switch OFF, context changes and network topology
changes. This tool will also provide features (Event
Diagram Editor) to define the generated events in a
sequence. The defined event sequence information
will be stored in a XML file (events.xml) and placed
in the ModellingTool folder. The events.xml file will
have different tags for different events with delay
time information.
The Peces Testing tool will provide support to
execute the applications (each device application
considered as separate JVM) built by the other tools.
The Testing tool will load necessary device related
information from the project.xml file and event
related information from the events.xml file and
display in the Testing tool Multi-page editor page.
Application developers will be able to define
necessary time for the test. All middleware and
application related information will be appended
into a single log file with the specific JVM (with
device name) information and the log data will be
used to visualise and analyse the smart space
One of the main objectives of the PECES
middleware is to provide a cooperation layer that
enables seamless interaction and coordination
among devices in and across smart spaces in a
secure manner. This paper presented a set of tools
which provide support for PECES middleware based
application development. The tools provided support
for device configuration, instantiation, role
specification and service definition. This paper also
outlined a new set of tools which are currently under
development to provide features to model and
simulate the smart space applications. The new set
of tools will provide features for dynamics modeling
testing visualizing the smart spaces. It is the authors’
intention to present at the conference that the tools
already developed as well as the new set of tools
which are currently under development.
The work presented here is sponsored by EC under
FP7 programme (FP7-224342-ICT-2007-2) and
authors also would like to thank all the project
partners for their contributions.
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WINSYS 2011 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems