Adriano Rivolli, João Paulo Orlando and Dilvan A. Moreira
Dept. of Computer Science, ICMC - USP, Av. Trabalhador Sancarlense, 400, São Carlos, Brazil
Keywords: Rule acquisition, Rule visualization, Rule management, OWL, SWRL.
Abstract: The Semantic Web renewed a growing interest in rule based software systems and their development.
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) is a rule language that enables Horn-like rules to be combined with
Web Ontology Language (OWL) knowledge bases to provide even more expressivity. However, as rule
based web system mature, the number of rules they use grows making them difficult to manage. Developers
face problems when trying to understand and control the big rule sets they create. In order to address this
problem, techniques and tools are necessary to organize, view and create new rules as part of a large rule
set. This work presents strategies and techniques developed in order to improve SWRL tools based upon a
survey of rule tools, a study of the state of the art and the analysis of representative rule sets.
The use of rules in the Semantic Web has grown and
contributed to renew and increase interest in rule
based software systems (Zacharias, 2008). The
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) provides
even more expressivity to the Web Ontology
Language (OWL), which is a powerful language for
building ontologies that specify high-level
descriptions of Web content (SWRL Submission,
With the growing use of rules in the Semantic
Web, users and developers have encountered some
problems, particularly when the rule set becomes
large or the rules are complex (Hassanpour,
O’Connor and Das, 2009). Thus, they need tools for
the creation, management and visualization of rules
allowing: knowledge acquisition without ambiguity,
inconsistency and rule duplication; and rule (and
rule set) visualization that improves the
understanding of knowledge content.
Protégé is the most widely used freely available,
platform-independent technology for developing and
managing ontologies (Rubin, Noy and Musen,
2007). We take it as a representation of the state-of-
the-art in such tools. It uses two tabs for writing
SWRL rules: the SWRLTab (O’Connor, Musen and
Das, 2009) and Axiomé (Hassanpour, O’Connor and
Das, 2009). Both tools emphasize rule visualization.
However, their use has shown that support for large
SWRL rule bases is deficient and have to be
At the same time, there is a considerable number
of Business Rules System (BRS) that were built to
solve problems similar to the ones SWRL rule
systems face today. Unfortunately, there is little
research data about how rule systems are being
designed, written and debugged; and what
challenges their rule developers face (Zacharias,
This work is composed by: A survey of rule
tools, their main features and user interfaces; The
study of the state of the art related to SWRL; and
analysis of the rule set characteristics.
The SWRL format is a simple Horn-like rule
structure that combines with an OWL knowledge
base to provide more expressivity. Each rule consists
of two parts: the antecedent (body) and the
consequent (head) that are formed by zero or more
atoms. Atoms, in these rules, can be of the form
C(x), P(x,y), sameAs(x,y) or differentFrom(x,y),
where C is an OWL description, P is an OWL
property, and x,y are variables, OWL individuals or
OWL data values (SWRL Submission, 2004). The
W3C Submission defines six SWRL atom types:
class; individual property; data valued property; data
Rivolli A., Paulo Orlando J. and A. Moreira D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003439901910194
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 191-194
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
range; same/different; and builtins (Hassanpour,
O’Connor and Das, 2009).
Atoms may refer to individuals, data literals,
individual variables or data variables. Each SWRL
atom type supports a number of arguments and
types. Finally, the human readable variables are
indicated using the standard convention of prefixing
them with a question mark. Using this syntax, a rule
would be written like this (SWRL Submission,
parent(?x,?y) brother(?y,?z) ->
Nowadays, most enterprise systems include a
module or use a program to write business rules. A
rule, in general, is a declarative instruction that
expresses “what” and not “how” things must happen
(Braye et al., 2006). Bellow we list and cluster the
rule tools surveyed for this paper:
BRS RuleTrack, FICO Blaze Advisor, ILOG
JRules BRMS, Oracle Business Rules and Visual
Rules provide a complete environment for managing
business rules that allow the capture and
organization of business rule statements.
Drools introduces the “Business Logic
integration Platform” which provides a unified and
integrated platform for rules. The LibRT Rule
Management System enables business experts to
maintain and test rules in different representation
formats. OpenLexicon is a Business Rules Engine.
The SAP NetWeaver BRM component provides
support for the various phases of a rule system life
cycle: design, execution, modification and
optimization of business rules.
RuleXpress is a repository-based tool that can
be used to manage vocabulary and rules. This tool is
built for business people and business analysts using
their vocabulary. It uses the BRS RuleSpeak, which
is a set of practical guidelines mainly expressing
rules in clear, unambiguous, well-structured business
The TRANSlator from LAnguage TO Rules
(TRANSLATOR) allows anyone, even non-experts,
to write facts and rules in a formal representation for
use in the Semantic Web. This is accomplished by
automatically translating natural language sentences
written in Attempto Controlled English.
CLIPS is an interpreted language and expert
system tool that allows the definition of facts and
rules to which functions are applied.
Also included, are the SWRL tabs of Protégé,
Axiomé and SWRLTab. The first has some
functionality for visualization, acquisition, browsing
and exploring of SWRL rule bases and relationships.
The second supports edition and execution of SWRL
Apart from rule tools, there are also notations,
like the Object Rule Modeling (ORM) a graphic
notation, enabling the creation of rules with
diagrams. There are different tools to design,
maintain and execute rules written in ORM.
During the review of the rule tools, observations
were made regarding the interfaces, features and
resources used in these tools. In general, the
interfaces and interaction approaches are: Text
editor; Integrated Development Environment (IDE);
Descriptive user-friendly; Graphical editor; UML-
based; Spreadsheets; Tree editor; Combination with
ontologies; Automatic extraction from data
(Zacharias, 2008; SWRL Submission, 2004).
However, the survey also shows more specific
features and interfaces.
4.1 Interfaces
Decision tables are composed by rows and columns
of rules. They are used to display in tabular form all
possible situations that a decision rule might
encounter and to specify what actions to take in each
of these situations. The key point to keep in mind is
that, in a decision table, each row is a rule, and each
column in that row is either a condition or an action
for that rule.
Decision trees provide the same functionality as
decision tables, but are composed of nodes instead
of rows and columns. In a decision tree, each rule is
represented by the set of nodes going from the tree
root to each leaf.
Rule templates allow rule designers to write
rule logic (or structure) once and reuse it many
times. The main use of this kind of interface is to
acquire new rules.
From the tool user viewpoint, natural language
is the simplest interface for rules. The use of natural
language is mainly restricted to rule visualization
and not acquisition.
Diagrams can represent rules and rule sets,
providing the users ways to create and view rules.
The graphic representation can be as expressive as
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Entity Relationship (ER) and Unified Modelling
Language (UML) graphic notations.
A Rule Flow uses a Graphic Diagram to show a
Decision Tree. It uses geometric forms, colours and
symbols to represent parts of a rule.
Text editors are used by technical users that
write rules like programmers, in other words, the
user has to know the rule language syntax. Some
editors are like notepads, others are more
sophisticated as an IDE.
A shell is a piece of software that provides a user
interface that accepts and executes commands. It
supplies a command line interface that may be used
interactively or non-interactively.
4.2 Components and Features
Rule grouping is common in most rule tools. It
contributes for the organization and classification of
rules. There are two basic types: manual groups
(defined by the rule creator) and automatic groups
(defined by an algorithm).
Some rule-based systems allow naming and set
textual description of rules, so users can manage
them more efficiently. Those descriptions can make
use of lists, make searches and filter more
accurately, especially with a large rule set. Breaking
rules in parts (rule segments or atoms) can ease
visualization and acquisition.
Finally, icons and symbols are used to represent
tool features and assist rule development. Almost all
systems use icons and symbols in their interface as a
mean to access its features and functions. Icons and
symbols are applied in two distinct moments: to
provide access to system functionality or specific
tasks; and, to be directly used in rule visualization
and acquisition.
5.1 Rule Analysis
We chose the Autism Rules Phenolog ontology (Tu
et al., 2008) as a representative of a large and
complex SWRL rule system. This ontology of
autism extends some ontologies available in the
Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry using
a combination of description logic and rules. The
analysis of this rule system gave us a better
understanding of the structure of its parts, atoms and
variables. Table 1 presents the general data about the
156 rules analyzed.
Table 1: Overview of Autism Rules Phenolog.
Information Total Antecedent Consequent
Number of atoms 2094 994 1100
Number of distinct
predicate atoms
155 147 9
Average of atoms by
number of rules
13 6 7
Min and Max
number of atoms
10, 20 5, 15 4, 8
Number of
3826 1877 1949
Number of distinct
1304 997 1007
Min and Max
number of
18, 46 25, 37 25, 20
Min and Max
number of distinct
7, 18 5, 16 4, 10
This analysis also includes the frequency and
distribution of predicates, atoms, atom types and
argument types in rule parts (antecedents and
consequents) as well as in rules as a whole, which
allowed us to discover features of this rule set:
Few predicate atoms occur in many rules while
the vast majority occurs in less than 10 rules
as observed;
Only three predicate atoms occur more than
once in the same rule;
Only one predicate appears on both sides of a
Every rule analyzed does not contain
same/different or data range atom types,
individual property atoms are not applied to
antecedents and built-in types are not applied
to consequents;
Every rule in the rule set contains, at least, two
class atoms, one individual property in the
consequent, five data valued property and one
built-in atom;
The main argument types, used in the rules, are
Individual and data variables.
This data is being used to direct some of the
interfaces discussed in the next section.
5.2 Techniques, Strategies and Services
Although this work is still in progress, we have
achieved some results that are being carefully
evaluated and will be implemented in SWRL rule
tools. The tools SWRLTab and Axiomé tabs are our
starting point to propose improvements, new
techniques and features to support the SWRL
A simple and useful feature, not used in both
tabs, is SWRL Highlights. Currently SWRL rules
are presented in simple text format, however, the use
of distinct colors to represent variables, data values
and distinct types of atoms have been shown to be
very useful.
We also propose an auto-suggest feature during
the rule composition process. For that, we developed
an algorithm to determine the number of times each
predicate is related to another in a large rule set. To
do this, each predicate is mapped to a node in a
graph with edges connecting the predicates that
appear in the same rules. For each rule, all its
predicates are connected and counted. The auto-
suggest is based on the frequency that predicates are
related in the rules. When a user adds atoms to a rule
under construction, related atoms are suggested
based on this algorithm.
We are experimentally using Euclidian and
Manhattan distances (Salzberg, 1991) among the
rules with the aim of measuring rule similarity and
then group them based on it. We are using distinct
scenarios: using antecedent or consequent rule parts;
using both at the same time; and switching among
atoms and predicates (without variables).
The atoms/predicates form the columns in a
feature array and the rules/rule parts are the rows.
This feature array indicates how many times an
atom/predicate occurs in a rule/rule part. This
technique proved very efficient and useful for the
tested rule-based systems. It allows the discovery of
very similar or identical rules in a rule set and it also
finds rules similar to a given rule.
Finally, the rule similarity values were applied in
the development of a K-means (Jain, Murty and
Flynn, 1999) clustering method in order to group the
rules by similarities. With it, it is possible to
determine the number of groups and subdivide them
to get more closely related rule groups. Initial tests
demonstrate that the formed groups contain rules of
different sizes and with different atoms, what is
good. However, the K-means method can classify
the same rule in different groups and the insertion of
a new rule in the rule set requires a new
classification and therefore rearrangement. To
remedy this problem, we are studying the
development of other clustering methods.
The results obtained so far are good and they have
shown promising improvements in the creation,
visualization and maintenance of SWRL Rules. We
have been conducting studies in an attempt to use
restricted natural language and the next steps are the
development of tools that integrate these new
interfaces in a SWRL tab for Protégé.
This work has been funded by a grant from CNPq-
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems