Mohammad Mottaghi
and Masoud Daneshtalab
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Dept. of Information Technology, Turku University, Turku, Finland
Keywords: Agent, Context-aware, Collaboration, Emergence, Routing, Network capacity, Utilization, QoS.
Abstract: In this paper, we have proposed a new routing method for general purpose networks. Each router in this
model is a context-aware agent and therefore the whole network of routers forms a community (society) of
context-aware agents which are ever learning and adapting the routing network. During routing each agent
keeps learning and specializing in routing some specific traffic type (e.g. intermittent audio packets) and
makes its neighboring routes optimum for this type of traffic whereas other agents are experts in other
traffic types. All agents are aware from their colleagues' expertise and when a new traffic type enters the
network all agents try to collaboratively recognize (or detect) its type and route it according to their past
experience (which is already learned). If the traffic type is unknown to all agents, one of them tries to learn
how to route it such that its QoS constraints are met better. The idea behind the proposed model is to
temporarily modify some routes whenever QoS constraints cannot be met in the network. Simulation results
show that the proposed model can improve QoS of the network by 12%.
With the advent of the Internet many applications
emerged which wanted to communicate through the
Internet. Few years after the Internet became popular
various traffic types were injected to the Internet and
now there are more than 120 homogeneous and 170
heterogeneous traffic types passing through the
Internet (Dally, 2001). The most common
communication scenario in today Internet begins
with a client requesting a server for some data. After
receiving the request, the server prepares the
requested data and sends it to the client. This is the
simplest and of course the most common practice in
data communication over the Internet and there are
more than 1 billion of such data transactions per
second in today Internet (Dally, 2001). Among all
different traffic types passing through a general
purpose network (not necessarily the Internet) there
are some special traffic types which have some
constraints (often time limits). A very good example
for this type of traffic is audio and video streams. In
addition to these data streams which can be lossy,
there are some other data streams which have to be
lossless and no packet can be dropped during routing
(Ni, 1993), (Ghiu, 2000), (Shin, 1996), (Kermani,
1979), and (Glass, 1992). For these traffic types
some metrics are defined which are known as QoS
(Quality of Service) constraints. A long list can be
written for QoS constraints since the most common
constraints are delay and jitter.
Now we are faced with a new problem where
some packets belong to a data stream which has
some QoS constraints while the constraints should be
met. A very simple solution to the problem is to
dedicate a well qualified route for these traffic types.
While it is very expensive and impractical, each QoS
constraint raises new requirements. A better and
more reasonable solution is to establish a relatively
well qualified and general purpose network and to
use this single network for communication of all
traffic types. This is what happens in many general
purpose networks including the Internet.
To meet QoS constraints using a general purpose
network, there should be some ways to drop or
postpone the packets having no constraints or are of
lower service quality. The common practice towards
this goal is to use priority queues. Although this
solution can meet many QoS constraints, it does not
utilize network resources (e.g. bandwidth) optimally.
This is due the fact that each router routes
independently from other routers (non-neighboring
routers) and also does not take into account the
Mottaghi M. and Daneshtalab M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003434906090613
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (SAAES-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The proposed structure.
entire network capacity. In fact, in the conventional
routing method, each router routes individually
regardless of what other routers are doing and where
in the network some extra bandwidth exists.
In this paper, we have proposed a new routing
method which using context-aware routing agents to
switch between minimal and non-minimal routes.
This enables each router (agent) to alter the routes
such that all network capacity is utilized. This is in
contrast to the conventional technique in which even
if routers are context-aware, the entire network
capacity cannot be utilized.
The proposed routing technique attempts to utilize
all network resources such that the packet loss
becomes less and higher quality services become
The drastic difference between the proposed and
the conventional routing techniques is that in the
proposed technique each router uses both minimal
and non-minimal paths based on the entire network
information and other routers' experience. In
contrast, the conventional routers just use minimal
paths to route packets in the network.
2.1 Context Awareness
If we know the attributes of the traffic (like inter-
arrival times, acceptable delay, etc.) we can decide
whether or not a dedicated route is needed. When a
new traffic type is injected to the network the
receiving agent tries to recognize its type. It
measures some attributes of the incoming data
stream. If it could not recognize the traffic type it
asks a neighboring agent (router) to recognize the
traffic type. If agents could not recognize the traffic
type it is considered as a new type and the receiving
agent (at one of network edges) is responsible for
learning how to treat it. The learning process is
based on reinforcement learning methods (Sutton,
2002). When a new traffic type comes to the
network the routing system does not perform
necessarily well and it takes some time for an agent
to learn how to treat this type of traffic. The learning
process is even not always convergent and some
controlling criteria should be applied to avoid the
system from oscillation. These criteria (heuristics)
are often not mathematically proven; we used the
number of hops that a packet visits as the criterion.
2.2 Emergence
After the traffic type is recognized the expert agent
is found too. The expert agent is the agent who
knows how to treat the coming traffic. It evaluates
the entire network capacity and determines whether
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
or not the existing routes can accommodate the
newly coming traffic. If no accommodation problem
exists then the new traffic flows through the network
without any modification in the network. If any
shortcoming was found, the expert agent looks for
agents who can provide more bandwidth. If it was
successful in finding any helping agent, the two
agents issue reconfiguration commands to
reconfigure the network such that new QoS
constraints are met. Otherwise newly coming packet
are all dropped, since the network can not serve
If the expert agent realizes that a reconfiguration
in the network is required and if it is successful in
convincing other agents to reconfigure the network,
a new route emerges which can accommodate the
newly coming traffic.
2.3 Collaboration
The whole routing in the proposed technique is
collaborative; collaboration among agents can be
seen in three different situations. First, when a traffic
type is to be recognized, agents send recognition
messages to their neighbors. Second, while looking
for more bandwidth the expert agent requests its
neighbors to provide it with more bandwidth.
Finally, when the expert and the helping agent want
to reconfigure the network they issue
reconfiguration commands to their neighbors.
2.4 Router's Hardware Core
In this section, implementation details of the cited
router are described. As shown in figure 1, each
input port includes an input buffer and a controller
which are used for temporary storage of packets.
The controller of each input port is responsible for
two tasks:
1. Receiving packets from the link and requesting
the crossbar arbiter for packet injection grant.
Also, controlling the buffer status including
empty and full states.
2. Calculating the sign of the rate at which the
buffer is getting full: positive rate indicates that
the buffer is getting full and negative rate
indicates that the buffer is getting empty. This
sign is compared with the buffer status to
activate congestion signal. Each input port has a
congestion signal through which it informs its
adjacent router whether it is congested or not.
Therefore, the owner of an input port may be
considered a hotspot for its adjacent router and
the adjacent router tries to remove this problem.
Another part of this router is the crossbar which
establishes a connection from an input port to an
output port. Since a crossbar can serve only a single
port at a time, it uses an arbitration for the crossbar
to arbiter among the input ports which are not
empty. Afterward, the crossbar is dedicated to the
granted input port.
Figure 2: Address decoder module.
Address decoder is another part of the router taking
the header of the packet stored in the input buffer. It
determines the routes according to both minimal and
non-minimal path adaptive routing algorithms. The
routing algorithm is based on HAMUM
(Daneshtalab, 2011) which is an adaptive minimal
and non-minimal routing algorithm. Then, the
address decoder selects a route which is less
congested, i.e. if the route resulted from the minimal
path adaptive routing algorithm is congested, the
router does not take this route and instead it uses the
result of the non-minimal path adaptive algorithm.
In order to know if the input buffer status is
congested or not, we should measure the rate at
which the data come into the buffer. To do so the
simple module depicted in Figure 3 is used. As
shown in Figure 3, since routers are locally
synchronous and globally asynchronous, no timing
source is used for reading from and writing to the
buffer. Therefore, to obtain the rate at which the
buffer is getting full, the number of filled buffer
cells at each rising edge of router's internal clock
) is compared with that of the previous rising
edge (N
), i.e. N
shows that the buffer is
getting full while N
indicates that the buffer
is getting empty.
Buffers of this router have two special signals
W_Empty and W_Full. When the number of empty
cells of the buffer is smaller than a threshold value
(75%), W_Full (Warning Full) is activated warning
that most buffer cells are full. Congestion status,
which utilizes the W_Full signal and the buffer
filling rate, is used to inform adjacent routers
regarding the input port congestion condition. When
a packet reaches the input port waits until other
previously arrived packets leave the input buffer.
When it is the packet's turn to be routed and the
crossbar arbiter allows the packet to be sent to one
of the output ports, packet header is delivered to the
address decoder to find an efficient non-congested
route to the destination. Thereby, both minimal and
non-minimal path adaptive routing algorithms are
simultaneously loaded to specify two minimal and
non-minimal routes. Afterward, the result of
minimal path adaptive algorithm of HAMUM
checks the corresponding congestion signal coming
from the neighbor input port. If the input port of the
corresponding neighbor router is not congested the
packet is sent to that output port. Otherwise, the non-
minimal route is selected.
Figure 3: Congestion detection module.
To evaluate the proposed scheme and to compare it
with existing routing schemes, we have simulated
our proposed scheme with the network simulator
(NS-2, 2006). The agents were implemented in C
(.m files) and simulated using MATLAB (Matlab,
2006). The network core in our simulation has 150
routers through which 80 different traffic types were
flowing (a total of 150000000 packets per second).
For traffic generation we have used NS packages
developed by Ulrich Fiedler for http traffic type
(http traffic generator, 2006) and video streams
(TES video traffic generator, 2006). For other traffic
categories we used NS package BonnTraffic
(scenario based traffic generator, 2006) which is a
scenario based traffic generator. We also generated a
traffic pattern with high QoS constraints, using
MATLAB, and injected to the network.
Results are depicted in Figure 4 to Figure 6. As
shown in Figure 4 the proposed technique has less
delay in comparison with that of priority queues, but
as compared to FIFO it has longer delay. This is
because in FIFO there are more packet loss than in
the proposed technique and these packets (since
dropped) are not taken into account in delay
calculation. In Figure 5 the proposed routing
technique is compared with other conventional
routing techniques in terms of network utilization.
As expected, the proposed technique has better
network utilization. The best network utilization of
the conventional techniques belongs to WFQ
(weighted fair queuing) which is only 30%; network
utilization of our technique is 72% which is by 42%
better than WFQ. This is because in the conventional
techniques no route is altered for QoS purposes,
whereas in the proposed technique the routers can
temporarily form new highways (collections of
routes) by changing the direction of some hop-to-
hop routes. In fact in the proposed technique new
routes emerge.
Figure 4: Delay and Jitter comparison among 4 routing
techniques: FIFO, Priority Queues, WFQ and the proposed
Figure 5: Network utilization of 4 techniques: FIFO,
Priority Queues, WFQ and the proposed technique.
As depicted in Figure 6, the proposed techniques
cause fewer packet losses than that of FIFO, Priority
queues and WFQ. This emanates from context-
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
awareness and collaboration among agents. In the
conventional routing techniques when QoS
constraints cannot be met, the packets are simply
dropped whereas in the proposed technique, agents
collaboratively try to modify the routes such that
new QoS constraints can be met. The efficiency of
the context-awareness along with the collaboration
of agents result in the emergence of new efficient
routes helping the entire routing system drop fewer
packets. Despite having longer average delay, the
proposed routing technique has a higher throughput
and has lower packet loss (Figure 6).
We have proposed a new agent-based routing
method for general purpose networks. Each router
decide to route the packets to either the minimal path
or non-minimal path based on the presented learning
technique among agents (routers). All agents are
aware from their colleagues' status and when a new
traffic type enters the network all agents try to
collaboratively detect its type and route packets
according to their past experience. Simulation results
show that the proposed model can improve QoS of
the network by 12%.
Figure 6: Throughput and Packet Loss of our technique in
comparison with those of FIFO, Priority Queues and
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