Michael Hauck
FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Jens Happe
SAP Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
Ralf H. Reussner
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Performance prediction, Measurements, Cloud computing, Virtualization, Modelling.
Scalability and performance are critical quality attributes of applications developed for the cloud. Many of
these applications have to support hundreds or thousands of concurrent users with strongly fluctuating work-
loads. Existing approaches for software performance evaluation do not address the new challenges that arise
for applications executed in cloud computing environments. The effects of virtualization on response times,
throughput, and resource utilisation as well as the massive number of resources available require new platform
and resource models for software performance evaluation. Modelling cloud environments using established
approaches for software performance prediction is a cumbersome task that requires a detailed understanding
of virtualization techniques and their effect on software performance. Additional complexity comes from the
fact that cloud environments may combine multiple virtualization platforms which differ in implementation
and performance properties.
In this position paper, we propose an approach to infer performance models of cloud computing environments
automatically through goal-oriented measurements. The resulting performance models can be directly com-
bined with established model-driven performance prediction approaches. We outline the research challenges
that have to be addressed in order to employ the approach for design-time performance predictions of software
systems running in cloud computing environments.
Many applications developed for the cloud have high
requirements with respect to performance and scal-
ability in order to support hundreds or thousands of
users. Response time and throughput of such appli-
cations are critical and thus have to be considered in
early stages of the software life-cycle. Software ar-
chitects must take into account the specific proper-
ties of cloud environments. Most fundamental is a
detailed understanding of different virtualization plat-
forms and their effect on software performance. Fur-
thermore, virtualization platforms provide means to
scale up (increase the size of a virtual machine by
assigning it more memory or cpus) and scale out
(adding additional virtual machines to an application).
Both must be supported by the application. Perfor-
mance standards in practice are high. An application
is considered scalable only if its throughput increases
linearly with the resources assigned to it.
Software performance engineering (SPE) and
model-driven performance engineering (MDPE) en-
able the prediction of software performance at an
early stage of the software development process.
Software architects provide architectural models with
performance annotations of their application, which
are then transformed into performance analysis mod-
els, such as queueing networks, stochastic Petri nets,
or simulation models (see overview in (Balsamo et al.,
2004; Koziolek, 2010)). The results of the perfor-
mance analysis enable software architects to reason
on the application’s performance, for example to eval-
Hauck M., Happe J. and Reussner R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003387406160622
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 616-622
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
uate different design alternatives, to plan resource ca-
pacities or to estimate the performance of a software
system in a cloud.
For accurate performance predictions, the
performance-relevant properties of cloud environ-
ments have to be reflected by the performance
models. However, current approaches provide only
limited support for performance properties of cloud
computing environments and, more specifically,
virtualization platforms. Therefore, the integration
of such properties is a cumbersome, manual task,
which requires detailed knowledge about virtu-
alization techniques and their effect on software
performance. In many cases, performance-relevant
properties of virtualization platforms have to be
retrieved by inspecting system documentation. Such
documentation may not be available in all cases.
Furthermore, the effect of specific implementation
details on performance is often unknown. However,
neglecting the performance impact of virtualization
platforms can lead to inaccurate prediction results.
For example, scheduling implementations can influ-
ence the response time of an application by several
orders of magnitude (Schroeder et al., 2006). If
no information about the virtualization platform is
available, measurements have to be conducted in
order to include its influence into the performance
model. Such measurements involve a high manual
effort to design and set up the measurements and
analyze the results.
Moreover, cloud computing environments can
make use of multiple virtualization techniques,
which differ in their performance-relevant proper-
ties (Adams and Agesen, 2006), (Matthews et al.,
2007). Thus, a performance model of a specific vir-
tualization platform cannot necessarily be reused in a
different setting.
To avoid the efforts of creating the performance
model manually, we propose an approach to detect
performance-relevant properties of cloud computing
environments and virtualization environments auto-
matically. This approach makes use of goal-oriented
measurements which are conducted on the target plat-
form to detect certain characteristics of performance-
relevant properties of the virtualization environment.
The environment is regarded as a “black-box”, which
means that the performance-relevant properties of the
environment are not known a priori. Instead, the prop-
erties are derived by measurements that are executed
on the platform, and fed into a performance model.
The automation of both the measurements and the
derivation of a performance model aims at easing the
burden of performance predictions of software run-
ning in the cloud.
The remainder of this position paper is structured
as follows. Section 2 discusses research questions re-
garding performance prediction of software running
in cloud computing or virtualized environments based
on measurements. The approach is presented in detail
in Section 3. Section 4 presents related work, and
Section 5 concludes the paper.
In this section, several open research questions are
presented that need to be addressed in order to apply
performance predictions for cloud computing envi-
ronments based on goal-oriented measurements. The
first three questions deal with design-based perfor-
mance prediction for software running in virtual-
ized environments, the latter two questions deal with
goal-oriented measurements to derive performance-
relevant properties.
What are the Relevant Performance Properties of
Virtualization Platforms?
Running software in virtualized environments leads to
a complex technology stack which influences the soft-
ware performance. To enable reasonable performance
analyses, the key performance-relevant properties of
virtualization environments have to be identified.
Such properties include for example virtualization
overheads and virtualization implementation proper-
ties. Virtualization overhead has to be taken into
account, as resource demands of software may lead
to a different performance if the software is run-
ning on a virtual machine compared to its execution
in a non-virtualized environment. Virtualization im-
plementation properties play for example a crucial
role in handling contention effects of multiple vir-
tual machines running on the same physical server.
This is done by a virtualization software called hy-
pervisor, which provides sophisticated scheduling al-
gorithms that affect the performance. Even for the
same virtualization technique, different scheduler im-
plementations may lead to different performance ef-
fects (Cherkasova et al., 2007). Hypervisors also pro-
vide a more complex logic to handle I/O requests
compared to traditional OS schedulers, as virtual I/O
devices have to be mapped to physical I/O devices.
Further performance-relevant properties that have
been identified for software running in a cloud com-
puting environment include network I/O properties.
For example, some parts of a software may run locally
with a local network connection, whereas other parts
may run in the cloud where internet network connec-
tion properties have to be regarded.
In addition to virtualized platforms, cloud com-
puting environments hide the server structure on
which the application is running on. Even more, af-
ter deploying an application in the cloud, it may be
moved dynamically to a different server with differ-
ent performance properties after deployment. In our
presented approach we want to focus on scenarios
where the application is running on the same infras-
tructure on which the black-box measurements have
been taken. However, we acknowledge the fact that
cloud computing environments may imply more com-
plex influencing factors for performance modelling,
which are subject to later enhancements of the ap-
How to Reflect Relevant Performance Properties
of Cloud Computing Environments/Virtualization
Platforms in Software Performance Models?
For design-time performance prediction, models of
the software have to be provided, and to some ex-
tent models of the virtualized environment. Here, the
granularity of the model mainly depends on the ap-
proach to be taken:
In a forward-engineering approach, the implemen-
tation of the application often does not exist yet, and
the models tend to be rather abstract. Here, the chal-
lenge is to find a model granularity that does not re-
quire knowledge which not available during the de-
sign phase, but still allows to yield reasonable per-
formance prediction results. Another option would
be to use abstract models and automatically add addi-
tional information by using performance completions
or coupled transformations, as proposed in (Happe
et al., 2010).
In a reverse-engineering approach, the code of
the software can be taken into account when creat-
ing the models. This allows to create more fine-
grained models, which can be partially created au-
tomatically by tool support. Here, also more fine-
grained performance-relevant information can be put
into the model. Such an approach might be relevant
for a scenario in which the performance of legacy sys-
tems should be analyzed w. r. t. a deployment in a vir-
tualized environment.
Independent of the software model granularity, ex-
isting models for performance predictions have to be
enhanced in order to reflect virtualization and cloud
computing infrastructure properties, such as virtual-
ization hypervisor properties, different network con-
nections, virtual and physical servers, or server clus-
How to Integrate Performance-relevant
Properties of Cloud Computing Environments
into Performance Analyses?
Additionally to the enhancements of software perfor-
mance models, performance analysis tools have to be
enhanced as well in order to support performance-
relevant properties of cloud computing environments.
For performance prediction, we aim at using a con-
figurable analysis tool that can be configured depend-
ing on the detected properties (e.g. performance over-
heads or hypervisor properties). As the complete ap-
proach should run in an automated way where possi-
ble, analysis tool configuration should also happen in
an automated way.
To implement performance prediction for our ap-
proach, we plan to enhance the Palladio Compo-
nent Model (PCM) (Becker et al., 2009). The PCM
supports design-based performance prediction based
on software models and provides different perfor-
mance analysis tools, such as analytical solvers and
a discrete-event simulation.
How to Design Experiments to Detect
Performance-relevant Properties in a
Technology-independent Way?
In order to apply performance prediction to differ-
ent cloud environments, the measurements of the ex-
periments have to be designed in a generic way and
must not be tailored towards a specific virtualization
technique or hypervisor scheduler implementation. It
is also an open question which measurement metrics
can be taken into account. While every system pro-
vides means to measure time spans, some virtualiza-
tion solutions or cloud computing providers might not
provide certain measurement metrics such as resource
In (Hauck et al., 2010), we proposed generic
experiments to detect load-balancing properties of
general-purpose operating system (GPOS) sched-
ulers. The experiments are based on response time
measurements only and yielded promising results.
Furthermore, measurements aiming at detecting
the virtualization overhead of certain resource de-
mands (CPU, memory, network I/O) have already
been conducted in prior work. We plan to automate
the evaluation of the measurements in order to auto-
matically derive performance models from the mea-
surement results which can be used for performance
Depending on the scenario, different additional
kinds of experiments might be possible. For exam-
ple, one could think of taking measurements on mul-
tiple machines in the cloud to gain experiment results
that allow to reason about the contention effects that
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Deploy Drivers
Properties into
Analysis Tool
Figure 1: Workflow of the automatic derivation of performance-relevant properties.
How to Conduct Accurate Measurements in
Virtualized Environments?
In virtualized environments, additional challenges
arise when taking measurements. First, the timer ac-
curacy might suffer when accessing timer information
from inside a virtual machine. Virtualization imple-
mentations provided enhanced timer accuracy in the
last years, but initial experiment results showed that
timer accuracy might suffer when measuring response
time in virtual machines especially when the system
is under load.
Another issue when taking measurements is that
additional load might disturb the measurement re-
sults. In virtualized environments, additional load
on the system might always and unpredictably oc-
cur (noisy neighbours). This can lead to disturbed
measurement results, because performance isolation
across virtual machines might not be the case (Gupta
et al., 2006). To derive performance-relevant prop-
erties correctly, the measurements have to designed
robust w. r. t. measurement noise.
In the following, we present our approach to de-
rive performance-relevant properties automatically in
more detail.
An overview on the approach is given in Figure 1
and consists of the following steps:
1. Deploy Drivers. The approach is based on goal-
oriented measurements, which requires the target
environment to be available. On this environment,
i. e. on the virtual machines in which the target ap-
plication is to be run on, a load driver has to be
installed. For the load driver, we plan to use re-
source demands libraries which allow to generate
different patterns of CPU load and I/O load.
2. Perform Measurements. Once the driver is de-
ployed and calibrated, experiments are to be per-
formed, which include issuing different patterns
of CPU and I/O load and measuring certain parts
of the issued load. To derive performance-relevant
properties, the load patterns have to be designed
in a way that the measured results allow to infer
implementation properties of the platform through
statistical analyses. The measurements should be
robust w. r. t. measurement noise, and should be
generic, i. e. they should be applicable to miscella-
neous virtualization platforms, and not be targeted
towards a specific platform. Possible generic mea-
surements include virtualization overhead for cer-
tain resource demands, network I/O throughput
and latency rates, as well as storage access prop-
erties (for different read-write patterns). The mea-
surements are initiated by an experiment con-
troller, which also collects the measurement re-
sults from the load drivers after the measurements
have been completed.
3. Derive Performance-relevant Properties. The
measurement results serve as input for the anal-
ysis. The analyzer derives properties by using sta-
tistical methods, and triggers further experiments
if necessary.
4. Integrate Derived Properties into Analysis Tool.
Finally, the detected properties have to be inte-
grated into the analysis model. Configurable per-
formance properties can be implemented in a per-
formance analysis tool for example by using a
configuration model. In this case, the detected
properties would be passed to the analysis tool as
a configuration instance. Depending on the prop-
erty configuration, the analysis tool has to provide
different analyzer logic in order to reflect the per-
formance properties.
Once the performance analysis tool is configured
based on the detected performance properties, the
software architect can conduct a performance anal-
ysis by creating a model of the application software,
which is then transformed into an analysis model. The
analysis tool uses this model to perform the analysis,
taking into account the experimentally derived perfor-
mance properties.
Our approach aims at deriving performance-
relevant properties for a wide range of virtualized
environments. Besides virtualization environments
consisting of a single hypervisor machine running a
couple of virtual machines, the approach is also in-
tended to be applicable on larger environments, for
example cloud computing environments like Ama-
zon EC2 (, 2006). Note that the generic
approach could also be adapted for different prop-
erties of non-virtualized software systems, such as
performance-relevant properties of messaging sys-
To relieve the software architect of the burden of
deriving performance-relevant properties manually,
we plan to automate large parts of the approach. Both
taking the measurements and evaluating experiment
results can be done in an automated way if measure-
ments can be designed in a generic way in order to
yield robust results. If certain properties cannot be
unambiguously identified through measurements, ad-
ditional reasoning has to be done manually in order to
fine-tune the performance model. To support automa-
tion, we are currently implementing a measurements
framework that is able to conduct and control the mea-
surement experiments, as well as analysing the exper-
iment results and deriving the performance-relevant
Design-time performance prediction has been in the
focus of research for the last years (surveyed in (Bal-
samo et al., 2004) and (Koziolek, 2010)), but virtu-
alization and cloud computing as a novel trends pro-
pose new challenges for software performance predic-
tion. An approach to model the performance impact
of server consolidation with virtual machines is pre-
sented in (Menasce and Bennani, 2006), (Menasce,
2005). Analytical queueing models are used to
provide performance estimates (i. e. response time,
throughput, utilization) of virtual machines running
on a single hypervisor. However, the system is mod-
elled at a very abstract level and only rough perfor-
mance estimates (average times only) are possible.
Other approaches provide virtualization models, but
focus only on the deployment of virtual machines or
virtual clusters (Sotomayor et al., 2006), (Yamasaki
et al., 2007). These approaches do not consider the
performance of a virtualized application.
Various approaches make use of measurements to
detect performance properties. Cherkasova and Gard-
ner (Cherkasova and Gardner, 2005) propose mea-
surements to detect a certain kind of CPU overhead
for I/O that occurs for a specific virtualization solu-
tion (Xen). They use a framework similar to the one
that is needed for our approach w. r. t. measuring and
monitoring, however the approach is only applicable
to the Xen hypervisor. Besides, the measurements
only focus on a certain scheduling property of the hy-
pervisor. Microbenchmarks are used in (Wood et al.,
2008) to estimate performance overheads that occur
when deploying an application into a virtualized en-
vironment. Different kinds of virtualization overhead
are regarded to detect resource requirements, but the
approach cannot be applied to analyze response times
of applications running in virtualized environments.
In (Woodside et al., 2001), resource functions are de-
fined to derive resource demands of a software sys-
tem by using regression splines. Zheng et. al. (Zheng
et al., 2008) use Kalman filters to estimate param-
eters of the performance model. Both approaches
aim at detecting input parameters for the software
model, whereas our approach focusses on deriving
performance-relevant properties of the virtualization
environment. (Iosup et al., ress) provide initial mea-
surements of performance properties of cloud com-
puting platforms. The authors consider cloud com-
puting services for scientific computing, an integra-
tion of measurement results into analysis tools, such
as performance prediction tools, is however not in the
Challenges of measurements of MPI performance
characteristics are presented in (Gropp and Lusk,
1999). This work covers interesting issues that might
lead to incorrect measurements, but does not present
solutions for all issues. Besides, this work does not
deal with measurement challenges specific to virtu-
alization, such as inaccurate timers. Frameworks for
automated benchmarks in distributed environments or
grid environments have been proposed in (Kalibera
et al., 2006), (Tsouloupas and Dikaiakos, 2006), but
these frameworks do not cover performance proper-
ties specific to virtualization environments or cloud
computing environments. Also, an automated evalua-
tion of the benchmark results is not supported.
In this position paper, we presented a novel approach
to enable performance prediction of applications run-
ning in cloud computing and virtualized environ-
ments. The approach applies goal-oriented measure-
ments to automatically derive performance-relevant
properties of the environment. A “white-box” per-
spective on the virtualized system is not necessary,
i. e. detailed knowledge about the behaviour of vir-
tualization and cloud technologies is not required.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Instead, such properties are to be detected by goal-
oriented measurements on the target platform.
We are currently implementing a framework for
automated measurements in order to infer predic-
tion models of virtualised environments by systematic
For this purpose, it has to be validated if the ap-
proach can to derive performance properties with rea-
sonable accuracy. Based on our previous experience
(Hauck et al., 2010), the approach is a promising start-
ing point for an inclusion of performance properties
of cloud computing environments or more detailed
virtualization effects into design-time software per-
formance prediction.
The work described in this paper was partially sup-
ported by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) under grant 01IC10S01A.
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