Wendy Osborn
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Digital libraries, Greenstone, Event-based collection management.
We consider the problem of updating a digital library collection automatically when certain events occur. Ex-
isting digital library systems require the user to either re-build manually or to schedule re-building at specified
times. Ideally, a collection should be re-built whenever some collection-changing event occurs. We propose
the Event Monitor for Greenstone, a tool that continually tests for collection-altering events and re-builds the
collection when these events occur. The Event Monitor interacts with the existing scheduling mechanism on
the host system, thereby making it a simple yet powerful tool for event-based maintenance.
Many applications generate multimedia documents
on a periodic basis. One example is a photo-radar pro-
gram whose purpose is to catch vehicles that break
certain traffic laws, such as speeding. A significant
number of pictures of vehicle license plates are gen-
erated every day. Another example is a medical in-
formation system such as CAIRN (Karanikolas and
Skourlas, 2000; Karanikolas, 2007), which would be
required to be updated continually to keep its content
current if it is going to be useful to physicians. In
either case, if these multimedia documents are orga-
nized into a digital library, the collection needs to up
dated regularly to include new documents.
When managing a digital library collection, the
owner usually adds new documents to the collection
manually. This is reasonable when documents are
added infrequency, or the user always has the time
and means to access to a computer that allows them to
access the digital library. However, when documents
are added constantly to a collection, an automated ap-
proach is more practical over a manual one. Ideally,
a collection should be updated immediately when any
changes to the collection are made.
Most existing digital library systems, such as
DSpace (Tansley et al., 2006) and Fedora (Lagoze
et al., 2006) require that documents be added man-
ually to a collection. Although both software systems
provide application programming interfaces (APIs)
that could be used to create an automatic updater, pro-
gramming knowledge is required for using an API.
Greenstone (New Zealand Digital Library Project,
2008; Witten et al., 2009) includes a mechanism for
scheduling a collection re-build to occur every hour,
day or week (Osborn and Fox, 2007). It works by
interacting with the Cron scheduler on the host sys-
tem. Limitations of this approach include the restric-
tions to re-build at specific intervals. An approach that
rebuilds immediately upon any change to the collec-
tion would better serve digital library users, especially
those requiring real-time updates to their collections.
We present a solution for event-based manage-
ment of a digital library in Greenstone. The first part
involves the design and implementation of an event
monitoring module. The Event Monitor runs every
minute and tests a collection for any changes in doc-
uments, metadata or general configuration. If any
changes are found, a collection building script is ex-
ecuted to re-build the collection. The second part
involves modifying the Scheduler (Osborn and Fox,
2007) to accept a frequency value of ”now” to in-
dicate event-based collection building, and to create
the appropriate Cron record. Therefore, the Sched-
uler will be responsible for setting up the event-based
construction of a collection.
In this section, we provide some necessary back-
ground on Greenstone, the Scheduler, and Cron.
Osborn W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003396301230128
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 123-128
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Greenstone
Greenstone (New Zealand Digital Library Project,
2008; Witten et al., 2009) is a software suite for cre-
ating custom digital library collections and making
them available locally or via the Internet. A digital
library collection contains documents of varying for-
mats, including images, PDF files, Word documents,
etc. A Greenstone collection can be customized in
many ways. For example, a user can specify the ap-
pearance of the interface to their collection, how the
collection will be accessed, and the types of docu-
ments that the collection can contain.
A greenstone collection can be maintained in two
ways. The first is by using the import and build com-
mands that are executed from a command prompt.
The second is by using the Greenstone Librarian In-
terface (GLI) (Witten, 2004), which allows users who
are more comfortable with using a graphical user in-
terface to have full access to the same functionality.
2.2 Cron
Cron (Nemeth et al., 2007; Vixie, 1994; Schapira,
2004) is a program for users to schedule tasks that
will run automatically at a specified time. A task can
be one command, or a script containing several com-
mands that are executed in sequence. Initially, Cron
was implemented for Unix and Linux platforms, with
most systems running Vixie Cron (Vixie, 1994). Mac
OS X also runs Vixie Cron. In addition, versions of
Cron now exist for Windows platforms, such as Py-
cron (Schapira, 2004). We summarize the general
ideas behind all implementations of Cron that are ap-
plicable to our work.
Every minute, Cron reads task configuration files,
called crontab files, that contain a record for every
task that is scheduled for execution at a specific time.
The format of a crontab record is (min hr dom moy
dow user task), where min, hr, dom, moy, and dow
are the minute, hour, day of month, month of year
and day of week, respectively, user is the username
that the command will run under, and task is the com-
mand or script that is executed at the specified time.
Two types of crontab include system crontab and
user crontab. A system crontab file is mainly for sys-
tem administration and maintenance tasks. Also, even
if all tasks have a specified low-level username, root
privileges are required for modifying a system crontab
file. A user crontab file can be set up by any user
on the system to execute tasks under their own user-
name. Assuming the user has permission to execute
the task, no root permissions are required. Therefore,
the Greenstone scheduler uses a user crontab file.
30 * * * * /collect/pics/gsdl.pl
59 23 * * * /usr/bin/cleanup.bash
00 6 * * 7 /home/someuser/alarm
00 0 1 1 * echo "Happy New Year!"
Figure 1: Sample Crontab File.
system("import.pl -removeold pics");
system("buildcol.pl -removeold pics");
system("\\rm -r /collect/pics/index/*");
system("mv /collect/pics/building/*
system("chmod -R 755 /collect/pics/index/*");
00 0 * * * /gsdl/collect/pics/cron.pl
Figure 2: Sample Building Script and Crontab Record.
Figure 1 displays a sample user crontab file
with 4 tasks that are scheduled for specific times.
The first task, /collect/pics/gsdl.pl, is scheduled to
be run at 30 minutes past every hour. The sec-
ond task, /usr/bin/cleanup.bash, is scheduled for
execution daily at 11:59pm. The third task,
home/someuser/alarm, is scheduled every Sunday at
6:00am. Finally, the fourth task, which echoes
”Happy New Year!”, is schedule for execution every
January 1st at 12:00am.
2.3 The Scheduler
The Scheduler (Osborn and Fox, 2007; Osborn et al.,
2008) is a command-line program that is part of the
Greenstone software suite. The Scheduler creates a
building script for a specific collection and also inter-
acts with Cron on the operating system. The original
version of the Scheduler takes as command-line argu-
ments the name of the collection, the import and build
commands (and all of their required arguments), and
the frequency of execution (hourly, daily or weekly).
The output from the Scheduler is a customized Perl
script that rebuilds the collection, and modifications
to the Cron scheduling service to execute the script at
the frequency specified.
For example, suppose we want to schedule a daily
build of the collection pics. A call to the Scheduler
would resemble the following:
-import "import.pl -removeold pics"
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
-build "buildcol.pl -removeold pics"
-frequency daily
-colname pics
Figure 2 shows the resulting build script and crontab
record for the collection pics on Linux.
In addition, a call to the Scheduler can be made
through the GLI (Osborn et al., 2008). Figure 4(a)
depicts the Options Pane for the Scheduler. Here,
the collection owner can select the appropriate op-
tion. Then, they can click on Schedule Action for the
scheduling to take affect.
We present a solution for the event-based construction
of a digital library collection in Greenstone. The over-
all process is presented first, followed by all events
that require a digital library collection to be re-built.
Then, the Event Monitor is presented, followed by re-
quired changes to the Scheduler.
3.1 Overall Process
The following sequence of events is adopted for
the event-based building of a Greenstone collection.
First, an Event Monitor performs the task of detecting
the events that require that the collection be re-built. If
any of these events are detected, and the collection is
not already in the middle of a re-building process, the
collection is re-built using an automation script (i.e.
cron.pl) that is created specifically for the collection.
This sequence of events is set up by the Scheduler to
execute every minute.
3.2 Events
Many events require that a collection be rebuilt in or-
der to reflect changes. The events can be categories
into documents, metadata, and collection configura-
tion. Each is presented below.
3.2.1 Documents and Metadata
1. Adding a Document. When a new document is
added to the import folder of a collection, it is not
part of the collection until it is re-built.
2. Deleting a Document. Similarly, if a document is
deleted from the import folder, it is not removed
from the collection until it is re-built.
3. Updating a Document. Also, if the content of
an existing document needs to be updated, this
can only occur with the copy in the import folder.
Therefore, the collection needs to be re-built to
reflect changes in any document.
The same situations apply to user-specified meta-
data. If any metadata is added to a document, up-
dated for a document or removed from a document,
the collection must be rebuilt to reflect the changes.
In addition, any indices and browsers that depend on
those metadata values must be updated to reflect any
3.2.2 Updated Collection Configuration
The configuration of a Greenstone digital library can
be modified in the following ways:
1. Plugins. If documents of types currently un-
known to the collection are introduced, the corre-
sponding Plugins that are required for processing
them must be specified.
2. Indices and Classifiers. When working with both
indices and classifiers, the collection owner can
update the following. The first is the type of index
or classifier that will be created. The second is the
metadata that is organized for searching or brows-
ing (for example, dc.Title). The third are options
for the browsers.
3. Display Formatting. In addition, a collection
owner can specify how a list of documents that is
retrieved via searching or browsing is visualized
in a web browser.
The first two options - updates to Plugins and In-
dices/Classifiers - requires a collection to be re-built.
3.3 Event Detection Module
In this section, we present our solution to event detec-
tion in Greenstone. The Event Monitor is written in
Perl and runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Perl
was chosen because a Perl script is executable across
different platforms and meets the cross-platform re-
quirement of Greenstone.
The Event Monitor requires as input the name of
collection to be monitored. It also requires that a
cron.pl script exists for the specified collection, and
that a Cron task is set up to execute the Event Moni-
tor every minute. The latter two requirements are han-
dled by the Scheduler, and will be presented later.
The events that are detected by the Event Monitor
are handled in this order: updates to the collection
configuration, updated documents, added documents
and deleted documents.
3.3.1 Updated Collection Configuration
The configuration of a Greenstone collection is stored
in a collection configuration file (i.e. collect.cfg). The
modification timestamp of the collection configura-
tion file is compared to the modification timestamp
of the archives source file (i.e. archiveinfo-src.gdb).
If the collection configuration file has a modification
timestamp that is more recent, then the collection con-
figuration has changed since the last time the collec-
tion was built, and therefore the collection needs to be
updated. This test is performed first because it is the
fastest of all to perform. If the configuration has been
updated, the collection can be re-built automatically
without having to test for the other events.
We compare modification timestamp of the collec-
tion configuration file against the archive source file
(i.e. archiveinf-src.gdb) modification timestamp in-
stead of against the system clock (minus one minute)
for the following reasons: 1) For the first iteration of
the Event Monitor, the collection may be out of date
by more than one minute and 2) If a collection takes
more than one minute to build, as the case is with
very large digital library collections, the resulting col-
lection will be out of date by more than one minute.
Therefore all time comparisons are performed versus
the archive source file.
3.3.2 Added and Updated Files
Each document in the import folder is evaluated to
see if it new or updated at the same time. Therefore,
only one pass needs to be made through the import di-
rectory. A list of documents that have been imported
into the collection is obtained from the archive source
file. In addition, the modification timestamp for the
archives source file is obtained. This is an indicator
of when the collection was last built.
For each document, it is first determined if it is
in the list of existing documents. Then, its modifica-
tion timestamp is evaluated against that for the archive
source file. If the document is not in the list of exist-
ing documents, or if its timestamp is more recent that
that of the archives source file, then the document was
added or updated since the last build, and the collec-
tion must be re-built.
3.3.3 Deleted Files
When a file is deleted from the import folder, it is no
longer possible to use it for testing against any docu-
ments lists. However, it is possible to perform a quick
test to see if the number of documents is less than the
number that have been added to the collection. A dif-
ference in values indicates that some documents have
-colname pics
-import "import.pl -removeold pics"
-build "buildcol.pl -removeold pics"
-frequency now
Figure 3: Scheduler Command for Event-based
Collection Building.
been deleted from the import directory. A count of
files in the import directory can be obtained during
the Add/Update stage. Therefore, only a count of the
number of documents in the list of existing documents
needs to be obtained to do this comparison.
3.3.4 Metadata Changes
Because any user-specified metadata is stored in a file
in the import directory, any additions, updates or dele-
tions of metadata are handled by comparing the mod-
ification timestamp of the metadata file against that of
the archives source file. Therefore, it is handled the
same way as a document update.
3.4 Scheduler Modifications
The Event Monitor requires that the collection it is
monitoring have an existing automation script and an
existing crontab record that schedules the execution of
the monitor every minute. The Scheduler creates that
appropriate automation script that is tailored to the
collection and the needs of its owner. In addition, the
Scheduler handles the generation of crontab records
for the scheduled build of collections. Therefore, all
that needs to be extended in the scheduler to work for
event-based collection building are: 1) the specifica-
tion of a ’now’ value for the -frequency option, and 2)
for this option, the generation of a crontab record that
calls the Event Monitor module. Figure 3 depicts a
modified Scheduler command to initiate event-based
collection building. Also, Figure 4(a) depicts the GLI
with the frequency option value of “now”.
We present a simple application of event-based col-
lection building from the GLI. In this scenario, we
have a traveler who wants to post pictures of her trip
in a Greenstone collection for her friends to view. In-
stead of waiting until the end of the trip, the traveler
wants to post her pictures from her hand-held device,
incrementally adding to the collection when neces-
sary. The traveler does not want to worry about ac-
cessing the GLI while traveling. Instead, she simply
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Scheduling Options Pane.
(b) Build - First Day. (c) Build - Second Day.
Figure 4: Collection Build Scheduling.
wants to upload the pictures to the import folder of
her collection, and have her collection rebuilt imme-
diately after she uploads her pictures. This can be
accomplished by setting up an event-based automatic
rebuild of the collection of travel photos from the
Before departing, the traveler runs the GLI and
creates a new collection. Then, she selects the Cre-
ate tab to display the collection creation pane. From
here, clicking on Schedule Options will display the
available options for setting up a scheduled, auto-
matic collection build of the collection of travel pic-
tures. Figure 4(a) depicts the available scheduling op-
tions, which are displayed with default values. Here,
the traveler selects schedule, which indicates that she
wants to set up a scheduled, automatic build. Also,
she selects a frequency of now and an action of add
(or, to create a new event-based build).
Next, the traveler clicks on Schedule Action. This
will set up the building script for the collection of
travel pics, as well as the crontab record that will in-
dicate to Cron that the Event Monitor will continually
monitor her collection for new pictures, and automat-
ically update the collection whenever new pictures ar-
rive. The collection is now ready to be re-built while
the traveler is away.
On the first day of travel, she uploads three pic-
tures at different times, which are added to the collec-
tion immediately upon upload. The updated collec-
tion after the upload of the third picture is depicted in
Figure 4(b). The next day, the traveler uploads three
more pictures at different times. Figure 4(c) depicts
the updated collection with the new pictures.
We propose a solution for event-based collection
maintenance in Greenstone. The Event Monitor exe-
cutes every minute and checks for collection-altering
events so that the collection can be re-built. Also, this
solution takes advantage of the services of the Sched-
uler, so that the Event Monitor also uses the services
of Cron on the host system. Therefore, the Event
Monitor is a simple yet powerful edition to Green-
stone and will allow collection owners further flexi-
bility in how they manage their collections.
Some future work includes the following. First,
although altering display formatting does not require
a re-build of a collection to take effect, the collec-
tion is re-built in this situation. It would be ideal
to not trigger a re-build in this case. Second, if a
collection owner wants to not test for events every
minute, an ideal approach would be to have an op-
tion specifying the number of minutes between event
checks. Although the Scheduler ensures that a collec-
tion build “in progress” will not be interrupted, some
users may feel more comfortable spreading out the
event checks anyway. Finally, although preliminary
tests were conducted to ensure that the Event Monitor
works, a more thorough evaluation of different event
scenarios is necessary. In particular, we need to de-
termine whether continuous monitoring will degrade
system performance overall.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems