monitored in real time in parallel to the real
operation. Many other examples that require fail-
safe operation exist, therefore, it make sense to
develop a methodology and a general frame-work
for RTBIST (real time measurements; we name it
real-time-built-in-self-test) of a mixed signal
circuits. Such real time measurements are the basis
for self-awareness of embedded analogue and
mixed-signal circuits. To be able to measure
characteristics of embedded mixed-signal module, a
high precision generator is needed that is simple to
built, requires small silicon area for the
implementation and needs little power for the
operation. Such generator is one bit pseudo random
(PRN) signal generator described in subsection 2.2.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2 the principles of measurements using
pseudo random signal are explained. Section 3 deals
with measurements of high resolution Σ-Δ
modulator using PRN source. Section 4 introduces a
real time measurements of important parameters that
is going on in parallel to the normal operation, while
section 5 deals with implementation of efficient
classification circuit. Section 6 presents one example
and section 7 concludes the article.
The first step to reach or achieve self awareness is to
measure important parameters of embedded mixed-
signal circuit that can be any combination of
interconnected analogue and/or mixed-signal and
digital modules. Generally, to measure
characteristics of such circuit a precision signal
generator is needed with parameters better than the
circuit to be measured. Such signal generator is not
available on chip and would be very difficult,
demanding and expensive to built. In addition,
measured results must be evaluated with high
precision and as fast as possible. Fortunately, on a
mixed signal VLSI circuit a DSP is usually available
and if designed properly it can execute efficiently
the algorithms needed for the evaluation of the
performance measurements in real time.
One possibility to measure the performances of a
high resolution analogue or mixed-signal circuit is to
compare the response of the analogue LTI system
(continuous or discrete time) with digital discrete
time system having the same architecture and equal
coefficients. The system to be measured is high
precision analogue or mixed-signal circuit
implemented on the chip, while reference LTI
system can be implemented on or off the chip in
hardware or in software. If one bit pseudo random
noise (PRN) generator with appropriate
autocorrelation and approx. white PSD is used as a
signal source a high precision and high linearity can
be achieved easily and on a very small silicon area.
2.1 Theory of PRN Measurements
The easiest way to measure analog Linear-time-
invariant (LTI) system (discrete time or continuous
time) is to measure its transfer function in
frequency domain. Such measurements require
precision sine-wave generator and narrow
bandwidth signal or spectrum analyzer or
calculation of the FFT coefficients. Usually a
precision sine-wave generator is not available on-
chip and the measurement need a long time because
the transfer function must be measured at several
different frequencies and amplitudes. Theoretically,
the time needed for the measurements could be
reduced measuring the response
hn to the unit
delta pulse
. In this way, all information of the
LTI system would be obtained in one measurement.
Unfortunately, the method is difficult to use
because it requires huge dynamic range of a system
or the response is covered by the noise and it is
therefore not practical.
Applying Pseudo Random Noise signal (PRN)
with appropriate amplitude and approx. white
spectrum and Gaussian probability density function
(PDF) to the input of an LTI system (Couch, 1993
and Pan, 1997) provides the opportunity to measure
the response
hnof the LTI system. If mixed-
signal LTI is running in parallel to the reference
(digital) LTI as suggested on Figure 1 the
difference between two LTI systems could be
measured efficiently. Input signals are the same for
both systems (with possibly slightly different gain)
and have noise-like properties. They are shaped by
two, generally different deterministic transfer
hn. Both responses are
exactly the same if transfer functions are the same.
The first response
n corresponds to analog or
mixed-signal discrete or continuous time system
n corresponds to “exact” digital discrete
time system. Both have exactly the same
architecture and equal coefficients. The later is
always nominal because it is implemented in digital
hardware or software with sufficient word-lengths
that the quantization noise of the calculations could
be neglected.