awareness. This can avoid bombarding an individual
(agent) with irrelevant or loosely relevant
information. Our approach has a three limitations:
First, the design of LGA and accordingly MAAP are
based on intersecting implicit knowledge and
awareness to get explicit knowledge. Intersecting
awareness and implicit knowledge may lose some of
the relevant information. As we propose use of
policies for computing awareness, this may lead to
violating policies. In such situations, the agent in
fact is not capable of following the policy rules.
Therefore, the assumption in MAAP is that design of
policies is based on the agents’ capabilities, which is
somewhat too ideal. A method to recognize
disability of agents to follow a policy rule must be
designed to enhance MAAP for future work.
Second, policy rules may interact with each other
and a newly added policy rule may conflict with the
existing ones. Third, refining high-level policies to
computational policy rules is a challenging task by
itself, which consists of: (1) Determining the
resources that are needed to satisfy the requirements
of a policy during unexpected situations, such as
disasters, (2) Transforming high-level policies into
role-level DEN-ng policy rules, (3) Verifying that
the lower level policy rules actually meet the
requirements specified by the high-level policies.
That opens a new direction for research to enhance
MAAP policy refinement methods.
Finally, MAAP is specified only for DEN-ng
policy rules. The reason, as it has been described, is
that the awareness model of DEN-ng policy rules is
strongly well cited and well equipped by supportive
tools. This can be also useful to generalize the idea
of MAAP. In fact, we can say that the agent will be
aware of each conditional proposition, while there is
a possibility now or in future to violate the
proposition. As such, the agent needs to become
aware of the propositions ad its associated
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