What Social Networks Really Learn about their Users!
Steffen Ortmann and Peter Langend¨orfer
IHP, Im Technologiepark 25, D-15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Social networks, Privacy, Web 2.0.
Millions of users voluntarily release private and business data at community platforms without considering po-
tential impacts on their real lives that may come along with that. Being used for personalized advertisement or
profiling, user data are of utmost importance for economic success of the platform. Hence, platform providers
exploit all promising options to gather data while privacy seems partially to be a pain for them. Beside data
voluntarily released by the user, there are techniques and methods to secretly gather more user data, e.g., by
proper fusion of miscellaneous information such as analysis of websites visited or social games played. In
this article we investigate obvious as well as concealed data gathering options of platform providers. By that
we uncover the true detailedness of user data collected by social networks to document our key message, i.e.,
social networks know EVERYTHING about their users. Finally, we discuss why existing privacy protecting
solutions cannot stand up with the threats and risks resulting from easygoing use of social networks.
Not only since Facebook
, online social network-
ing is an ever-growing market where the big play-
ers already earn several million dollars per year. On-
line networks are part of the so-called “Web 2.0” pro-
viding ease of use for online information-, identity-
and relation-management (Schmidt, 2006). Instead
of pure information retrieval, the users generate and
administrate online content on a platform provided.
The platform mainly handles the necessary techni-
cal and organisational challenges. Social networks
are a special type of those platforms supporting peo-
ple with features for online interaction. Therefore the
user establishes a mostly self-designed profile reflect-
ing her/his online identity. Based on that, the user
connects to other user profiles. Finally, the social net-
work builds a graph, usually called “social graph”,
where user profiles represent the nodes and links rep-
resent the edges respectively (Wasserman and Faust,
1994). The main functionalities of social networks
are based on this graph, e.g., search engine and mes-
sage services. According to a representative online
survey, 63% of Internet users in Germany are already
members of at least one social community (Rother,
2010). Within the group of 18 to 29 years old peo-
ple, more than 90% are members of social commu-
nities. Nearly half of the users with profiles in Face-
book, which in total maintains more than 500 million
active profiles, login to the community almost every
day. Anyway, communities still register an increasing
number of users and community logins.
Private user data are of important value for com-
munity owners since they can be used (or sold re-
spectively) for advertisement or even for better and
highly profitable, personalised advertisement. The
latter seems to provide market sizes of several bil-
lion dollars per year and hence, is of enormous in-
terest for platform providers. Only a huge number of
users and a maximum of personal user data assure at-
tractiveness and economical success of the platform.
Consequently, priority objective of platform providers
is collecting as much user data as possible. There-
fore platform providers exploit all promising options
to gather data while privacy seems partially to be a
pain for them.
Due to the rise of social networks large parts of
human life and social interactions migrated into the
Internet. Promoted by network providers and missing
awareness for Internet-media, especially young users
tend to reveal nearly their complete real life in a vir-
tual community. Hence, a vast amount of private and
business data has been put into and stored in these
networks. Millions of users voluntarily release pri-
Ortmann S. and Langendörfer P..
THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON USER PRIVACY - What Social Networks Really Learn about their Users!.
DOI: 10.5220/0003402200210026
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 21-26
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vate and business data without considering potential
impacts on their real life that may come along with
that. Platforms of course get aware of private data
and social contacts explicitly given by the user. How-
ever, most users cannot even imagine how much pri-
vate, social and technical data they produce by mere
usage. Besides data explicitly given by the user, plat-
forms are able to gather information that is not explic-
itly given but can be inferred from user behaviour or
context. Even worse is the fact, that adverse infor-
mation may also be published and linked by commu-
nity contacts. There exist practical methods to kindly
“force” users into betrayal of other community mem-
bers they know. Thereby privacy of community mem-
bers may be breached without being noticed by the
affected user. However, we consider such behaviour
contradicting to laws or privacy ethics at least.
Beside own experimental results, we have anal-
ysed the state-of-the-art and media reports concerning
privacy issues, general terms and conditions as well
as the official privacy policies of the big players in the
market, e.g., of Facebook (Facebook, 2010a; Face-
book, 2010b). In this article we list in detail the user
data that are accessible by mere platform usage. We
further focus on discovering methods secretly gath-
ering more information about community members
than those to which users explicitly acknowledged to
be collected. By that we show the detailedness of user
profiles, very often reflecting real life data, captured
by the social network. Based on that we present ex-
isting privacy protecting technologies and discuss the
reasons why these cannot bear up the privacy threats
posed by social networks. Finally we conclude with
identifying important aspects for further research and
discuss potential provisions for privacy aware usage
of social communities.
Within the context of data gathering, people worried
about privacy often are confronted with the slogan
“I’ve got nothing to hide” (Solove, 2007). Even if this
is true considering laws, it does not mean private data
may be public in any case. Since privacy is your right
(Warren and Brandeis, 1890) to self-determine when,
how and to what extent information about yourself
is communicated to others (Kuhlen, 1999; Westin,
1967), you should be in almost full control of your
information. As in real life, private data must also
be protected in online communities! Unfortunately,
privacy protection mechanisms provided by the so-
cial networks feature significant drawbacks. These ei-
ther provide too little options for securing any private
data or are too complex with respect to usability or do
not allow for fine-grained privacy settings. Pseudony-
mous usage of communities is also unpopular or not
permitted by platform providers.
But privacyismore than just control of data. Good
privacy practise starts with fair information about
kind and purpose of data collected. The latter is the
crux of the matter. While general terms and condi-
tions provide more or less full descriptions of what
data is collected, the purpose usually is not given.
Likewise, informative value of data collected as well
as inferences of those is difficult to understand for the
standard user. Most users do not even approximately
know the mass of information they provide. In the fol-
lowing we uncover the true detailedness of user data
collected by social networks. Beside obviously gath-
ered data voluntarily released by the user we thereby
focus on the data gathered alongside usage as well as
“methods” of concealed data acquisition. By that we
document our simple (and scary) key message, i.e.,
social networks know everything about their users.
2.1 Who is the User?
Usually creating a user profile in a social commu-
nity starts with giving basic data, such as name, birth-
date, gender, language, address and photo. This is not
much information but of course, this is enough data to
determine where you live, to guess your social state
because of your residential area, to search for your
number in public telephone registers and to look at
your house using free online street maps for example.
Also uploading a user photo, which is highly recom-
mended by all communities, allows to use face recog-
nition systems, e.g., as freely available in Google’s
, to search for other available data about the
person depicted. If such technique is combined with
mobile devices, everybody may obtain detailed data,
in our case the user profile, about any unknown per-
son just by taking a picture in public.
Data given by the user allows also getting a more
individualised idea about the person behind the user
profile. Hence, that data is even more valuable in
view of advertising. Usually, the user may disclose
status of relationship, political interests, hobbies and
favourites. Of great value are user interests, hobbies
and memberships in clubs. Marketing and selling
companies invest lots of money to acquire knowledge
about people’s favourites in music, movies and books.
The social network provider gets this information al-
most for free. Since such information is not always
given within the user profile, there also exist commu-
nity games asking for personal favourites to find other
users in the community with same or similar interests.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Likewise community applications may ask to evalu-
ate certain product or fashion. By that, the user is
unconsciously quizzed about interests, opinions and
personal taste.
2.2 Who does the User Know?
Data voluntarily released by the user is just the be-
ginning of invasion of privacy. Contacts within the
network best reflect a user. First, contacts are people
that a user probably knows. Second, the platform ex-
actly registers the contacts visited, the photos watched
and messages sent to contacts. Here, exactly means to
determine in detail how many messages a user writes
to whom at what time. Even if usually prohibited by
law, it is technically possible to access the content of
the message, too.
Further, the platform registers how often and how
long some activity has been carried out, e.g., how of-
ten a user visits which contact or how much time the
user spends in reading articles or watching photos of
certain user. Finally, the usage of poke” options, a
kind of digital greeting in Facebook, may reveal close
relation- or partnership between users. By that, dif-
ferentiating contacts between friends, family and ac-
quaintances becomes possible. Obviously, there are
simpler opportunities to gather this information be-
cause platforms also allow users to sort contacts into
certain lists holding all friends, family members, etc.
2.3 What does the User Do?
Inference of comprehensive personalised profiles
from data explicitly given by the user is less than
the half of all data gathered. All platforms automat-
ically generate very detailed usage analysis data by
maintaining log files for each user. Log files contain
product information about the browser used, IP ad-
dress, date and time of access, amount of data trans-
ferred as well as referrer and target URLs. In other
words, the platform registers how often and how long
certain user accesses the platform. Determining re-
ferrer and target URLs enables also collection of in-
formation about external websites and services used.
Logging of IP addresses and browser information al-
lows identifying the accessing device or user. Since
cookies are used to locally store encrypted creden-
tials, it can be further determined, whether other users
known to the platform frequently enter the network
from the same device, too. Such pair or group of
persons may be family members or live in any rela-
tionship to each other. Moreover, recorded data can
be analysed and give semantics beyond pure techni-
cal information. Platforms exactly know what their
users are doing online. They are also aware of how
long and how often a user plays social games or uses
certain offers. Sometimes the platforms cannot regis-
ter what users are doing in third party offers. For that
case, third parties usually have to confirm delivery of
usage analyses at least. Platforms recognise the time
a user is online, no matter whether it is in the morn-
ing, in the evening or at night. In general, everything
the users do online is recognised by the platforms just
as if somebody is directly observing the users. It does
not matter who, where or when - the platforms always
track what their users are doing.
2.4 Where is the User?
When a mobile device is used to access the network,
the platforms are also permitted to identify the mobile
device, the mobile service provider and yet actual po-
sition data, e.g., derived from an internal GPS mod-
ule. This enables to track the user anywhere at any-
time. Since it is a significant intrusion into privacy,
automatic determination and publication of location
data when using mobile devices is disputable. In ad-
dition, Facebook offers a relatively new service called
Facebook Places. Facebook Places enables users to
publish in real time where they actually are and hence,
Facebook also gets to know the location data of users.
This is of less concern if publication of location data
is in the hand of the user. Unfortunately, this service
allows publishing location data of other users, too.
However, meanwhile Facebook has learnt about their
user privacy requirements and allows prohibiting pub-
lication of location data by other users. Certainly, the
user has to explicitly restrict such publications in the
privacy settings, because these allow friends to pub-
lish location data by default.
2.5 What does the User Think?
Finally, social networks even know what their users
think! They know results from polls and votes, log
user-written comments and store twitter messages and
blogs as well. They register the content and the kind
of advertisements a user responds to. Last but not
least, the platform providers get to know how con-
cerned users are about their privacy. Providers learn
whether a user apparently reads the general terms
and conditions or just clicked the accept button. Of
course, the platform provider exactly knows the pri-
vacy settings of a user as well as how often and for
which purpose the user changes the settings. Thereby
the provider learns consumer acceptance in detail and
hence, can well estimate acceptance of platform en-
hancements or new data gathering methods.
THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON USER PRIVACY - What Social Networks Really Learn about their Users!
2.6 What do other Users Think about
the User?
During our research we found an interesting and like-
wise scary approach to gather more “user data”. So-
cial networks usually providethird party offers, which
predominantly are games or fun applications, called
apps. Every user should be aware of the fact that apps
are provided for no other reason than to make money
or gather user data or both. Apps basically are free
but allow collecting side data produced by their usage
as well. Beside others, apps of mainly two types put
a user’s privacy at risk, i.e., apps sharing personal in-
terests between users as already mentioned and apps
asking for data and opinions about other users. Es-
pecially the latter type of apps partially significantly
invades into user privacy by sniffing out other users.
As an example, we found the app “My friends 1.0” in
the German social network StudiVZ
. This app asks
users for personal opinions about contacts. While
testing this app, we were asked questions such as “Do
you believe Henry has enough sex?” or “Do you think
Henry had been in jail anytime?” about a user named
Henry (name substituted).
These are simple questions but obviously nobody
would like respective answers be publicly available.
The really treacherous issue with this app is that users
are tricked into providing information about others by
gaining a certain amount of chips when entering this
data. This virtual currency can be used to buy an-
swers their “friends” have provided about the user in
the same app. So there is a kind of interest in getting
chips to learn what others think about you. Unfortu-
nately the app allows answering these questions even
if the other person is mostly unknown. This was the
case for Henry, who was a bogus person, but already
made new friends and for those Henry already could
answer those questions. Unfortunately, to the best of
our knowledge there exists no approach that may pro-
tect users from being sniffed out in such a way.
2.7 What does the User do Outside the
Despite the vast amount of user data collected within
a social network already, the world’s number one so-
cial network Facebook opens up methods to gather
user data from outside the network, too. Therefore
Facebook established the Like Button. It enables In-
ternet users to “like“ and thereby share web content
by just clicking a button. Consequently, the inhibition
threshold to share information that way is extremely
low. However, the idea behind the Like Button is as
great as scary. Integrating the Like Button, which is
hosted at Facebook, into some website Facebook re-
ceives information about every entity accessing the
website. This information contains the IP address, the
previously visited website (referrer-URL), timestamp,
browser id, etc. If the accessing person is logged onto
Facebook at the same time, the Like Button displays
other users who also liked this website and Facebook
gets the identity of the accessing user, too. Anyway,
Facebook receives all information mentioned whether
or not the accessing entity is a Facebook user. Hence,
there are still privacy risks since the accessing entity
may be identified by existing cookies, the IP address
or the browser used. In addition, the Facebook shar-
ing analyse tool, which can be used for free by every-
body, determines the number of likes of any website
implementing the Like Button.
Obviously, Internet users could also share infor-
mation and comments by email like they have done
before Facebook, but using the Like Buttons is much
easier and faster. The only difference is, that Face-
book now also knows, which Internet content some-
body consumed and what Internet users think about
a website or any other content inside and outside the
social network. With more than 500 million active
users and roughly two million websites said to im-
plement the Like Button, Facebook slowly but surely
registers a large part of the worldwide Internet usage.
As all roads lead to Rome in the real world, it ob-
viously seems possible that all clicks in the Internet
shall lead to Facebook in the future.
2.8 Collecting Data of Unregistered
Meanwhile social networks have started collecting
any data possible, even of persons who are not reg-
istered at the platform. Beside using the Like Buttons
for such purposes, contact importer tools offered by
the social networks are of prominent use. These tools
access contact data available in Microsoft Outlook, on
the iPhone or in MySpace to autonomously search
for platform users with respective data. By that,
these tools transfer any contact data like addresses and
phone numbers to the platforms even though affected
people are not registered users. Moreover, affected
people are neither informed about usage of their con-
tact information nor asked for permission to do so.
Here the respect for someone’s privacy is completely
at the responsibility of the user granting access to con-
tact data. It further is at least questionable whether
such application already contradicts the law. Even if
this approach is yet hard to understand, the user par-
tially has to provide the password required for access-
ing the email account. It seems almost incredible that
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
people not even realise they are offering access to all
emails stored in the account, too.
The phenomenon of social networks clearly indi-
cates that privacy enhancing technologies for Internet
use as researched in the past are becoming useless.
Encrypting data when communicating, or restricting
user data revealed when using Internet services does
not help if the data is voluntarily provided and ac-
cessible in social networks. Also techniques (Maaser
et al., 2008; Cranor et al., 2006) based on P3P and
APPEL, which allow to restrict information to be re-
vealed to service providers or at least to inform ser-
vice users about what data is collected and for which
purpose, are not the correct means to deal with the
privacy risks stemming from social networks. Even
though fair informationabout kind and amount of data
gathered would be a step into the right direction, our
experiences clearly show that as long as social net-
works have no additional gain or legal restriction, they
will restrict usage of privacy protecting technology to
a very minimum.
Since this is work in progress we currently evalu-
ate available as well as novel technical approaches for
privacy aware usage of social networks. Technolo-
gies which might enhance privacy protection within
social networks are distributed profile management
as well as different strategies and tools enabling sys-
tems to configure several privacy profiles automati-
cally. Distributed profile management as presented in
(Langend¨orfer et al., 2004) may get rid of the neces-
sity to have all user data centrally handled and stored
in the social network. Instead, the communicating de-
vice used to access the network may negotiate fair in-
formation exchangewith the platform. Likewise auto-
matic assurance of individual privacy profiles of sev-
eral users at the same time, as supposed for applica-
tion in pervasive environments(Ortmann et al., 2008),
may be a potential research domain. Obviously the
most difficult part is to deal with the mass of users
a social networks usually have. As a start, grouping
users with similar privacy requirements may offer a
chance to restrict exchange of data between different
user groups as well as between groups and the social
network according to the privacy regulations set for
each group.
Of course, we are aware of the fact that even ad-
vanced privacy preserving technologies cannot pre-
vent from disclosure of private data by other Internet
users. In addition to researching novel technical so-
lutions, here we clearly consider the social network
provider and legislative organs to accept the respon-
sibility of protecting privacy of Internet users. There-
fore regulations forcing social network providers to
adhere to privacy ethics and rules, e.g., as defined in
(International Working Group on Data Protection in
Telecommunications, 2008), must be declared. How-
ever, we strongly believe such privacy regulations to
be achievable by means of law only.
In current ongoing work we have investigated the
terms and conditions, the default privacy settings, as
well as the type of offered apps and the data ex-
change more or less enforced by social networking
platforms. Our research clearly shows that users of
social networks are left alone when it comes to pro-
tecting their privacy. To provide evidence of our key
message saying that social networks know everything
about their users, we have presented the true detailed-
ness of data gathered inside and outside of state of
the art social networks. Currently available privacy
protecting technologies, if applicable to social net-
works at all, clearly favour the platform providers, so
the users are more or less tied to the rules dictated
by providers. This is really unfair given the technical
skills and awareness of the standard Internet user and
the platform providers. However, what worries most
are three facts:
First, the big players in the social network mar-
ket, first of all Facebook, have started several ap-
proaches to gather data of unregistered Internet
users as well, e.g., by hosting Like Buttons and
providing contact importer tools.
Second, social platform providers do not clearly
state privacy risks, especially about threats com-
ing from additional means to collect and infer in-
formation from data voluntarily provided by the
Third, the amount of information, platform
providers can access directly and indirectly, can
only be guessed. Even though, we do not know
for sure for which purpose the platform providers
are using the user data.
The ultimate advice we can actually provide is,
think twice before revealing data, when in doubt do
not provide it. When asked for more data become
suspicious and even more careful, and never ever re-
veal data of friends, relatives, etc. Given our research
results we are sure that protecting privacy cannot be
solely achieved by technical solutions. We consider
THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON USER PRIVACY - What Social Networks Really Learn about their Users!
future privacy protection a multi disciplinary task. It
requires expertise in social sciences, jurisdiction and
computer science. We sketch what these disciplines
can contribute to better privacy.
Social Sciences. The attitude towards privacy is cur-
rently changing. People are less concerned about
providing their own data. Here social sciences can
contribute by again rising awareness of what people
might lose when providing data to others. To achieve
this goal, potential and real consequences of sloppy
privacy treatment need to be collected, summarised
and reported.
Jurisdiction. The legal setting of terms and condi-
tions should be analysed and new guidelines should
be generated, which indicate a stricter handling of
user data and are backing up the users’ rights. In ad-
dition clear definitions are required on how sessions
have to be protected. Finally, instead of mere guide-
lines for fair information practises, unified, standard-
ised legal conditions and privacy rules need to be es-
tablished across country borders.
Computer Science. Here two research directions
seem to be very promising with respect to better pri-
vacy. First it would be a significant improvement if
users become aware of what information can be in-
ferred alongside usage or when revealing additional
data. A tool which goes in that direction has been
researched in (Ortmann et al., 2007). To generate the
required information data mining tools can be adapted
to provide the basic information. Then a tool for data
deduction out of the provided and retrieved data needs
to be developed. An open point here is whether plat-
form users will be able or allowed to access all data
required to do proper data retrieval and on top of that
to deduce of potentially revealed data when provid-
ing additional data. Second decentralising social net-
work platforms, as announced in the Diaspora project,
would for sure reduce privacy risks since no single
entity is in possession of all the user data. Conse-
quently, information inference from user data is much
more difficult. For such purpose, we have patented an
approach enabling fair bilateral information exchange
that does not favour certain entity. Privacy of users
of Peer-2-Peer based services, as decentralised plat-
forms would provide, can significantly gain from such
an approach. The open technical question is whether
or not such a distributed social network can provide
the service, platform users expect. The other ques-
tion is rather political or just business related. Would
existing platforms allow such a new system to grow?
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies