the proposal is explained by an example of what can
be achieved with GaCAM. Advantages of the
method are discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
gives the conclusions and identifies future lines of
2.1 GaCAM
Generalized Adaptive Context-Aware Middleware
(GaCAM) is a rich middleware that makes
effectively Context fusion, Context modeling,
Context storage and Context reasoning in running
time, and provide upper application with
development toolkits and service interfaces. It
decouples the Context processing with high level
application developing and low level development
complicated physical sensor programming and
common virtual sensor programming, reducing the
developers’ burden.
GaCAM’s characteristics are: 1) Reflective.
Reflection refers to the function that the system can
describe internal structure themselves, can represent
the own behaviour, and can dynamically reconfigure
their operation modes according to the operation
environment changes. The advantage of Reflective
middleware relative to traditional middleware lies in
loose coupling in modules or components, namely
the reflective middleware can be easily by
expanding and reallocation.2) Adaptive. Adaptive
demands middleware can adapt according to the
changes of the environment automatically, so it
requires that some Context middleware components
such as sensors and services information should also
be Context that can be sensed and processed in the
mobile and changeable environments. In this paper,
we mainly discuss how to dynamically building
Context model for adaptive requirement. 3) Meta-
data-descript. Metadata is the data about data. By the
system describing the members and method in
Context middleware components by metadata, it can
help to realize the reflection mechanism. 4) Agent.
As a part on the system, agents are behaviour
entities that stay in certain space or follow some
objective Context and identify object situations and
solve the problems associated with the current
situation. This flexibility is a great benefit when new
application agents are implemented into the system.
The flexibility lies primarily in the idea that the
implementation of the agent’s behaviour is hidden
for other parties. Agent need to interact with the
environment. Agent model in our middleware is like
BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) Model, and please
refer to (Rao A., 1995) for details of BDI.
Aiming at the characteristics of Context-aware
middleware above, multi-Agent based system
architecture is founded. GaCAM agents are divided
into two categories: management Agents and
function Agents. Management Agents primarily are
responsible for managing function Agent, and
Management transactions include life cycle,
Naming, Register and Security etc. Function Agents
are to realize functions Agent program, and
according to different function they are mainly
divided into: Sensor Agent, Context evolutionary
Agent, Context reasoning Agent, Context storage
/access Agent, and Service planning Agent. Figure 1
shows GaCAM architecture with Context sources
and applications.
2.2 Context Models
In previous work, researchers have proposed many
Context model modalities such as key-value, XML,
object, UML-ER, Ontology and so on (T. Strang,
2004 ), and fused Contexts formally or informally.
MIcontext (N. Savio, 2007) considers various
kinds of contextual elements for mobile application
design. But it does not consider the associations
between contextual elements. SOUPA (H. Chen,
2004) is an ontology designed to support pervasive
applications, and it models intelligent agents and
other relevant information. SOUPA includes user
Context such as beliefs, desires, intentions, and
background information. Even though SOUPA is
one of the most comprehensive Context models, it
does not model dynamic Context changes.
CoDAMoS (D. Preuveneers, 2004) is an ontology
for creating Context-aware computing
infrastructures, and it models user preferences and
roles. However, it does not model the dynamic
interactions between these elements. The approach
in this thesis focuses on three user Contexts, namely
user preferences, roles, and social relationships as
well as the dynamic interactions between these
contextual elements. SOCAM (T. Gu, 2005)
proposes a dual-layer ontology inspired by CONON,
and the required Context knowledge is reduced to
the upper ontology, and the domain-specific onto
logy can be dynamically bound. An MDE approach
(C. TACONET, 2010) is proposed to define context-
aware application models by UML meta-models.
The advantage is that models may be applied for
different platforms and technologies especially
different context management technologies. But the
work focuses on how to use context view Meta
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems