(master), Profibus DP/FMS, Ethernet, serial
ponto-a-ponto, Modbus;
c) Function modules (FM) - fast counters, fast
pulse outputs, position control, motor stepper
control, closed loop control. In a centralized
configuration can use up to 32 expansion modules.
Expansion modules for S7-300 are also used at the
station I / O distributed ET200M.
d) Communication - In addition to several
communication modules that can be added to the
configuration, the S7 CPU 300 has an MPI port,
through which it is programmed and parameterized.
(Siemens, 2003)
The student or teacher in possession of a computer
can access the software Elipse E3 from anywhere in
the world.
On the student or teacher computer the remote
control configuration must be set and on lab
computer the host configuration one.
The access to the computer where is installed the
Elipse E3, which has control of the PLC through an
application developed is done by using login and
With the application of the Ellipse Watcher is
possible visualize by one or more camera, all
devices controlled by PLC (Programmable Logic
The software currently used in the work is
devoted to operating a network of distributed
applications, offering a graphical interface and a
new and flexible architecture that enables rapid
application development and good connectivity with
devices and other applications.
It is also possible to communicate with many
devices, data acquisition and control, and manipulate
this information in various ways, including creating
user graphical interfaces, both within a single
computer, local network or the Internet, in addition
to alarms verification, recording in databases,
exchange of information between different software
and other components, besides reporting.
It is expected that the student can control various
applications and devices designed to operate the
inverter, change parameters of engine operation, and
on the same screen of the Ellipse, control the camera
The use of didactic bench also prepares the
student for the use of these technologies in every day
activities like the control of remote stations via the
The proposed didactic bench will be constructed
and the application using Elipse E3 developed.
Three practical engineering classes on the use of
frequency inverters, PLC (Programmable Logic
Controller) and induction motor will be designed.
A group of students will be required to
accomplish these experiences. The success of the
students in reaching each experiment goal will be
evaluated and use as indicator of the didactic bench
The ultimate goal of this work is to assist in training
of skilled professionals in more remote geographical
To implement the proposal of this article,
supervisor commercial software - Elipse Scada E3-
is used needing only a room with computers,
resources to support teaching and basic internet
access to broadband.
The implementation feasibility of a didactic
bench comprising inverter, motor and PLC, will be
shown and it acceptance by students evaluated in a
future paper.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education