Cristina Lopez and Jose L. Salmeron
School of Engineering, University Pablo of Olavide, Ctra. Utrera, Km. 1, 41013, Seville, Spain
Keywords: ERP system, Software maintenance, Risk factors, Framework.
Abstract: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is one the most common applications implemented by firms around the
world. These systems cannot remain static after their implementation, they need maintenance. This process
is required by the rapidly-changing business environment and the usual software maintenance needs.
However, these projects are highly complex and risky. So, the risks management associated with ERP
maintenance projects is crucial to attain a satisfactory performance. Unfortunately, ERP maintenance risks
have not been studied in depth. For this reason, this paper presents a framework, which gathers together the
risks affecting the performance of ERP maintenance.
ERP systems are defined as a single software system
allowing the complete integration of information
flow from all functional areas in companies by
means of a single database and accessible through a
unified interface and channel of communication
(Davenport, 1998; Jacobs and Whybarck, 2000; Ng
et al., 2003).
Companies have spent billions of dollars in ERP
implementation. However, ERP projects are never
finished: after the implementation process, the
maintenance starts. Firms must manage
organizational performance with ERP, fixing bugs,
adapting ERP to unstable environments, supporting
new user requirements, and so on. To achieve the
ERP maintenance’s expected results, the ERP and
the business process have to be completely aligned.
If this fails, it will have more damaging
An ERP maintenance project is considered
successful when it is completed within time and
budget and meets ERP users’ expectations (Aloini et
al., 2007) without damage ERP performance. Poor
risk management of ERP maintenance projects often
leads to failure, which can affect the system and the
project outcome (Wallace et al., 2004). However,
ERP maintenance failures can be prevented if the
maintenance team manages risks projects properly.
In contrast, ERP maintenance risks research is
scarce in the literature. In fact, the literature only
brings together three risks in the maintenance phase
and these derive from insufficient and inappropriate
personnel. Specifically, these three risks are:
“insuficient training and reskilling of the IT
workforce in new technology”, “insuficient
‘internal’ expertise” and “failure to mix internal and
external expertise effectively” (Sumner, 2000).But,
there are more risk factors that affect successful ERP
maintenance projects.
To support the professionals’ work, we have
realized a formal study about risks which threaten
the ERP maintenance process. Specifically, we have
identified the risk that threatens the maintenance
process of any ERP system. Subsequently, we have
stated which ERP maintenance phase is threatened
by each risk. The results indicate where the
maintenance team must focus on treating and
mitigating the risks and threats.
Different risks could affect the whole ERP
maintenance project. The risks lists for IS/IT,
software development and maintenance projects are
not completely fit to ERP maintenance because the
above frameworks are very general and do not take
into account the features of ERP systems. Therefore,
it is necessary to create an ERP maintenance risks
Lopez C. and Salmeron J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003407802010204
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 201-204
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
classification. With this in mind, we followed the
steps indicated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Steps followed in the creation of ERP
maintenance risks framework.
Similar studies have used a variety of
methodologies to identify risks. A critical literature
review is a widely-used methodology in the
literature. Steps 1, 2 and 3 are based on a broader
literature review of software risk management. In
step 1, we find papers about software development,
software maintenance, IS/IT projects and the ERP
projects which identify and/or classify risk factors.
To do so, we consulted through databases such as
IEEE-Xplore, ScienceDirect, Emerald Management
Xtra., SpringerLink databases, among others. The
criteria followed to select papers were:
1. The studies have to contain the term "Risk
Management" in the title, abstract or keywords.
2. The studies have to contain one of the following
expressions in the title, abstract or Keyword:
"Project IT/IS", "Software Development",
"Software Maintenance" or "ERP".
3. The studies have to identify the risks clearly.
4. The time horizon was not limited. Thus, all
target studies were collected and reviewed.
Altogether 20 papers (Aloini et al., 2007; Batista
et al., 2005; Boehm, 1991; Chen and Huang, 2009;
Cule et al., 2000; Dekleva, 1992; Han and Huang,
2007; Huang et al., 2004; Houston et al., 2001; Keil
et al., 1998; Lientz and Swanson, 1981; Lu and Ma,
2004; Mursu et al., 2003; Peng and Nunes, 2009;
Scott and Vessey, 2002; Sherer, 1995; Sumner,
2000; Wallace et al., 2004a; Wallace et al., 2004b;
Zhou et al., 2008) were found in the search. The sum
of all risks identified in these studies added up to
681 risks. However, many risks are identified by
several papers. So, in step 2, the risks factors were
checked removing duplicates. The result was a list
made up of 313 risks. In step 3, we eliminated those
risks which do not affect ERP maintenance. For this
purpose, we carefully analyzed the activities address
to perform the changes required in the ERP system
and the risks included in the list together. The
preliminary list was made up of 25 risks. These were
renamed and adapted to the study’s scope.
Given the absence of studies on ERP
maintenance risks, it was possible that the
preliminary list of risks did not bring together all
ERP maintenance risks. Moreover, the list had not
been validated. So, we consulted 9 ERP maintenance
experts. The optimal number of experts depends on
the characteristics of the study itself. We can,
however, say that the greater the heterogeneity of the
group, the fewer is the number of experts
recommended, 9 being a good size (Okoli and
Pawlowski, 2004). The main selection criterion
considered was recognized knowledge in the
research topic and an absence of conflicts of interest.
Figure 2 shows the profile of consulted experts.
Figure 2: Experts profile.
In step 4, the experts checked the preliminary list
and added 5 further risks. Thus, we obtained the list
of ERP maintenance risks. In steps 5 and 6, the risks
brought together in the list were categorized. This
consists of grouping the risks identified according to
their characteristics. The dimensions have been often
fixed depending on the factor that causes the risks.
Notwithstanding, it is also important to know what
the risks affect.
The aim of this stage is to identify the risks that
threaten the process of the ERP maintenance.
Therefore, it is useful to classify them according to
the process stage that is most likely to affect the
risks identified. In other words, each risk was
classified in the maintenance stage whose
performance is threatened by it. To do so, in step 5
we classified the risks, according to the IEEE std.
1219 (IEEE, 1998). The result was a preliminary
framework of ERP maintenance risks. Finally, in
step 6, ERP maintenance experts reviewed and
corrected the abovementioned preliminary
framework. When all experts accepted it, we
obtained the ERP maintenance risks framework.
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 1 presents the framework created of ERP
maintenance risks. No previous research have
established a framework in which ERP maintenance
risks are classified depending on the process phase
whose performance can be affected. This result
allows professionals to understand the situation
better and to take action on every risk group.
In recent decades, companies across the world have
implemented ERP systems. Proper ERP
implementation has been a much explored issue.
Specifically, numerous papers have presented the
critical success factors in these projects. But even
when the implementation finished satisfactorily,
success in ERP adoption is not guaranteed. It also
depends on the effectiveness process in the post-
implementation ERP systems.
The maintenance of the ERP is necessary to
correct and prevent systems failures as well as to
enhance its performance and adapt continuously to
the system. Nevertheless, this is often managed
intuitively and without taking into account the
existing risks. In contrast, risks management in IT
projects is a common practice because it decreases
failure probability. In this sense, the managers need
to know what risks threaten their maintenance
projects. In spite of this, the risks that affect the
maintenance of ERPs have not been studied
Given this gap existing in the literature and the
professional needs, the aim of this research was to
identify the risk factors that threaten ERP
maintenance performance. With this in mind, we
devised a framework. It contains 30 risks factors
classified according to the maintenance phase that
they influence.
The findings of this study can also help the
professional to achieve effective risk management in
the whole ERP maintenance. But they should obtain
more information about the risk in this purpose.
Specifically, the professionals need to know which
risks are critical, medium or marginal. To do this,
we think that, in future studies, aspects of critical,
medium and marginal risks of ERP maintenance
should be identified. On the other hand, the
professionals also need to know how the risks arise.
In this sense, we believe that studies about the ERP
maintenance risks dimensions are also necessary.
Table 1: Framework of ERP maintenance risks.
Unstable organizational environment
Conflicting ERP requests
Continuing stream of requirement changes
Inadequate requirements prioritization
Wrong management/selection/control
external parties (consultants, ERP vendors,
ERP system users are reluctant/reticent to
the changes
Analysis Evaluation of performance requirements
Inadequate ERP maintenance manager
Wrong ERP project resources/size
Wrongly-fit ERP system with pre-existing
Design Miscommunications or misunderstanding
of the requirements
Conflict and non-cooperation between
ERP maintenance team members
Team members lack skills/
knowledge/experience required by ERP
Incorrect choice of the ERP modules
Specific competence of ERP consultants
Implementation Changing structure/processes/ tasks ERP-
adopting organization
High turnover within ERP maintenance
ERP maintenance team members are
unmotivated/ not committed
Inadequately-trained ERP maintenance
team members
Quality of original programming
Poor establishment of standard process/
procedures /methodology
ERP project milestones not clearly defined
Excessively-complex procedures
system testing
Inadequate measurements/
tools/technology for test/
Lack of proper tests
Managers and/or employees do not
cooperate the maintenance project
Poor establishment of ERP quality
Delivery Lack of training of ERP users
Poor documentation for support of ERP
The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Technology (MICINN-ECO2009.
12853) and the Andalusian Regional Government
(CICE-P07-SEJ-03080) for their financial support.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business