Zhang Zenglian
School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
Keywords: Commercial bank, Personal loan, Credit risk evaluation, Apriori.
Abstract: Guard against financial risks, reduce bad loans, increase the ability to identity risk of commercial banks, the
key is risk warning. In view of the increasing proportion of personal loans in banking business, it is
particularly important to warning personal loans credit risk. Commercial bank lending itself is a complex
nonlinear system, using general linear theory is difficult to objectively reflect the laws of this, this paper
uses association rule. Personal loan credit index first constructed, and then use apriori algorithm to extract
rules. Results showed that apriori algorithm plays an important role in identifying risk in personal loans.
With China's rapid economic development, financial
markets are maturing and mature, the phenomenon
of individuals as financiers to participate in financial
markets has become increasingly common.
Experience from the commercial banks, if we can
properly address the credit risk management and
control, personal loans will be a rewarding business.
Individual loan risk management includes three
aspects: risk assessment (ie assessment of the
applicant's repayment ability and credit repayment to
decide whether to grant the loan), repayment
tracking, breach of contract, in which risk
assessment is essential. At present, relevant
information based on the applicant to rate, but also
the relevant rules need to decide whether to grant
loans. I let historical data of personal loans default,
use Apriori algorithm to extract association rules for
credit risk of personal loans.
For construction of early warning model of credit
risk, current methods are widely used multiple
discriminant analysis (MDA), logistic regression
discriminant analysis, neural network analysis and
other methods. Altman (1968) developed credit risk
Z-score model determined by a number of variables
(Altman et al., 1977), Martin (1977) used Logistic
and the MDA method to predict bank failures
(Martin D., 1977), Ohlson (1980) used Logistic
analysis the relationship between two types of
bankruptcy errors and split points, and achieved
certain results (Ohlson J., 1980). In recent years,
neural network technology as a self-organizing,
parallel processing and fault tolerance, etc., more
and more people's attention, Turban (1996)
discussed the neural network in the bank loan credit
risk management applications (Altman et al., 1994),
most research results showed that neural network
was superior to traditional statistical methods (Dan
and Mark, 2000). In China, represented by Wang
Chunfeng scholars used linear discriminant method,
logistic discriminant analysis and neural network
models and other methods to assess commercial
bank credit risk (Tian Chunyan, 2006). However,
these studies focused on business loans, commercial
banks cannot meet our need for personal loan default
Based on the above considerations, this paper
uses Apriori algorithm for credit risk analysis of
personal loans in commercial banks. Association
rules for market basket analysis first, this article will
introduce it to the field of risk assessment
information in order to tap the personal loans of
commercial banks, the most significant association
rules, and analyzes the interaction between the
Zenglian Z..
DOI: 10.5220/0003413101290134
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 129-134
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Commercial bank personal loans default risk
warning model is to analyze the characteristics of
individual loans to impact on the probability of
default. Dependent variable is whether the breach of
contract, 1 default, 0 compliance. Default means an
individual cannot repay the loan principal and
interest on due, including subprime loans, doubtful
loans and loss loans. Subprime loan is borrower's
repayment ability apparent problem, totally
dependent on their normal income cannot guarantee
full repayment of loan principal and interest, even if
the guarantee may also cause some loss; Doubtful
loan is borrower cannot full repay the loan principal
and interest, even if the collateral or security, but
also sure to cause greater loss; Loss loan is taking all
possible measures and all necessary legal
procedures, the loan principal and interest is still not
recovered, or can only recover a very small part.
Compliance refers to a personal debt to maturity,
including the normal loans and interest loans.
Normal loan is the borrower to fulfill contract, there
is not enough reason to doubt the timely and full
repayment of loan principal and interest. The interest
loan is although the borrower has ability to repay the
loan principal and interest currently, but there are
some possible negative impact factors on the
repayment. To understand default standards, the key
is to grasp the core of possibility. Different levels of
inherent loans risk, the repayment probability is
different. The classification of loan risk divided into
the breach of default and undefault by the possibility
of repayment, and in order to reveal the true value of
the loan.
Personal loan risk including: qualification of
unqualified borrowers; borrowers to apply the
information false or non-compliance or not
complete. Personal credit information system is not
perfect now, banks cannot fully assess the
borrower's credit and solvency, the borrower may be
intentional fraud, fraudulent bank loans through
forgery of personal credit information, the bank
suffered financial loss; Risk posed by repayment
ability of borrowers reduce. There are many
personal loans are long-term loans, the borrower’s
repay ability decline is very likely to occur, could be
transformed into the bank's loan risk. Personal loan
default factor is related to characteristics of
individual loans, including age(A), education
level(B), length of service(C), residence(D), family
income(E), loan income ratio(F), credit card debts
(G), other debts(H), sex, the value of fixed assets,
loan term, whether mortgage, the family structure.
Education levels are usually inversely proportional
to the individual loan default, the higher the
education level, the smaller the likelihood of default;
The relationship between age and the default may
change with age; the higher length of service, the
probability of default should be smaller; The longer
the Living, the possibility of default should be
smaller; the higher family income, the probability of
default should be smaller; the higher loans income
ratio, the probability of default should be higher; the
more credit card debts, the higher probability of
default; the higher other debt, the more likelihood of
default; Women prefer stable, less likely to select
default than men; The more value of fixed assets, the
probability of default should be smaller; the longer
the loan period, the greater the likelihood of default;
The higher value of collateral, the smaller likelihood
of default; usually the more stable family structure,
the smaller likelihood of default.
Association rules is to identify the data at a time or
things will appear: If item A is a part of the event,
the item B also appears in the probability of event
X%. Association rules with a specific set of
conditions linked to conclusions. Association rules
algorithm to automatically find those visualization
techniques can be found through the association,
such as web nodes, the advantage may exist in the
data associated with any attribute, it tries to find out
the number of rules, each rule can draw a
appropriate conclusions; The disadvantage is that it
can be very large, in an attempt to find model search
space, will cost a long time. It uses a generation-test
method to find the rules - simple rules originally
generated, and was the data set proved to be
effective. Good rules are stored, all the rules are
subject to different constraints, and then be
specialized. Specialization is a condition of
accession to the rules of procedure. These new rules
are then the data proved to be effective, then the
process is repeated to store to find the best or the
most significant rules. Users often a prerequisite for
the number of rules that may make some restrictions.
Or an effective indexing mechanism based on
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
information theory based on various technologies,
the existence of many rules is often used to
compress the search space. This process generated
by the map displayed the best rules, but this set of
rules cannot be directly used to predict, because
there are many rules to different conclusions.
Obtained by the association algorithm called
association rule model is not refined.
Let I={i
, i
, ..., i
,} is the set of all items, D for
the services of a project database transaction is a
subset of T(TI). Each transaction has a unique
transaction identifier Tid. Let A be a set composed
by the project, called the item set. Transaction T
contains itemset A, if and only if AT. Minimum
support minsup association rules under which the
user must satisfy the minimum support, it represents
a set of items set in the statistical sense of the need
to meet the minimum. Minimum confidence
minconf association rules required that the user must
meet the minimum confidence, which reflects the
minimum reliability of association rules. Association
rule mining is to find a transaction database D, given
by the user's minimum support minsup and
minimum confidence minconf of association rules. If
the item set support given by the user more than the
minimum support threshold (minsup), the set is said
to frequent itemsets or large item set. Association
rules in two steps: the minimum support threshold
based on data set D, find all the frequent itemsets;
under frequent item sets and minimum confidence
threshold to generate all association rules. There are
many association rule algorithm.
Apriori algorithm can only handle character
variables and outcome variables. Because of its only
character attributes, you can use a subset of
intelligent technology to accelerate the search speed.
It provides five methods for rules choice, using a
complex index of programs to effectively handle
large data sets. In the implementation of the node
before the field type must be fully instantiated. It can
keep the number of rules there is no specific limit,
can handle up to 32 premises in the rules. Apriori
algorithm uses hierarchical order of the search loop
method (also called the search step by step iterative
method) produces frequent itemsets, which uses
frequent k-item set to explore generate (k+1)-
itemsets. First, find out the length of one of the
frequent itemsets, denoted L1, L1 is used to generate
frequent 2-collection of itemsets L2, and used to
generate frequent 3-itemsets L3, and so the cycle
continues, until you could not find new frequent k-
itemsets. Lk need to scan the database to find each
one. Obtained using the following formula to
calculate the confidence of association rules.
Which, support_count(AB) that contains the
transaction itemsets AB number of records,
support_count(A) is the set A contains the item
number of records of transactions. Rules of frequent
item sets generated by the algorithm described as
for all frequent k itemset l
2 do begin
in the rules after the pieces, after the pieces
of rule that only one item};
Call ap_genrules(l
Procedure ap_genrules(l
:frequent itemsets, Hm: m
projects of pieces after collection)
if(k>m+1) then begin
for all hm+1H
do begin
if(confminconf) then
output rules l
-hm+1hm+1 with confidence=conf
and support=support(l
For the existence of a large number of frequent
patterns, long-closed mode or the value of the
minimum support is small, Apriori algorithm will
face the following deficiencies: algorithm will spend
a large overhead to deal with particularly large
number of candidate sets; multiple scans the
transaction database, requires a lot of I/O load.
Data from a commercial bank committed to reducing
the loan default rate data, including 700 former
customers of the financial and demographic
information. Credit personal loans will target
variable I, the A to H as explanatory variables, its
use Clementin 12.0 Apriori algorithm of association
rules. Part of the original data in Table 1, the Apriori
algorithm can only handle character variables and
outcome variables, the first of the original discrete
data, discrete criteria in Table 2, the discrete part of
the data in Table 3. By Clementin 12.0 after the
discrete data of the Apriori algorithm, so that the
independent variables in the foregoing paragraph,
the dependent variable for the latter, 10% minimum
support, minimum confidence of 80%, resulting in
the 39 association rules in Table 4.
Table 1: Original data of part commercial banks credit personal loans.
Records age ed employ address income debtinc creddebt othdebt default
1 27 1 0 1 16.00 1.70 0.18 0.09 0
2 24 1 2 1 21.00 0.60 0.03 0.10 0
… …
700 30 1 0 11 17.00 3.70 0.45 0.18 1
Table 2: Discretization criteria of commercial banks credit risk data of personal loan.
age ed employ address income debtinc creddebt othdebt defau
20-25 A1 Pr B1 0 C1 0 D1 1.3-1.9 E1 0.1-1.9 F1 0.01-0.99 G1 0.05-0.99 H1 U I1
26-29 A2 Hi B2 1-3 C2 1-3 D2 2.0-2.9 E2 2.0-3.9 F2 1.00-1.99 G2 1.00-1.99 H2 D I2
30-35 A3 U B3 4-6 C3 4-6 D3 3.0-3.9 E3 4.0-6.9 F3 2.00-2.99 G3 2.00-2.99 H3
36-39 A4 P B4 7-10 C4 7-10 D4 4.0-5.9 E4 7.0-9.9 F4 3.00-4.99 G4 3.00-4.99 H4
40-49 A5 11-15 C5 11-15 D5 6.0-9.9 E5 10.0-15.9 F5 5.00-9.99 G5 5.00-9.99 H5
50-56 A6 16-33 C6 16-34 D6 10.0-44.6 E6 16.0-41.3 F6 10-20.56 G6 10-20.56 H6
Table 3: Part of discrete data of commercial banks credit personal loans.
Records age ed employ address income debtinc creddebt othdebt default
1 A2 B1 C1 D3 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1
2 A2 B1 C1 D2 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1
… …
700 A4 B2 C1 D5 E3 F1 G1 H1 I2
(1) Age has greater impact on credit risk. Rules 1
to 5 by the rules shows that, with age, increase the
solvency of individual credit risk reduction. 4 shows
the 36-39 rule, the customer, with 81.98% degree of
confidence that it will not default on their loans. We
can see from the rule 5, 40-49-years-old client, a
80.84% degree of confidence that it will not default
on their loans. If it is older, and credit card loans is
very low (rule 1), a higher level of confidence is not
in arrears (94.52%).
(2) Education had little influence on credit risk.
Shows that by the rules 6, middle and the following
culture, and credit card loans is very small (less than
100 yuan) customers are 85.31% confidence level
will not default on their loans. This is as expected,
generally considered higher education, the better the
credit. But the data shows that low levels of
education, other debts or credit card loans with little
or less seniority or length of residence, the client's
credit better. This suggests that bank lending, it does
not have to select the highly educated customers.
(3) Years of service have a greater impact on credit
risk. Rules 7-14 shows that with the length of
service growth, increased personal solvency, credit
risk reduction. Rule 9 shows that length of service
among the customers in the 16-33, with 84.48%
degree of confidence that it will not default; shows
by rule 12, length of service among the customers in
the 11-15, with 91.23% confidence level that the Not
in arrears; by the rule 13 shows, length of service
between customers in 7-10, with 81.25% degree of
confidence that it will not default. If the relatively
long length of service, and low levels of education
or credit card loans is very low, no higher degree of
confidence in arrears.
(4) Residence has greater impact on credit risk.
Showing by rule 15-19, as the residence of growth,
increased personal solvency, credit risk reduction.
Rule 17 shows that, when the residence time in
between 16-34 years, with 87.61% degree of
confidence that it will not default; by rule 18 shows,
when the residence time in between 7-10 years, with
85.42% of the degree of confidence that it will not
default. If you live a relatively long period, and the
low level of education or credit card loans is very
low, there are substantial grounds for believing that
it will not default.
(5) Income has greater impact on credit risk. Rules
20-24 show that, as income levels increase,
individuals enhance the solvency and credit risk
reduction. Rule 23 shows that, when the income of
0.06-0.099 million, 81.55% degree of confidence
that it will not default; year income 0.03-0.039
million, 81.25% degree of confidence that it will not
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
default. If the income is relatively large, and the low
level of education or credit card loans is very low,
there are substantial grounds for believing that it will
not default.
(6) Loan income ratio has greater impact on credit
risk. We can see by rules 25-31, loan income is
relatively low, less pressure on individuals to pay,
credit risk reduction. Rule 27 shows, when the loans
than in the 2-3.9 times revenue, 88% confidence
level that it does not default; by rule 29 shows, when
the loans than in the 4-6.9 times revenue, with
84.85% confidence level I believe it will not default;
by rule 31 shows, when the loans than in the 7-9.9
times revenue, with 80.65% degree of confidence
that it will not default.
Table 4: Association rules generated by Apriori algorithm.
Rules After items Before items Support Confidence
1 default = I1 age = A5 and creddebt = G1 10.43 94.52
2 default = I1 age = A5 and ed = B1 11.71 89.02
3 default = I1 age = A3 and creddebt = G1 13.57 86.32
4 default = I1 age = A4 15.86 81.98
5 default = I1 age = A5 23.86 80.84
6 default = I1 ed = B1 and creddebt = G1 30.14 85.31
7 default = I1 employ = C6 and ed = B1 10.14 92.96
8 default = I1 employ = C4 and creddebt = G1 12.86 92.22
9 default = I1 employ = C6 16.29 91.23
10 default = I1 employ = C5 and ed = B1 10.29 87.5
11 default = I1 employ = C3 and creddebt = G1 10.71 85.33
12 default = I1 employ = C5 16.57 84.48
13 default = I1 employ = C4 20.57 81.25
14 default = I1 employ = C4 and ed = B1 11.43 81.25
15 default = I1 address = D4 and ed = B1 11.29 91.14
16 default = I1 address = D4 and creddebt = G1 11.29 88.61
17 default = I1 address = D6 16.14 87.61
18 default = I1 address = D4 20.57 85.42
19 default = I1 address = D3 and creddebt = G1 10.71 81.33
20 default = I1 income = E3 and creddebt = G1 11.29 89.87
21 default = I1 income = E2 and ed = B1 and creddebt = G1 11.43 83.75
22 default = I1 income = E4 and ed = B1 10.43 82.19
23 default = I1 income = E5 14.71 81.55
24 default = I1 income = E3 18.29 81.25
25 default = I1 debtinc = F3 and ed = B1 12.71 91.01
26 default = I1 debtinc = F3 and ed = B1 and creddebt = G1 11.0 90.91
27 default = I1 debtinc = F2 10.71 88.0
28 default = I1 debtinc = F4 and ed = B1 10.14 85.92
29 default = I1 debtinc = F3 23.57 84.85
30 default = I1 debtinc = F3 and creddebt = G1 19.71 84.06
31 default = I1 debtinc = F4 17.71 80.65
32 default = I1 creddebt = G1 54.43 81.89
33 default = I1 othdebt = H2 and ed = B1 and creddebt = G1 10.43 87.67
34 default = I1 othdebt = H1 and ed = B1 and creddebt = G1 11.57 85.19
35 default = I1 othdebt = H1 and creddebt = G1 20.43 83.22
36 default = I1 othdebt = H2 and ed = B1 15.29 83.18
37 default = I1 othdebt = H1 and income = E2 10.14 83.10
38 default = I1 othdebt = H2 and creddebt = G1 17.71 83.06
39 default = I1 othdebt = H3 and ed = B1 10.71 80.0
If the loan is relatively low income and lower
education level, or credit card loans is very low,
there are substantial grounds for believing that it will
not default.
(7) Credit card lending is inversely proportional to
credit risk. Rule 32 shows, credit card loans of less
than 100 yuan, a 81.89% degree of confidence that it
will not default.
(8) Other debts have greater impact on credit risk.
we can see by rules 33-39, the less other liabilities,
credit risk is smaller. When other less debt, and
credit card debt low level of education or less, the
customer usually does not breach of contract.
Unrefined 39 rules by a representative of association
rules modeling the rules found in the node, which
contains the rules extracted from the data
information, these rules are not designed to directly
predict, but to provide useful information on bank
loans . We can see by these rules, the older (more
than 30 years of age), length of service longer, living
longer lives, higher income, low income loans,
credit cards, small loans, other debt a few customers
are high-quality customers. Limited to the index
system of loans and the lack of sample data, this
paper considers only the impact of individual loan
default the main factors. Limited to the index system
of loans and the lack of sample data, this paper
considers only the impact of individual loan default
the main factors. In reality, the credit rating personal
loans banks will also be required to consider some
other factors, such as use of the loans and so on, to
get more objective results. Commercial banks should
be based on their own circumstances, such as market
positioning, risk tolerance and other factors of risk
and establishing early warning model to their own
circumstances, to update the sample database, on the
one hand can provide a more accurate assessment of
the borrower's credit risk, on the other hand can also
be integrated master The Bank's operating status, for
subsequent development banks, the overall planning
and layout to provide information support.
In order to guard against default risk of personal
loans, banks need to spare "three investigations
work", effort to reduce losses caused by information
asymmetry. Asymmetric information easily lead to
adverse selection and moral hazard, therefore, to do
"loans before, loads middle, loans after" three
examinations work, effectively reducing the
information asymmetry caused by the credit default
risk. Investigation stage of the loan, to strengthen the
borrower's eligibility review to ensure the
qualifications of the borrower of the main provisions
of commercial banks; Meanwhile, according to the
borrower to submit proof of income, books, tax
return and other materials, combined with its
occupation, job security and other information on
the solvency of the borrower income and
comprehensive analysis and use of personal credit
information database accurately The borrower's
overall credit evaluation. Strengthen dynamic
monitoring, early warning. Customer's credit rating
is a dynamic change with a variety of factors,
dynamic monitoring of these factors can not only
advance warning, it is important to have sufficient
time to seek countermeasures.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems