As shown in Figure 3, one possible technique
to create VXCU&Ls is to filter the VXCUs by
using users specific locations. For this purpose,
we combine the VXCU that contains ubiquitous
CSs with the VXCLs that are provisioned for
user’s specific location. In this way, we create
the VXCU&Ls that gather ubiquitous CSs found
around the user’s geographic location. An exam-
ple is given in Figure 3 where the VXCU contains
{CS11,CS12,CS13,CS14,CS15} and the VXCL con-
tains {CS11,CS12,CS13,CS2,CS3,CS4,CS5}. Con-
sequently, the VXCU&L is dynamically created and
contains {CS11,CS12,CS13}. Moreover,we consider
that CS11 is part of user’s session and it suffers from
a QoS degradation. Hence, we neglect CS14 and
CS15 and choose the substitute between CS12 and
CS13. This technique allows to react faster against
QoS degradation events and to manage more effi-
ciently the E2E QoS.
Through its externalization aspect, cloud computing
provides a combination of cost and agility savings.
In fact, organizations prefer saving time and energy
on managing services that can rather be moved to
the cloud. However, externalizing services induces a
growing need for ways to manage and enhance cloud
environments, in order to best answer the cloud users
requirements. The latter, within an NGN/NGS con-
text, have become more mobile and more greedy.
They aim to access any type of CS anytime, any-
where and anyhow. Thus, an efficient cloud environ-
ment that guarantees users preferences and needs is
required. For this reason and in order to overcome the
previous challenges, we have proposed in this paper
a cloud management architecture composed of inno-
vative mechanisms. In this ameliorated SOA archi-
tecture, we have favored service personalization over
monolithic applications. For this purpose, we have
introduced a seamless and dynamic service compo-
sition that combines stateless and mutualized service
elements. In fact, this CS composition takes into con-
sideration users preferences, such as the required E2E
QoS. In consequence, we have proposed the ubiquity-
based virtual communities concept which is based on
a QoS model. By gathering ubiquitous elements hav-
ing the same functionality and an equivalent QoS, we
have conserved the continuity of cloud users sessions
while guaranteeing their required E2E QoS. More-
over, in order to reduce the latency, we have provi-
sioned location-based virtual communities gathering
CSs close to users specific locations. Both ubiquity
and location based community concepts are supported
by event-basedcomputing models. Finally, for a more
efficient management, we have proposed to filter the
VXCUs provisioning according to specific locations.
For this reason, we have created several VXCUs in
different locations in order to best manage the users
required E2E QoS.
However, for different users locations, different
VXCUs would be used to guarantee the users session
continuity. In our future work, we must investigate
the transition of the managementprocess between two
VXCUs when the user is moving. By analogy to the
handover on the access networks level, this future dis-
cussion subject is named “Semantic Handover”.
The authors would like to thank all the participants
in the UBIS project, financed by the French ANR
VERSO 2008 in which is situated our work.
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Service Personalization