Finding Learning Resources and Communities
Mohd Anwar, Hassan A. Karimi and Jessica G. Benner
Geoinformatics Laboratory, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Location-Based Social Networks, Location-Centered Learning, Online Learning
Abstract: Online learning ability is enhanced when learners can have immediate access to suitable learning resources
and a community of peers for collaboration is easily formed. Online Social Networks (OSNs), location
information, and mobile devices can be used together to build a learning environment that can facilitate
collaborative learning anywhere, anytime. To this end, in this position paper we discuss a new concept
called OnLocEd, a model for it, and a R3 methodology that can be employed to build such a learning
Collaborative learning is a social activity that is
based on two essential components: learning
resources and a learning community. In a closed
learning environment, such as a traditional
classroom, learning resources are mostly provided
by course designers or instructors and a learning
community is formed under the guidance of a central
authority (e.g., university). The sense of community
developed in this setting is further reinforced by the
long term working relationships created as learners
collaborate, often in-person, to achieve a common
learning goal or share learning resources.
On the other hand, in Web-based learning (e- or
m-learning) environments, both locating a resource
and finding, or building, a community is less
structured, often requiring initiative from individual
learners. The task of locating resources or a learning
community is a precursor to learning, requiring
investment of valuable time and effort. The burden
of these precursory tasks can de-motivate learners
from utilizing the potential of collaborative learning
or avail the flexibility of an open learning
In this position paper, we argue that Online
Social Networks (OSNs), location information, and
mobile devices can be used collectively to help
learners build or partake in a community and locate
learning resources which will provide support for
collaborative learning activities anywhere, anytime.
The motivation for this paper comes from our recent
development of an online social navigation network
(SoNavNet) (Karimi et al., 2009). SoNavNet
embodies the concept of Location-Based Social
Networks (LBSN) which combines OSNs and
location awareness and can be accessed through
mobile devices. In support of our argument we
propose a generic model, called OnLocEd (Figure
1), that facilitates collaborative learning activities
through community building and resource discovery
using SoNavNet. The objectives of OnLocEd are as
To provide learners with an environment
where they can request peers and learning
To facilitate an environment where nearby
peers and learning resources are
recommended to learners.
To remind students of learning
opportunities and resources located in their
close proximity.
Popular OSNs and third party applications have
transformed people’s communication and
information sharing habits. As such, these tools have
become an integral part of many learners’ lives.
Business oriented social networks (e.g., Lotus
Connections) are already in use to support
collaboration in the workplace. In similar ways,
Anwar M., A. Karimi H. and G. Benner J..
ONLOCED - Finding Learning Resources and Communities.
DOI: 10.5220/0003401902040210
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 204-210
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Overall concept of OnLocEd.
OSNs can provide a rich environment for supporting
collaborative learning activities. We realize that
participation is not collaboration but it is an essential
component of collaboration. OSNs can be used to
share location information, graphic or video
annotation of a learning resource, among other
things. In addition, the use of tagging facilities can
help learners construct rich learning resource meta-
data, and befriending functionality can help learners
discover and connect to peers of interest. To be clear,
in this paper, we use the term ‘learning resources’ to
refer to physical resources (e.g., paperback books or
museum exhibits) and underline its distinction from
learning objects, the term predominantly used to
refer to digital learning materials.
OnLocEd is unique in that it utilizes another
critically important component, i.e., location
information. The premise of OnLocEd is based on
the observation that people’s location information is
readily available from navigation assistance
technologies and smartphones. Location-centric
decision-making is the goal of location-based
services (Karimi, 2010), which has recently made its
presence in educational settings (Tan et al., 2009). It
is natural for humans to use location information to
build communities and value location-specific
services or resources. For instance, neighbors in
neighborhoods form local communities and people
use locations of friends and relatives to gain access
to location-specific resources. Similarly, locations of
learners can be used to build a local community or to
recommend location-centric activities and learning
We argue that location information can
contribute to collaborative learning in two ways:
location-based learning and location-aware learning.
In location-based learning, location itself is a
learning resource or a location provides a learning
resource. Location-based learning is a common
occurrence in the traditional education setting. The
field trip is an example of location-based learning,
which uses a specific location to supplement in-class
learning. On the other hand, location-aware learning
allows learners to capitalize on location to manage
their learning activities. Location-aware learning is a
more informal process. For example, a student
studying in the library finds peers from a course to
study with or learns about a museum exhibit from a
posted flyer. We view location-aware learning as an
exploratory process where learners seek potential
peers or interesting learning resources in and around
their physical location.
Location-based and location-aware learning offer
experiential and authentic learning activities that
could significantly benefit learners from experience
exchange among peers. Basing OnLocEd model on
SoNavNet architecture enables sharing of
navigational and learning experiences. For instance,
while on a trip to a dinosaur museum in Canada,
Alice could team up with a SoNavNet friend Bob
who is an archaeology student from a nearby
University to learn about dinosaur habitat. In a
different example, both Alice and Jill may have
visited the same museum, at different times, and
they can share their experiences to complement each
others observation. The experience of one learner is
crucial to help another learner engage in a location-
aware learning situation. One learner can more
easily find a learning activity or gain advice about a
certain activity from a peer with a similar
experience. With this, location-aware learning could
become a daunting task without navigational
support. For example, while visiting a new location,
a learner may not engage in a location-aware
learning activity, such as attending a museum
exhibit, due to the unfamiliarity with the city and the
fear of getting lost. In SoNavNet, a local peer can
provide advice about public transportation or join
the travelling peer at the museum.
Mobility is an inherent characteristic of modern
life. People need to communicate, collaborate, or
even conduct impromptu meetings while in on-the-
go. A growing majority of today’s learners are
equipped with mobile devices, and hence, the
emerging trend in Web-based learning is mobile
learning (m-learning). However, the primary focus
in m-learning has been on creating and distributing
digital learning objects through mobile devices
(Cherian and Williams, 2008). We believe that
mobile devices can be used to enhance anytime,
anywhere learning experience. A learner can use
mobile devices to access SoNavNet and seek
recommendation for location-specific learning
resources or peers; furthermore, the learner can find
ONLOCED - Finding Learning Resources and Communities
and obtain learning resources through the
navigational assistance of other experienced peers.
The main contribution of the paper is an Online
Location-based Education model (OnLocEd) to
facilitate community building and learning resource
discovery. The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. We justify and elaborate our position in
Section 2 followed by our preliminary research on
the OnLocEd model and SoNavNet architecture in
Section 3. Section 4 provides background for our
position and Section 5 provides a summary of the
paper and presents future work.
The success of collaborative learning activities
depends on community building and resource
discovery; in other words, finding helpful and
competent peers or mentors and knowledge of and
access to suitable learning resources. As a result,
both community building and learning resource
discovery are colossal tasks for learners. The issue is
far more pronounced in open learning environments
where learners are outside of the structured learning
environment, present in the traditional classroom.
We seek to leverage existing technologies with novel
ideas in order to help learners in finding peers or
learning resources in both static and dynamic
mobility settings. To this end, we adopt the “R3”
methodology, which stands for Request,
Recommend, and Remind. Learners need to
Request locations of learning resources and peers;
learners need Recommendation of relevant learning
resources and available peers, and learners may need
to be Reminded about resources, such as lectures, or
scheduled meetings. To accommodate the varying
mobilities of learners, spatial and temporal
constraints need important consideration. A learner
may request the location of a resource such as an
article, a route to get to the nearest library, or a list
of pertinent seminars within a reasonable geographic
region that will take place during a given week. A
learner can be presented with recommendations for
available peers or resources based on their
preferences or a content model of their typical
resources. Furthermore, a learner may want to be
reminded of an event of interest.
To facilitate community building and learning
resource discovery, OnLocEd components (Figure 2)
offer: (a) virtual meeting place anywhere anytime,
(b) location awareness, (c) mobile accessibility, and
(d) navigation assistance to learning resources and
peers. OSNs are virtual platforms for sharing
information and experiences beyond the capabilities
of courseware-based tools.
Figure 2: OnLocEd components.
Furthermore, OSNs have already become an
integral part of our life and an extended means to be
connected with friends and communities. Therefore,
OSNs are a natural choice for item (a). To integrate
item (b) into OnLocEd, we suggest LBSNs. LBSNs
allow communication and collaboration based on
members’ and points of interest (POIs’) locations to
possibly have an impromptu meeting and actually
meet-up with them in the real-world (Karimi 2010).
Mobile devices enable students to access learning
resources and facilitate anytime, anyplace learning.
Therefore, SoNavNet has to support item (c). A new
trend in both general Web 2.0 technologies and their
applications in education is the inclusion of location
information. For example, location-based games
have been created to teach lessons on particular
topics, and mobile learning applications disseminate
location-aware knowledge when a learner moves to
or passes by a specific location. By means of each
others location information, learners can discover
informal learning spaces such as libraries and
museums, benefit from subject specific events such
as lectures, and connect with nearby peers. Item (d)
is one feature that, in addition to locating resources,
will provide optimal routes to some learning
resources (e.g., library) to learners based on their
current location or on a given date and time. In
essence, we argue that OSNs, location awareness,
and mobile devices can be used in concert to support
collaborative learning activities anywhere, anytime.
OSNs have gained popularity through augmenting a
person’s physical (real world) communities in a
virtual setting. OnLocEd mirrors this by enhancing
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and improving virtual learning communities, used in
e- and m-learning contexts, by making connections
to physical communities (nearby peers). OnLocEd
leverages SoNavNet where learners are: (a) aware of
the locations of their peers and potential learning
resources, (b) can engage in class discussions, (c)
post navigation or learning advice, and (d) get
directions or navigation support for in-person
meetings or to available resources. OnLocEd,
employing R3 methodology, allows students to
utilize their current location to collaborate with peers
and find learning resources. We argue that location-
based and location-aware learning, enabled by
OnLocEd, are paradigm shifts for community
building and collaborative learning in distance and
online learning environments.
Central to the OnLocEd model is LearNet, a
network of learners and resources (Figure 3).
LearnNet is a graph representing the relationships
between learners and between learners and learning
resources. LearNet consists of two types of nodes:
learner nodes and resource nodes. Each learner node
has, among other things, the learning needs and
characteristics (availability, needs, and preferences)
of the learner. Each resource node also has
characteristics, such as the location, availability, and
description of the resource. Each node in LearNet
may be connected to other learner or resource nodes
by edges (links).
There are two types of connections (links):
learner-to-learner and learner-to-resource. In
addition, these links contain distance and context
parameters that enable dynamic or static connections
between nodes. A link between a pair of learners
indicates the relationship between the two learners
based on a specific context for learning, such as a
course that both are enrolled in during a term, or a
common learning interest, such as learning Spanish.
Figure 3: LearNet – a network of learners and resources.
Each link in the graph is assigned a weight based
on the physical distance and context relevancy
between the two nodes (i.e., learner, resource)
connected by the link. These weights are dynamic as
the location of a learner or a resource could be either
dynamic or static. A learner-to-learner link is
established through the mutual consent of a pair of
learners. A learner-to-resource link is established
either through the learner's request for the resource
or through recommendation based on the learner's
preferences or content model. Furthermore, a
learner-to-learner link or a learner-to-resource link is
removed when any of the following conditions
applies: (a) a learner disconnects the link, (b) the
physical distance between the two learners exceeds a
certain threshold, or (c) the context of the link is no
longer relevant to the learner.
Once formed, LearNet is used to fulfill the R3
methodology employed by OnLocEd. Of request,
recommend, and remind, a general description of
how recommendation is formalized and used in
OnLocEd is discussed below.
In OnLocEd, recommendation could be
(set of
peers to meet virtually or physically) and/or
(set of
resources to be provided online or accessed at a
location), that is:
where ={
} is the set of peers
selected in a recommendation and
⊆,( is the
set of peers) in LearNet. At least one set must be
non-empty to have a valid recommendation.
Recommendations on online resources use are
expressed as:
is the set of online resources (e.g.,
websites) and
is the time when resources are
Recommendations on physical locations are
expressed as:
is the set of physical resources (e.g.,
library) and
∆ is the duration within which
resources are available/accessible (e.g., library
Recommendations on virtual meetings are
expressed as:
where is the set of peers and is the suggested
meeting time.
Recommendations on physical meetings are
expressed as:
ONLOCED - Finding Learning Resources and Communities
is the origin, , is the destination, is
the mode of travel,
is the sequence of road
is the sequence of guidance/direction,
is the suggested meeting time.
As a first step to the implementation of
OnLocEd, a SoNavNet framework has been
developed in the Geoinformatics Laboratory of the
School of Information Sciences, at the University
Pittsburgh. Access to SoNavNet is provided through
two media: Web browsers on a desktop/laptop
machine or mobile device (smartphone) application,
both are connected to a Web server for access to the
system. Since the central goal of SoNavNet is
navigation assistance through online social
networking, an online mapping service is included in
the architecture to provide the user with a sense of
the navigation environment. Users current location
on mobile devices can be determined through GPS
and/or Wi-Fi. SoNavNet offers three main functions.
The first allows the user to manipulate a map of their
surrounding area and to place POIs, routes, and
regions on it, thus allowing them to trace places they
visit and how they get there. The second and third
functions are request and recommend services.
Members seeking navigation recommendations are
able to message their friends with a map on which
they can mark off an area and request a
POI/route/direction within it. The system searches
the recommended POIs/routes/directions stored in its
database and sends a match POI/route/direction to
the user.
Our plan is to develop a prototype OnLocEd in
SoNavNet and make it available to students enrolled
in online courses. This prototype will be based on a
complete version of the OnLocEd model that we
will develop. There are several issues and challenges
for the implementation of OnLocEd. Learning
resources and peers will be static or dynamic based
on their mobility. Classifying each resource and peer
based on their current mobility will be a complex
task. Many questions remain regarding how these
resources and peers will be classified, for example:
What are static learning resources? What criteria,
such as course, subject, etc., would determine static
resources? What are dynamic learning resources?
What criteria, such as course, subject, etc., would
determine dynamic resources?
Communication in OnLocEd brings about other
challenges. Discovering how learners communicate
or prefer to communicate will require empirical
knowledge of current trends in social software and
mobile tool usage in learning settings. How should
two peers, identified through LearNet, be notified of
each other's needs and a possible impromptu
solution? Yet another challenge deals with defining
thresholds. In order to provide adequate
recommendation and navigation coverage,
thresholds must be set for various parameters. For
example, the meaning of "near" needs to be defined
in “Is learner A near resource X?” Apart from
implementation issues, the issues of learner privacy
and trust, as discussed in Anwar et al. (2006) also
need to be addressed.
Web-based learning environments require initiation
and effort by the learner for participation. Perhaps,
as a result of this demand, students using these
environments have been reported to feel isolated and
remote. Rovai (2002) discusses physical separation
as a barrier to building a sense of community
resulting in disconnection between students.
Wahlstedt et al. (2008) attribute these feelings of
isolation to the environment’s structure as an
isolated space where students are unwilling to
establish relationships and fail to achieve trust and a
sense of community. McInnerney and Roberts
(2004) find that even on-campus students taking an
online class may experience a feeling of isolation
from peers. Moreover, Kester et al. (2007, p. 1) find
“learner self-directedness easily degrades to learner
isolation” in learning networks without support.
Whether due to the physical distance between
students, the structure of the environment as an
isolated space, or limited support during the learning
process, these studies highlight the lack of learner
support and engagement that exists in current
learning environments. One effort to remedy this
lack of support and engagement is a theoretical work
by Fetter et al. (2010) who adapt the concept of an
Ad Hoc Transient Community and posit a peer
support service to improve relationship
characteristics, increase feelings of belonging, and
heighten mutual support between students. This
work has the similar goal of community building
sought by OnLocEd, yet this service exists solely in
an OSN without the benefit of location information
or mobile capabilities.
In a synthesis of literature in mobile learning,
Cobcroft (2006) confirms that mobile technologies
are able to support learners’ engagement in creative,
collaborative, critical, and communicative learning
activities. Discussing virtual learning communities,
Yang et al. (2004) note that a learners capability to
locate collaborators and requested knowledge
impacted learning. Other studies find awareness of
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
peer activity and online status can help build
community (Wahlstedt et al., 2008; Minocha, 2009;
Fetter et al., 2010). Cho et al. (2002) emphasize the
call for a focus on the communicative processes of
peer interaction rather than learning outcomes in
collaborative learning studies. McInnerney and
Roberts (2004) proposed three protocols to fortify
online social interaction including, most importantly,
a community forming stage devoted to the creation
of a solid classroom community.
The development of location-based services and
the rapid adoption of GPS-enabled mobile devices
have expanded OSNs from standard Web-based
versions to mobile social networks (Krishnamurthy
and Wills, 2010). Using location services, mobile
OSNs are gaining popularity and ubiquity among
mobile users. There has been a dramatic growth in
the number of active users of mobile OSNs with
forecasted growth from 54 million in 2008 to nearly
730 million in 2013 (Holden, 2009). These networks
have potential for community building. Ganoe et al.
(2010) find that providing users with mobile tools
and relevant time and location information regarding
community events can aid in community
engagement. To date, most of these networks are not
specific to education and only few actively
incorporate location information. Gentile et al.
(2007) modify an existing collaborative knowledge
building model to work in a mobile environment and
augment the learning space using geo-conceptual
maps. This is an example showing the benefit of
mobile tools for collaborative knowledge building
but does not address the need for peer support. Jorge
and Profírio (2010) introduce an Academic Social
Network to address mobility issues for European
universities and supply ontology for student profiles.
This work provides a perfect example of an OSN
devoted to education but lacks location awareness.
These advanced mobile applications, while making
resources and peers available, do not account for
problems encountered by feelings of separation and
dislocation prevalent in e-learning.
Reflecting on the aforementioned studies, we
realize the aptness of mobile technologies, location
awareness of peers and resources, and online social
networks in supporting learners engagement and
community building.
In open learning environments, learners are in charge
of their own learning. As such, learners need to
perform the precursory task of finding suitable
learning resources and a community of peers in order
to initiate collaboration. The burden of finding
resources or peers can de-motivate learners to
engage in collaboration or take advantage of anytime
and anywhere learning. Location is an important
consideration in selecting a suitable resource or
peers. Mobility of learners is another factor to
consider while developing a solution to facilitate
collaboration for learners on-the-go. Furthermore,
access to a physical resource can be a daunting task
without proper navigational assistance. We view that
online social networks, location information, and
mobile devices can be used together to offer a
learning environment that can facilitate learning
resources and peers in order to support collaborative
learning. In support of our position, we propose the
OnLocEd model and R3 methodology that can be
used to build such learning environments.
This paper is the first step towards addressing the
challenges of collaborative learning in open learning
environments. In this paper, we have identified the
challenges (i.e., finding learning resources and a
community of learners) and set forth our vision to
address the challenges. Our future work includes: (a)
extending the basic OnLocEd model to
accommodate learner preferences and
personalization (b) developing a prototypical system
based on the model and (c) conducting empirical
studies to gauge the effectiveness of our solution.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education