Ultilizing Social Spaces and Mixed Reality in Academic Environments
Larysa N. Nadolny
Professional and Secondary Education Department, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Extended Learning, Virtual Worlds, Social Networking, Augmented Reality, Serious Games, Blended
Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of extended learning through the addition of emerging social technology
in academic environments. In order to address the technological advances and learning spaces of the next
generation, it is imperative for higher education institutions to take advantage of the tools used by students
today. Suggested technological applications include social networking, immersive gaming, augmented
reality, and virtual worlds. Discussion includes methods for integration and sample applications.
Advances in technology have lead to a generation of
students continuously connected to friends, family,
work, and learning. Higher education institutions
need to embrace these technological learning spaces
in order to reach students with new skills and
A necessary shift must occur from the use of
technology to recreate current classroom spaces in a
digital world, to “extending” the classroom into
social spaces. Unlike traditional blended or online
courses, extended learning takes advantage of the
tools of the next generation in their native
In the field of educational technology, the term
blended learning refers to the combination of face-
to-face and online components. Blended learning has
the advantage of combining the most successful
elements of face-to-face interactions with the
interactivity of web technology (Osguthorpe and
Graham, 2003).
Unfortunately, few courses take the best of both
worlds approach. Static lectures and text-based
activities do not elevate student learning, yet are
frequently use in blending learning environments
(Benson and Anderson, 2010). Successful use of
this approach is dependent on a flexible pedagogical
style in addition to training and expertise in
technology (Osguthorpe and Graham, 2003).
In addition to lack of education on best
practices, this method is historically focused on less
interactive learning and course management tools
(Ocak, 2011). These 20
century tools do not take
advantage of the native skills and technology
available to the next generation of students.
In the United States, those born after 1981 are the
millennial generation (Howe and Strauss, 1991). A
generation where technology is a part of life, not an
exciting invention to be explored. A generation with
an expectation to be connected at all times to
friends, family and information.
This is a global change in the way younger
students work and play. According to a 2010 survey
in the United States, 88% of teens use social
networking tools every day (Junior Achievement /
Deloitte, 2009). The trend continues in Europe, with
68% of teens reporting that they spend the majority
of their online time on social networking and instant
messaging sites (Cross Tab, 2009). This connection
is expected to continue to the workplace. When
asked about future job offers, 58% of teens will
consider social networking access or restrictions
N. Nadolny L..
EXTENDED LEARNING - Ultilizing Social Spaces and Mixed Reality in Academic Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0003403001480151
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 148-151
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Junior Achievement / Deloitte, 2009). This
generation is learning and leading through constant
technology innovation.
Extended learning is the use of emerging technology
to reach students in their formal learning and social
lives. This approach takes blended learning to a new
level, with real time access to expertise and
information in a variety of settings.
As with blended learning, a focus on best
practices is imperative to success. Technology tools
and online spaces must be included only for an
obvious advantage for the learner. Faculty must also
be training and frequently updated on new
Many excellent tools currently exist but are
underutilized by educators. The following selection
of commonly used and emerging technology will
provide quality examples for extended learning
4.1 Social Spaces with Technology
Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace are all based upon
communities of users who share the same interests.
Users contribute, read, explore, and discuss whether
they are in a classroom or a cafe. These are
exceptional tools for students to continue the
classroom conversation beyond school walls.
Large course management providers have begin
to integrate social media spaces using tools such as
ConnectYard. This module can be integrated into
campus systems (e.g. Blackboard, Desire2Learn,
Moodle, Sakai) and students can indicate which
social application to connect to the course
TWHistory (Figure 1) is an excellent example of
highly detailed academic information through social
media. Using Twitter, a team of professionals re-
enact historical events. The enactments are
historically accurate, authentic, and require student
4.2 Immersive Gaming
The use of games in education has been explored for
many years. Unfortunately, few games are created
with education in mind. Educational games that do
exist face their own challenges, including training of
instructors and technical requirements (Ketelhut and
Schifter, 2011).
Today’s game-based learning does not require a
classroom or supervising instructor. Games
Figure 1: TwHistory, a website using Twitter to re-enact
historical events. Courtesy of TwHistory.
consoles such as the Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation
are household names. With billions sold worldwide
(e.g. 76,900,000 Wii consoles), students have access
to a more immersive learning environment in their
The recent release of controller-free
entertainment is a tremendous development for
education (Figure 2). Educational applications could
include assisting students in creating their own
molecular structures, building complex machines,
and fitness training; all in the safety of their own
Figure 2: EA SPORTS Active 2, a new game for XBOX
360. Courtesy of Microsoft Press Kit.
Although a relatively new development, controller-
free tools are catching on. The Kinect for Xbox 360
sold 1 million units globally in 10 days (Nintendo,
Serious games, games with value other than
entertainment, have been a small market. In order
for educational gaming applications to increase,
pressure must come from the education sector. Just
as textbooks are a major industry for education, so
can be gaming.
EXTENDED LEARNING - Ultilizing Social Spaces and Mixed Reality in Academic Environments
4.3 Augmented Reality
The overlay of virtual objects in real life is called
augmented reality. Objects can be shown to users
using common tools such as computer screens,
mobile phones, or emerging technology such as 3D
The use of mobile phones to augment reality is
an extremely promising tool for education (Figure
3). The technology is already used frequently for
social needs, such as finding a restaurant or home
for sale. The requirements of an internet connected
phone with built-in camera are increasing common.
As with other emerging social applications, the
educational use in these tools is lacking.
Figure 3: View the Berlin Wall using the Layar augmented
reality browser. Courtesy of Layar Press Kit.
4.4 Virtual Worlds
The utilization of virtual worlds in education has
gained a small and dedicated following. With a high
technology requirement and time-consuming
development process, the application in education
has not moved into the main stream.
Although virtual worlds are used as social
spaces, expected improvements in the next few years
will increase the integration of virtual learning in
higher education. The recent development of
browser-based virtual worlds now opens up the
possibilities to take the virtual into the social.
Virtual worlds will be able to run on mobile devices
and computers without the installation of specific
software. In addition to increases in accessibility,
virtual worlds are now able to include “real”
elements in the virtual environment. The new Mesh
import allows for the integration of realistic objects
using design software.
The renewed interested in open source virtual
worlds may address the time and cost associated
with creating a unique space. The software can be
run by university technical support for a minimal
cost, with the major fees associated with design of
purchase of a pre-made objects.
Extended learning has the potential to excite
students and reach them where they live and work.
Higher education institutions that fully embrace this
model of learning in and out of the classroom, will
lead the field in a now consumer drive education
As with other types of technology enabled
learning environments, best practices must lead the
way. Faculty need training and support in
innovative modes of teaching, in addition to time for
curriculum development. This process can be
accelerated by providing technology tools for faculty
to use in their own social lives, therefore providing
real-world training.
Lack of student access to technology cannot be
used as a reason to dismiss emerging technology in
coursework. Rental units and state-of-the-art rooms
on campus can alleviate access issues for some
The students are ready and waiting for educators
to connect with their lives outside of the classroom.
It is now in the hands of administrators and faculty
to seize the opportunity for increased learning and
engagement. What are you waiting for?
Benson, V, & Anderson, D 2010. Towards a strategic
approach to the introduction of blended learning:
Challenges faced and lessons learned. British Journal
of Educational Technology, 41, 6, pp. E129-E131.
Cross Tab, 2009. European Online Safety Survey [press
release], 17 November 2009, Available at:
eases/OnlinebullyingPR_100209.mspx> [Accessed 1
January, 2011].
Howe, N., & Strauss, W., 1991. Generations: The history
of america's future, 1584 to 2069. New York: Harper
Collins publishers.
Junior Achievement/Deloitte, 2009. 2009 Teen ethics
survey [online] Available at:
Ethics-Survey-Exec-Summary.pdf> [Accessed 10
December 2010].
Ketelhut, D, & Schifter, C 2011. Teachers and game-
based learning: Improving understanding of how to
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
increase efficacy of adoption, Computers &
Education, 56, 2, pp. 539-546.
Ocak, M 2011, Why are faculty members not teaching
blended courses? Insights from faculty members.
Computers & Education, 56, 3, pp. 689-699.
Osguthorpe, R. T., & Graham, C. R., 2003. Blended
learning environments. Quarterly Review of Distance
Education, 4(3), pp. 227-233.
Nintendo, 2010. Consolidated Sales Transition by Region.
[online] Available at: <http://www.nintendo.co.jp/
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EXTENDED LEARNING - Ultilizing Social Spaces and Mixed Reality in Academic Environments