The controller of the robot was implemented using
the algorithm (2). To calculate the τ
term of the
control algorithm two approaches were tested: a PD
controller with high gain amplification and a PID con-
troller. The disturbance observer was implemented
using the relation (14) with k
= k
= 25 for which
the cutoff frequency of the disturbance observer is
around 10 Hz for both channels. In order to test the
robustness of the proposed fault detection method the
inertial parameters I
, I
and the parameters l
were departed (decreased) with 5% from their real
values in the equations of the control algorithm and
the disturbance observer.
In the case of fault, the control errors increases in
both joints even when the fault influences only one
joint. When the linear part of the control is a high
gain PD, the fault increases the tracking errors. When
the linear part of the control is PID type the integral
term in the controller compensates the increased load
value, the tracking error converges to zero again (see
Figures 4 and 6).
In the Figures 5 and 7 it can be seen that in both
cases (with PD and PID type linear control terms) the
estimated loads track quickly and precisely the real
value of the loads, hence the generated signals can
be used for fault detection. In both cases the esti-
mated disturbances have similar evolutions in time,
which shows that the disturbance observer has little
dependence on the chosen linear term in the control
law. The increased load is also isolated precisely at
joint level, hence the location of the overload gener-
ated fault can be determined based on the disturbance
observer generated signal.
A fault detection method was introduced for robot
control systems controlled by computed torque-like
control algorithms. During detector design it was
taken into consideration that the friction in the joints
of the robot depends on the load induced disturbance
forces or torques. The residual is generated based
on the estimated load value, by assuming that the
upper bound of the load is known. The proposed
load observer can be implemented with low compu-
tational costs. Simulation measurements showed that
the proposed disturbance observer can precisely es-
timate and isolate the overload at joint level and it
is robust against modeling errors and high frequency
The research work of L. M´arton was supported by
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation schol-
arship for post-doctoral researchers and by the Hun-
garian National Research program under grant No.
OTKA K71762.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics