grams: they are probably less complex and smaller.
If the difference is due to this cause, it would mean
that double Pareto distributions are the signature of
the programming process, and that different program-
ming activities (scripting, complex programs coding)
can be identified by different statistical distributions
of software size.
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has important practical implications for software es-
timation. Previously proposed models (Zhang et al.,
2009) are based on the lognormal distribution, that
consistently and dangerously underestimate the size
of large files. It is true that large files are only a minor-
ity in software projects, the so-called small class/file
phenomenon, however they account for a proportion
of the size as important as in the case of small files.
Therefore, using the lognormal assumption leads to
an underestimation of the size of large files. This un-
derestimation will have a great impact on the accuracy
of the estimation of the size of the overall system.
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