the source of the analogy to its receiver. In this
example, a new fact about the recommendation
“Supply the pump TH11D01 with boric
concentrate 40g/kg caused by switching off ACS 1
due to closing the gates TH11S24 and TH11S25”
arises for Situation 4.
The methods of reasoning by analogy is more
general than on the bases of cases. Analogies are
used when it is impossible to find a suitable case in a
case library. The reasoning by analogy method can
be used independently from a case- based reasoning
method as well as for correction (adaptation) of the
nearest to a problem situation case to form a new
case for completing a case library. Further we shall
consider the case-based reasoning method and its
The heuristic methods of finding the best current
measurement point based on environments of device
components work predictions are presented.
Practical experiments have confirmed the
greatest efficiency of current measurement point
choosing for the heuristic method based on the
knowledge about coincided assumptions of the
inconsistent environments SCAIEH.
Advantages of heuristic methods of the best
current measurement point choosing is the simplicity
of evaluations and lack of necessity to take into
consideration the internal structure interconnections
between components of the device.
The method of reasoning by analogy on the basis
of structural analogy was considered from the aspect
of its application in modern intelligent systems, in
particular, for a solution of problems of real-time
diagnostics and forecasting . The example of the
algorithm for solution search on the basis of
analogy of properties that takes into account the
context was proposed. This algorithm uses a
modified structure of analogy that is capable of
taking into account not one property (as in the base
algorithm), but a set of properties. These properties
determine the original context of analogy and
transfer from the source to the receiver only those
facts that are relevant in the context of the
constructed analogy.
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Diagnosis System on the basis of non-classical
logics for monitoring and control of complex objects
like power units and electronic circuits (Eremeev et
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