framework. It provides a distributed file
system (HDFS) to store data and a means of running
applications on large clusters built of commodity
hardware which is near the data.
The input to a KANGAROO computation is an
undirected graph G. V(G) represents vertices and
E(G) represents its edges. In this paper, each vertex is
uniquely identified by a string and each edge is
associated with the source vertex and destination
vertex, and it consists of its weight, too. For a vertex
v in G, let τ
u , v
∈E} represents the
neighbors of v, and k
= | τ(v) | represents the
number of the neighbors, namely the degree of the
node v.
For example in Figure 1, we lay out a typical
KANGAROO computation. Figure 1.b represents the
input data of the social network which has a simple
graph structure composed of 7 vertices and 11 edges
in Figure 1.a.
Figure 1.a. Figure 1.b.
Figure 2: The Process for Adjacency List.
KANGAROO: A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM FOR SNA - Social Network Analysis in Huge-Scale Networks
Figure 3: The Process for Common Neighbors.
3.1 MapReduce for Common
In graph G, A node z which belongs to the common
neighbors of nodes x and y, means that the neighbors
of node x contain z, and the neighbors of node y also
contain z. In Figure 1.a, the common neighbors of
nodes 1 and 2 contain node 3 and 4.
Given a Graph, firstly, we generally transform it
to an adjacency list from the form of Figure 1.b,
which can be efficiently employed for further
analyses. In Figure 1.a, we launched a MapReduce
job to obtain the adjacency list of this graph. The flow
of the data is represented in Figure 2.
With the adjacency list of the graph, we can get
the common neighbors using MapReduce as
described in Figure 3.
3.2 MapReduce for Cliques
In a graph G, a clique C is a complete subgraph of G
in which any two nodes are adjacent. A k-clique
defined as a clique containing k nodes (k>=3) (Yang
et al., 2009). A k-clique is called maximal clique if its
edge between any two nodes is not part of any other
clique which has more than k nodes. In Figure 1, for
example, the graph consists 3 maximal cliques,
(1,2,3,4), (3,4,5) and (5,6,7).
The process for cliques has the same first step that
is to get the adjacency list of every node with finding
common neighbors. Adjacency list is the one-leap
information of a node. However, to extract a maximal
clique, we should obtain the two-leap information of
every node. Figure 4 represents the process of getting
maximal clique.
The models for common neighbors and cliques
with MapReduce are the foundation of algorithms in
KANGAROO, such as degree distribution, link
prediction based on node similarity, community
detection etc.
In this chapter, we describe the overview of
KANGAROO and the basic implementation of this
system, without mentioning the specific
technological detail.
Figure 4: The Process for Maximal Clique.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
4.1 Basic Architecture
The overview architecture of KANGAROO is
presented in Figure 5. It has a hierarchical
architecture with three main layers: cluster layer, core
algorithm layer and high layer service.
The function and feature of each layer is described
as followed:
In cluster layer, there is cluster environment,
distributed computing platform and layer of
preprocess. The cluster environment
consists of heterogeneous servers with
which virtualization provides flexible and
transparent perspective. Besides, Hadoop
cluster supply the distributed file system and
distributed computing ability.
Core algorithm layer is constructed on the
top of the cluster layer, intending to provide
the core algorithms of social network
analysis which consists of basic statistics,
community detection, link prediction and
network evolution etc.
High layer services supply the presentation
and solutions which are based on the basic
algorithm layer. The result of the social
network analysis is presented by the forms
of the visualization, report, and text, also
provides the data mining and business
intelligence solutions.
Figure 5: KANGAROO overview.
4.2 Hardware Construction
We set up a hadoop cluster environment, composed
of one master and 32 computing nodes(Intel Xeon
2.50GHz×4, 8GB RAM, 250GB×4 SATA II disk,
Linux RH4 OS). The cluster is interconnected
through 1000Mbps Switch. And deployed Hadoop
platform version is 0.20.0
4.3 Core Algorithms
Social network analysis is the mapping and
measuring of relationships and flows between people,
groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other
connected information or knowledge entities (Kredbs
2004). To analyze the social network, an adequate
acquaintance of network is necessary by basic
statistics. After that, the process of social network
analysis includes the community detection, link
prediction, network evolution and other aspects.
KANGAROO provides both a mathematical and
visual analysis of human relationships by these basic
algorithms as described below.
Basic Statistics: In this section, KANGAROO
supply the implementation for understanding the
overview of the network, including the numbers
of nodes and edges, degree distribution, weight
distribution, betweenness centrality, cluster
coefficience, closeness centrality, shortest path,
diameter and page rank etc.
Community Detection: KANGAROO
implements the main community detection
algorithm, including the clique percolation
method and linear projection algorithm.
Link Prediction: KANGAROO provides the
nine local similarity-based link prediction
algorithms, Common Neighbors, Salton Index,
Jaccard Index, Sorensen Index, Hub Promoted
Index, Hub Depressed Index,
Leicht-Holme-Newman Index, Preferential
Attachment Index and Adamic-Adar Index, and
two global similarity-based algorithms
including Katz Index and
Leicht-Holme-Newman Index (Lv and Zhou,
Network Evolution: Here, KANGAROO uses
an effective algorithm TrackMapper (Yang et al.,
2009)that can generate an evolving timeline
throughout the network, because of its
optimization for MapReduce model.
To the best of our knowledge, KANGAROO
implements these algorithms by using MapReduce
first, including betweenness centrality, cluster
coefficience, closeness centrality, shortest path,
network diameter, linear projection algorithm and all
link prediction algorithms which are based on node
In this chapter, we validate KANGAROO by an
analysing procedure. The graph employed here is a
KANGAROO: A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM FOR SNA - Social Network Analysis in Huge-Scale Networks
huge undirected social graph that has 4.8 million
nodes and 43 million edges extracted from directed
LiveJournal friendship online social network. The
following experiments on this huge dataset are
inspected from the scalability and the performance.
5.1 Degree Distribution
In the study of networks, the degree of a node in a
network is the number of edges it has to other nodes
and the degree distribution is the probability
distribution of these degrees over the whole network
(Barabasi and Albert, 1999).
In this section, KANGAROO run the MapReduce
implementation of degree distribution job. We show
the results of degree distribution in Figure 6 and the
chart demonstrates the power low degree distribution.
As represented in Figure 7, there is a good speedup
ratio with the change of the computing node numbers.
When the number of nodes comes 16 or 32, there is
redundant computing resource for this job.
Figure 6: The degree distribution of LiveJournal.
Figure 7: Running time and scalability of degree
5.2 Linear Projection Algorithm
Community is groups of nodes within which
connections are dense, but between which
connections are sparser. Next we intend to find
meaningful communities by linear projection
algorithm. Linear projection algorithm resolves
community structure by transforming network
community detection problem into a common
clustering problem. It uses the factor that the main
features of the community structure are actually
captured by just the low-dimension vectors, which
allows KANGAROO to reduce the computational
cost (Liao, 2009).
The paralleled linear projection algorithm using
MapReduce has a nearly linear speedup ratio before
the number of computing nodes comes 8 in the
environment of KANGAROO. As Figure 8 shows,
that superfluous computing resource exists is the
same with the process of degree distribution when
there are 16, 32 or more nodes.
Figure 8: Running time and scalability of LPA.
Figure 9: The community of Karate graph.
Figure 10: The community of American football games
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
5.3 Community Visualization
The visualization is a significant part of
KANGAROO, also a very difficult part. In this
section, we show the community visualization which
is most tough task for the presentation layer.
After community detection on Karate graph, the
visualization of the communities is represented in
Figure 9 which is clear and intelligible to distinguish
the different nodes among all communities. In Figure
10, we represent a more beautiful graph which
contains 12 communities in diverse colors.
Motivated by recently increasing request for the large
scale social network analysis, in this paper, we
introduce our solution, KANGAROO based on
distributed system, and report how to construct it
using the open-source Hadoop project, also the
advantages of this system, including the ability to
analyze the huge scale social network and the high
performance with linear speedup ratio.
We employ a huge scale real-world network with
ten million nodes and edges to analyze with
KANGAROO, including basic statistics, community
detection and community visualization. In these cases,
we do not only show the result of our algorithms but
also the speedup ratio of our system.
At present, KANGAROO is an on-going system,
our future work will continue in the construction of
this system, especially the computing modes and
algorithms for large scale social network, scalability
and performance. Fundamentally, we hope
KANGAROO can serve as a practical social network
analysis framework for huge scale real-world
This work is supported by the National Science
Foundation of China (Grant No.60905025, 90924029,
61074128), National High Technology Research and
Development Program of China
(No.2009AA04Z136), National Key Technology
R&D Program of China (2006BAH03B05) and the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
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