Building a Cloud Infrastructure from Volunteered Resources
Antonio Cuomo
Dip. di Ingegneria, Universit`a degli Studi del Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Giuseppe Di Modica
Dip. di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica ed Informatica, Universit`a di Catania, Catania, Italy
Salvatore Distefano
Dip. di Matematica, Universit`a di Messina, Messina, Italy
Massimiliano Rak
Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Seconda Universit`a di Napoli, Aversa, Italy
Alessio Vecchio
Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Universit`a di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Cloud computing, Volunteer computing, IAAS, SLA, QoS, Sensor, Mobile agent.
Ideas coming from volunteer computing can be borrowed and incorporated into the Cloud computing model.
The result is a volunteer Cloud where the infrastructure is obtained by merging heterogeneous resources of-
fered by different domains and/or providers such as other Clouds, Grid farms, clusters, and datacenters, till
single desktops. This new paradigm maintains the benefits of Cloud computing (such as service oriented inter-
faces, dynamic service provisioning, guaranteed QoS) as well as those of volunteer computing (such as usage
of idle resources and reduced costs of operation). This paper describes the architecture of Cloud@Home, a sys-
tem that mixes both worlds by providing mechanisms for aggregating, enrolling, and managing the resources,
and that takes into account SLA and QoS requirements.
The core idea of this work is the implementation of
a volunteer Cloud, where the infrastructure is built
on top of resources voluntarily shared (for free or
by charge) by their owners or administrators (Cloud
Providers or CPs) following a volunteer comput-
ing approach. Since this new paradigm merges
Volunteer and Cloud computing goals, it is named
Cloud@Home (C@H for short). It can be consid-
ered a generalization and a maturation of the @home
philosophy, knocking down the (hardware and soft-
ware) barriers of Volunteer computing by allowing the
providers to share more general services. According
to this new paradigm, the user resources are not
only a passive interface to Cloud-based services, but
can actively contribute to create a larger infrastruc-
ture. To make this possible the different providers
must be able to interoperate with each other. The
Cloud@Home paradigm could be also applied to
commercial Clouds, establishing an open computing-
utility market where users can both buy and sell their
resources as services. This can be done at different
scales: from the single contributing user, who shares
his/her desktop, to research groups, public adminis-
trations, social communities, small and medium en-
terprises, which share their computing resources with
the Cloud.
Cuomo A., Di Modica G., Distefano S., Rak M. and Vecchio A..
THE CLOUD@HOME ARCHITECTURE - Building a Cloud Infrastructure from Volunteered Resources.
DOI: 10.5220/0003391404240430
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 424-430
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The main goals of Cloud@Home are:
a) Volunteer Cloud. Cloud@Home aims at pro-
viding mechanisms and tools for the manage-
ment of the resources contributed by different
providers. This is useful to reconvert the invest-
ments made on Grid computing and similar dis-
tributed systems into Cloud computing infrastruc-
ture, and/or to combine internal resources with ex-
ternal resources for managing peaks or bursts of
b) Interoperability among Clouds. Implementa-
tion of mechanisms and tools for achieving inter-
operability among different Clouds. In this way,
any Cloud, either commercial as Amazon EC2 or
Azure, or open, based on Eucalyptus, Nimbus and
similar, can share resources in C@H, thus becom-
ing a CP for the latter. This will allow to imple-
ment a large cross-Cloud infrastructure able, for
example, to reduce costs by mixing free volunteer
CPs with commercial CPs;
c) Integration of Sensing Elements. Defini-
tion and implementation of mechanisms and tools
for building a Cloud where sensing elements can
participate in a Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
perspective. The set of virtualizable resources can
be extended, for instance, to the sensing peripher-
als available on mobile devices. In this way, the
sensing infrastructure can be virtualized and of-
fered on a volunteer-based approach. The global
result is a sort of virtualized computer where pro-
cessing, storage, and input/output (in the form of
sensing peripherals) are all composed through the
aggregation of heterogeneous resources. To the
best of our knowledge this is one of the first at-
tempts to actively involve sensors into Cloud in-
The final aim of the Cloud@Home project is
therefore the design and implementation of a software
substrate able to manage such a complex infrastruc-
ture and achievethe previously mentioned goals. This
requires to face several sub-problems that include: i)
aggregation of heterogeneous resources; ii) monitor-
ing and managing of resources according to speci-
fied QoS requirements; iii) guaranteing the quality
offered by volunteers through the use of flexible Ser-
vice Level Agreements (SLAs); iv) offering the ag-
gregated resources in a service-oriented perspective,
as typical of the Utility/Cloud computing approach.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces the C@H architecture;
Sections 3, 4 and 5 detail the specific parts of such
architecture; Section 6 draws the conclusions.
C@H Cloud
Provider k
Amazon EC2
IBM Cloud
Yet Another
Cloud Provider
C@H Cloud
Provider n
Provider i
Figure 1: Resource aggregation from many Cloud
Cloud@Home aims at collecting infrastructure re-
sources (computing power, storage and sensor) from
many different resource providers and offering them
through a uniform interface, under an IaaS perspec-
tive. As depicted in Figure 1 the resources to be of-
fered are gathered from different providers, which can
vary from typical Cloud Providers to PCs hosting a
dedicated software or smartphones offering their sen-
We define Resource Owner any private or pub-
lic subject that owns resources (basically, hardware
systems such as computational and storage elements,
or sensing devices such as smartphones) and that al-
lows Cloud@Home to access them. In the context of
Cloud@Home, the role of Cloud Provider is extended
to also include the Resource Provider, who may of-
fer many different types of resources using an as-a-
Service approach. The main goal of Cloud@Home is
to provide a set of tools to build up a new, enhanced
provider of resources (namely, a C@H Provider) who
is not yet another classic Cloud Provider, but rather
acts as a resource aggregator: it collects resources
from many different C@H Providers, who rely on dif-
ferent technologies and adopt heterogeneous resource
management policies, and offers such resources to the
users. As an example, the C@H Provider aims at ag-
gregating virtual machines obtained from a commer-
cial Cloud Provider like Amazon EC2 and virtual ma-
chines that run on the PCs of a university lab.
According to this approach we identify two
Cloud@Home actors, with the following roles:
C@H User: interacts with the C@H Provider in or-
der to obtain the resources. C@H Users are unaware
of the nature of the obtained resources. From the
C@H Users point of view, the heterogeneity of the
Cloud Providers from which resources are collected
is completely hidden: they simply demand resources
from a C@H Provider, which in turn is in charge of
THE CLOUD@HOME ARCHITECTURE - Building a Cloud Infrastructure from Volunteered Resources
collecting and delivering the needed (virtualized) re-
C@H Admin: builds up and manage the C@H
Provider. The C@H Admin is the manager of the
C@H infrastructure and, in particular, is respon-
sible for its activation, configuration and mainte-
nance. There can be just one C@H Admin per C@H
The C@H Provider offers, along with basic ser-
vices dedicated to the collection of volunteer-based
and commercial resources, a set of tools and services
for the Service Level Agreement (SLA) management,
monitoring and enforcement. The whole set of func-
tionalities supplied by the C@H Provider is organized
into three modules. The Resource Abstraction Mod-
ule hides the heterogeneity of resources collected
from Cloud Providers (computing/storage elements,
sensor devices) and offer the C@H User a uniform
way to access them. The module provides a layer of
resource virtualization which abstracts the resource
from the specific provider it is taken from. Thanks
to specific virtualization functionalities, resources can
be received from personal computers (in terms of
computing power and storage) and from mobile hand-
held devices (in terms of sensed data). On top of the
Resource Abstraction Module, C@H provides tools
for the management of the QoS to be delivered to the
C@H Users. Formal guarantees on the performance
of resources are offered through the SLA Manage-
ment Module. C@H Users are given the possibil-
ity to negotiate the quality level of the requested re-
sources, and are offered contracts (SLAs) that provide
guarantees on the resource provision. The negotiation
process relies on a performance prediction tool to as-
sess the sustainability of users’ requests. A mobile
agent-based monitoring function can also be activated
to collect information on the actual performance of
the delivered resources. The Resource Management
Module is responsible for the provision of resources.
A Resource Discovery tool collects and indexes the
resources available for the C@H Users. The enforce-
ment of SLAs is carried out by the Resource and QoS
Manager, which basically takes care of resource man-
agement (allocation, de-activation, re-allocation) ac-
cording to the SLA goals. A Frontend acts as an inter-
face that, on the one end gathers the users’ requests,
and on the other dispatches them to the appropriate
system module.
In Figure 2 the C@H system architecture is intro-
duced. In the topmost part of the figure the main com-
ponents of the C@H IaaS are shown. At the bottom,
the resource providers are also shown. The modules
that have been described so far are implemented in
terms of C@H Components. C@H Components are
able to interact with each other through standardized,
service-oriented interfaces. Such a choice enables
flexible component deploying strategies. Pushing the
virtualization paradigm to its limits, a single C@H
Component can even be offered as a customized vir-
tual machine hosted by any Cloud Provider. The pre-
sented approach can be described as a PaaS Cloud
system which offers basic components in order to
build up a Cloud@Home Provider according to the
IaaS model.
Cloud@Home classifies the resources in terms of the
kind of resource managed or the resource classes. At
the state of the art Cloud@Home supports two differ-
ent resource classes: Computational resources, that
are managed in terms of Virtual Machines and/or Vir-
tual Clusters, and Sensor resources, that are managed
by a service-based interface.
Cloud@Home mainly acts as an intermediary, ac-
quiring resources from different resource providers
(eventually Cloud Providers) and delivering them to
users. Cloud@Home provides two acquisition modal-
ities for obtaining resources from Cloud Providers:
charged if they are obtained from commercial Cloud
Providers for charge; open if obtained from Cloud
Providers delivering resources for free (like academic
clusters, eventually subjected to internal administra-
tion policies and restrictions); volunteer if obtained
from Resource Owners which voluntarily support
Cloud@Home (like a laboratory providing machines
out of working time). Cloud@Home offers differ-
ent ways of setting up appropriate Providers for the
computing resource classes. To enable the integra-
tion of Charged Resource Providers, Cloud@Home
Figure 2: The C@H system architecture.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
can interact with some of the main commercial Cloud
platforms, like Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure.
Open and Volunteer computing resources are sup-
ported through specific frameworks.
In order to implement a first prototype of
Cloud@Home, we choose to adopt two distinct
frameworks, namely the PerfCloud (Mancini et al.,
2009) and CLEVER (Tusa et al., 2010). PerfCloud
addresses the problem of transforming typical aca-
demic facilities like clusters or GRIDs into Cloud Re-
source Providers, so it is suited to provide the de-
livery of Open Computational Resources. CLEVER
aims at providing Virtual Infrastructure Management
services and suitable interfaces to enable the integra-
tion of high-level features such as Public Cloud Inter-
faces, Contextualization, Security and Dynamic Re-
sources provisioning, adopting a strongly decentral-
ized approach, leveraging on P2P protocols and fault-
tolerance mechanisms in order to support host volatil-
Figure 3: Architecture of the CloudSensor subsystem.
CloudSensor is the subsystem of Cloud@Home
that defines the mechanisms enabling the integration
of the sensors commonly available on smartphones,
such as the accelerometer, GPS, microphone, etc.,
within the Cloud infrastructure. In this way, appli-
cations and services will be able to access a possibly
large set of heterogeneous sensors through a service-
based interface. CloudSensor (Figure 3) is composed
of two subsystems: the CloudSensor Service (CSS)
and the CloudSensor Acquisition and Management
System (CSAMS). CSS is hosted within the “fixed”
cloud infrastructure and receives the acquisition re-
quests coming from client applications (i.e, the ap-
plications that make use of sensing information). Re-
quests are forwarded to CSAMS, executed on the mo-
bile device, that provides the sensor resource abstrac-
tion. CSAMS is in charge of receiving the requests
coming from the fixed Cloud, evaluating the feasibil-
ity of the request (with respect to the users prefere-
ces), carrying out the sensing activity, buffering and
then transferring the result to the Cloud.
Cloud@Home providers can manage different kind
of resources, mainly acting as just intermediaries
i.e., delegating the management to resource owners
or Cloud Providers. Thus Cloud@Home providers
search for cloud/resource providers and, on behalf of
the final C@H Users, acquire resources that eventu-
ally will be delivered to them.
The Frontend component has two main roles in
the Cloud@Home architecture: i) it acts as an access
point for the C@H Users in order to let them acquire
the resources; ii) it provides the reference links to all
the Cloud@Home components, thus operating as a
glue entity for the Cloud@Home architecture. In or-
der to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface to
the system, the external side of the Frontend will be
developedas an extensible Web Portal that can be also
deployed into a virtual machine, in order to simplify
the infrastructure access point setup for the C@H Ad-
min. Internally, the C@H Frontend hosts the clients
for all the other C@H components: these clients can
be easily configured by uploading a configuration file
containing the references (URL, IP address, WS End-
point Reference) to all the active components. The
C@H Web portal side of the Frontend contains some
simple predefinedWeb modules able to start the C@H
components clients and invoke the C@H services.
The Resource & QoS Manager (RQM) component
implements the (physical and virtual) resources man-
agement in C@H. It is responsible for the manage-
ment of the Cloud resources and services needed to
achieve the application requirements imposed by the
SLA manager. This task is therefore performed by
also taking into account QoS requirements specified
during the SLA negotiation process with the C@H
User. The RQM has also an important role dur-
ing the negotiation phase whose responsible is the
SLA manager. During the negotiation it identifies
a possible resources configuration by querying the
Resource Discovery component which, in collabora-
tion with CHASE, will provide an estimation of the
performance that can be guaranteed by such a con-
figuration. Other important RQM functionalities are
the management of virtual machines and virtual clus-
ters (creation/destruction/migration) and the coordi-
nation of monitoring activities, according to the QoS
requirements to satisfy. The QoS monitoring is imple-
mented by invoking the service offered by MAGDA,
which can deploy an autonomous agent network able
to monitor the resources and the QoS they provide.
Based on both the monitoring data thus obtained and
the information provided by CHASE, the RQM will
specify the enforcement policy that is able to ensure
THE CLOUD@HOME ARCHITECTURE - Building a Cloud Infrastructure from Volunteered Resources
the attainment of the requested QoS.
The Resource Discovery component carries out
the discovery task. It has to manage the dynam-
ics of the CPs that voluntarily contribute to the
C@H by providing their physical resources, since
they can asynchronously join and leave the infras-
tructure, without any notification. It therefore has
to implement mechanisms and tools for the volun-
tarily resources/CP enrolment and management. The
discovery tool manages the list of the registered re-
source/cloud providers, as well as that of the kind and
amount of resources they are willing to offer C@H.
The CloudSensor Service accepts the sensing re-
quests coming from the client applications, dispatches
the requests to the relevant mobile devices, and re-
turns the results to the client applications. CSS is
made accessible to the client applications by means
of the Frontend. CSS is designed according to the
guidelines of the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) ar-
chitecture (Botts et al., 2008), specified by the Open
Geospatial Consortium, and it is composed of two
subsystems. A first service, implemented as an in-
stance of the Sensor Planning Service (SPS) of the
SWE architecture, receives the sensing requests from
client applications. This service acts as a broker be-
tween client applications and the set of mobile devices
able to perform the sensing activity. A second service,
implemented as an instance of the Sensor Observation
Service (SOS) of the SWE architecture, provides an
interface useful to request, filter and retrieve the re-
sults of the sensing activity. It acts as a decoupling
element thanks to its storage facility.
One of the most important problem to consider in
Cloud contexts is the Service Level Agreement man-
agement. The volunteer contribution in C@H dra-
matically complicates the SLA management task, and
therefore new strategies must be adopted to satisfy
the QoS requirements. In C@H the SLA manage-
ment is implemented through the interaction of three
components: the SLA Manager, the CHASE and the
MAGDA, briefly described in the following.
The SLA Manager component aggregates and of-
fers C@H Users the templates of the SLAs pub-
lished by the Cloud Providers that the C@H interacts
with. The C@H User can refer to these templates
to start a negotiation procedure with the SLA Man-
ager, that will eventually produce an SLA. Since re-
sources (which are the object of the SLA) are virtual-
ized, and can be provided by several, different Cloud
Providers adoptingdifferentmanagementpolicies, we
argue that SLAs are a fundamental means to guaran-
tee the QoS in such a heterogeneous environment. A
rigid vision of the SLA is not suitable to this context.
In order to face possible fluctuations of the resources’
availability, and to best satisfy the dynamic need and
expectations of the C@H users, the SLA must be flex-
ible and adaptable to the context (DiModica et al.,
2007). The SLA Manager will adopt a new flexi-
ble scheme of negotiation and re-negotiation of the
QoS. According to this scheme, whenever violations
on the SLAs guarantees are about to occur, run-time
(i.e., during the service provisioning) re-negotiations
and modifications of the guarantees are allowed to
take place. On a successful re-negotiation, the SLA
would be accordingly modified and the QoS level is
adjusted; should the negotiation fail, the SLA would
not get modified and would still apply on the resource
provisioning. In the context of voluntarily offered re-
sources, resources providers can deliberately decide
to share or un-share their resources at any time, the
fluctuation of the resources’ availability is a big issue
to face with. Flexible SLAs aim at preserving the con-
tinuity of the resource provisioning, which for sure
is a goal for both the C@H Users and the provider
of resources. Finally, when the agreement has been
reached (i.e., both the end user and the C@H provider
agree on the SLA terms), the SLA is passed to the
RQM, who is responsible for its enforcement. The
SLA Manager will also provide the end user with an
end point reference through which the SLA can be
CHASE is the component in charge of delivering
reliable predictions on the performance of the applica-
tions running in the Cloud. It evolves from an existing
framework for the autonomic performance manage-
ment of service oriented architectures (Casola et al.,
2007). CHASE main components are an optimiza-
tion engine and a trace-driven discrete event simula-
tor. Applications can be modeled through a formal-
ized description of the application components, for
which an XML based language, MetaPL, can be used.
In the context of this project, CHASE plays multiple
roles. Firstly, it is invoked during the service negoti-
ation phase: when the SLA Manager needs to eval-
uate the sustainability of user requests, it transmits
to the RQM component a formalized description of
the QoS Level explicitly requested by the user. The
RQM forwards this description to the CHASE sim-
ulator, along with an application description and in-
formation about the current state of system, in terms
of resource availability and load. CHASE uses the
application description to build traces that can be fed
to the simulator, the status information to update the
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
platform description and the QoS description to build
a parametrized objective function to be minimized (or
maximized, depending on the nature of the parame-
ters). The optimization engine drives the simulator to
explore the space of possible configurations and in-
forms the RQM whether a configuration meeting the
demands has been found or not. CHASE can also be
invoked by the RQM component in case that the mon-
itoring system is alerting that the QoS agreed in the
SLA is at risk of violation: by performing new simu-
lations in the up-to-date setting, it informs the RQM
if alternative scheduling decisions (like migrating or
adding more VMs) can solve the problem or if the
violation is unavoidable, in which case the SLA will
have to be renegotiated or terminated.
The MAGDA component is a service hosted into
a virtual machine and implementing the MAGDA
(Aversa et al., 2007) mobile agent platform (a mobile
agent is a Software Agent with an added feature: the
capability to migrate across the network together with
its own code and execution state, following both pull
and a push execution model (Xu and Wims, 2000)).
It is developed using and extending the JADE, a FIPA
compliant agent platform developed by TILAB (Bel-
lifemine et al., 2001). The MAGDA Platform hosts a
set of agents able to perform different kind of bench-
marks, that vary from simple local data sampling (ac-
tual CPU usage, memory available, ...) to distributed
benchmarking (evaluating distributed data collection,
or evaluating the global state with snapshot algo-
rithms). Moreover the mobile agents are able to up-
date an archive of the measurement in order to per-
form historical data analysis. In the Cloud@Home
context, the migration capabilities are of help to carry
on an on-site (i.e., on the resource itself) monitoring.
RQM and SLA-oriented components use the mobile
agents in order to monitor the delivered resources.
Performance indexes are collected and used to en-
force the SLAs. In the case that the C@H User explic-
itly requests the monitoring service, mobile agents
are instructed to migrate to the place where the re-
sources have been activated and start monitoring their
performance at application level. It is also possible
to customize the monitoring procedure and remotely
check the state of the resources, following either a
push (agents autonomously provides information on
resources) or a pull (agents are polled in order to get
information on resources) communication model.
The idea of exploiting unused computing and storage
resources is at the base of the Volunteer computing
as well, according to which private users’ resources
are voluntarily aggregated to serve distributed, mostly
scientific, applications. This work grounds on the
idea of exploiting voluntarily offered resources (data
sensed from mobile devices, single desktops, private
or public Companies’ Data Centers) to build general
purpose clouds that will then re-offer the resources
on an ”as-a-service” basis. The main objective of
the work is to propose a framework (Cloud@Home)
for the integration of both commercial and volunteer-
based clouds, aggregating resources from heteroge-
neous environment, and offering users extra services
to monitor and guarantee the quality of the provided
resources. The architecture of Cloud@Home has
been described in the paper. In the future, we are plan-
ning to integrate the security requirements among the
service level objectives to be guaranteed, and to add
a module for the C@H Users’ billing and accounting
The work described in this paper has been par-
tially supported by the MIUR-PRIN 2008 project
“Cloud@Home: a New Enhanced Computing
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THE CLOUD@HOME ARCHITECTURE - Building a Cloud Infrastructure from Volunteered Resources
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science