Using Ontologies as Part of the Metadata
Andrei Vanea and Rodica Potolea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science Department, 28 Gh. Baritiu Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Data warehouse, Semantic, Metadata, Ontology, Business intelligence.
Abstract: Data warehouses are versatile systems capable of storing and processing large quantities of data. They are
most suited for aggregating and reporting. The data managed by these systems vary from simple, numeric
data, to more complex, multimedia data. One of the domains in which multimedia data is intensively
produced is medicine. We present a method for semantically enhancing the metadata stored in a medical
multimedia data warehouse. This semantically rich environment will gain in autonomy, reducing the
dependence on human intervention to resolve new, unforeseen queries. Furthermore, the use of the semantic
relations defined in the ontology allows the system to speed up the execution of a query, by computing the
results of new, unforeseen queries, from the fact data already stored in the data warehouse.
Large quantities of data are being produced daily in
every domain, creating storage problems for
business and organizations. A related issue is the
time needed to process the data stored.
Data warehouses are systems mostly used to
structure, store and process historical data. The data
is usually numerical (Vassiliadis, 1998), symbolic
(textual) (Diday, 2003) and recently multimedia
(Mbarki, 2004). A particularity of the last decade is
the significant increase of quantity and quality of
multimedia data. As a result, specific issues related
to storing, processing and knowledge extraction
from such data have arisen. Data warehouses
provide preprocessed and aggregated data. They also
store a large amount of metadata (Object
Management Group, 2003), which is used to offer
information on the system and data.
In this article we present a method for
semantically enhancing the metadata repository, by
using an ontology based technique. We consider that
adding semantics to the data warehouse provides a
higher level of independence to the system. Thus it
will be able to automatically solve tasks that are
usually the responsibility of the data warehouse
administrator. Such tasks mainly refer to the user
queries, which are new to the system (i.e. they have
not been considered at the design time).
The rest of the article is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we briefly present similar intelligent
systems, which deal with data management and
information extraction. Section 3 describes the
general system structure, as well as our particular
implementation and the data handled by it. Section 4
presents the way in which we used the semantic
metadata. In Section 5 we present experimental
results and, finally, Section 6 presents a summary of
our work and some conclusions.
Many researchers are studying data warehouses.
Although the technology of data warehouses which
store and process numerical data is considered to be
mature, there is always room for improvement.
In recent years, the interest for data warehouses
which focus on data types other then the classical
numeric type has increased. In (Mahboubi, 2009) a
data warehouse model for complex data (text files
images, data bases, sounds) is presented. The semi-
structured format of these objects is captured via
XML files, which are parsed and validated against a
requirements pattern. A medical multimedia data
Vanea A. and Potolea R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003434701630168
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 163-168
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
warehouse containing image data and symbolic data
and focused on ECG signal recordings is detailed in
(Arigon, 2007).
Semantically enhanced data warehouses have
been also taken into consideration. In (Pardillo,
2008), the authors propose a method to semantically
translate conceptual models into their platform
specific counter parts, by using an OLAP algebra. In
(Xie, 2007) a data warehouse which has two
ontologies has been built; one for the specific
business terms and one for the technical terms,
specific to the aggregation and knowledge extraction
tools. This requires a one-time collaboration
between the business experts and data warehouse
designers, to produce a mapping between the two
ontologies. As a result, whenever a new query is
requested by the business analysts, the warehouse
administrator can quickly create the appropriate data
mart, without the need of long and repetitive
meetings between the two expert teams. In (Nebot,
2010) the authors propose an ETL tool for extracting
semantically annotated data into fact tables.
Medical ontologies have been intensively
researched and developed in the later years. This
resulted in a large number of ontologies dealing with
different sub domains (Freitas, 2009) and/or serving
specific purposes (Rubin, 2007). A data
warehousing system which uses semantic data to aid
in the diagnosis process of mitral valve prolapse is
described in (Podgorelec, 2009).
In today’s medicine the physicians benefit from
heterogeneous data sources, which provide different
types of data. Images and sounds are intensively
used in order to better asses the health state of a
patient. The data is produced in large quantities, and
at very fast rates. The abundance of data increases
the probability that quality information can be
produced. This is possible only if new, specialized
data management methods are designed and
developed. Powerful tools are required mainly
because humans are not able to efficiently process
large amounts of data. Therefore, intelligent systems
that manage such large quantities of data are helpful
in assisting physicians in the decision process.
Based on this premise, we designed and built a
medical multimedia data warehouse. The purpose of
this system is to manage both classical and
multimedia (medical) data in such a manner that
meaningful medical information can be efficiently
produced (fast and easy).
In order to aid them in the diagnosis decision
process, the medical physicians need a particular
piece of information at the moment they are
examining the patient. Therefore, an issue which we
must address, due to the medical nature of the
system, is the speed of query processing.
3.1 General Description
We propose a five section structure (Figure 1): ETL
tools section, Warehouse, Semantic metadata,
Processing and Metadata Maintenance and Query
Figure 1: The structure of a multimedia data warehouse.
The ETL Tools Section handles the acquisition,
cleaning and transforming of raw data. The
Warehouse Section stores the data handled by the
system: custom format data, raw data and
aggregated data. The Semantic Metadata Section is a
special repository which stores both classical
metadata and semantically enhanced metadata. The
later metadata type is used to provide machine
understandable information on the data being stored
and the domain in which the system is being
deployed. The Processing and Metadata
Maintenance Section provides tools for data
processing and manipulation and tools for CRUD
operations on the metadata. The Query Processor
Section provides tools for understanding the users
query and tools for computing the query result.
3.2 Implementation
A multimedia data warehouse needs to offer support
for heterogeneous types of data: numeric and
symbolic data, text files, image and sounds.
Multimedia data is often semi-structured or non-
structured. Therefore, it is difficult to extract
structured data from it. To overcome this problem
we decided to use XML to store the unstructured or
semi-structured data extracted from the multimedia
files. XML is useful in this situation because of its
ability to model semi-structured data.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Using the proposed model, we built a Medical
Multimedia Data Warehouse, which we deployed in
the field of pneumology. The system deals at this
time with three data types: symbolic (textual),
numeric and graphic (images). Symbolic and
numeric data are used to store information on the
patient, such as identification data and physical
and/or medical features. Images are used to store
information on spirometry tests performed by the
patients. At this time, our system deals only with the
exhaling part of the tests.
XML files containing information on the patient
and on the spirometry tests, as well as images
containing spirometry test results are loaded by the
ETL tools. These data are transformed and loaded
into custom internal XML files. These internal files
store information on each patient, their tests and
results, such as physical features at the moment of
each test. The internal files are stored in a staging
area, in the Data Warehouse Section.
The images present graph data which model the
flow air being exhaled by the patient. Different
medical relevant features are extracted from the
images: Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Normal Peak
Expiratory Flow (NPEF), Forced Expiratory Flow at
25%, 50%, 75% and 25-75% (FEF25, FEF50,
FEF75 and FEF25-75 respectively), Normal Forced
Expiratory Flow at 25%, 50%, 75% and 25-75%
(NFEF25, NFEF50, NFEF75 and NFEF25-75
respectively), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Normal
Forced Vital Capacity (NFVC), Flow-Volume Line
(FV line), Forced Expiratory Volume in one second
(FEV1), Normal Forced Expiratory Volume in one
second (NFEV1). The normal indicators represent
values obtained by healthy patients, with the same
physical features.
The internal files are processed and the resulted
information is stored in fact tables. Facts are
computed in two ways. First, the classical numeric
form, in which particular data is aggregated. The
second manner is by creating images similar to the
ones stored in the warehouse, but with aggregated
multimedia features.
In particular situations, dimensional hierarchies
cannot be used in order to provide the level of
granularity desired by the medical specialist. Such a
situation occurs when sets of low level features
which determine high level features are disjoint.
As an example, consider the diagnosis
dimension. Each diagnosis depends on a specific
subset of medical test set. Unfortunately, the subsets
differ from diagnosis to diagnosis. In our case, the
restriction diagnosis depends on the following tests:
fvc, fev1. The small air ways obstruction diagnosis
however, is set based on the following tests: fvc,
fef25, fef50, fef75, fef2575. These two subsets are
not disjoint, as they have some tests in common.
Therefore, drill-down, from diagnosis to tests, is not
easily achievable using the classical hierarchies.
We propose an ontology driven metadata in
order to overcome this difficulty. By providing the
system with semantically enhanced metadata, it will
gain in autonomy.
4.1 Query Analysis
We started by formalizing medical queries to
identify concepts which are of interest for the
domain expert and describe them in technical terms
in the metadata (i.e. the ontology). The relevance of
the step is provided by the semantic metadata which
aids the querying process via matching domain
expert and technical terms. By analyzing use cases,
we identified the relevant domain cases, and
extracted their general template, such as:
select the [minimum | mean | maximum
| most frequent] value of feature F
for the [males | females | patients]
with [feature
= value
{and feature
= value
A special case of query deals with the “age”
feature. This is because the age affects both the
diagnostic and statistical assessment. Therefore, the
age appears twice in the query.
4.2 The Ontology
The ontology provides structured information about
the real world model. Moreover, it ensures a
mapping between the specific domain (medical in
our case) and technical elements used by the system.
Its main roles are: to model the specific domain in
which the system is deployed, to provide mappings
from that domain to the technical data and to create
a more flexible environment for query submission.
The first role is to define relations and provide
support for all the entities identified in the previous
section. The first entity (i.e. class) we need to
address is the “patient”. All the other entities are in
some specific way linked to the patient therefore, it
is arguably the most important entity in the entire
ontology. The full list of entities, together with their
instances is presented bellow:
medical_test: spirometry_test;
physical_feature: date_of_birth, gender, race,
height, weight.
medical_result: pef, fvc, fev1, fef25, fef50,
fef75, fef2575;
graph: flow_volume, volume_time
diagnosis: normal, restriction, obstruction,
small_air_ways_obstruction, mixed;
The current version of our ontology contains two
types of inter-class relations. These relations are:
“has_a”, which depicts the fact that an instance of a
class is the owner or beneficiary of an instance of
some other class; “influenced_by”, which depicts the
fact that an instance of a class is defined by a
complete set of instances of other classes.
Using these two relations, we define the
following structure:
patient has_a physical_feature
patient has_a medical_test
medical_test has_a medical_result
medical_test has_a graph
medical_test has_a diagnosis
diagnosis influenced_by medical_result
Another feature which is present in the ontology
is the data type of the concept (numerical, textual or
Boolean). We have also added a property which
defines a numerical concept as a set. This allows the
system to treat numerical concepts as sets, using set
theory to compute query results. A concept can be
viewed as a “continuous_set”, “discrete_set” or
“not_a_set”. For example, the age is defined as
“discrete_set”. We present in Section 5 a case in
which this property is proven to be useful.
The second role of the ontology is to provide a
link to the technical terms, reducing the dependency
on the Data Warehouse Administrator, when new,
unforeseen queries are formulated. To do so, we
designed a special relation in the ontology. The
relation is called “mapping” and maps one domain
specific entity, in this case medicine, to a technical
domain entity. This technical entity is relevant to the
data warehouse designer or developer administrator,
rather than to the warehouse user. By providing this
technical mapping, the system can automatically
resolve some unforeseen task, which could by time
consuming if the data warehouse administrator
would have had to solve. A more detailed
description on how the mapping works is given in
Section 4.3.
The third role is to add greater flexibility to the
method in which the query is formulated by the
medical specialists. Very often, in medicine,
physicians encounter multiple names or specific
multiple terms, which refer to the same medical
entity or concept. In order to make the medical
physician feel more comfortable when working with
the medical data warehouse, we decided to use
synonymy. By allowing synonyms into the ontology,
the system could collaborate with other systems
which work on similar ontologies. This enables
information exchange between two heterogeneous
(medical) systems. More precisely, our medical
system can exchange data or even information, with
other medical systems, deployed in other hospitals,
in order to retrieve meaningful information to aid the
physician in the decision making process.
Concepts and terms which are defined as
synonyms can be collected from both the physicians
and other medical ontologies, such as Foundational
Model of Anatomy or Disease Ontology. Medical
ontologies are often developed by different
organizations, model distinct medical sub-domains
and do not follow a standardized structure or a name
convention. Therefore, defining synonyms does not
limit the expressiveness of physicians to a particular
implementation of an ontology.
4.3 Term Mapping
By term mapping we refer to the process which links
two terms, or concepts, from different domains. In
the most general form, this process translates a
business concept into a technical concept, which
could be in some way handled and processed by the
system. In the case of our specific implementation of
the system, the mapping is done for the medical
specific terms and the technical terms, which are of
relevance from the informational system’s point of
view. Term mapping provides a direct correlation
between the real world model and the technical one.
The ontology provides semantic annotations
about a particular domain. These annotations are
computer readable. The purpose of the term
mapping is to extend these semantic annotations to
the technical terms. By doing this, the system can
automatically determine which technical concepts
handled by it should be computed or accessed in
order to provide a meaningful and correct answer to
the query inputted by the user. In our particular case,
a medical physician will input a query using domain
specific terms and the system will infer the class of
the terms, existing relations among them and also
the correspondence to the concepts used by the
system in order to model the real world scenarios.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We implemented the mapping for our system by
using the internal format in which we store the data.
Each XML file corresponds to a patient. Therefore,
the concept of “patient” described in the ontology is
mapped to the root element of the XML file. When a
new type of query containing a reference to one or
several patients will be submitted, the system will
infer that it has to access the root elements of the
XML files that are in the staging area of the data
warehouse. All the mappings are expressed in a
similar way, using XML tags from the staging area
files. Ideally, every medical (domain) concept
present in the ontology should have a corresponding
XML tag, i.e. a mapping with a technical term.
Although our particular implementation is done
using XML tags (i.e. the internal data format) the
mappings can also be formulated between the
concepts in the ontology and attributes from any
type of database.
Multimedia concepts are dealt with in a similar
way. Atomic multimedia concepts, such as lines,
curves or any pixel sets bound to each other by a
common feature, can be mapped either to a field in
the internal format, or to a tool which directly
extracts these concepts from the multimedia file.
When a query is submitted, the system will try to
identify the concepts contained by the query and
present in the ontology. If this step is successfully
done, it will identify the technical concepts mapped
to the domain concepts found in the query. Next it
will search for a fact table which contains the
information needed to answer the query; that is, a
table which stores aggregated data derived of the
technical terms. If a corresponding fact table exists,
the system will return the aggregated data which
answers the query; if not, the system will check the
synonyms of the concepts present in the query.
Based on every possible combination of concepts
and their synonyms, corresponding fact tables are
searched for and the aggregated data stored in the
tables are checked to see if the answer the query. If
the system still does not find a suitable fact table
from which it can produce the result, it tries to infer
the domain relations. This is done by determining
based on the “influenced_by” relation, the concepts
which are influencing the ones specified in the
query. After determining these concepts, the whole
process of finding a corresponding fact table is
repeated until a valid fact table is found, or until
there are no more fact tables to check or influencing
(lower level) concepts.
All the concepts and techniques presented in the
previous sections are implemented in an
experimental system. We present some of our
results, to better illustrate the functionality of the
proposed method. The first example illustrates the
method in which the system parses a query and then
computes the result based on the semantic metadata
available and data already stored in fact tables.
The query in the first example is the following:
select the number of patients in the
age group of 10 to 25 and with the
diagnosis restriction
Figure 2: Query resolving steps.
Figure 2 presents the flow for resolving the
query. First, the system identifies the instances in the
query, which are specified in the ontology, i.e. “age”
and “restriction”. Second, the classes and the
corresponding data types are identified: “age” is a
numerical “physical_feature” and “restriction” is a
string “diagnosis”. Next, the system checks if an
existing fact table stores aggregated data referencing
the two classes. In our particular case the system
found such a fact table, though a valid fact to answer
the query was inexistent. By examining the stored
facts which reference the “restriction” diagnosis, the
system identified that there where two facts which
could be used in order to respond to the query. The
two facts stored the number of patients for the age
group of 10 to 19 and 20 to 25 respectively. “Age” is
a “discrete_set”, therefore the union of 10-19 and
20-25 results in the age group of 10-25. The
response was computed by adding the two measures.
The second query example shows how a query
on graphical data is resolved:
select the mean flow-volume curve
for patients with the age of 23 and
the diagnosis obstruction
As with the first query, the system identified the
instances, classes and types present in the second
query. The “flow-volume curve” was identified as a
multimedia feature (“graph”). Based on the “graph”
mapping available in the ontology, the system
retrieved all the graph data for patients of age 23
who have been diagnosed with obstruction. The
graphs where scaled to a common dimension and the
mean graph was computed.
Data warehouse technology can be of great value in
many domains. One such domain is medicine. This
particular field also benefits from semantic web
technologies, as numerous academic and industry
researchers have developed different ontologies.
In this article we presented a general multimedia
data warehouse model, with a semantically enhanced
metadata repository. The enhancement was achieved
by developing an ontology which models part of a
sub-domain in medicine (pneumology). Based on
semantic annotations which map the specific terms
to the technical terms, the system becomes more
dynamic and gains autonomy, as it no longer needs
administrator’s intervention.
The advantages of our method are twofold. First,
it is adapted to work with multimedia files and data,
by breaking larger multimedia “objects” into sets of
smaller ones. Second, the majority of unforeseen
queries can be resolved by the system, if the
ontology is properly built. This is achieved by using
proper semantic annotations like the type of a
concept or instance, synonyms and “influenced_by”
relations. The use of synonyms allows the system to
communicate with heterogeneous medical systems,
making information sharing a relatively simple task.
For future work we plan to extend the mappings
to the multimedia data extraction tools, defining a
set of semantic annotations that allow the system to
work with a larger number of multimedia “objects”.
We also plan to improve the methods with which the
system computes the results of a query from existing
fact data.
The work is supported by the project "Doctoral
studies in engineering sciences for the development
of knowledge based society - SIDOC” contract no.
POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60078, project co-funded by the
European Social Fund through the Regional
Operational Human Resources Program 2007-2013.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems