From Conceptual Framework to Series of Implementations
Sergey V. Zykov
Software Engineering Dept., Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Design pattern, Enterprise software system, Lifecycle management.
Abstract: Building enterprise software systems (ESS) is a dramatic challenge due to data size, complexity and rapid
growth of the both in time. The issue becomes even more dramatic when it gets to integrating heterogeneous
applications. Therewith, a uniform approach is required, which combines formal models and CASE tools.
The suggested methodology is based on extracting common ERP module level patterns and applying them
to series of heterogeneous implementations. The approach includes an innovative lifecycle model, which
extends conventional spiral model by: (i) formal data representation/management models and (ii) DSL-
based "low-level" CASE tools supporting the formalisms. The methodology has been successfully
implemented as a series of portal-based ERP systems in ITERA International Oil and Gas Corporation, and
in a number of trading/banking enterprise applications for other enterprises. As for work-in-progress,
currently underway are semantic network-based airline dispatch system, and a 6D-model-driven nuclear
power plant construction methodology.
The paper outlines a new technology for developing
large-scale integrated ESS. Currently, the enterprises
have accumulated a huge and rapidly increasing data
burden, managing which is a challenge. The problem
becomes more complex due to heterogeneous nature
of the data. The technology suggested is focused at
more efficient and uniform data management
procedures. It involves a set of novel mathematical
models, methods, and the supporting CASE tools for
object-based representation and manipulation of
heterogeneous ESS data. The architecture of the
approach involves internet/intranet portals.
Unfortunately, a brute force application of the so-
called “industrial” enterprise software development
methodologies (IBM RUP, MSF, etc.) to
heterogeneous ESS data management, without an
object-based model-level theoretical basis, results
either in unreasonably narrow solutions, or in
inadequate time-and-cost expenses. On the other
hand, the existing generalized approaches to ESS
modelling and integration - (Guha, and Lenat 1990),
(Lenat and Reed, 2002), (Güngördü and Masters
2003), (Birnbaum, Forbus, and Wagner, 2005),
(Kalinichenko and Stupnikov, 2009) – do not result
in practically applicable implementations since they
are separated from state-of-the-art industrial
technologies. A number of research programs
supported by UN, UNESCO, USA, EU, Japan,
Russia, proves that the heterogeneous ESS problems
are essential (Fujiwara, Kanazawa, et al., 2009).
Thus, the suggested technology of integrated
development and maintenance of heterogeneous
internet-based ESS has been created. The approach
is based on rigorous mathematical models and it is
supported by CASE tools, which provide integration
to standard enterprise-scale CASE tools, commonly
used with software development methodologies. The
approach eliminates data duplication and
contradiction within the integrated modules, thus
increasing the robustness of the ESS. The
technology includes conceptual framework, a set of
object models and CASE tools for semantic-oriented
ESS development and content management
(Sushkov and Zykov, 2009), (Zykov, 2010).
For adequate modelling of heterogeneous ESS, an
approach has been developed, which includes object
models for both data representation and data
management. The general technological framework
V. Zykov S..
PATTERN-BASED DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS - From Conceptual Framework to Series of Implementations.
DOI: 10.5220/0003426104750478
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 475-478
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of ESS development provides closed-loop, two-way
construction with re-engineering and verification,
which increases ESS robustness and reliability.
The general technological framework of ESS
development contains stages, which correspond to
data representation forms for components,
communicating in the global environment. Such data
representation forms include natural language,
mathematical models, engineering tools integration,
and content management. Data representation forms
are further detailed by the representation levels.
Content-oriented approach to ESS data
management allows data/metadata generalization on
the common model basis, unified management of
heterogeneous objects, and adequate modelling of
the global internet environment, which is critical for
ESS robustness and reliability. The object nature of
the “class-object-value” model framework provides
compatibility with traditional OOAD; it extends the
earlier approaches to model ESS environments.
Therewith, the warehouse content representation
is based on semantic network situation model, which
provides intuitive transparency for problem domain
analysts when they construct the problem domain
description. The model can be ergonomically
visualized through a frame-based notation.
Warehouse content management is modelled as a
state-based abstract machine and role assignments,
which naturally generalize the processes of similar
CASE tools. The major content management
operations are modelled by the abstract machine
language. The language has a formal syntax and
denotation semantics in terms of variable domains.
The technological transformation sequence of the
model is as follows: (i) a term of variable domain
algebra (Scott, 1981); (ii) a domain-based function;
(iii) a frame (Roussopulos, 1976); (iv) a XML
object; (v) HTML code of the ESS portal.
The architecture of the integrated
heterogeneous ESS provides unification due to
generalized object association-based relationships at
the data at metadata levels. The ESS content
management is based on a uniform portal
foundation, which serves a meta-level enhancement
over the ESS data warehouse. Therewith,
assignments, implemented as software scripts, which
change the states of CMS virtual machine, provide
dynamical, scenario-driven content management
within the portal architectural framework. Other
kinds of script implement personalized content
management, which is supported by a multi-
parameter functional model and the CMS virtual
The ConceptModeller CASE tool (Zykov, 2010)
assists in semantically-oriented visualized
development of heterogeneous ESS data warehouse
scheme. Therewith, a semantic network-based model
is suggested, which works in nearly natural-language
terms, intuitively transparent to problem domain
analysts. Model visualization is based on frame
representation of the warehouse data scheme. Thus,
the ConceptModeller tool provides a closed-loop,
continuous ESS lifecycle with re-engineering.
The ICMS engineering tool is based on an
abstract machine model, and it is used for problem-
oriented visualized heterogeneous ESS content
management and portal publication cycle. The ICMS
tool features a flexible content management cycle
and role-based mechanisms, which allow
personalized content management. Due to scenario-
oriented content management, the ICMS provides a
unified portal representation of heterogeneous data
and metadata objects, flexible content processing,
high data security, a higher ergonomics level and
intuitively transparent complex data object
The ESS development framework (Zykov, 2010) has
the following benefits:
ESS “tuning” by applying a “spiral-like”
lifecycle and subsequent verification;
Building a reusable repository of ESS
component “meta-snapshots”, with which the
ESS previous state could be rendered;
Building a “pattern catalogue” (Fowler, 1997)
for heterogeneous ESS, based on the
integrated repository of state “meta-
snapshots” and a repository of “branches” for
“cloning” ESS variations for the “basis”;
Developing a DSL language specification
(Cook, Jones, Kent, and Wills, 2008) to
specify ESS requirements, and “adjusting” the
“meta-snapshot” repository to them.
Thus, the ESS development framework implies
software lifecycle variations according to waterfall,
spiral, evolution, and incremental approach.
An essential feature of the general ESS
development framework is its two-way organization.
The approach provides reverse engineering
possibility both for ESS in general, and their
components in particular. The practical value of the
approach is provided by the verifiability of
heterogeneous ESS components at the uniform level
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of the problem domain model, which is practically
independent upon the hardware and software
environment of the particular component or the
entire ESS. Therewith, a major theoretical
generalization is a possibility of mathematically
rigorous verification of the heterogeneous ESS
components. The approach benefits adaptive,
sequential “fine tuning” of ESS heterogeneous
component management schemes, which match
rapidly changing business requirements due to
reverse engineering down to model level with
rigorous component-wise ESS verification.
Conventional reengineering and verification can be
enhanced by flexible correction and “optimization”
of the target ESS according to business
requirements. Another benefit of the suggested ESS
development framework is a possibility of building a
“catalogue of templates for heterogeneous ESS”,
which is based on an integrated metadata warehouse,
i.e., a “meta-snapshot” repository. Thus, the
software development companies get a solution for
storing relatively stable or frequently used
configurations of heterogeneous enterprise software
systems. The solution potentially allows avoiding
integration problems of “standard” ESS components
and/or combinations, which have been obtained
previously. The approach allows serious SE project
savings for clients, provided the ESS developer’s
“meta-snapshot” repository already stores a similar
integrated solution to the system required. The
above consideration gives rise to “meta-snapshot”
repository development, which stores chronological
ESS solutions sequence as a tree with the “baseline”
and slightly different “branches” for ESS variations.
This is analogous to software engineering tools for
version control. The approach allows a reasonable
selection of most valuable deliverables of the ESS
lifecycle phases, and organization of similar solution
“cloning” for various client enterprises, and for
different companies of a single enterprise.
Further discussion could cover the prospective areas
of “meta-snapshot” repository development. To
describe the metadata warehouses and the related
enterprise-level business requirements a new DSL
was developed for meta-warehouse description and
requirement specification. Semantic network-based
search mechanisms with frame visualization will
help to obtain the ESS “meta-snapshot” repository
components matching the new requirements best.
Terms-and-cost-effective transformation of ESS
components is provided to match the new
requirements with minimum labour expenses.
The methodology has been practically approved by
development of portals in ITERA Group. The
implementation terms and costs have been reduced
about 40% (on the average) compared to commercial
software available, while features range has been
essentially improved. The results proved reducing
terms and costs of implementation compared to
commercial software available, higher scalability,
mobility, expandability and ergonomics.
Another implementation example was a trading
corporation with a proprietary .NET-based message
delivery system for information exchange between
headquarters and local shops. An approach based on
DSL and domain-driven development (Evans, 2003)
has been suggested. The external XML-based DSL
extended the scope of the enterprise application
programming language. The methodology instance
included DSL scope detection, problem domain
modelling, DSL notation development, DSL
restrictions development, and DSL testing. The
lifecycle model was iterative. The solution was
based on a redesigned architecture pattern. The DSL
included message transfer rules/parameters and new
types of messages. Different shops had different
configuration instances, which produced the client-
side message processing/transfer structure. Based on
DSL class model, messaging maps were built. Parser
used the maps to generate system configuration.
DSL syntax and semantics were built. DSL-based
refactoring resulted in enterprise trade management
system with transparent configuration and a standard
object-based model. The DSL solved the messaging
management problem. Since changes were chiefly
localized within the transfer configuration /map, the
changes management was dramatically simplified.
The DSL-based methodology assisted in conquering
complexity, made the proprietary system an open,
scalable, and maintainable solution. The approach
can be customized to fit similar proprietary systems.
An air traffic planning system is an area of
work-in-progress. The problem is to get remote
access to the planning data. The current operating
solution is based on a legacy TAXXI-Baikonur
technology, which involves component-based
visualized assembling of the server application. The
ready-made VCL library components from Borland
had been integrated with proprietary TAXXI
components. The client side is an XML browser, i.e.
a "thin" client. The suggested approach is going to
unify architecture-level update and application
migration. The methodology will also simplify
integration of the global air traffic management ESS.
Another implementation is related to high-level
template-based software re-engineering for nuclear
power plants (NPP). For a competitive NPP, it is
necessary to meet the quality, security standards and
to provide term-and-cost reduction. The above
conditions could be satisfied only under a systematic
approach, which combines state-of-the-art
production potential, advanced control methods, and
SE tools. Each stage of the NPP lifecycle is mapped
into a set of business processes, where not only
people, but also enterprise systems are interacting.
Identifying operation sequences, the systems
form business process automation standards. During
NPP lifecycle, ESS acquire information.
Heterogeneous data objects and the number of units,
make NPP a huge and complex information object.
A major competitiveness criterion in nuclear
power industry is a set of electronic manuals, which
helps to assemble/troubleshoot NPP. Such a manual
set provides transparent information models of NPP
(units), which allow getting information on the
object without directly contacting it. Such a versatile
description, combined in a single data model is often
referred to as a 6D model, which includes 3D-
geometry, time and resources for operating the plant.
Since mechanisms for information searching,
scaling, filtering and linking, should provide
complete and non-contradictory results, the
information models should have well-defined
semantics. The uniqueness of data entry assumes
information model data acquisition by the ESS
throughout the lifecycle. The methodology for
building a 6D model suggests portal-based system
integration, which can be based on a “platform
capable of entire lifecycle support.
The further information model development
assumes monitoring system state changes and their
influence to the other parts of the system. This helps
to immediately react on critical issues in NPP
construction, which can be used for decision
making. A major nuclear industry challenge is to
build a typical optimized nuclear reactor by selecting
invariant units for rapid “template-based”
development of a slight variety set. Applying the
methodology to the 6D information model of the
nuclear reactor, is a promising approach to pattern-
based component-wise development of NPP series.
The other implementation examples include
pattern-based development of a number interacting
sets of ERP applications for several Russian banks.
Implementation of the suggested approach allowed
to developing an integrated ESS, which includes
Oracle-based ERP modules for financial planning
and management, a legacy HR management system
and a weak-structured multimedia archive. The
implementation of internet and intranet portals
provided a number of successful results in ITERA
Group. The approach features integration with a
wide range of state-of-the-art CASE tools and
standards of ESS development. Other
implementations and work-in-progress areas
include: air transportation planning system,
messaging system for a trading enterprise, a nuclear
power plant and banking solutions. Each of the
implementations is domain-specific, so the ESS
cloning process requires certain analytical and
CASE re-engineering efforts. However, in most
cases the approach reveals patterns for building
similar implementation in series, which results in
substantial term-and-cost reduction of 30% and over.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems