Jurriaan Kamer and Harald Vranken
Open Universiteit, P.O. Box 2960, 6401 DL Heerlen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Virtualization, ITIL, IT service management, Cloud computing.
Abstract: Server virtualization influences all aspects of IT service management, and is a key enabling technology for
cloud computing. In this paper we focus on the impact of server virtualization on service delivery and
service support as described by ITIL. We identify advantages, disadvantages, and risks of server
virtualization for capacity, management, availability, costs, and security of IT services, and relate these
aspects to the ITIL processes. We validated our results using an empirical test within four different
organizations. Our main conclusion is that server virtualization does not change the ITIL processes
themselves, but it does change the way the processes are executed. Server virtualization is no silver bullet
for solving problems in IT operations and management. If server virtualization has been properly
introduced, it can offer faster and better execution of the ITIL processes. The impact is most significant on
the Financial Management process, while also Service Level Management, Incident Management, Change
Management, IT Service Continuity Management and Availability Management are affected considerably.
The impact is less prominent for Application Management, Software Asset Management, Release
Management, Configuration Management and Security Management.
Organizations have considered server virtualization
initially from a tactical viewpoint: an effective
technology for consolidation, offering increased
utilization levels, reduced server sprawl, and lower
capital and energy expenses. Over time, server
virtualization is being considered more from a
strategic viewpoint: a catalyst for IT modernization
that changes how IT is acquired, deployed,
consumed, managed, and paid for.
Gartner states that server virtualization is the
highest-impact issue changing IT infrastructure and
operations through 2012 (Dawson & Bittman, 2008).
Gartner also states that server virtualization offers a
natural path to evolve from internal IT
modernization towards cloud computing (Bittman,
2009). Server virtualization enables IT to become
more service-based, allowing scalable and elastic
delivery of resources at much greater speed, driving
economies of scale with shared resources, and
measuring and charging back based on dynamic
usage. Hence, server virtualization makes an IT
organization behave much more like an internal
cloud-computing provider. This paves the way for
outsourcing IT services to external cloud-computing
providers. Once server virtualization has been
introduced, organizations can more accurately
compare internal IT services with external IT
services, and they have gone through fundamental
cultural, political and funding changes that will ease
outsourcing to external cloud-computing providers.
Server virtualization has a clear impact on IT
service management. ITIL (IT Infrastructure
Library) is a set of best practices for IT service
management (Rudd, 2004). Although the impact of
server virtualization on ITIL is widely recognized,
studies on their correlation are still missing. The
research presented in this paper aims to fill this gap.
We first performed a literature study to identify
advantages, disadvantages and risks of server
virtualization, and the correlation between server
virtualization and the ITIL processes. We next
validated and extended these results in an empirical
test by interviewing four organizations that practice
both server virtualization and ITIL. The results of
this research are reported in this paper.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
summarizes related work on server virtualization,
ITIL, and their correlation. Section 3 lists the
Kamer J. and Vranken H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003391806430649
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 643-649
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
advantages, disadvantages and risks of server
virtualization. In section 4 we correlate these aspects
of server virtualization with the ITIL processes, and
we report the results of an empirical test to validate
this correlation. Section 5 discusses these results and
section 6 concludes the paper.
ITIL is a set of best practices for IT service
management, focusing on efficiency and cost
effectiveness, and has become a de-facto standard
(Brenner, 2006). ITIL v1 was introduced in 1980.
ITIL v2 appeared in 2000, focusing on service
support and service delivery. ITIL v3 appeared in
2007, arranging processes around the service
lifecycle. Despite the appearance of ITIL v3, many
organizations are still implementing ITIL v2 and
consider this as sufficient or see only limited added
value in ITIL v3 (Pollard & Cater-Steel, 2009). We
therefore only consider ITIL v2 in this paper.
There is plenty of scientific literature on server
virtualization and ITIL, however we discovered only
few sources that discuss the correlation between
them. Furthermore, none of these sources conducted
a thorough scientific study on the correlation.
Mandorla and Hallgårde (2006) state that almost all
IT service management functions are impacted by
the move to server virtualization. Baldwin, Shiu and
Beres (2008) analyse the consequences of server
virtualization on security and audit assurance, and
discuss the impact on some of the ITIL management
processes. Montero (2007) shows the impact of
virtualization on ITIL processes, however without
mentioning how these results were derived.
We conducted a literature study to identify
advantages, disadvantages and risks of server
virtualization. Advantages have a positive impact on
the IT organization. Disadvantages have a clear
negative impact, while risks have a possible negative
impact. We identified 34 aspects and grouped them
into five categories: capacity, management,
availability, costs and security (see table 1).
3.1 Capacity
Server virtualization offers better utilization of
existing resources. Multiple virtual servers can be
Table 1: Server virtualization aspects from literature
(Advantage, Disadvantage, Risk).
better resource utilization A
difficulty managing resources and peak loads D
additional performance overhead D
increased speed and flexibility of server deployment A
faster deployment of environments for training, test and
reduced complexity due to fewer physical servers A
easier backup A
central software update & patch management A
larger consequences of human errors R
unwanted vendor lock-in D
immature management tools and incompatibilities R
not all applications suitable for virtualization D
no support software vendors on virtual environment R
legacy application support A
security concerns when keeping legacy applications R
virtual machine sprawl R
higher availability levels without additional cost A
faster recovery from crashes and disasters A
reduced application conflicts due to isolation A
hardware defects impacting large number of VMs R
denial of service attack affecting all VMs on host R
reduced hardware purchases A
increased costs for new, high-end hardware D
reduced management costs A
reduced energy and hosting costs A
increased license costs D
increased costs for personnel training and new hires D
VMM as additional attack vector R
increased security because of VM isolation A
stealing sensitive information R
breaching confidentiality or integrity of VM R
difficult patch management suspended VMs D
secure logging A
rogue virtual appliances R
deployed on a single physical server (Daniels, 2009),
and isolated environments for software testing,
training and development activities can be created
(Kamoun, 2009). However, the response time of
mismanaged virtual machines can become
unpredictable under heavy load (Computer
Associates, 2008). Virtualization also introduces an
additional layer of overhead that must be factored
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
into the total system load (Loveland et al., 2008).
3.2 Management
Server virtualization can significantly simplify the
task of deploying servers. This often reduces the
provisioning time for a new server from days to
hours. Although tools for managing virtualized
environments are important, they are still immature
(Computer Associates, 2008; Dawson & Bittman,
2008). The number of physical servers is reduced,
thereby reducing the complexity of server
management. Since it is easy to deploy and run
virtual machines, this may result in server sprawl
(Pfister, 2008). Not all applications are suitable to be
virtualized and certain software vendors will not
support their product when virtualized (Tanaka,
Tarui & Naono, 2009; Woltjes & Berg, 2008).
3.3 Availability
Virtualization offers faster disaster recovery
(Montero, 2007). This allows decreased costs and
higher availability levels (Loveland et al., 2008).
However, failure of a physical host affects all virtual
machines running on it (Pfister, 2008).
3.4 Costs
Server virtualization offers reduced costs for
hardware, energy, hosting and management, while
costs for licenses and training are increased.
3.5 Security
Virtualization is implemented by adding a privileged
software layer, which introduces new vulnerabilities.
Attacks against this layer may give access to
multiple virtual machines (Ray & Schultz, 2009). On
the other hand, attacks against a single virtual
machine do not compromise other virtual machines
due to their isolation (Menascé, 2005).
A virtual machine is a set of files, and hence can
be easily copied, inspected or modified, breaching
confidentiality and integrity (Cleeff, Pieters &
Wierenga, 2009). Also patching suspended virtual
machines introduces new challenges (Pfister, 2008).
Based on literature study, we created a correlation
matrix containing aspects of server virtualization
and ITIL processes. We validated the correlation
matrix in an empirical test consisting of interviews.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual research model.
Figure 1: Conceptual research model.
4.1 Interviews
We interviewed IT managers at the following four
Dutch organizations early July 2010:
IT department of a university (300 virtual
Hosting service provider (500 virtual servers).
IT organisation of government body on
security and public order (2,300 virtual
Large IT consulting firm (8,000 virtual servers
managed internally, thousands at customers).
Before the interviews, the interviewees received a
short briefing on the scope of the research,
definitions of ITIL and server virtualization, and a
description of the 34 server virtualization aspects.
This allowed the interviewees to prepare themselves
for the interview and collect information if required.
The interviews were semi-structured, based upon a
questionnaire that was used in all interviews. The
first questions ask for key figures of the organization
(number of employees, sector and size of IT
organization), how knowledge is acquired, which
ITIL processes are present and which virtualization
types are implemented. Next, the interviewees were
asked to indicate for each aspect of server
virtualization, whether it is applicable in their
organization, how the ITIL processes are impacted,
and whether recommendations can be given. Finally,
the interviewees could identify additional aspects or
recommendations. During the interview, the
interviewees filled an empty correlation matrix. The
interviews were recorded with permission.
4.2 Aspects of Server Virtualization
Table 2 shows the responses of the interviewees
whether they consider each aspect of virtualization
as not applicable, advantage, risk or disadvantage.
Surprisingly, 11 of the 34 aspects are considered as
not applicable by at least 3 interviewees. These
aspects are mainly related to capacity, availability
and security. While these aspects are being
considered in literature as risks or disadvantages, the
interviewees indicate that they have been eliminated
by fast improvements of virtualization tools.
Table 2: Server virtualization aspects from interviews (Not
applicable, Advantage, Risk, Disadvantage).
better resource utilization 4
difficulty man. resources and peak loads 3 1
additional performance overhead 3 1
incr. speed and flex. of server deployment 4
faster deployment of environments for
training, test and development
1 3
red. complexity by less physical servers 2 1 1
easier backup 1 3
central software update & patch manag. 2 2
larger consequences of human errors 2 1 1
unwanted vendor lock-in 2 2
immature manag. tools and incompat. 1 1 2
not all applications suitable for virt.
3 1
no support software vendors on virt. env.
legacy application support 4
security concerns legacy applications 1 2 1
virtual machine sprawl
2 1 1
higher av. levels without additional cost 4
faster recovery from crashes and disasters 4
reduced appl. conflicts due to isolation 1 3
hardware defects impacting VMs 4
DoS attack affecting all VMs on host 4
reduced hardware purchases 1 3
increased costs for new hardware 3 1
reduced management costs 4
reduced energy and hosting costs 1 3
increased license costs 1 2 1
increas. costs for training and new hires 2 2
VMM as additional attack vector 2 2
increas. security because of VM isolation 4
stealing sensitive information 3 1
breach. confidentiality or integrity of VM 3 1
difficult patch manag. suspended VMs 2 2
secure logging 4
rogue virtual appliances 3 1
Table 2 clearly indicates that the interviewees
largely agree on whether aspects are advantages or
disadvantages. They only deviate on the amount of
risk that is still involved with certain aspects. For
instance, one interviewee considers consequences of
human errors as a clear disadvantage, while another
interviewee considers this to be a risk. The
interviewees disagree only on the costs for licensing
and personnel. Although investments for training
and education are generally considered as beneficial,
the dangers are that budgets for doing so are
insufficient and server virtualization is introduced by
unqualified personnel. All interviewees consider
licence costs for virtualization tools as a
disadvantage. However, moving to server
virtualization implies that an organization
reconsiders many IT aspects, including software
licenses. It may be concluded that some software is
no longer required, or can be replaced by other
software. Also, virtualization introduces new licence
structures for operating systems and applications.
The overall net result may be cost saving.
The interviewees also indicated two aspects of
server virtualization that we had not encountered
before. Server virtualization often implies the usage
of SAN (Storage Area Network). Although
maintenance of servers becomes easier with
virtualization, the impact on the IT environment
when doing maintenance on a SAN is very high. The
preferred solution is to implement redundancy,
which however comes at high costs. Another aspect
is managing customer expectations. Thanks to server
virtualization, new servers can be deployed quickly
with high availability. This allows reconsidering
SLAs, but the time available for updating, release
planning, setting up security and solving incidents
becomes more limited. The IT department should
align strategies with the sales department in order to
manage customer expectations.
Table 3 shows the correlation between the
aspects of server virtualization and the ITIL
processes, as indicated by the interviewees. The
numbers in the cells of the matrix indicate the
number of interviewees that identified an impact of a
server virtualization aspect on an ITIL process.
Table 3 clearly indicates that server virtualization
aspects in the categories management and
availability have most impact, while the aspects
related to capacity, costs and security have less
impact. The matrix also indicates that server
virtualization has an impact on all ITIL processes,
especially on the Financial Management process,
while also Service Level Management, Incident
Management, Change Management, IT Service
Continuity Management and Availability
Management are affected considerably. The
following subsections discuss some key findings for
these processes.
The empirical results indicate that server
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Correlation between aspects of server virtualization and ITIL processes (each matrix cell shows the number of
interviewees that identified an impact of a server virtualization aspect on an ITIL process; totals are sums per row or
Category Aspect
Service Level
Software Asset
better resource utilization 1 - - 2 2 2 4
difficulty managing resources and peak loads 1 1 1 1
additional performance overhead 1 1
increased speed and flexibility of server deployment 2 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2
faster deploy environm. for training, test and development 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
reduced complexity due to fewer physical servers 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
easier backup 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 1
central software update & patch management 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
larger consequences of human errors 2 1 2 2 1 2 2
unwanted vendor lock-in 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
immature management tools and incompatibilities 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
not all applications suitable for virtualization 1 1 1 1 1
no support software vendors on virtual environment 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1
legacy application support 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 1
security concerns when keeping legacy applications 1 1 2 2 2 1 3
virtual machine sprawl 3 1 2 3 1 1 2
higher availability levels without additional cost 1 1 1 4 4 1 3 4
faster recovery from crashes and disasters 4 1 2 3 1 4 4
reduced application conflicts due to isolation 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2
hardware defects impacting large number of VMs
denial of service attack affecting all VMs on host
reduced hardware purchases 1 1 1 2 3 1
increased costs for new, high-end hardware 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
reduced management costs 3 2 3 3 1 1
reduced energy and hosting costs 3
increased license costs 1 1 1 4 2
increased costs for personnel training and new hires 3 1 1
VMM as additional attack vector 1 1 1 1 1
increased security because of VM isolation
stealing sensitive information 1
breaching confidentiality or integrity of VM 1
difficult patch management suspended VMs 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
secure logging
rogue virtual appliances 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 36 24 35 8 38 50 19 33 32 3 7 17
virtualization hardly influences Application
Management, Software Asset Management and
Release Management. Also the impact on
Configuration Management and Security
Management is limited. Most security concerns
raised in literature, were deemed outdated by the
interviewees and no security breaches due to
virtualization have been reported yet. Configuration
management requires a CMDB of the infrastructure,
storing the mapping of virtual machines to physical
resources and the location of suspended virtual
machines. This is indicated in literature (Baldwin et
al., 2008) and confirmed by the interviewees.
4.3 Financial Management
Financial Management is impacted mostly by server
virtualization aspects in the categories management
and costs. The traditional cost models in IT
organizations are no longer applicable, because
deploying a new virtual server does not necessarily
imply purchasing and charging new hardware. In
order to prevent an explosion in demand of virtual
servers, activity-based costing should be introduced,
which means that usage of services and servers are
billed based on actual resource consumption.
Management tools for automatic resource reporting
have not yet matured, so activity-based costing must
still be done manually for now. Server virtualization
also offers higher availability levels, which provides
the opportunity for improved SLAs. It is
inconclusive if virtualization decreases or increases
the total costs.
4.4 Service Level Management
Service levels are much easier to meet when using
virtualization. This is due to an overall increase in
flexibility, and a reduction in downtime and costs.
4.5 Incident Management
The consensus in literature is that Incident
Management becomes more difficult, due to the
added complexity of virtualization which makes
incident solving and root cause analysis more
difficult. The interviewees however clearly indicate
that the advantages of virtualization dominate: the
amount of incidents as well as the time required to
solve them, decreases.
4.6 Change Management
Some authors state in literature that changes are
easier to execute but harder to keep track of (Cleeff
et al., 2009). In practice, certain changes can be
easier because there is no need to acquire new
hardware. Since the risks involved are lower,
changes can be executed more often during daytime.
4.7 IT Service Continuity Management
Virtualization allows much faster recovery from a
crash or disaster, against low costs. There are
however risks involved with virtualization, that
might threaten continuity. Human errors can have
larger consequences in a virtual environment. Also,
some software vendors may not give support if their
products are run in a virtualized environment.
Calamity plans need to be reevaluated for additional
factors that have been introduced by virtualization.
4.8 Availability Management
Virtualization enables high-availability solutions
against very low costs. The number and duration of
downtime incidents will decrease and hardware
failures can be managed better.
Our research resulted in a comprehensive overview
of ITIL and virtualization implementation aspects
that can for instance be used as a checklist for
organizations that are incorporating ITIL and server
Our results however do not generally apply to all
organizations. We interviewed only a small number
of organizations in a small number of sectors. We
also did not use specific selection criteria for the
interviewed organizations. Therefore, the validity of
our results is limited, and the results of semi-
structured interviews are difficult to reproduce.
Despite these restraints, the interview results contain
little contradictions.
We observed that only 68% of the server
virtualization aspects identified in literature could be
confirmed in our empirical test. It becomes apparent
that server virtualization is rapidly evolving, which
quickly outdates literature. Furthermore, literature
on the correlation between virtualization and ITIL is
largely missing.
Our research could be extended by using a larger
population and applying a quantitative measurable
research method. Future research is also
recommended on security and capacity aspects, and
on measuring costs related to virtualization.
We showed that server virtualization influences all
ITIL processes for IT service support and IT service
delivery. We identified advantages, disadvantages
and risks of server virtualization for capacity,
management, availability, costs and security.
Especially aspects related to management and
availability have a large impact on the ITIL
processes. Our empirical results indicate that some
aspects related to capacity, availability and security,
which are being considered in literature as risks or
disadvantages, have been eliminated by fast
improvements of virtualization tools.
Our main conclusion is that server virtualization
does not change the ITIL processes themselves, but
it does change the way the processes are executed.
The impact is most significant on Financial
Management. Also Service Level Management,
Incident Management, Change Management, IT
Service Continuity Management and Availability
Management are affected considerably.
Server virtualization is no silver bullet for
solving problems in IT service management. If
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
server virtualization has been properly introduced, it
can offer faster and better execution of the ITIL
processes, and paves the way to cloud computing.
We kindly thank the interviewees for their
cooperation: Frank Dirkx, Richard van Drimmelen,
Joris Haverkort, Hilde Loozen-Janssen, and Gerhard
van der Zedde.
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