related to the topic. Obvious practical implications
of these investigations illustrate that adaptive and
self-aware issues are the potential research areas for
outer space communication technology. We have
developed a space qualified payload antenna which
is adaptive in nature. Undoubtedly, the realization of
adaptive, self-aware and reconfigurable sub-systems
of the spacecraft not only enhances the reliability but
also lengthen the mission life of spacecraft. The list
of self-aware and adaptive issues of the embedded
sub-systems of satellite spacecraft, mentioned in this
paper gives guidelines to a designer to ensure
corrective actions before it is launched. Here we
conclude that self-aware and adaptive designs are
the most important issues in developing a successful
satellite spacecraft.
There are many avenues for further research.
The first important future work is to measure the
degree of reliability considering the self-aware and
adaptive design issues for the embedded sub-
systems of the spacecraft. One should focus on
related parameters of these issues and explore the
significances in terms of reliability and mission life
enhancement. Another imperative future work is to
consider the adaptive designs in realization of high
power amplifier, attitude control systems, TTC,
propulsion sub-system and on-board processing
systems. Finally, it would be worthwhile to examine
the role of self-aware and adaptive designs in
minimization of failure rate of the sub-system in its
mission life.
The authors would like to thank Indian Space
Research Organization (ISRO) satellite centre, India
and Computer System Laboratory, University of
Turku, Finland for providing necessary support to
carry out these investigations.
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