Gait algorithm and PI control
Send broadcast
Time (s)
Reception time from the slaves (ms)
Figure 3: Reception times of data coming from slaves.
a propagation delay of 1 ms has been recorded on the
Ethernet network (Figure 2). The network propaga-
tion delay between master and slaves mainly comes
from the switch.
The varying load on the slave CPU is visible on
the receiving times. But in any case, the reception
is well ordered, and the time remaining for the gait
algorithm and control computations is sufficient (8.5
- 10ms).
A distributed control architecture has been developed
for a hexapod robot. The slave element controls a
leg at position level: the PIC-based board allows easy
C programming of the control tasks, and is provided
with an open-source TCP/IP stack compatible with
the C18 Microchip compiler. The master is a PC run-
ning real-time Linux kernel on which an application
has been developed in C-ANSI for leg motion gen-
eration and data synchronization. The resulting con-
trol architecture is very flexible and has several ad-
• The slaves have a generic program: they only
drive three motors and collect real-world data.
This avoids several re-programmings during the
development as it had been the case with a po-
sition controller directly implemented on them.
They just have a specific identification number,
which determines their IP address and data they
have to read from the master global packet.
• Any kind of controller and/or gait algorithm could
be implemented on the master, provided that the
computation is fast enough to stay inside the con-
trol time slice. For example, see (Bombled and
Verlinden, 2010) for a ground detection algorithm
from motors currents sensing.
• Communication hardware is made from widely
spread and inexpensive on the shelf materials,
namely: a network switch, an Ethernet adapter,
and microcontroller boards.
Many thanks to Prof. Y. Baudoin from the Royal Mili-
tary Academy of Belgium for the lending of AMRU5.
Authors are also grateful to the technical staff of the
TMDV Department: R. Berton and K. Nis.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics