Pietro D’Ambrosio
NET FIRST srl, Salerno, Italy
Keywords: Enterprise Information Systems, Legacy Systems, Evolutionary Maintenance, EIS Management, Software
Development Methodology, Enterprise Architectures.
Abstract: The problem of the evolutionary maintenance of large information systems is very critical. The time and
costs required to adapt the system to the market’s evolutive dynamics are no longer compatible with the
objectives of the business. The experimentation, on small-scale, in the laboratory of new technologies and
new methods is ineffective for this type of systems and it is rare that the customer accepts the risk of
innovations in an industrial project. In this paper we propose an intervention strategy and a reference
architecture to transfer, using an approach based on "small steps", innovations obtained from research into
new industrial applications.
The increasing complexity of today's competitive
scenario is frequently associated with social,
organizational and cultural phenomena that
introduce discontinuities and critical issues in the
evolution process of business organizations and their
related information systems.
This results in a significant reduction in the life
cycle of the services provided by the company and
in a growing need for information to be collected
and analyzed in order to take effective decisions.
All this leads to a greater workload for the
information system, to an increased need of
evolutionary maintenance and a progressive
decrease in the quality of the system.
Thus, the time and costs of software
development are no longer compatible with the real
benefits that they bring to the system.
In this paper we introduce a new strategy of
intervention and a new architectural model tested in
an industrial environment to achieve new levels of
effectiveness in the evolutionary development of
complex information systems.
The techniques and the methodology adopted, in
part derived from the study of the Ultra Large and
autonomic systems (IBM, 2006 and Müller et al.,
2009), use an approach based on a logic wrapping of
the existing information system and on the
introduction of new components that enable new
features and add new "perceptual capacities" to the
system as a whole.
More generally, this approach tends to move the
human intervention to a higher logical level in order
to reduce drastically the management and
development costs.
The intervention strategy described in this paper
derives from a series of research activities on tools
and methodologies for software development carried
out by some IT companies and university
departments (D’Ambrosio et al., 2010).
This work also benefits of a series of experiences
gained over the years on industrial projects of
various sizes carried out in situations highly critical
in terms of continuity of service, level of
functionality and security such as banking
information systems.
The heterogeneity of application environments
and technologies that we have met and the constant
need to minimize costs and timing of the project,
suggested a policy of innovation based on "small
steps", with a continuous monitoring of project risks
D’Ambrosio P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003414003570362
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 357-362
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
related to the activities or processes involved with
the innovations introduced.
This constant attention to identify other small
areas of innovation and apply, in real project tasks,
what has been experienced in research activities,
created in our company an innovation "culture" and
a new open attitude that in a mid-long-term period
has undoubtedly produced satisfactory results.
In this sense we believe that our experience may
provide a useful contribution to define a more
general methodology for industrial research
activities on complex information systems. In this
context, in fact, the laboratory simulations and the
demonstration on a small scale performed via
prototypes almost always are ineffective and do not
provide the necessary certainty requested for the
immediate industrial application of technology.
The criticality and complexity of such systems
consists mainly in their large size, in the service’s
continuity requested, in the time and cost needed for
any evolutionary intervention and in the choice of
the best intervention strategy. All these issues are
not really reproducible in simulated environments.
On the other hand, it is unlikely that users decide
to introduce significant innovations (unless they are
required to do so) since it may affect the continuity
of service and increase the cost and time of the
In addition, we have to consider the resistances
raised by the actors of development or business
processes anchored on their consolidated available
skills, by the corporate organizational cultures and
by the natural needs of the business.
This, unfortunately, has created a growing gap
between the availability of new technology and its
industrial transfer and has also significantly slowed
the evolution of this type of information systems.
Over the years we developed an intervention
strategy for gradual introduction of process and
product innovations in development activities and
maintenance of complex software systems.
This strategy, schematically represented in figure
1, is essentially composed of 5 steps:
Step 1. Intuition. Discussion around the
innovation idea. Research hypothesis
formulation. Evaluation of research
hypothesis formulated. Structuring of the
scientific problem. Verification of the
theoretical foundations. Definition of research
objectives and verification criteria for all
results. Project implementation and
development of prototypes.
Step 2. Evaluation of results and definition of
one or more cases of large-scale
implementation of the results to understand
the theoretical limits and the possible benefits
to be obtained. This may result in:
o Obtaining unsatisfactory results. The
process ends here.
o Obtaining partially satisfactory results.
In this case we reaffirm the general
principles, redefine some requirement
and restart the process again from the
step 1.
o Obtaining satisfactory results. The work
continues with the search for a new
project that allows us to introduce one
or more innovative elements derived
from the research.
Figure 1: The proposed methodology.
Step 3. Analysis of innovation in the context of
a real project. Identification of intermediate
steps with the related risk in terms of: i) delay
on the project, ii) implementation strategies
(i.e. the need to maintain in parallel the old
tools and methods), iii) problems of measuring
results. Finding one or more innovation to be
applied in the next project and defining the
expected objectives.
Step 4. Development of the Project. Monitoring
the activities and achievements.
Step 5. Post-mortem analysis of the project.
Refinement of the results. Depending on the
case the process restart from step 3 (on a new
project) or from step 1 (on a new research
activity). Almost always, the feedback stops
at level 3 but it is also inevitable an impact on
upcoming activities that start from step 1.
We verified in recent years that on average it
takes at least three projects to consolidate any
innovation. Moreover, generally the first project to
which we apply the innovation has costs and time
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
higher of previous ones. As a result we tend to
choose small and not critical project to begin a new
experimentation cycle.
The second project has average cost and time
comparable with the previous ones. From the third,
instead, significant results will be achieved.
Almonaies et al. (Almonaies et al., 2010) propose an
interesting overview on strategies to modernization
of legacy systems towards service-oriented
architectures using comparison criteria that take into
account different parameters. Among the other, we
point out the degree of complexity of the system and
the degree of adaptability of the process to the
specific type of system.
In terms of conceptual approach, the four
strategies identified by Almonaies et al.
(Replacement, Wrapping, Redevelopment and
Migration) remain valid for the context of the
evolution of complex information systems, although
in this case, they are not exclusively composed by
the legacy applications and are not necessarily
In the latter case, the reasons for the evolution of
information system can be profoundly different from
those that motivate migrating or rewriting a legacy
system. Indeed they are mainly oriented to overcome
the "unsustainability" of the costs and time for the
evolutionary maintenance of the system in a market
environment characterized by the acceleration of
competitive dynamics and by the drastic reduction of
the life cycles of services offered to customers (as in
the case of large banking systems).
Among the various modernization strategies, we
believe that the less risky, less invasive and more
suitable to our case is the "Wrapping". The types of
information systems we use as a reference, in fact,
consist of systems adopted in large organizations
that have a strategic value to the business and
generally have a good level of code quality.
Moreover, the aim of our present work is not the
modernization of existing components, but their use
as part of a more advanced system.
In our case, the wrapping is not made with the
aim of improving the existing system but to
"encapsulate" it and to extend its functionalities and
its "perceptual capacities."
In this way, we can add new elaborative
processes to the existing ones, intercept and
elaborate the input events and implement new
system features.
More generally, this strategy favors, over the
time, a gradual and natural shift of system gravity
center to the new "application engine”.
Our line of action then provides indications for:
i) implementing a new architecture (which includes
the existing system as "black box"), ii) extending the
perceptive capabilities of the system (monitoring the
events), iii) increasing capacity of self-control
(autonomic-like engine) and, finally, iv) simplifying
the development of business logic (SOA and
workflow based).
The main goal pursued through these strategies is
to move to an higher logical level the human
intervention, whenever possible, thinking in terms of
events, objectives, rules, logic and workflow
services rather than in terms of transactions and
The hypothesis of architecture that we proposed is
derived from a previous experience carried out under
the research project EMAF (D’Ambrosio et al.,
2010) and contains essentially principles drawn from
cooperating agents architecture, autonomic systems
and SOA.
Figure 2: The proposed approach for EIS evolution.
The reference to autonomic solutions is
essentially conceptual, since everything has been
strongly oriented to the needs of targeting
applicative systems.
The architectural scheme, briefly described in
figure 2, depicts the following components:
a network of cooperating agents that
monitors specific behaviours and
environmental or relational events (Sensors);
a main component, inspired by autonomic
system, that handles the rules and the
objectives to satisfy (Hybrid application
a component of web service orchestration for
the implementation of identified actions and
for collecting feedback;
a set of application services for the
management of the new features.
In this architecture we will identify at least four
conceptual levels at which the logic of the process
operates: 1) the agents that monitor events, 2) the
rules and objectives of the autonomic engine
(dynamically changed by the collected feedback), 3)
the workflow system of service orchestrator engine,
4) the specific processing services.
Supporting the development cycle with specific
authoring tools, we can "describe" a good part of the
process at a logical level higher than classical
programming techniques. This results in a
significant reduction in time and cost for
development, testing, and for the future evolutive
maintenance of the system.
4.1 The Filter Component
The filter component in the diagram of figure 2 has
been included only to highlight the need to intercept
the transaction's input received by the system and
translate it into events for the new application
engine. In reality this can be done differently
depending on how the information system has been
The filter can operate in a "transparent" mode
with respect of transactions in the existing system or
it can intercept new transactions that can be
deployed exclusively in the new system.
With respect to existing transactions, if the
system includes a "Front Controller" component, the
solution coincides with that shown in the diagram.
Alternatively events can be taken from a log file
of transactions, captured by a transparent proxy or
even through a simple function to invoke before
each component of the existing information system.
The latter solution is certainly the most invasive
but anyway has a low criticality since it is an
intervention that can also be made automatically.
The main objective of this component, however,
remains that of "listening" the requests sent to the
system and eventually turning them into "events" of
interest for the new application engine.
4.2 The Hybrid Application Engine
This is an event-driven "application engine" based
on autonomic principles (which follows essentially
the structure). In particular, the "Monitor"
component collects and controls events sent from the
filter or from the sensors network and, if necessary,
forwards them to the analysis component.
The sensors network, useful to extend the
perceptual capabilities of the system in the "out of
home" environments (if is present) is implemented
through a system of cooperating agents that process
the events themselves and send them to application
The Analysis component will check which
business rules apply to the treatment of the event.
The choice of rules can be taken in many ways,
especially taking into account a number of state
information related to the environment (environment
variables) and the feedback received from the
execution manager.
In particular, the rules used to decide which
processes to run, are of two types: 1) rule "still
valid" that are evaluated in a predefined order and,
when met, are performed (and therefore more of a
rule can be enforced), 2 ) rules "alternatives" that
are evaluated and weighed, with a fuzzy logic
approach, calculating a truth value for each of them
and choosing the one with the greatest weight (of
course only if it exceeds a certain truth value).
The rules can also use environment variables to
take into account the state of the system and to
contextualize the choices. These rules can be
conditioned (in the calculation of the value of truth)
by the feedback returned by any processing
The "Plan" component is used to schedule the
execution of actions, in the predefined sequence
defined by the selected rule and controls the
outcomes of any action.
The actions are performed using the "Execute"
component that interfaces various "effector" to
manage the internal services execution, the new
applicative features, the feedback and any replies to
be sent to user.
In addition to the use cases developed as part of the
research projects mentioned above, the intervention
strategy described in this work was being applied (at
different levels) in various industrial projects and in
particular for two projects addressed respectively to
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
a banking organization and to a local Public
5.1 Project 1 – Integration of Banking
The first of these projects was oriented to make an
integration between two products for the banking
market: an application for managing transactions on
POS terminals and a multimedia system for the
presentation of geographically referenced data on a
choropleth map (using colorimetric scales for
observe macro phenomena of interest).
We started the industrial application of these
principles with this project because we had the
ability to install both products in the development
environment and did not have critical deadlines.
The goal of this project was to support the user
while interacting with the main application (pos
management) with a series of additional information
automatically displayed on a second monitor.
Figure 3: Functional integration schema.
In particular, this mechanism can be applied to
the analysis and to the statistic functionalities of the
When the user selects a set of data or makes an
inquiry, the multimedia application managed by the
system automatically proposes on the second
monitor a visual representations of data using
choropleth maps (see figure 3).
The idea is to extend this mechanism to the other
applications of the information system in order to
support the operator with additional information
related with transactions running on the main
For example, while the operator performs front-
end operations on a specific account, the secondary
system can display the photo of the customer, the
authorized signatures, alerts or other information to
be notified.
Figure 4 shows a scheme of the integration
model implemented. Let us point out that the
proposed approach produces a substantial
improvement to the existing information system
without making any invasive change.
Figure 4: The integration model implemented.
5.2 Project 2 – Multimedia System
The second project aims to enhance the
functionalities of a web application for the
management of interactive digital communication in
an urban area.
In this case access to the system takes place
predominantly by mobile terminals and local
systems for the "digital out of home" (video walls,
multimedia totems, LCD panels).
Here the functionality to achieve with the project
is the listening of normal requests that are made to
the system A (figure 5) and the analysis of user
related information (the position in the city, the
expressed interests, the history of performed
Based on this information, the system B provides
additional information to standard output provided
by system A in response to user requests
(information, advertisements, notices).
The model of integration of new components
with existing components (briefly described in
figure 5) remains essentially unchanged from the
previous project although they are profoundly
different in the application environment, objective
pursued and type of improvements made.
Figure 5: The integration model implemented in the
second project.
With the increasing complexity of the scenario and
the increasing competitiveness of the market in the
near future we expect a significant "discontinuity" in
technology and methodology adopted for the
information systems development and evolutionary
To make information systems more consistent
with the emerging functional requirements and to
reduce time and cost of their maintenance it is
necessary to adopt evolutionary approaches,
methodologies and tools that are more suited to new
levels of complexity.
More generally, we believe that it is time to
seriously consider creating a new level of IT
infrastructure, shared among multiple organizations,
which can significantly improve the effectiveness of
evolutionary interventions on the large enterprise
information systems.
This new IT infrastructure can ensure new
"levels of transparency" to the system with respect to
processes and events, and go further in the direction
already taken by the service orchestrator engines and
by the event-driven EAI systems.
The overall goal of our approach remains,
however, to reduce human intervention in the
management of the system and in the evolutionary
development, moving this operation on a higher
logical level. In this way we can achieve significant
benefits without introducing new risks and without
compromising the continuity of existing services.
The research has also been carried out thanks to:
The "tomato-WAD" project, designed by NET
FIRST srl and cofunded by the Italian Ministry
of Research. This project aimed to create a
software framework for rapid development of
complex web applications.
The “EMAF” project (Measure 3.17-POR
Campania 2000/2006), an ICT Cluster Project
funded by the Following partners: DMI Unisa,
Gruppo Net srl, Net First srl, Acube Lab srl.
The project had a number of goals including the
introduction of new levels of functionality into
existing information systems and the drastic
reduction in development time and maintenance
of the new components. In addition, this project
had defined an architectural pattern, a
component of run time and some authoring
tools specifically oriented to the introduction of
"Digital out of home" features in the traditional
information systems.
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IBM Corporation 2006. “An Architectural Blueprint for
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Müller H. A., Kienle H. M., Stege U., 2009. Autonomic
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems