Karin Bernsmed, Martin Gilje Jaatun
SINTEF Information and Communication Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Astrid Undheim
Telenor Corporate Development, Trondheim, Norway
Cloud computing, Security, Service level agreements, SLA, Quality of service, QoS.
The Cloud computing paradigm promises reliable services, accessible from anywhere in the world, in an on-
demand manner. Insufficient security has been identified as a major obstacle to adopting Cloud services. To
deal with the risks associated with outsourcing data and applications to the Cloud, new methods for security
assurance are urgently needed. This paper presents a framework for security in Service Level Agreements for
Cloud computing. The purpose is twofold; to help potential Cloud customers to identify necessary protection
mechanisms and, in the next step, to facilitate automatic service composition based on a set of predefined
security requirements. We demonstrate the practical applicability of the first objective with a small case study.
Cloud computing is a hot topic in both industry and
research. Cloud services can be found everywhere,
offering all possible IT services imaginable in an on-
demand and scalable manner. In the Cloud, secu-
rity has been identified as one of the main obsta-
cles for adoption. This contrasts with the fact that
few of the security issues related to cloud computing
are new and unique; most of them have been investi-
gated and addressed in the traditional system and net-
work security context. Mechanisms for data protec-
tion, access control, trust delegation and mitigation
of DDoS attacks, etc. are well known and have been
(more or less) successfully applied in many other con-
texts. However, some characteristics of cloud com-
puting are fundamentally new in an outsourcing per-
spective, such as multi-tenancy and on-demand elas-
ticity, which creates new threats.
Cloud computing is outsourcing, and outsourcing
implies trust. In the Cloud the responsibility for im-
plementing and maintaining efficient security mecha-
nisms will be in the hands of the provider. To over-
come the fear of the Cloud, the provider needs to
convince the customer that his data and applications
will be properly secured. Trusting the provider is one
thing; however, in the near future it is expected that
complex Cloud services will be composed of sev-
eral other services from different providers in multiple
steps, something that will introduce a longer chain of
trust than the traditional ICT system outsourcing con-
text. It will be a huge challenge to assure the customer
that adequate security mechanisms exist and are cor-
rectly implemented throughout the whole chain of
To mitigate the security risks associated with the
Cloud, existing security mechanisms and their effec-
tiveness should be formalized in contracts. In this pa-
per we argue that Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
in the Cloud should be extended to include the se-
curity mechanisms offered by the provider. We then
outline a framework for such mechanisms. The pur-
pose is not only to increase the trust in the provider,
but also facilitate for potential Cloud customers to
make an objective comparison between different ser-
vice providers on the basis of their security features.
Moreover, identifying and organizing critical security
mechanisms in a systematic manner forms a basis for
composing services from different providers, based
on a set of predefined security requirements.
This paper is organized as follows. We discuss
some of the previous work related to security man-
agement in the Cloud in Section 2. Section 3 explains
our vision of SLAs for Cloud computing. In Sec-
Bernsmed K., Gilje Jaatun M. and Undheim A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003391606360642
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 636-642
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion 4 we identify security mechanisms suitable for
Cloud services and outline a framework for security-
aware Cloud SLAs. Section 5 demonstrates how a
real-world scenario could benefit from our approach.
Section 6 concludes the paper by discussing our ap-
proach and laying out the directions for future work.
Security mechanisms for Cloud computing has previ-
ously been discussed in a comprehensive report pub-
lished by ENISA (European Network and Informa-
tion Security Agency (ENISA), 2009), which out-
lines an information assurance framework where di-
vision of responsibilities between the customer and
the Cloud provider is clarified. Another example is
the report by Gartner (Heiser and Nicolett, 2008) that
provides a basic description of the potential risks in-
volved with Cloud computing. We have used these
reports as a basis for the security framework derived
in this paper.
There have been some projects in the research
community looking into various aspects of security
in SLAs. Early work on security agreements was per-
formed already in 1999 by Henning (Henning, 2000),
who already then raised the question whether security
can be adequately expressed in a SLA. Security re-
quirements for web services have been treated by Ca-
sola et. al., who proposed a methodology to help eval-
uate and compare security SLAs (Casola et al., 2006).
Frankova and Yautsiukhin have also recognized the
need for security in SLAs (Frankova and Yautsiukhin,
2007), however, their approach focuses on the process
of selecting the optimal service composition based on
a set of predefined requirements rather than detail-
ing what security mechanisms to include. Also de
Chaves et al. explore security in SLAs, but with fo-
cus on measurable security metrics (De Chaves et al.,
2010), combined with a monitoring and controlling
architecture (Righi et al., 2006). Our approach aims
to be more practically applicable, since we provide a
framework for auditable security mechanisms specif-
ically targeted for Cloud computing services SLAs.
Deploying services in the Cloud creates new chal-
lenges for both service providers and customers, es-
pecially regarding the service quality. The customers
have less control of the service delivery, and need
to take precautions in order not to suffer low per-
formance, long downtimes or loss of critical data.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have therefore be-
come an important part of the Cloud service delivery
model. A SLA is a binding agreement between the
service provider and the service customer, which is
used to specify the level of service to be delivered. A
SLA includes information about the service delivered
by the cloud provider, together with the penalties if
the SLA is broken. The penalties are usually stated as
service credits to the customers.
3.1 Quality of Service in the Cloud
In order to verify that the Cloud provider delivers ser-
vice in accordance with the SLA, the SLA usually
contains Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. QoS
refers to the (measurable) ability of a distributed sys-
tem to provide the network and computation services
such that the customer’s expectations are met. SLAs
have previously been used for many years to specify
QoS guarantees between telecom operators and cor-
porate customers, as well as for regulating outsourc-
ing contracts. However, SLAs have (until now) not
been adopted by the public at large.
The advent of the Cloud concept, which is char-
acterized by its elastic and measurable services (Mell
and Grance, 2009), has given rise to a new demand
for such agreements. In the Cloud, two aspects of
QoS are of special interest; dependability and perfor-
mance. Service dependability is usually defined as
a combination of the service availability (the propor-
tion of time a system delivers service according to the
requirements) and reliability (the ability to provide
uninterrupted service) (International Telecommunica-
tion Union, 2008), whereas performance is usually
characterized by throughput (the number of bits per
second of data transmitted or processed) and delay
(the number of seconds used for transmission or pro-
cessing). The term QoS usually does not include se-
curity, even though some previous efforts have tried
to extend the term in this respect (Irvine, 2000; Lind-
skog, 2005).
Today, most of the major Cloud service providers
include QoS guarantees in their SLA proposals, how-
ever the focus in most cases is on availability
. In
most cases, the SLA lacks performance guarantees,
which from the customer’s point of view is a major
drawback. A very low performance will be perceived
An example is the Amazon EC2 Cloud service, which
at the time of writing offers 99.95% availability on a yearly
basis and issues 10% credits if the SLA is broken. Perfor-
mance is not mentioned.
by the customer as service unavailability and should
be credited accordingly.
3.2 Security in SLAs
Even though service availability and performance of-
ten are identified as critical issues, the number one
barrier of adopting Cloud computing services is as-
surance (European Network and Information Security
Agency (ENISA), 2009): how can a potential cus-
tomer be sure that it is safe to place data and applica-
tions in the Cloud? Since the SLA is used to explicitly
state the obligations of the provider, the implemented
security mechanisms, their effectiveness and the im-
plications of possible mismanagement should be a
part of this agreement. This concept is also known
as Quality of Protection (QoP), which comprises the
ability of a service provider to deliver service accord-
ing to a set of specific security requirements. A stan-
dardized framework for constructing a SLA in the
Cloud, based on guaranteed levels of these attributes
and the consequences of mismanagement, is therefore
of utmost importance for creating trustworthy and re-
liable Cloud computing services. This includes clar-
ifying the consequences of a service provider’s pos-
sible failure to deliver the service in accordance with
the contract. Figure 1 outlines the basic structure for
such a SLA.
Figure 1: The basic structure of a SLA with dependability,
performance and security guarantees.
The specific security mechanisms that should be
included in the SLA will then mirror the needs for the
particular (composed) service.
3.3 Auditing Security Effectiveness
A plausible objection against introducing security in a
SLA (as proposed in Figure 1) derives from the inher-
ent difficulty in measuring security (Verendel, 2009);
it is generally very difficult to prove that, e.g. an
encryption algorithm is secure, but often very easy
to show that it is insecure when a flaw has been
discovered. Another option is therefore to measure
breaches that occur, rather than trying to measure se-
curity strength. This means that our framework do not
require the provider to estimate the strength of their
security mechanisms, but simply expects them to pro-
vide the agreed level of security in any way they see
fit. If they fail, the punitive mechanisms come into
In practice, it is often up to the Cloud customer to
monitor and verify that the delivered service is in ac-
cordance to the QoS guarantees stated in the contract.
This means that transparent monitoring solutions are
needed in order for the customer to measure or check
the provided service level. Methods for auditing the
security mechanisms and measuring breach frequen-
cies will be necessary to use our framework. We dis-
cuss this issue further in Section 6.
Returning to the Cloud SLA outlined in Figure 1, in
order to identify what security mechanims to include
in the contract we need to take a further look into
the security related threats associated with the Cloud.
As explained in the introduction, Cloud computing
presents some fundamentally new security challenges
in addition to the traditional ones. Following the well
established definition from NIST (Mell and Grance,
2009), Cloud computing has five important charac-
teristics, namely: i) on-demand self-service, ii) broad
network access, iii) resource pooling, iv) rapid elastic-
ity, and v) measured service. The on-demand aspect
must be taken into account when providing Cloud
SLAs, since a SLA must also be allowed to be com-
posed on-demand. Our framework is specifically con-
structed with this in mind. Network access does not
present any new security challenges but network se-
curity becomes even more important in the Cloud,
where large amounts of confidential data are regularly
transmitted over the public Internet. Resource pool-
ing and rapid elasticity presents some new challenges
with respect to security, as will be described in the
following. In addition, we have identified three cat-
egories of security mechanisms that need special at-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
tention in Cloud computing, and therefore should be
a part of the SLA. These are ”access control”, ”audit,
verification and compliance” and ”incident manage-
ment and response”. Together with ”secure resource
pooling” and ”secure elasticity” these ve categories
can be used in a structured approach to pick the right
security mechanisms for a particular service.
Figure 2 illustrates our proposed framework. The
security mechanisms are divided into three main ser-
vice categories, depending on the particular Cloud re-
sources that are used. These are storage, processing
(CPU and memory), and network. These three re-
sources can be virtualized and offered as Infrastruc-
ture as a Service (IaaS), they can be used to offer
a Platform as a Service (PaaS), or applications can
run on top of these physical resources and being of-
fered as Software as a Service (SaaS). The security
mechanisms suggested for the framework are related
to Secure Resource Pooling (RP), Secure Elasticity
(E), Access Control (AC), Audit, Verification & Com-
pliance (AU) and Incident Management & Response
(IM); these will be further described below.
4.1 Secure Resource Pooling
Resource pooling in Cloud computing today is
achieved by using virtualization either at the hardware
level (as with Amazon Web Services
) or at the appli-
cation level (as with Google Docs
). Both techniques
enable multi-tenancy, i.e., different users share the
same resources, and virtualization ensures the isola-
tion of data and applications owned by different users.
The sharing of physical resources in the Cloud
give rise to new security threats. One of the most im-
minent is unauthorized access to applications or data
through the hypervisor (Christodorescu et al., 2009),
which may occur if proper isolation of applications
and data is not achieved. It is therefore necessary to
make sure that protection mechanisms exist and that
they are stated in the SLA. In the framework outlined
in Figure 2 this is illustrated as ”RP1: Data isolation”
and ”RP8: Application isolation”, which are related
to storage services and processing services, respec-
tively. Moreover, resource sharing implies that the
customers need guarantees that their property remains
confidential (RP3: Data encryption) and is integrity
protected (RP6: Data integrity, RP12: Application in-
tegrity), that their data and applications are properly
deleted from the physical hardware when requested
(RP2: Data deletion), and that the data can be brought
back in-house if necessary (RP5: Data portability,
RP7: Data back-up). The customer should also have
the possibility to put restrictions on the geographic
location of storage and processing (RP4: Data loca-
tion, RP9: Application location). Regarding network
services (inside Clouds, between Cloud data centers
and between the Cloud and the customer’s premises),
the customer should make sure that his traffic is prop-
erly protected (RP13: Network encryption, RP15: In-
tegrity protection) and isolated from other customers
traffic (RP14: Traffic isolation).
4.2 Secure Elasticity
Cloud computing promises rapid scalability of re-
sources, scaling up and releasing resources as needed.
This elasticity is also enabled by virtualization.
Adding more virtual resources on the same physical
machine does not in itself pose any new threats, but
migrating virtual resources to new physical resources
requires a secure migration process (E1: Secure data
migration, E2: Secure virtual machine migration), in-
cluding the actual network transfer. It must also be
ensured that the new physical resource fulfils the same
security requirements.
4.3 Access Control
Access control is especially important in the Cloud,
where both competing customers sharing the same re-
sources as well as insider personnel may try to gain
unauthorized access to the customer’s data. The re-
source must also be protected from unauthorized re-
mote access. It is therefore crucial to make sure that
proper access control mechanisms are implemented
(AC1: Identity management, AC2: Access manage-
ment, AC3: Key management), and that there are
strict restrictions on e.g. who may enter Cloud dat-
acenters (AC4: Internal security control).
4.4 Audit and Verification
The possibility to audit and verify the security of a
service is very often crucial to the customer, however
in the Cloud this is often not standard practice. Cus-
tomers may require access to server logs, failed log-
in attempts records or database change records (AU1:
Logging) and sometimes also the possibility to audit
the activity on specific Cloud resources (AU2: Audit-
ing). In addition, the customers may want to make
sure that a security certification scheme exists and
is adapted to the Cloud infrastructure (AU3: Certi-
fication). Customers may also have privacy concerns
(AU4: Customer privacy).
Figure 2: A framework for security mechanisms for Cloud SLAs.
4.5 Incident Management and Response
To make sure that the Cloud provider detects and
responds to threats, the SLA may contain mecha-
nisms for intrusion and malware detection (IM1: In-
trusion detection, IM2: Malware detection), that secu-
rity breaches are recorded and reported (IM3: Breach
reporting), that data and applications can be recon-
structed in the case of disasters (IM4: Recovery) and
that mechanisms to prevent and mitigate DoS attacks
are implemented (IM5: DoS mitigation).
The framework in Figure 2 represents a first step
towards a security-aware SLA, as we described it
in Section 3. The purpose of the framework is to
serve as a basis for constructing a SLA for a spe-
cific Cloud service, by identifying security mecha-
nisms that should be stated in the SLA. In the next
section we will demonstrate how the framework can
be applied in a real-world scenario.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) repre-
sents the total set of processes and applications for
interacting with customers, both for sale, customer
service, and marketing. When applying Payne &
Frow’s preferred perspective of CRM as “a holistic
approach to managing customer relationships to cre-
ate shareholder value” (Payne and Frow, 2005), the
software solution is often quite complex. Maintaining
this software is typically not part of “core business”
of the CRM user, and CRM applications is thus one
area where companies have successfully embraced
the SaaS concept.
Payne & Frow presents a framework for CRM
strategy composed of five main processes:
Strategy Development.
Value Creation.
Multichannel Integration.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Performance Assessment.
Information Management.
In principle, a CRM system can cover the com-
plete sale process for a business, implying that the
customer-related information stored in the system is
absolutely vital to the business, and exposure of this
information to a competitor would be a serious threat.
In addition, private customer data such as address and
account information should not be visible to others.
Figure 3: A Customer Relationship Management case.
The Cloud-based CRM system is illustrated in
Figure 3. We assume that the CRM user (the busi-
ness) interacts with its customers via some undeter-
mined channel, but that the customers are not gener-
ally aware of the CRM application being Cloud-based
(in general, the customers may not even be aware of
there being a CRM application at all). The CRM user
is likely to have a competitor, and it is quite possible
that the competitor is a user of the same CRM service
– or could be a user of an underlying PaaS offered by
the same provider.
The multi-tenancy property of Cloud services im-
plies that it is necessary to protect against both at-
tacks that are completely external, and against attacks
from other users of the service. As mentioned, the lat-
ter attackers may have legitimate access to the Cloud
provider’s infrastructure either at SaaS or PaaS levels.
Next, the elasticity property of Cloud comput-
ing means that both applications and stored data are
(more or less) frequently migrated between physical
resources. This is true also for CRM data and appli-
cations. A company may typically see peaks in cus-
tomer interaction around holidays or after some dis-
aster (for a travel agency, insurance company etc.).
Referring to Figure 2, there are a number of secu-
rity mechanisms that are important to the CRM user
when deploying the CRM application in a Cloud. The
most important mechanisms are related to secure re-
source pooling, most importantly for the stored cus-
tomer data:
Data isolation (RP1) - stored customer data must
not be available to competitors.
Data deletion (RP2) - data no longer needed must
be properly deleted.
Data encryption (RP3) - stored customer data
must be encrypted.
Data location (RP4) - parts of the customer data
may be defined as Personal Identifiable Informa-
tion (PII) and must be treated thereafter.
Data portability (RP5) - the CRM user wants to
avoid lock-in of customer data.
Data integrity (RP6) - the CRM user wants to en-
sure that all customer data is free of errors, and in
case of PII the customers may have a legal right
to demand that all information is correct.
Next, some mechanisms are important for secure elas-
Secure data migration (E1) - confidential data
must be securly moved between physical storage
Of the general security mechanisms shown in Fig-
ure 2, the CRM user will want to ensure that the
provider employs:
Access control mechanisms (AC1 and AC2) - to
authenticate and authorize customers and to repel
external attackers
Logging (AU1) - CRM user wants to be able to
determine after the fact if errors were made or
breaches occured.
The resulting security SLA with the required
mechanisms is then shown in Figure 4.
This paper presents a first step toward including secu-
rity mechanisms in Cloud SLAs. The purpose is to in-
crease trust in the Cloud by simplifying the process of
designing security contracts for Cloud services, and in
the next step, to enable services to be composed from
a specific set of security requirements. The main ad-
vantage of our approach in its current form is its prac-
tical applicability, which we have tried to demonstrate
with our simple case study.
Figure 4: Security SLA for the CRM service.
One of the main unsolved challenges related to our
approach is related to the difficulty of auditing that
security promises stated in the SLAs are being kept.
Of the general security mechanisms shown in Figure
2, internal access control mechanisms, audit and in-
cident management can typically be verified against a
checklist according to ISO/IEC 27002 (27002, 2005).
In the context of a SLA, the provider will provide
yes/no answers to most of these items, whereas other
items can be graded (how often is backup performed,
is there a dedicated incident response team, etc.).
Here it is possible to learn from the results produced
by e.g. the CloudAudit
We are in the process of designing a management
architecture based on our proposed framework. Its
main tasks will be to compose Cloud services in ac-
cordance to the security requirements stated in a SLA.
In addition, the management architecture will provide
auditing mechanisms that will be used to verify that
the contracted level of security is being obeyed. As
a first step we will design and implement support for
simple Cloud services, which require only a few se-
curity mechanisms, in order to evaluate the feasibility
of our approach. The long-term vision is to establish
a comprehensive architecture where SLAs including
security, dependability and performance guarantees
will form the basis for service composition.
This work has been supported by Telenor through the
SINTEF-Telenor research agreement.
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science