SaaS applications are growing rapidly and SaaS
vendors are planning to build a metering solution for
future billing. While a metering solution might
include measuring the usage of a SaaS application
based on measuring the computational resources,
number of transactions and the features utilized by
user, this work focused on measuring the features of
a SaaS application utilized by a user.
The design of this work focused on creating a
Session for each user, then measuring metrics such
as the name and the number of features utilized by a
session, the user name and the IP address of the user
who started a session, the number and the length of
each session that belong to a specific user. This
work also proposed different methods to assign a
cost for each feature, and showed how the Feature-
Based Approach can support different business
The current work focused on implementing the
Feature-Based Approach which is one component of
the sophisticated metering system. The future work
includes the following:
• The completion of the metering system such as
measuring the CPU and memory usage of each
SaaS user.
• Minimizing the overhead caused by session
• Designing an infrastructure that allows for
multiple methods to be used for pricing
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