(frequently changing) implementation details utiliz-
ing description logics and ontologies. Thus, we are
developing a process security evaluation engine pro-
viding operators with insight concerning the current
security status of a process. The engine analyzes the
events consumed or generated by the dynamic busi-
ness process using the integrated security model and
the derived security policies. It is capable of simu-
lating possible execution paths and detecting poten-
tial security breaches in the near future. Trustworthi-
ness of the events to be processed is at the heart of
secure event processing. In ADiWa, we are develop-
ing methods to establish trusted relationships between
event processing components to avoid the overhead
of authenticating each event individually. Plausibility
checks are used to detect compromised components.
In this paper, we provide a very brief overview of
the motivation, progress, and goals of the ADiWa
project. In line with the overall concept, the differ-
ent facets of the research activities deliver a holistic
solution framework that covers the various challenges
in the field of event-based system implementations.
While the described event processing functionalities
increase the needed transparency, the enhanced busi-
ness model design and execution improve the flexibil-
ity of business process adaptations. By that, we aim to
close the gap between technical possibilities and their
business usage and, thus, to demonstrate the business
value of our overall concept. In this respect a deep and
thorough evaluation of the concept and the functional-
ities is our benchmark. Leveraged by our research ac-
tivities, we intend to raise the research field of event-
based system implementations one step higher and to
provide a fertile ground for future research projects.
The project was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research under the
promotional reference 01IA08006. The authors take
the responsibility for the contents.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems