José Palma
Mathematics Department, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Martinha Piteira
Informations Systems Department, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Keywords: Activities, e-Activities, Flexibility, e/b-Learning, Motivation, Learning activities, Moodle.
Abstract: On this paper we present a methodology (FlexLearn), which allows flexibility on learning process. Using
this methodology will be possible students to choose frequenting classrooms or online classes. On this paper
we present some rules and procedures, which certainly may provide flexibility on the teacher’s curricular
unity. We also present those we consider to be the best practices to the FlexLearn methodology application
success. On a curricular unity that implements FlexLearn methodology, teacher will be able to provide
instructions, contents and activities proposals, ensuring classroom and online activities students learning.
The activities proposals contents, both for classroom and online students, must be equivalent, assuring the
learning compliance.
FlexLearn methodology will allow learning process
flexibility, in courses that use face-to-face or
blended-learning methodologies. The methodology
will be implemented in the courses that are taught in
Setúbal Polytechnic – High School of Technology.
Through FlexLearn methodology
implementation in courses, students may choose to
attend classroom sessions or alternatively, make
learning activities online without needing to go to
institution, except at agreed intervals. This
methodology will allow students to choose how they
want to achieve their learning, allowing freedom of
With FlexLearn methodology implementation,
teacher should be able to plan his course providing
instructions, contents and activities proposals to
ensure the learning quality, both for students, who
attend regular classes, and for those who choose to
perform only online activities.
The proposed activities are not necessarily
completely separated, although usually they are not
the same for students of both types of participation.
However, they must be equivalent, ensuring that
learning is effective in both modes.
The proposed learning activities, regardless the
format chosen to participate, must:
Be presented effectively (and professionally);
Represent added value to the student in pursuit
of learning goals;
Motivate students;
Use assessment methods that effectively certify
the acquired skills.
To flexibly courses we must analyse if all the
contents of a particular curricular unit can be taught
remotely, as effectively as, the teaching traditional
method. This analyse is important because, there are
some contents with specific characteristics
preventing that learning in e-Learning
methodologies is as effective, compared with the
learning face-to-face methodology.
Bednarczyk and Rudak (2009) refer three
characteristics that make an issue of an academic
field that could not be e-taught (or taught using e-
Learning methods), which means it cannot be
transferred to the Internet without registering losses
Palma J. and Piteira M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003414601520155
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 152-155
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in terms of educational quality (regardless of the
used technology).
A subject isn’t susceptible to e-teaching if to
accomplish their learning, requires interaction
between people (eg, teacher - student, student -
student) and can’t be replaced by the
interaction allowed in an e-learning
A subject isn’t e-education susceptible, if we
demand that students work or have contact
with real materials or tools, which cannot be
replaced by 3D representation systems, or not
be available to everyone in their residence
A subject isn’t e-education susceptible, if it
requires practical skills acquisition or
conducting experiments that can’t be
performed in a virtual environment or in the
student’s residence.
In many curricular units, like mathematics, the
traditional teaching is based on two types of classes:
theoretical and practical. In theoretical classes are
set theorems, demonstrated some of the most
important, results are presented and exercises are
solved to illustrate. Students must complete the
knowledge obtained during classroom, by reading
the manual that includes detailed explanation of the
The mathematics teaching transfer to Internet
based platforms doesn’t involve significant changes.
Lectures in classrooms can be replaced by video or
multimedia objects, incorporating text, sound and
image. In addition, the textbook with detailed
exposition of these matters can still be used. Teacher
and students have at their disposal, in the distance
learning platform, communication tools that allow
the first one to propose activities and monitor its
implementation. Also discussion forums allow
students to put questions and seek for answers, but
they can also answer questions from colleagues, and
this whole process takes place under the supervision
of a teacher.
Another interaction example is the exercises
sending by teacher to be solved by students,
individually or in groups, which should send the
answers to the platform, being accessible to their
colleagues. So this way we simulate the practical
The interaction that is required for mathematics
learning can be effectively achieved through
mechanisms provided by distance learning
platform’s like Moodle.
There has been none of the characteristics that
make it a matter not susceptible to e-teaching, the
math teaching transfer to a remote mode only
requires changes in how it is taught traditionally.
The traditional foreign language classes, English
for example, are based on the reading of prepared
texts in that language, teaching grammar rules and
vocabulary, such as conversation activities between
teacher and students in foreign language.
In this case there are a number of factors, issues
and activities that can be easily transferred to the
asynchronous teaching in e-learning methodology.
Teacher can provide texts, videos or other learning
objects, prepared for distance education that support
and consequently allow us to simulate the performed
activities in language laboratories. Moreover, the
work done by students can be corrected and returned
with comments by teachers using the platform. We
can also implement a set of online tests that allow
students to practice grammar and vocabulary.
However, in foreign language learning some
aspects of interaction between teacher and student
that take place in classroom can’t be effectively
replaced by the interaction allowed by the available
tools on the distance learning platform. In particular
it’s not possible for the teacher, with asynchronous
tools, to make a correction to the student’s
pronunciation. This is only possible in the
classroom, or eventually using a synchronous tool
which may allow real-time dialogue between teacher
and student. However, if we do not intend to use the
synchronous tools, we can assume that in the foreign
language teaching context there are issues or
activities that are susceptible or and others not to e-
In the case of chemistry, in addition to
theoretical knowledge, which can be transferred to
the internet, the chemist has to acquire practical
knowledge. At any given time, students will need to
contact directly with the materials, feel the smell and
viscosity, among others. In addition, they must
contact with the tools used in lab, learning to handle
Thus, as in the case of foreign languages, some
chemistry topics and activities learning aren’t
executable in e-teaching, particularly because
chemistry education requires that students work with
real materials or tools that can’t be replaced by 3D
representation systems and aren’t available for all
students in their residence place.
When we evaluate the subject susceptibility to e-
education, taking into account the second and third
characteristic, we can consider engineering as a
good example. An engineer, besides his theoretical
knowledge, must have practical skills and know the
different types of tools, materials and used
techniques which can’t be learned only through
pictures, video or simulation in virtual
environments. At some point, an engineer will have
to work using tools and in real laboratories carrying
out experiments which may enrich his reality
It’s therefore the teacher’s responsibility to
define contents and activities in each curricular unit,
which are not susceptible of e-teaching, according to
the susceptibility characteristics defined previously.
For all the subjects and activities not susceptible to
e-teaching, student’s presence in the classroom in
moments previously defined must be obligatory.
The teacher should prepare in advance the objects
that will support the activities. A first step is to
define the objectives and competencies to be
acquired by the students, later must be defined the
content and activities that students must accomplish.
Once defined the content and activities, learning
objects should be prepared.
These objects preparation could be an
intimidating task for the teacher. In most cases,
teachers don’t have skills or knowledge to conceive
elaborate interactive multimedia objects, which
require the production interdisciplinary team's
establishment. Given the budgetary constraints and
the large number and variety of curricular units that
make up a course, these teams establishment is
generally unaffordable for the educational
institution. Alternative strategies are required.
We can anticipate some rules that help and
facilitate the task of teaching the resources definition
that will be used in the distance education context:
Objects traditionally used in classroom teaching,
are generally valid in online learning
Textbooks, pdf documents, powerpoint
presentations, are study useful objects, whatever the
mode of teaching.
In addition to traditional objects, for students
who do not attend classes, teachers should
provide video objects with sound and image to
simulate a live class.
There are several alternative strategies to obtain
these objects. The simplest is to search the internet,
on YouTube (www.youtube.com), Teacher Tube
(www.teachertube.com), or in the various learning
objects repositories such as Merlot
(www.merlot.org), or MIT repository (ocw.mit.edu),
any object that meets the requested requirements. In
many knowledge areas such as mathematics, there is
a large videos profusion and other objects that cover
various topics and can be used as part of the course.
Another strategy is to introduce video and sound
in powerpoint which are usually used in the
classroom. This can be achieved by using a tool like
Articulate (www.articulate.com).
You can still turn to tools like HyperCam
(www.hyperionics.com/hc/) or Screencast-o-matic
(www.screencast-o-matic.com), which capturing
sound and image directly from the computer screen
can be used in short explaining videos production of
a particular subject.
Finally, an alternative strategy, with higher costs,
is to directly record the classes, and provide these
videos to students in online mode.
Use the resources provided by the distance
learning platform for the learning objects
The distance education platforms, such as Moodle,
provide a relatively easy to parametrize tools kit,
enabling the teacher, with limited computer
knowledge, parametrize relatively elaborate learning
objects and useful in the teaching process.
Tools like the lesson, wikis, mini-test, forum,
allow teachers to implement and support a
diversified e-activities set.
The FlexLearn methodology is based on the design
courses theory proposed by Beatty (2008) and is
supported on six fundamental principles: possibility
of student choice, activities outlining and
compulsory attendance moments, equivalence,
reuse, support and good practices.
Possibility of student choice: Provide alternative
participation modes and allow students to choose
between different modes
The proposed activities for each participation mode
should be duly proposed and scheduled, providing
students the possibility of choice. Without choice
there is no flexibility.
Activities explanation and required presence
moments: Must be pre-defined the activities and
times when students must necessarily be present
in the classroom
Some activities may require the student’s physical
presence in the classroom, for example to perform a
test or an experiment in the laboratory. The teacher
should explain in the discipline plan the activities
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and times when all students must be present in the
classroom, including students who opt for online
participation mode.
Equivalency: Provide equivalent learning
activities in all participation modes
Alternative participation modes should lead to
equivalent learning. The equivalence, however, does
not imply equality. For example, a forum discussion
on a proposed topic by the teacher may be socially
less rewarding than the discussion on this topic in
class attendance. In each case, notwithstanding,
students should be challenged to reflect on the
learning content, contribute with their ideas for
discussion and interact with their peers.
Reuse: Use the learning objects, specifically
proposed for each type of participation as objects
of learning for all students
Many of the activities that take place in the
classroom can be captured and made available on
the platform. Podcasts, videos, files of presentations
that result from activities conducted in class
attendance can be quite useful for students who opt
for online participation mode. Similarly, the
activities undertaken by students online, such as
those reflected in conversations in chat rooms,
asynchronous discussion forums, work groups,
glossary entries, can be important learning material
for students following attendance mode. Learning
objects that result from activities undertaken by
students in different ways, should therefore be
provided as study elements for all students
Support: The teacher should ensure support
mechanisms for students equally effective in both
modes of participation
In both modes, the teacher should ensure
mechanisms that allow the student to ask and see
their doubts clarified. In present mode, students can
ask questions in class, furthermore, the teacher
usually reserve a time in his schedule to attendance
in his cabinet. For the online mode students, the
teacher should provide mechanisms, such as a forum
for questions or a schedule for chat attendance
where students can ask and clarify their doubts
Good practice: In both participation modes the
teacher must follow a set of procedures that are
identified and accepted as good practice
The teaching quality is largely by the observance of
good practice. The teacher should present the best
appropriate practices to each teaching mode: face-to-
face or online.
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