Karim Ouazzane, Muhammad Sajid Afzal, Hassan Kazemian
London Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, U.K.
Jun Li
Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, 19 Silver Street, Cambridge, U.K.
Keywords: Request brokering, Service adaptors, Workflow management, Customized business logic, e-business.
Abstract: The main aim of this research is to develop a robust, reliable, efficient and novel framework by using Web
2.0 technology that will serve as a front and middleware collaboration model between data persistence logic
and operational requests. This framework will serve as a mediation platform for request brokers. It will
provide a high level of abstraction by encapsulating low level details of the system, such as request
handling, request mediation, response handling and service loading. In order to overcome the hard coded
service mapping with interface, there are no customizable business logic and no generic customized
workflows problems. These are the most essential requirements of converting the Small and Medium
Enterprises into one e-business platform swiftly.
In the current era of state-of-the-art cutting edge
technologies, business organizations are rushing to
transform their companies into e-business. Presence
of e-business brightens their chances of winning
market shares by maximizing product availability
and providing related services at convenient and
cheap way to their customers.
However in this race, the e-business growth
pendulum is only swinging one way. This is very
easy to understand by observing today’s business
market. Due to a limited budget, small business
organizations (e.g. local retail shops) cannot afford
costly IT systems and associated
maintenance/administration costs. But despite these
financial constraints, they desperately need
computation to survive and to compete with giant
competitors by expanding their businesses.
Web 2.0 is a second generation design patterns and
business model for web applications. The terms first
coined by (O'Reilly, 2005). Every technology
requires a clear and effective model for representing
its components and the interaction between these
components. Until recently, there has been no
innovative Web 2.0 model which performs
On-demand customization of business logic
and user interfaces.
Request management component.
Dynamic operational request mapping with
the interface.
Encapsulation of standard business logic.
Unfortunately not much has been done by the
research community in building a clear
understanding of Web 2.0 and its application
paradigm. Every technology requires a clear and
effective model for representing its components and
the interaction between these components. Until
recently, there exists no such proper Web 2.0
framework with the features described above. As a
result, a research conducted by (Omar, Abbas and
Bendiab, 2007) proposed the model framework for
defining Web 2.0 components and their relations as
illustrated in Figure 1.
One of the major deficiency of the Web 2.0 model
framework is none presence of request management
mechanism. According to a research conducted by
(Alur, Curpi and Malks , 2001) , request management
Ouazzane K., Afzal M., Kazemian H. and Li J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003417800970102
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 97-102
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Model Framework by Omar, Abbas, & Bendiab
(Omar, Abbas and Bendiab, 2007).
in web-based systems is a two step activity - Action
Management and View Management.
There are only two types of request management
techniques that have been discovered so far. One is
called ‘conventional’ and another is called ‘request
brokerage technique’.
Conventional request management technique is a
technique that is commonly used in traditional web-
based systems. In a conventional technique, request
management is automatically performed by the
application server.
This concept of request management mechanism on
the basis of request broker’s based system
architecture becomes the centre of attraction for
relevant research communities and still gaining
popularity. Request brokerage in service oriented
architectures is an active research area these days,
such as in ACTS/ABS (Architecture for information
brokerage service) (ACTS, 2000) and have managed
to propose some stable models in which a request
can be dispatched to a best suited service(s),
transparent to a user, with the help of request
Web Services are a new emerging web programming
paradigm based on the concept of Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) (Bell and Michael, 2010).
(Howard and Kerschberg, 2004) proposed a
complete framework called Knowledge-based
Dynamic Semantic Web Services (KDSWS).
Another research attempted by (Beck, et al, 2000)
considers the idea of next generation electronic
brokerage for performing active and real-time
functionalities. Request broker model proposed by
(XiaoQin, LinPeng, and Minglu , 2004) is a concept
of agent based web-services platform request
brokers model which is being used in this research
and is actually an extension of architecture for
information brokerage service models proposed in
A research conducted by (Zhao and Tong, 2007) has
proposed a service composition model called ‘A
Dynamic Service Composition Model Based on
Constraints’. This model is not a request broker
based model, but is capable of handling complex
situations. Problems of Web2.0 framework without
request broker are illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Application model framework without request
A review of the current Web 2.0 retail systems that
are built upon existing SOAW2 model framework
has shown the lack of fundamental functionalities
such as on-demand customization of business logic
and user interfaces. A system like ZohoCRM has
shown some capabilities of user interface
customization but it is only limited to the
customization of business reports (A.H.M. van
Limburg, 2010). Furthermore, another important
observation is that none of the current Web2.0 retail
systems is capable of providing on-demand
customization of business logic. This is because of
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the fact that applied SOAW2 model framework does
not support explicit request management. Current
SOAW2 model framework directly exposes user
interfaces to business services that reside inside
resource container. Also, it is crucial to note that the
presence of supporting function between user
interfaces and resource container should be ignored
as they don’t perform any special tasks with the
exception of searching & binding of best suited
services. This direct exposure led to a result in the
form of user interfaces that contain concrete
business services mapping instructions. Due to this
fundamental shortcoming of the framework,
developed systems do not provide on-demand
customization of business logic at run-time.
Moreover the framework does not provide any extra
layer to secure this customized business logic.
Therefore, an investigation is required to propose a
new Web 2.0 framework that will overcome the
current SOAW2 fundamental shortcomings (D.
Gallula, 2009; K. Ducatel, et al, 2010).
2.1 Fundamental Architecture
The proposed model framework is based on SOAW2
and contains fundamental changes in existing
models framework. The fundamental changes
include introduction of effective and intelligent
request broker architecture and the replacement of
supporting functions with service adapters, as shown
in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The proposed model framework.
By taking into consideration the shortcomings of
request management component in Web2.0
framework and a need of effective and intelligent
request brokerage mechanism to handle complex on-
demand sharing and customization problem, a new
architecture of the framework is proposed which
overcomes the inadequacies of the existing Web2.0
framework. The proposed model framework
integrates request broker architecture in between
user interface and resource container. This will
increase the action and view management of the
model framework. It might also provide on-demand
request routing between user interfaces and services
of standard platform. The second important
component in this proposed model framework is a
replacement of supporting functions with service
adapters. This component could avoid any conflict
with SOA principles. Also, in this architecture
workflows are modeled as service adapters.
The supporting functions in the new model
framework are replaced with service adapters.
Service adapter is a new concept of light weight
services and contains implementation of workflows.
In SOA tradition, services are relatively large,
shared, intrinsically loosely coupled units of
functionalities, and have no embedded calls to each
It is debateable that proposed model framework
requires sharing of generic workflows among
different companies (i.e. users) then why can’t
generic workflow be modelled as web services. The
simple answer of this question is that, in proposed
framework, workflows are actually sequential calls
to the services of core platform. Therefore, if
workflows get modelled as web services, it will be a
violation of loosely coupled and no embedded calls
principle of SOA.
To overcome this limitation and to avoid any
conflict with SOA principles, all Workflows
including generic and customized are modeled as
service adapters. On a user processing request, these
adapters are connected with the core platform to
execute the modeled workflows.
2.2 A Layered Representation of the
Layered representation of the framework shown
above is divided into four layers namely
presentation, request management, operational and
core service layers.
Figure 4: Framework Layered Representation.
2.2.1 Presentation Layer
Presentation layer comes at the top and it consists of
a user interface component that is internally divided
into two sub components – generic user interfaces
and customized user interfaces; Generic user
interface component holds the generic set of user
interfaces. These user interfaces shared across the
interested companies. Customized user interface
component holds the set of user interfaces that are
customized for some companies. Presentation layer
of the system is directly exposed to users thus serves
as a gateway to the system. The users use it for
sending data processing requests to the system.
2.2.2 Request Management Layer
Request management layer consists of request
brokers and UI container components. Presence of
the system manager component on this layer
indicates a control and administration. Request
broker component on this layer is responsible for
brokering user’s requests (received via presentation
layer) to service adapters and then brokering back
the responses to the users via presentation layer. UI
container serves as a data storage that holds the
response data.
2.2.3 Operational Layer
Operational layer consists of profile factory, service
adapters and authentication components. Profile
factory component is responsible for holding the
profiles of the client companies. Authentication
component is part of a system security and provides
assistance to the system manager in authenticating
and authorizing users and their respective locations.
2.2.4 Core Service Layer
This layer is core services layer and it consists of
core platform components. It provides the access of
core business and persistence services to the
components that exist within operational layer.
Moreover, it assists operational layer components in
the accomplishment of their required functionalities.
For example, on one end, it facilitates service
adapter in making business services related calls for
data storage and retrieval, while on the other end it
assists authentication component in validating the
user credentials such as user ID, password & roles.
In addition, it also provides service to the profile
factory component for retrieval of company related
information from database such as location details,
employee details, addresses and contacts numbers.
Any user request for data processing can be divided
into two sections, data part and action part. Data part
contains the data that requires processing. Whereas
the action part describes the required operation on a
given data. On arrival, a user request gets queued up
in a waiting area. The system manager consistently
checks the waiting area and as soon as a request
arrives, it will be allocated to one request broker.
This allocated request broker moves the request
from waiting area into processing area and starts
analysis of a request header to find out the source
details, such as, the name of user interface from
which the request is being generated and the action it
requires. On identification of source and action, it
starts searching to find out the name of matching
service adapter in a user session profile. User session
profile is a profile carried by each user and it is
initially allocated to them by the system manager
when they first log in.
On successful match, request broker binds the
relevant service adapter (i.e. either generic or
customized) and executes it by providing data and
action part of the request. This binding of service
adapter is called ‘request brokering’. The service
adapter only requires data and action to be executed.
Hence, they are services that are independent of their
usage scenario and can be used by any user. This is
one of the main feature of the proposed Web2.0
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Architecture for Service and View Brokerage
(W2ASVB) model framework and it promotes the
idea of multi-company sharing service adapters with
the exception of customized ones as they are
company-specific implementations and hence
confidential. Figure 5 illustrates the flow of control
in request brokering mechanism.
Figure 5: Request brokering in action.
Figure 6: Response brokering in action.
On completion of execution of bonded service
adapter, request broker unbinds the service adapter
and loads the output data (if any) which are being
generated as a response of the execution of response
object. It then starts searching again the user session
profile to find the destination user interface address.
On successful match, it dispatches the response data
back to the user along with output data. This
unbinding of service adapter and mediation of
response back to the user is called ‘response
brokering’, as shown in Figure 6. Since the user
interfaces that generates request and receives
response data are independent of company usage
scenario, they can therefore be used by any user.
This is another major feature of the proposed model
framework and it promotes the novel idea of multi-
companies sharing user interfaces. Figure 6
illustrates the flow of control in response brokering
mechanism. At the end of response brokering,
request broker releases all the holding resources and
makes itself available to the system manager to be
allocated to another request.
Figures 5 and 6 illustrate four examples of request
mappings. In the figures it is clear that user 1 of
company 1 uses generic user interfaces only.
Whereas user 2 of company 2 uses some generic and
some customized user interfaces; finally user 3 of
company 3 uses customized user interfaces only.
Figure 5 depicts mapping of request R4 (i.e.
generated by generic user interfaces) to generic
service adapter and request R2 (i.e. generated by
customized user interface) to customized service
adapter. On the other hand, Figure 6 depicts changes
in the scenario where request R5 (i.e. generated by
customized user interface) is mapped to generic
service adapter and request R6 (i.e. generated by
generic user interface) is mapped to customized
service adapter. However, the mapping shown in
the examples above are not the boundaries of the
framework, it is also capable of supporting other
possible mappings which reflects its universality.
The investigation started with a question of building
up a model framework by using Web 2.0
technology, which enables small retailer to achieve
e-business transformation. The model framework
provides them with an option to customize their e-
businesses according to their individual needs. With
reference to customization and intelligent request
management, it can be concluded that the designed
system with the application of the new proposed
model framework has proven its capabilities of
handling such complex situations.
Initial version of proposed framework architecture is
presented along with the problem description; it is
evident that the framework requires an effective
model that serves as a front & middleware
collaboration. This model framework provides an
intelligent feature, that is interfacing for sharing core
business logic among all small businesses as well as
providing customization facility without affecting
other businesses.
For future work it is worthwhile exploring the need
of demand-and-supply algorithm to control the
request brokers’ pool size at run-time. Given the
highly operational and business-centric nature of the
system, the authors recommend the use of current
data mining algorithms to achieve an improved
version that not only performs the run-time
statistical calculation of incoming requests but also
uses its own knowledge base to decide on the pool
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems