not destroy laws, that is 1-1=1,1=∞;
④ Inertia effect
Switching cost and locking enhanced monopoly.
The traditional Matthew effect namely under certain
conditions, something will appear some advantages
or disadvantages, with the inertia, the two will have
self-enhancement effect, and in the last, it will
aggravate expansion. In network economics,
Matthew effect is strengthened, reflect in economics
is that first match wins , together with locking
phenomenon, it forms the situation that the strong
gets stronger, the weak gets weaker, the rich get
richer, the poor get poorer, the winner takes all. All
of this above aggravates marginal benefit increasing.
As figure2:
Above all, in network economics, Marginal
returns increasing law takes effect in most situations,
especially for those enterprises based on technology
and knowledge, and those are more focus on
technology, supplemented by processing. However,
Marginal returns decreasing law takes effect in those
products based on raw material including some
factors of technology and processing, besides, it also
takes effect in the initial stage of network
construction and network capacity expansion.
0 Time
Figure 2: The winner takes all.
3.2 Cost and Benefit Analysis on
Seafood e-Commerce
Foreign trade enterprise cost is the sum of normal
and reasonable payment of the purchase cost,
transaction cost and taxes in the process of import
and export in a certain operating period(tax greatly
influenced by the government, so this paper will not
consider it temporarily (
WenQingYu, 2005).
Transaction cost, Mainly refers to the cost
needed in the process of deal, including information
search, the formation and execution of contract,
after-sale service, etc.. Fees paid to know and
confirm transaction object is the information cost or
information search fee, which comes from the
preparation stage before trading; fees paid to get the
trading possibility is the formation and execution of
contract cost, including the expenses of advertising,
renting office, borrowing, inventory turnover
expenses, trade consultation, etc., which is used in
the preparation stage before trading and trading
consultation and signing a contract stage
respectively; in addition to, there are other costs
such as after-sale cost. Commodity procurement cost
is close to commodity purchase cost, it is the sum of
merchandise cost and all costs consumed in the
process of purchasing (
ChunFeng Yang 2007).
In network economics era, International trade
cost structure also includes switching cost. It is the
inputs required by enterprise to develop
international e-commerce. It includes fixed
switching cost (Initial purchase for e-commerce
hardware and software systems, and relevant
personnel training expenses, etc) and variable
switching cost (Daily system technology, security
maintenance fees and network service fees, etc).
Switching cost is not included in traditional
international trade cost structure (ChunFengYang
. As figure3:
Tradition international trade cost structure
Transaction cost Procurement cost
Network international trade cost structure
Figure 3: The different international trade cost structure in
tradition and network.
As for aquatic product trade, although the
implementation of e-commerce has increased
seafood trade switching costs, but after inputting
e-commerce, the enterprises’ transaction and
purchase cost is reduced accordingly, the reasons as
1. E-commerce enabled the information of buyers
and sellers more transparent, which changes the
seller scale economy caused by information
asymmetry in traditional trade. For example, the
buyers can get more price information of raw
materials, thus they can master more price
initiative right in raw material procurement.
2. " Paperless" is one of the major advantages of
e-commerce, it is easier and more efficient for
transnational trade by the electronic contract,