for the authentication of involved parties and certifi-
cation of SLAs actually it is out of the scope here.
The second section presents related work on Cloud
resource provisioning and management. In the third
Section we discuss the requirements of the Cloud
Agency design. The fourth section the architecture
of the provisioning subsystem of the mOSAIC plat-
form is described. In the fifth section we provide de-
tails about the multi agents model we have designed.
Finally prototypal implementation and APIs are de-
The brokering of Cloud providers whose offers can
meet the requirements of a particular application is
a complex issue due to the different business models
that are associated with such computing systems. Ac-
cording to (R. Buyya and Brandic, 2009) a market-
oriented resource management is needed in order to
regulate the supply and demand of Cloud resources,
providing feedback in terms of economic incentives
for both Cloud consumers and providers, and pro-
moting QoS-based resource allocation mechanisms
that differentiate service requests based on their util-
ity. The current Cloud computing technologies offer a
limited support for dynamic negotiation of SLAs be-
tween participants. There is no mechanisms for au-
tomatic allocation of resources to multiple compet-
ing requests. Furthermore, current Cloud comput-
ing technologies are not able to support customer-
driven service management based on customer pro-
files and requested service requirements. It is im-
possible, according to (R. Buyya and Brandic, 2009),
to derive appropriate market-based resource manage-
ment strategies that encompass both customer-driven
service management and computational risk manage-
ment to sustain SLA-oriented resource allocation. An
attempt to define several QoS metrics is presented in
(B. Cao and Xiang, 2009): response time, availabil-
ity, reliability, cost and reputation are considered. A
reference of SLA model is provided in (Sim, 2010)
where SLA objectives (SLOs) are used to compose
an SLA. A number of service levels and performance
metrics for each resource results in multiple SLOs for
every service. The work presented in (A. Kertesz,
2009) represents a first proposal to combine SLA-
based resource negotiations with virtualized resources
in terms of on-demand service provision. The archi-
tecture description focuses on three topics: agreement
negotiation, service brokering and deployment using
virtualization. It involves multiple brokers. A Cloud
multi-agent management architecture is proposed in
(Cao et al., 2009). It includes requestor agents, QoS
agent, provider agent and agent manager. In particular
the QoS agent is dedicated to the submission of QoS
information about services. A simpler agents based
architecture has been proposed in (X. You and Yu,
2009). It is simpler than the one described in this pa-
per and consists of only three parts: consumer agent
delegated by the consumer to obtain a maximal ben-
efit for him, resource agent delegated by the resource
provider to publish the prices and to adjust them ac-
cording to the relationship of supply and demand in
the market system and the market economy mecha-
nism responsible for balance the resource supply and
the demand. New SLA-oriented resource manage-
ment strategies must be designed for Clouds in order
to provide personalized attention to customers. Ser-
vice requirements of users can change over time, due
to continuing changes in business operations and op-
erating environment, and thus may require amend-
ments of original service requests. Effects due to
concurrent negotiation activities between broker and
provider agents in multiple Cloud resource markets
have to be considered. The negotiation that outcome
between broker and provider agents influence the ne-
gotiation outcomes of broker and consumer agents in
a Cloud service market. The implementation that was
presented in (Sim, 2010) is very interesting from this
point of view because it is supporting dynamic nego-
SLA Negotiation with multiple Cloud providers is
a first example of complex application that could be
delegated to a third party, represented by a broker in
a market based context. A broker intermediates be-
tween users and providers in order to negotiate the
best SLA for both consumer and vendors. On user be-
half it can search for available Cloud services, which
are compliant with user needs; check of trustiness of
providers; decide with whom to negotiate, accord-
ing to user requirements and past experiences; ne-
gotiate the best price for the same offer by differ-
ent providers; negotiate multiple SLAs, with different
providers, to overcome the lack of one compliant offer
by a single provider. Since consumers’ requirements
can potentially vary over time it needs to support dy-
namic re-negotiation of SLA. Some mechanisms to
reconfigure virtual resources are already available, but
it needs policies and protocols for changing the SLA
parameters, to include new amendments and with-
draw previous ones. Re-negotiation is another ser-
vice that can be provided to solve some inconsisten-