Joana Prata dos Santos, Alcínia Zita Sampaio
Technical University of Lisbon, Dep. of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Interaction, Simulation, Virtual Reality, 4D models, Construction planning.
Abstract: The construction of a building has been traditionally supported on the timeline schedules of the construction
activities established in each case, and on technical drawings of the project. A prototype based on Virtual
Reality (VR) technology with application to construction planning, was implemented. This interactive
virtual model intends to present the project in a three-dimensional (3D) way, connected to construction
planning schedule, resulting in a valuable asset in monitoring the development of the construction activity,
based on the construction planning designed. The 4D application considers the time factor showing the 3D
geometry of the distinct steps of the construction activity, according to the plan establish to the construction.
The 4D model offers a detailed analysis of the construction project. Additionally, VR technology is used
and presented as an innovative visual tool. It allows the visualization of different stages of the construction
and the interaction with the construction activity. This application clearly shows the constructive process,
avoiding inaccuracies and building errors, and so improving the communication between partners in the
construction process. This tool is an important support in project conception and application.
In construction management, technical drawings
have had, throughout times, a crucial role in
communication between the numerous partners in a
project. Generally, drawings represent formal
solutions, and often incompatibility mistakes are
only detected in advance stadium, on site, with
additional costs.
In this field, 4D models, where the time factor is
added to the three-dimensional (3D) model, promote
the interaction between the geometric model and the
construction activity planning, allowing immediate
perception of the work evolution. With planning,
correct evaluation and adequacy to intervenient
needs, 4D models are a positive contribution
decisions-maker when establishing planning
strategies (Webb and Haupt, 2003). Moreover,
Virtual Reality (VR) technology makes possible the
interaction and the visualization of the construction
work evolution, both immersive and interactively.
Construction management can be defined as the
planning, co-ordination and control of a project
from conception to completion (including
commissioning) on behalf of a client requiring the
identification of the client's objectives in terms of
utility, function, quality, time and cost, and the
establishment of relationships between resources,
integrating, monitoring and controlling the
contributors to the project and their output, and
evaluating and selecting alternatives in pursuit of
the client's satisfaction with the project outcome
(Walker, 2002).
Therefore, it is essential the project designer
comprise the knowledge to correctly identify the
different stages of the construction planning, as well
as take into consideration the logistics and resources
involved in the project.
Hadju, in Network Scheduling for Construction
Project Management, define the steps to create a
good planning (Hadju, 1997):
Task definition and description, considering the
detail required;
Task interdependencies definition and creation
of a list of predecessors and successors;
Network design, considering tasks'
Resources and time estimation;
Prata Santos J. and Zita Sampaio A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003397505450550
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (SIMIE-2011), pages 545-550
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Base calculations, including total project
Advanced calculations, aiming a more efficient
project, considering, cost, resources and task
Project control throughout its implementation;
Project revision, considering the tasks, their
duration and the necessary resources, with the
intention of presenting alternatives to the
established planning.
The steps one through five comprise the initial
stage, six and seven consist of the scheduling stage,
and the last is the project stage.
The construction planning used in the
implemented prototype is realistic and considers the
designed and written documentation, measurements
and quantities map, specifications and regulations
with relevance to the project (Casimiro, 2006).
On the present work, a prototype was developed
supported on VR technology, where the construction
of a building and the related sequence of activities
are used (Levine, 2002).
Virtual Reality technology is often considered a way
to simulate reality through graphics projection,
allowing the user to interact with their surroundings.
In construction industry, from the conception to
the actual implementation, project designs are
presented mostly on paper, even though the two
dimensional reading is often not enough, as mistakes
can be introduced in early stages of conception or
elements misunderstood on the construction site. 3D
models present an alternative to avoid inaccuracies,
as all the information can be included with the
necessary detail (Grilo et al., 2001).
One of the benefits of VR in construction is the
possibility of a virtual scenario being visited by the
different specialists, exchanging ideas and correcting
mistakes. Some applications are already offering the
possibility of communication between different
specialties while developing a mutual project
(Yerrapathruni et al., 2003).
The concept of Building Information Modelling
(BIM), considers the integration of 3D models with
the planning of all aspects of the project, including
resource management and logistics, with the purpose
of reducing errors, and therefore costs, by using
software to generate a accurate model of the final
product, containing all the information needed to
everyone involved in construction and maintenance.
A BIM application is not only used to create the
elements, but also as a manager of all the designs,
uncovering construction errors when merging the
different specialties. Applications like Autodesk’s
AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite, AutoCAD Revit
Structure Suite and AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite offer
the possibility of different specialist working on the
same project in different files and then combining
then efficiently (Autodesk, 2010). One drawback of
these 4D models is the amount of time needed to
create them, as well as the lack of trained personnel
to do it.
Other applications offer a different kind of
communication, being more focused on
manipulating than creating the model. EON Studio is
one of these applications where, by programming
actions associated with different objects within the
model, the final user can experience the interaction
and the virtual reality in the presentation (EON,
A prototype concerning the management of the
construction activity was created with the purpose to
present a three-dimensional model integrated with
its construction planning schedule (Santos, 2010).
The application was developed in three stages: the
planning, the modelling, and the integration of the
first two stages.
The planning has to consider the final purpose
of the presentation, and the definition of the
tasks and its detail has to be done according to
this idea. Using Microsoft Project 2007, the
tasks are introduced and the relations between
them defined;
The geometric modelling needs to relate
correctly with the tasks defined in the
planning stage. Using AutoCAD 2010 as a
modelling tool, the layers do the distinction
between the different tasks and the elements
are creating considering the detail necessary to
the correct comprehension. The application
also presents a real-time illustration of the
construction evolution through photographs
from the site, taken at specific points in time;
The third stage, the integration, makes use of
two programs: EON Studio 5.0 and Microsoft
Visual C# 2008 Express Edition, where the
first takes the 3D model created with
AutoCAD and introduces it in the application
developed using the second.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
The application, developed in C#, integrates all
the components described with the interface
presented in Figure 1. The application has the
following organization:
Virtual model (1);
Pictures of construction site (2);
Planning task list (3);
Gantt map (4)
The interaction with the application is made
through 3 and 4. Both the task list items and Gantt
map bars are buttons that when pressed send the
information to the EON about the task selected, and
in return EON presents the model in the current
state, this meaning that it shows and hides specific
elements considering the construction’s current
Figure 1: Application interface.
EON can interact with the model in a number of
different ways. In this prototype only the state of
elements and position of camera is changed. The
state of an element is presented by its Hidden
property, whether it is selected or not, whilst the
camera position is determined by translation and
rotation coordinates. EON Studio also offers the
possibility to change the material associated with
each element, creating a more realistic model.
Any new objects can be introduced in the
application, just by modelling the new elements
considering their position relatively to the ones
already in the simulation and programming the
associated action in EON Studio.
Likewise, the application accepts any kind of
construction project, as long as the imperatives of
their implementation are met. Additionally, and with
the appropriate models, it can also be used in
construction site management.
This prototype’s weakness is the time needed to
make the preparation for the actual interaction with
the application. Modelling a building may not be
much extended. However, the programming of the
actions in EON Studio can be time-consuming.
As a method of testing the application, a
construction project was implemented, particularly
the structure of a building, using its graphic
documentation, such as architectural and structural
blueprints, the project description and construction
planning (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Construction planning.
The whole project was simplified to meet this
paper’s academic purposes, and the list of tasks was
defined considering the more characteristic stages in
a construction process, and also a few tasks focused
in construction details of certain elements (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Gantt map.
As a result, AutoCAD layers were created for
each task defined and the 3D model assembled
(Figure 4). When finished, the 3D model is exported
to EON Studio, where a diagram of events is created,
after what the application is ready to be used.
Figure 4: 3D model of the building structure.
As explained before, the task list and the virtual
model are connected. When selecting a task, the
relevant construction stage is presented (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Application's virtual model and task list.
The first scenario concerns the landscape and then
the foundation work began (Figure 6). In this
example, some construction details were modelled,
including one column progress. This progress is
presented in Figure 7, throughout three stages. Not
having a picture associated, the camera symbol
becomes visible instead. A detail of the
reinforcement and the concentration of a slab are
presented in Figure 8.
When constructing a building, the planning
sometimes needs to be changed due to unexpected
Implementing these changes in the prototype is
actually very simple, as the user just have got to
change the tasks new start and finish dates in MS
Project and load the new file into the application.
Figure 6: Visualization of the foundation work.
Figure 7: Column construction progress: reinforcement,
formwork and concreting.
Figure 8: Construction of a slab.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
When a task is selected in the construction
planning chart a static position of the model is
presented. A first view is always linked to a task.
This was established to provide an easier interaction
with the 3D model, and to focus the attention of the
user on the important sections on each task, guiding
them correctly through the development of the
Next, in order to obtain the same point of view of
the photo, the user can manipulate the virtual model,
choosing an identical perspective. So, visualizing
what is planned and what was done in the real place,
the construction work is better compared and
analyzed (Figure 9). In addition the user can
manipulate the model walking through the virtual
building observing any construction detail he wants
to compare.
Figure 9: Rotation applied to the virtual model.
All steps were modelled and linked to the
planning chart. Details of the construction work are
presented in Figure 10. The date concerning each
visualized task is shown in the upper left corner of
the virtual model window.
Technical drawings and explanatory texts often have
little detail and are frequently insufficient in fully
comprehending the object.
Virtual Reality technology and its capability of
interaction and connectivity between elements were
employed in the prototype's implementation,
offering several benefits both in presenting and
developing projects. Mistakes can easily be caught
before construction a start, which translates in time
and cost reduction.
In this paper was introduced a prototype which
purpose is to ease the control of construction
planning throughout project's development. It can be
used with any kind of construction project and,
Figure 10: Sequence of the construction process.
being a flexible application, accepts new data when
necessary, allowing for a comparison between the
planned and the constructed.
The prototype can also be expanded to include
other aspects of construction management, such as
resource administration, or to have a real-time
access to the construction, through the use of
cameras installed on site. The use of new mobile
technologies could move the application to the
construction site, clarifying any doubts about
location or position of each component.
The author gratefully acknowledges the financial
support of the Foundation for Science and
Technology, a governmental Organization, for the
research project PTDC/ECM/67748/2006.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems