identify an optimal supplier strategy for certain hybrid
offerings. In addition, the model can be used to act in
the operational procurement as a basis for decision,
if one of the risks occurring in the procurement and
the question of an optimal alternative variant arises.
In summary, the presented model represents an opti-
mization of supplier relations for supply chain man-
agement for hybrid value bundles.
The proposed model is a first step towards a com-
prehensiverisk management as seen in the supply net-
works for hybrid value bundles. As further steps, sev-
eral aspects are possible. First, the inclusion of the
time factor and thus a widening in the direction of op-
erational procurement. Another factor is the fact that
may not all suppliers of the focal supplier deliver the
required information. In the lead set out in this work-
ing model, this would indeed be a quite acceptable
result in large variance values but could still compli-
cate the interpretation from the perspective of the fo-
cal supplier. Thus the question remains of how to deal
with incomplete information in such a model. The last
major point is the fact that the focal supplier may have
a different implementation of the criteria list than an-
other supplier in the network.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems