This paper relies on the background of spring, so the
passengers' choices would be some different with the
usual. For the Spring Festival, the biggest feature is
not very easy to purchase, sometimes one even
cannot buy a well-content ticket though he/she has
lined up row for a few days. Even worse, he/she may
buy a standing ticket. Under such circumstances, the
passenger will automatically consider less about the
price, time and environment, at least he/she can
reach his/her destination. So, one could reduce the
sensitivity to price even he/she cares a lot about the
price at ordinary times, one could reduce the
requirements on time even he/she concerns a lot
about the time in peacetime and one could ignore the
comfort of the tool even he/she demands high at
ordinary times. The data obtained from the
questionnaire is limited, this will lead to different
degrees of restriction of the final prediction results,
that is, the universality of the prediction is
The truth "survival of the fittest" has always been
throughout the genetic algorithm, it is applied to
solve the optimization problem,especially for fuzzy
problems and has very good robustness. However,
factors influence high-speed railway passengers
choosing travel mode are complex and diverse, the
most important and elusive is the passenger's
personal preferences. Personal preferences of
passengers are difficult to be precise analysis in any
case because it involves personal changes in mental
activity. When predicting the travel mode, we should
first analyse which factors influence travelers to
choose the travel mode, such price, time and
environment are factors from the external, and
passengers' personal characteristics are partly on
behalf of their personal preference. The basic idea of
the genetic algorithm to predict the travel selection
methods is that the choice of traveling factors will
act on the passengers, whether subjective or
subconscious, when passengers choose their travel
modes, they will maximize their benefits. Thus,
making the fitness function value for the
effectiveness of passenger travel, that is, the bigger
the value of the fitness function, the greater the
benefit of the passenger, and the more satisfied the
passengers. So, under the guidance of this thought,
we made predictions of various different types of
passengers choosing travel modes.
Passengers choice of travel mode can show
whether of such services industry is doing well, and
the predictions at least can provide some good
advice for those services sectors who have fewer
passengers, such as what to improve and how to
improve from price, time and environmental
comfort, etc.
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