Barbara Furletti and Franco Turini
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Ontology Mining, Knowledge Discovery, If-Then Rules.
A method for extracting new implicit knowledge from ontologies by using an inductive/deductive approach is
presented. By analyzing the relationships that already exist in an ontology, we are able to return the extracted
knowledge as weighted If-Then Rules among concepts. The technique, that combines data mining and link
analysis, is completely general and applicable to whatever domain. Since the output is a set of “standard”
If-Then Rules, it can be used to integrate existing knowledge or for supporting any other data mining process.
An application of the method to an ontology representing companies and their activities is included.
Knowledge extraction from databases is a consoli-
dated practice that continues to evolve in parallel with
the new data management systems. It is based not
only on querying systems, but above all, on complex
reasoning tools. Today, with the coming of the Web
2.0 and the semantic web, new methods for represent-
ing, storing and sharing information are going to re-
place the traditional systems. Roughly speaking, on-
tologies “could substitute” in many applications the
Data Bases (DBs). Consequently, the interest is mov-
ing toward the research of new methods for handling
these structures and to efficiently obtain information
from them besides what is obtained by using the tra-
ditional reasoning systems.
In this paper we aim at contributing to this topic
by handling the problem of extracting interesting and
implicit knowledge from ontologies, in a novel way
with respect to the traditional reasoners methods. By
getting hints from the semantic web and data min-
ing environments, we give a Bayesian interpretation
to the relationships that already exist in an ontology
in order to return a set of weighted IF-Then rules, that
we refer to as Influence Rules (IRs).
The idea is to split the extraction process in two
separate phases by exploiting the ontology peculiar-
ity of keeping metadata (the schema) and data (the in-
stances) separate. The deductive process draws infer-
ence from the ontology structure, both concepts and
properties, by applying link analysis techniques and
producing a sort of implications (rules schemas) in
which only the most important concepts are involved.
Then an inductive process, implemented by a data
mining algorithm, explores the ontology instances for
enriching the implications and building the final rules.
For example, let us suppose we have a fragment
of ontology as depicted in Figure 1 that describes
companies and the business environment. Company,
Manager and Project are concepts, continuous arrows
represent properties of the ontologies while the dotted
ones are used for connecting instances to the classes
they belong to. Starting from this ontology and the
corresponding instances we are able, at the end of the
process, to produce IRs as the following one:
Manager.hasAge < 45
Project.hasInnovationDegree = good
Both the premise (Manager.hasAge < 45) and the
(Project.hasInnovationDegree = good) are expres-
sions binding the datatype property of a class to a spe-
cific value, while the weight (w) measures the strength
of the influence. This rule must be read as:
“In 80% of the cases, whenever a manager of
a company is less then 45 years old, then the
project he manages has a good degree of in-
What we want to prove, besides the correctness
and feasibility
of the project, is that the approach
allows us to extract “higher level” rules w.r.t.
classical knowledge discovery techniques. In fact,
ontology metadata gives a general view of the domain
The term feasibility has to be intended as the “capabil-
ity of being done”.
Furletti B. and Turini F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003438403230333
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 323-333
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Fragment of an ontology schema and its instances.
of interest and supplies information about all the
elements apart from the fact that they are included
as instances in the collected data. The technique is
completely general and applicable to every domain.
Since the output is a set of “standard” If-Then rules,
it can be used to integrate existing knowledge or for
supporting any other data mining process.
The paper includes the following sections:
Section 2 proposes some related works that try to
combine ontologies and data mining in different
Section 3 gives a short overviewof the technical back-
ground about theories and algorithms used in the rest
of the paper.
Section 4 is the core section in which the Ontology
Miner strategy is described.
In section 5 we present a case study where our strat-
egy is applied to an actual problem.
Before concluding this paper, in section 6 we present
the new version of the system and some comments
about an experiment. Section 7 contains the conclu-
sions and discusses some future promising work.
When speaking about ontologies and data mining
(DM), we enter into a domain in which DM tech-
niques and domain ontologies are either combined
for improving existing knowledge discovery tools
and processes or for supporting decision systems.
Ontologies and DM are related in different ways
depending on the perspective from which the two
field are viewed: is the ontology that improves DM
or is DM that operates on ontologies? Actually, both
the perspectives are interesting and three significant
research lines can be identified:
1) using ontologies for driving DM;
2) using DM for building ontologies;
3) using ontologies for describing DM processes.
Great efforts are currently spent by researchers
in these fields, for example a recent paper of Geller
and colleagues (Geller et al., 2005) describes the use
of taxonomies for improving the results of associa-
tion rule mining. The goal is to produce association
rules with higher support from a large set of tuples
about demographic and personal interest information.
Since the collection of people interests tends to be too
abstract for actual applications, they use a hierarchy
of concepts for raising data instances to higher levels
during a pre-processing step, before running the DM
A similar approach has been described in (Bel-
landi et al., 2007) where an ontology in the domain
of super market products is used for extracting
constraint-based multi-level association rules. In this
case the use of an actual ontology (instead of a simple
taxonomy) permits the definition of constraints and
the use of concepts at different levels of abstraction.
In this case the objective is to drive the extraction of
rules that fit the user request and need and identify
possible target items for seasonal promotions.
On the other hand, since the construction of an
ontology is a complex and creative work for the do-
main experts, DM techniques are often of great help.
A very simple/minimal approach is described in (El-
sayed et al., 2007), where the Quinlan’s C4.5 algo-
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
rithm is used for building an ontology starting from
the generated decision tree. The ontology is con-
structed by means of a mapping function from the
tree elements: root node, internal nodes and deci-
sion branches are mapped into OWL classes, while
the leaves (which permit the identification of the as-
sociation rules) are coded as individuals.
A more structured work is presented in (Parekh
et al., 2004), where the authors describe how to enrich
an existing seed ontology by using text mining tech-
niques, especially by mining the domain specific texts
and glossaries/dictionaries in order to find groups of
concepts/terms which are related to each other. Even
if the extraction of new concepts or instances from
text is automatic, the enrichment of the seed ontol-
ogy is manually done by the experts. The advantage
here is the discovering of many important concepts
and interesting relationships directly from the data in
an automatic way.
Other contributions in this field are described in
(Ciaramita et al., 2008) and (Vela and Declerck,
In (Ciaramita et al., 2008), the authors describe
the implementation of an unsupervised system that
combines a syntactic parsing, collocation extraction
and selectional restriction learning. The system, ap-
plied to a set of data (in this case to a molecular biol-
ogy corpus of data), generates a list of labeled binary
relations between pairs of ontology concepts. They
demonstrate that the system can be easily applied in
text mining and ontology building applications.
In (Ciaramita et al., 2008) a method is sketched
for extending existing domain ontologies (or for
semi-automatic generating ontologies) on the basis of
heuristic rules applied to the result of a multi-layered
processing of textual documents. The rules, extracted
by using essentially statistical methods, are used for
deriving ontology classes from linguistic annotation.
The new classes can be added to already existing on-
tologies or can be used as starting point for a new on-
Ontologies are frequently employed also in
context-aware systems. As for example in (Singh
et al., 2003), they are used for describing both con-
texts and the DM process in a dynamic way. In partic-
ular the authors split the context aware DM into two
parts: the representation of the contexts through the
ontology and a framework which is able to query the
ontology, invoke the mining processes and coordinate
them according to the ontology design.
In the light of the above classification, our work
can only partially be seen as a contribution to the line
one, because what we do is to move from Knowledge
Discovery in Databases to Knowledge Discovery in
Ontologies by using a combination of DM and Link
analysis methods. Indeed, the analysis of the T-Box
of an ontology is used to prepare the process of actual
mining out of the A-Box (the instances).
In our work we combine in a novel way link analy-
sis and DM techniques in order to extract knowledge
from ontologies. In this section we introduce the link
analysis method we customized and the correspond-
ing extension to the ontology domain. For what it
concerns the DM, we used PATTERNIST, a pattern
discovery algorithm developed by colleagues at the
CNR in Pisa. PATTERNIST is the result of a research
activity that has now come to the implementation of
a more sophisticated (and documented) system: Con-
QueSt (Bonchi et al., 2006).
3.1 Link Analysis
In this paper we exploit the peculiarities of HITS (Hy-
pertext Induced Topic Selection) (Kleinberg, 1998),
the Kleinberg’s algorithm for ranking web pages, to
provide a sort of “authority measure” to the ontology
concepts. HITS rates web pages based on two evalu-
ation concepts: authority and hub. The authority es-
timates the content value of the page, while the hub
estimates the value of its links to other pages. In other
words, a hub is a page with outgoing links and author-
ity is a page with incoming links. Kleinberg observed
that there exists a certain natural type of balance be-
tween hubs and authorities in the web graph defined
by the hyperlinks, and that this fact could be exploited
for discovering both types of pages simultaneously.
HITS works as an iterative algorithm applied to
the subgraph G
of the web graph, derived from a
sort of text matching procedure (for further details
see the procedure
in (Kleinberg, 1998)) of
the query terms σ in the search topic. For this rea-
son it is query-dependent. The core of the algorithm
starts from G
and computes hub (y
) and author-
ity (x
) weights by using an iterative procedure
qualified to mutually reinforce the values. It becomes
natural to express the mutually reinforcing relation-
ship between hubs and authorities, as: “If p points to
many pages with high x-values, then it should receive
a large y-value, and if p is pointed to by many pages
with large y-values, then it should receive a large x-
value”. I and O operations have been defined for up-
dating the weights.
I updates the authority x-weights as:
I : x
O updates the hub y-weights as:
O : y
Since the two operations are mutually recursive, a
fixed point is needed for guaranteeing the termina-
tion of the computation. Even if the number k of it-
erations is a parameter of the algorithm, it is proven
that, with arbitrarily large values of k, the sequences
of vectors x
and y
converge to
the fixed points x
and y
(Theorem 3.1 in (Kleinberg,
As one can guess, and as it happens for the main in-
formation retrieval methods, linear algebra supplies
“tools” of support for formalizations and proofs.
First, it is possible to represent the graph G
matrix form with the help of an adjacency matrix A.
Then, one can easily observe that the iterativeand mu-
tual call of I and O can be (re)written as:
= A
= Ax
Stated that, it is easy to trace the computation of x
and y
back to the mathematical computation of the
principal eigenvectors of a matrix A
A and AA
, re-
spectively. From 1, after k iterations, we obtain
= (A
= (AA
where u is the initial seed vector for x and y. Equation
2 is the recursive formula for computing the authority
and hub vectors at a certain iteration.
For our purposes we customized the HITS algo-
rithm. A short description of HITSxONTO algorithm
is presented in following section 3.2.
3.2 HITSxONTO Algorithm
HITSxONTO, the core algorithm, is the customized
version of HITS for handling ontologies. It has been
recently developed as part of a Ph.D. Thesis (Furletti,
2009). Like HITS, it is based on the concepts of au-
thority and hubness, and its purpose is to measure the
importance of the ontology concepts, basing only on
the ontology structure (the TBox). In other words,
it tries to deduce which concepts can be considered
particularly “important” (authorities) and which ones
give a particular importance to other concepts (hubs).
In this context we are interested in concepts, object
properties and in the is-a relation. This last element
is used for constructing the matrix associated to the
ontology that points out direct, indirect and hidden
connections. The datatype properties, instead, are not
relevant in the ranking procedure.
The main algorithm variant w.r.t. HITS concerns the
pre-processing phase, that is the preparation of the in-
put and the general adaptation to the ontology. In the
transition from the web to the ontology environment
we adopt the following association: an ontology con-
cept is seen as a web page, and an object property is
seen as a hyperlink.
HITSxONTO is iterative as HITS, and follows the
same core steps.
As introduced in section 1, the objective of this
method is to extract hidden information from an on-
tology by operating on the structure and on the in-
stances, separately. The strategy is composed by four
main steps, each one dedicated to a particular phase
of the extraction. Figure 2 tries to exemplify the pro-
cedure that we describe below in detail.
[Step 1] Identification of the Concepts.
This step consists in the analysis of the ontology
schema and the extraction of the most relevant
For the extraction, we exploit the possibility of
representing the ontology as a graph with its as-
sociated Adjacency Matrix (AM). The AM points
out the existence of a direct link between two con-
cepts. Starting from the AM and exploiting the
ontology hierarchical structure (defined by the is-
a property) we compute a Weighted Adjacency
Matrix (WAM). It is an nxn matrix where each
entry w
has the following meaning:
k if k edges from i to j exist
0 otherwise
This matrix permits us to store multiple and hid-
den connections between concepts that is, the
ones among sub-concepts, or parent concepts and
sub-concepts that are not directly defined by an
explicit link. In other words, we refer to the con-
nections that exist but that are not explicitly repre-
sented by an arc in the ontology-graph. A typical
case is represented in the following Example 1.
Example 1. Hidden Connections.
Suppose we have the fragment of ontology de-
picted in Figure 3. A and B are main concepts,
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Steps of analysis.
while A
and B
are sub-concepts of A and B,
respectively. r
and r
are object properties and
the arrows labelled with isA identify the hierar-
chy. Thanks to these last connections, A
from A the status of being domain of the proper-
ties r
and r
, while B
inherits from B the status
of range of the property r
This said, it is easy to see that A is connected to
B and B
thanks to direct links (r
and r
), but A
has actually a “double” connection with B
: one
thanks to the direct link r
and the other induced
by r
and the inheritance property. A
has no
physical connections with other concepts, never-
theless it inherits from A a simple connection to
B and a double connection to B
. Instead, B does
not inherit the range status of B
induced by r
In fact, given instances inst A A and inst B B,
they cannot be connected by means of r
. The as-
sociated WAMW highlights, for each concept, the
number of direct and hidden connections. Since
isA is a hierarchic relation and not an object prop-
erty, both the [A
,A] and [B
, B] matrix entries are
set to 0. As stated before, the contribution of this
relation is used for the identification of the hidden
In order to extract the relevant concepts, we anal-
yse only the schema of the ontology. The idea is
to adopt a link analysis method as the one used
in the semantic web environment. While HITS
works with web pages and hyperlinks, HITSx-
ONTO works on concepts and object properties.
Running HITSxONTO with the WAM as input,
we obtain two lists of concepts, ranked on author-
Figure 3: Hidden connections.
ity and hub principles. The most relevantconcepts
are those that exceed the thresholds for acceptance
fixed by the user. Since the threshold strongly de-
pends on the ontology size and connectivity, it has
to be empirically fixed.
[Step 2] Influence Rule Schema Building.
In this step we construct the schemas of the rules,
that is we identify the implicant and the impli-
cated concepts, and the direction of the implica-
tion. Each rule schema is created by using the po-
tential implicant concepts, and connecting them
with the potential implicated concepts reachable
directly or indirectly via object properties.
An IR Schemas has the following format:
is a concept belonging to the
hub-set of concepts and
is a concept
belonging to the authority-set of concepts. The
following Example 2 clarifies the point.
Example 2. Building the IRs Schema.
Suppose to have an ontology that describes com-
panies and the economic environment, and sup-
pose to obtain, from Step 1, the following two lists
of candidates concepts:
Implicant Set = {
Implicated Set =
The Implicant and the Implicated sets are com-
posed by concepts that obtained a hub value and
an authority value greater than the fixed thresh-
olds respectively. Let us also suppose that in the
ontology a connection (a direct object property, an
inherited object property or an indirect path of ob-
ject properties) from Company to LevelOfCompe-
tition exists. Under these hypothesis the following
new schema can be built:
This schema is the starting point for the construc-
tion of IRs where the concept LevelOfCompetition
depends on the concept Company. The characteri-
zation of the schema is realized by associating the
attributes defined as datatype proper-
ties of the concept in the ontology.
[Step 3] Characterization of the Influence Rules
In this step we create the IRs starting from the
schemas built in the previous step. In particular
we associate the appropriate attributes to the con-
cepts that form the schema, and a weight for the
implication that identifies the strength of the rules.
To do that, we analyse the ontology instances as-
sociated to the set of concepts which the domain
of interest is composed of, and we extract the fre-
quent items by using the algorithm PATTERNIST
cited at the beginning of section 3. The frequent
items give us three important information:
1. The pairs of <concept.attribute> that appear
together more frequently in the set of instances.
2. The values associated to the attributes.
3. The support of the frequent item sets, that cor-
responds to the percentage of the instances that
include all items in the premise and conse-
quence in the rule.
We then collect, from the frequent itemsets, the
values and the weights for the Influence Rules
The appropriate attributes are determined by adopting
a particular strategy that uses a DM method on the ontology
instances, as described in step 3.
It is important to notice that we consider the sup-
port as the appropriate measure for weighting the
rules. Other measures, like the confidence, could
be a refinement in specific fields, although the
support remains the more intuitive measure. Ex-
ample 3 clarifies the point.
Example 3. Characterizing the IRs Schema.
Starting from the result of the previous example
2, let us suppose that the concepts involved in the
schema have the datatype properties reported in
table 1. In this step 3, we run PATTERNIST on
the set of instances of the ontology under analy-
sis. The result is a set of frequent items. Let us
suppose that the frequent items are the following
FI1: {
LevelOfCompetition.hasType =
TypeA, Company.hasFoundationYear =
FI2: {
LevelOfCompetition.hasLevel =
High, Company.hasDimension = Big
Merging FI1 and FI2 according to the schemas ex-
tracted in step 2 we obtain the following two in-
fluence rules.
IR1: Company.hasFoundationYear = 1989
LevelOfCompetition.hasType = TypeA
IR2: Company.hasDimension = Big
LevelOfCompetition.hasLevel = High
The rules can be read respectively as:
“In 60% of the cases, if the company has been
founded in 1989 than its level of competition is of
TypeA, and
“In 80% of the cases, if the company is big than
its level of competition is high”.
[Step 4] Validation.
The Validation is needed to guarantee that the IRs
are consistent and do not conflict with each other.
The best way for validating the rules is to ask a
domain expert, nevertheless some ad-hoc proce-
dures can be implemented with reference to the
domain under analysis and the foreseeable use.
The first two steps are essentially deductive, they
are a sort of “top-down” approach that starts from the
theory and tries to find a model. The third one is an
inductive step, a sort of “bottom-up” approach; we
move from the observations (the instances) to the re-
sults (the IRs).
The methodology we propose can be employed in dif-
ferent DM or non-DM applications that make use of
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: Description of the datatype properties associated to the concepts of the example.
Concept Datatype Prop. Type Options
hasName String
Company hasDimention Enumerated {Small, Medium, Big}
hasFoundationYear Integer
hasLevel Enumerated {Low, Medium, High}
LevelOfCompetition hasDescription String
hasType Enumerated {TypeA, TypeB}
additional information in the form of rules, or for en-
riching pre-existing knowledge repository and struc-
tures (Baglioni et al., 2008).
To complete the discussion, in the next section we
show an actual application that uses the IRs in another
DM process.
In this section, we describe an actual application of
the methodology described in section 4 in the con-
text of MUSING (Mus, 2006), an European project
in the field of Business Intelligence (BI). MUS-
ING, MUlti-industry, Semantic-based next genera-
tion business INtelliGence” aims at developing a new
generation of BI tools and modules based on seman-
tic knowledge and content systems. It integrates Se-
mantic Web and Human Language technologies and
combines declarative rule-based methods and statisti-
cal approaches for enhancing the technological foun-
dations of knowledge acquisition and reasoning in BI
One of the services developed during the project
is the Online Self Assessment. By analysing the an-
swers to a questionnaire that describes the economic
plan of a company, the tool supplies an evaluation of
the quality of the company and of the credit worthi-
ness. The system is based on a predictive model that
uses both historical and external knowledge provided
by an expert in the domain. The predictive model is
implemented by using YaDT-DRb (Bellini, 2007), a
variant of the famous Quinlan’s C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993)
algorithm, modified for using the external knowledge.
As usual for this kind of algorithms, the historical
data are used for constructing and training the clas-
sification models. The external knowledge instead, is
new data-independent knowledge provided by an ex-
pert and used for integrating the training set and for
driving the construction of the models. This technique
is documented in our previous work (Baglioni et al.,
2005; Baglioni et al., 2008). The new information is
provided in form of if-then rules that we call Expert
Rules (ERs).
In the project, data and metadata are described and
stored by using a set of ontologies.
Starting from this scenario, the extraction of IRs
out of an ontology is applied to the MUSING ontol-
ogy (in particular to the subset of ontology that de-
scribes the qualitative questionnaire), and the IRs are
used to enrich the set of Expert Rules (ERs) provided
by an expert in economics.
Below the details and the results of the IR extrac-
tion procedure are given.
Knowledge Repository - Data and metadata reside
in the MUSING ontologies. The questionnaire
adopted in the Online Self Assessment service is
described by the so called BPA ontology. A frag-
ment of the integrated ontologies is depicted in
Figure 4. The concepts that belong to upper or re-
lated ontologies are labelled with the correspond-
ing prefix (i.e. psys, ptop or company), while
for the concepts that belong to the BPA ontology
the prefix is missing for saving space. The black
continuous arrowsrepresent the
while the blue broken-line arrows represent the
object properties. Not all the relationships nor the
object properties and labels have been drawn for
the picture clarity sake.
The Data - The dataset used to train and test the
models has been provided by the Italian bank
Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS). The data set,
composed of 6000 records contains the following
13 Qualitative Variables representing a sub-
set of the questions included in the Qualitative
Questionnaire performed by MPS to assess the
credit worthiness of a third party, and in partic-
ular utilised to calculate the Qualitative Score
of a Company.
The Qualitative Score (target item of the classi-
fication task).
80 Financial/Economic indicators calculated
from the Balance Sheets and representing a part
of the information utilised to evaluate the prob-
ability of the default of a company.
Extraction of the Relevant Concepts - The HITSx-
ONTO algorithm has been applied to the MUS-
ING ontologies yielding a list of 552 ranked con-
cepts. The computation ends after four itera-
tions, returning a list of 5 concepts with hub score
greater than 0 and a list of 14 concepts with au-
thority score greater than 0. This is because the
ontology is large and not strongly connected.
Construction of the IRs Schemas - Considering all
the concepts in the lists as candidates, we obtain
2097 IRs Schemas with exactly one implicant and
one implicated.
Characterization of the IRs - After a suitable filter-
ing procedure we apply PATTERNIST to a set
of 5757 instances of questionnaires. Having set
the minimum support to 20%, PATTERNIST re-
turs a set of 56 frequent itemsets (pairs of con-
cepts). The result of the characterization of the
IRs Schemas by using the set of frequent itemsets,
is the following set of 14 IRs:
1. ResearchAndDevelopment.isACompanyInvestment=1
2. ResearchAndDevelopment.isACompanyInvestment=1
3. ResearchAndDevelopment.isACompanyInvestment=2
4. StrategicVisionAndQualityManagement.hasRate=2
5. CapitalizationStrategy.isTheIncreasingForeseen=2
6. ManagementTeam.hasYearOfExperience=1
7. ResearchAndDevelopment.isACompanyInvestment=2
8. StrategicVisionAndQualityManagement.hasRate=2
9. CapitalizationStrategy.isTheIncreasingForeseen=2
10. ManagementTeam.hasYearOfExperience=1
11. ResearchAndDevelopment.isACompanyInvestment=2
12. StrategicVisionAndQualityManagement.hasRate=2
13. ManagementTeam.hasYearOfExperience=1
14. ManagementTeam.hasYearOfExperience=1
To correctly interpret these rules, please refer to
the description of the qualitative questionnaire
and its codification, reported in Appendix.
For example, the meaning of the last IR,
In 73% of the cases, if the management team has
more than 10 years of experience in the industrial
sector, then the company does not foresee to in-
crease its capital.
This IR, in agreement with what we just stated,
belongs to the following schema:
which is one of the 2097 schemas extracted in the
previous phase. Here it is clear that the schema
provides the structure of a set of future IRs; it de-
fines the direction of the implication and what are
the involved concepts. The frequent itemset, in-
stead, identifies the interesting datatype properties
(related to the considered concepts) and assigns
the weight (i.e. the support), making one of the
possible instances compatible with that schema.
The successful results obtained in the MUSING
project and in the economic domain encouraged us
to further work on the system and to carry on new
experiments. In particular, the extension covers two
1. The generation of “complex” IRs, i.e. rules com-
posed of more than one implicant item, such as:
, I
, ..., I
where I
/ [I
, ..., I
2. The use of a further rule measure: the confidence.
For implementing the first feature we grouped
each simple rule with the same consequence, and we
construct “super-sets” composed of all the combi-
nation of 2, 3, ..., n implicants. Then, we maintain
only the sets that, together with the consequence,
have a correspondent itemset in the file produced by
PATTERNIST. This requirement is necessary to get
the right weight to associate to the new complex rule.
Then we build the IRs in the traditional way.
The confidence, as usual for association rules,
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: A fragment of the whole Musing ontology.
denotes the conditional probability of the head of
the rule, given the body. This parameter allows to
measure the reliability of a rule and in particular of an
outlier, i.e. an IR with low probability of occurring.
As an example we report some interesting results
computed by using the MUSING data and where we
set the minimum support to 1%. For each IRs we
associate a short interpretation.
2 (c=92%)
In the 3% of the cases, if the years of experience
of the management team are more than 10, the rate
of the strategic vision and quality management is
excellent and the company does not invest in R&D,
then the company is not foreseeing to increase its
2 (c=98%)
In the 1% of the cases, if the company owner/CEO
has no relevant past experiences, the rate of the
strategic vision and quality of management is Ex-
cellent and the company does not invest in R&D,
then the company is not foreseeing to increase its
These two IRs have a very low probability but an high
confidence, and they can be considered important for
an analyst interested in the behavior of a company
towards the strategies of management, the investment
in the R&D, and the way to finance them.
2 (c=64%)
In the 1% of the cases, if the years of experience of
the management team are less than 5, then company
owner/CEO has no relevant past experiences”.
This is a really rare case, but maybe it should be taken
into consideration because of its not negligible confi-
dence value.
In this paper we have presented how we handled the
problem of extracting interesting and implicit knowl-
edge out of an ontology, presenting the results in form
of influence rules. Our idea was to drive the extrac-
tion process by using the ontology structure, and to
exploit the instances only in a second step. The main
problem was to understand if and how to use tradi-
tional methods for DM in the context of the ontol-
ogy. Obviously, the traditional systems can be used
only as models, but they are not directly applicable
to the ontologies. By decomposing the problem into
sub-problems, we succeeded in finding a methodol-
ogy taking inspiration from consolidated theories and
recent developments.
Besides the theoretical results, we had the oppor-
tunity of testing our system in an concrete setting ex-
ploiting our involvement in a European industrial re-
search project: MUSING. In this way, we had at our
disposal an integrated framework and a real set of
data. Our analysis tool mainly solves, in this domain,
the problem of the availability of the expert knowl-
edge. In fact, in the economic field, obtaining a cog-
nitive net of relationships from experts is a hard task,
either for the complexity of the matter, or for the lack
of specific studies (very often these rules are based on
the expert believes or his/her own experience).
A final consideration deals with the application
fields and the system extension. In the paper, we fo-
cused on the economic domain using the IRs for aug-
menting a set of “similar” (for meaning, structure and
objective) rules. Nevertheless, it is important to point
out that the system is fully general and can be used in
several domains i.e. in all the domains that can be de-
scribed by an ontology and where instances are avail-
able. Moreover, the new extension further enriches
the system, making the IRs much more informative
and interesting than before.
This paper was supported by MUSING Project (IP
FP-027097) which provided an useful and convenient
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The qualitative questionnaire aims at collecting the
qualitative information of the company/financial
institution that accesses the Online Self Assessment
service. Here is the list of questions and the corre-
sponding answers.
For being processed, the questionnaire has been
suitable codified. In the ontology, at the schema level,
each question is a datatype property of a concept.
The codification, with the syntax
, is also provided.
Diversification of Production.
1. The company operates in more than one sector.
2. The company operates in just one sector with
flexible production processes.
3. The company operates in just one sector with
no flexible production processes.
Commercial Diversification.
1. Customers base well diversified, with no con-
centration of sales.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
2. Customers base well diversified, with some key
3. Most of sales directed to few key clients.
Years of Experience of the Management Team
in the Industrial Sector the Company Operates
1. > 10.
2. 5 10.
3. < 5.
Previous Achievements of the Management
1. Company owner/CEO with past successful
achievements even in different fields from the
one in which the company operates today.
2. Company owner/CEO with no relevant past ex-
3. Company owner/CEO with one or more unsuc-
cessful past experiences.
Strategic Vision and Quality of Management
(Referred to Previous Experiences).
1. Excellent.
2. Good.
3. Satisfying.
4. Insufficient.
Organisational Structure of the Company.
1. Organised in a well-articulate and efficient way.
2. Well organised even if some gaps are present,
all the relevant positions are well covered.
3. The organisation is not adequate to the com-
pany dimension and some relevant positions are
not presided.
Market Trend.
1. Growing.
2. Stable.
3. Going toward stabilization.
4. In recession.
Does the Company Invest in Research & Devel-
1. Yes.
2. No.
Level of Competition in the Market.
1. High.
2. Medium.
3. Low.
Quality Certificate(s) Achieved.
1. The company achieved one or more quality cer-
2. The company has one or more quality certifi-
cates requests in progress.
3. The company does not have any quality certifi-
Relationships with the Banking System.
1. Good margin of utilisation of the credit lines
and good credit worthiness.
2. Good margin of utilisation of the credit lines.
3. Presence of some tensions.
4. Overdrafts are present.
Financial Requirements Trend.
1. In line with the company dynamics.
2. Not in line with the company dynamics.
Is the Company Foreseeing to Increase its Cap-
1. Yes.
2. No.