Facilitating Cloud Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises with the
Cooperative Paradigm
Till Haselmann, Gottfried Vossen
European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), University of M
Leonardo-Campus 3, 48149 M
unster, Germany
Stefanie Lipsky, Theresia Theurl
Institute for Cooperative Research (IfG), University of M
unster, Am Stadtgraben 9, 48143 M
unster, Germany
Cloud computing, Cloud services, Cooperative, Community cloud, Small and medium enterprises.
Cloud computing, or more generally cloud services, ought to be particularly attractive for small and medium
enterprises (SMEs). According to expert opinion, these enterprises should be able to benefit overproportionally
from outsourced IT services due to a variety of reasons. As of today, however, many SMEs still refrain from
adopting cloud services because they do not trust the cloud service provider sufficiently and they cannot assess
the legal implications of using cloud services. In this paper, we present an argument in favor of a cooperative
community cloud that applies the paradigm of a cooperative to cloud operations. We sketch our vision of a
“trustworthy” cloud, argue for its viability, and identify areas for future research.
Many small and medium enterprises still refrain from
adopting cloud services because of a lack of trust in
both the cloud service provider and the legal situation.
In this paper, we present an argument in favor of a co-
operative community cloud that applies the paradigm
of a cooperative to cloud operations.
Cloud computing is a new variety of IT outsourc-
ing that has been gaining much attention over the
last few years. In this paradigm, a cloud service
provider (CSP) offers very standardized IT services
which are accessed over a network, usually the In-
ternet. These services comprise products on differ-
ent levels of abstraction, ranging from software us-
able by the end user (Software-as-a-Service, SaaS)
over platforms that allow storing varying degrees of
custom logic (Platform-as-a-Service, PaaS) to virtual-
ized IT hardware (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS).
The CSP provides a seemingly unlimited supply of
resources and allows the user to quickly make use of
more or less resources depending on the current de-
mand—a concept commonly referred to as elasticity.
Users pay only for the resources that are actually uti-
lized (pay-per-use), sometimes plus a small periodic
fee (Armbrust et al., 2010; Mather et al., 2009; Mell
and Grance, 2009).
Cost-efficiency Trust
Community Cloud
Cooperative Legal CertaintyMonitoring
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the suggested approach.
One important trait of cloud computing is the pro-
vided abstraction that masks all the internals of the
cloud to the end user. On the one hand, this is very
beneficial because it allows the CSP to provide the
cloud services in the most cost-efficient way possi-
Haselmann T., Vossen G., Lipsky S. and Theresia T..
COOPERATIVE COMMUNITY CLOUDS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES - Facilitating Cloud Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises
with the Cooperative Paradigm.
DOI: 10.5220/0003443001040109
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 104-109
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ble. In addition, the CSP can perform maintainance
and restructuring operations in the cloud data centers
without impacting the end user’s experience. On the
other hand, however, this abstraction also means that
the end user gives up control over most aspects of data
processing and IT operations, a fact that proves to be
a significant obstacle for many companies, especially
smaller ones.
In consequence, cloud computing is still “terra
incognita” for most small and medium enterprises
(SMEs). According to a study by the University
of M
unster, the majority of SMEs are not yet using
cloud services and have no plans of changing this in
the foreseeable future (Haselmann and Vossen, 2011).
Major reasons for the reluctant adoption are:
lack of trust in the security of the cloud services
and the CSPs,
lack of control over processes in the cloud, e. g.,
with regard to billing, but also with regard to data
protection, as well as
lack of certainty about the legal compliance of the
CSP and the cloud services with respect to con-
tract design, accountability, and warranty.
In this paper, we argue that purely technical ap-
proaches cannot sufficiently address and, in particu-
lar, cannot eliminate these barriers to adoption. In
fact, we outline why this it is at least as much an or-
ganizational problem. Thus, we suggest to employ
a three-faceted approach that tackles the problem not
only from the technical point of view but also from
organizational and legal standpoints. We argue that
SMEs are able to pursue cloud computing more eas-
ily by applying the paradigm of a cooperative to the
cloud data center operation. This is flanked by a com-
prehensive monitoring approach on the technical level
and specific recommendations on the legal level. In
essence, SMEs can thus build trust into “their own
cloud” and still benefit from the cost-efficiency of
the cloud computing paradigm. Fig. 1 shows the ap-
proach in a schematic overview.
2.1 The Cooperative Paradigm
A cooperative is a business organization owned and
operated by a group of individuals (or companies)
with a common goal and for their mutual bene-
fit (MacPherson, 1995). Traditionally, cooperatives
are found in economic sectors such as agriculture,
finance, and the real estate industry. In the past
years, however, many newly founded cooperatives
can be ascribed to expanding, future-oriented in-
dustries, such as IT service providers (Theurl and
Schweinsberg, 2004).
Generally speaking, the cooperative paradigm al-
lows for a more flexible and more diverse align-
ment of the supplied products with the customers’
demands. It implies a common administration as
well as sharing of relevant resources. Thus, it of-
ten leads to lower costs per unit. In addition, decen-
tralized knowledge from the various companies can
be combined without them losing their independence
(Theurl, 2005b).
SMEs forming a cooperative typically want to re-
alize synergies from a joint organization of elements
on their value chains. This leads to economies of
scale, scope and skills (Williamson, 2005). By con-
centrating their market power, the SMEs can also
compensate competitive disadvantages towards large
companies (Theurl and Meyer, 2005).
Cooperatives are characterized by a high degree of
institutionalization and a standardized scope for ac-
tion. The applicable “rules of the game” are defined
in legislature and in the statutory regulations of the
cooperative (Theurl, 2005b). The clear rules facil-
itate handling uncertainty and can thus foster cred-
ibility and trust among the members. The strategic
orientation of the cooperative is built on the notion
of creating value only for the members, which are
simultaneously the owners of the cooperative. This
way, anonymous vested interests are excluded from
all strategic decisions. The values of the cooperative
are grounded in the MemberValue, i. e., a special type
of shareholder value (Theurl, 2005a; Theurl, 2009).
The MemberValue can be interpreted as the overall
business value of the cooperative.
Applied to the cloud services domain, the coop-
erative paradigm attempts to alleviate deficiencies in
the individual IT infrastructures and to build collec-
tive competence with regard to cloud services. A
working example of this is the German DATEV eG,
a cooperative that manages the IT infrastructure and
IT services for tax consultants in Germany. Founded
around 40 years ago, DATEV has been providing data
center services, some of which may nowadays be sub-
sumed as cloud computing, mainly SaaS and IaaS
in a private cloud model. The cooperative paradigm
provided the foundation for continuous and sustain-
able improvement of both service quality and product
portfolio for the currently more than 39,000 members
(Gulden, 2010). Of course, DATEV was not created
with a particular focus on cloud computing, but rather
to satisfy the various IT demands of its members. The
Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises with the Cooperative Paradigm
application of the cooperative paradigm specifically
to cloud operations has not yet been researched.
2.2 Cloud Monitoring
By virtue of its special governance, the coopera-
tive is a suitable form for the organization of cloud
operations that addresses current deficiencies of the
cloud. However, a purely organizational approach
is not comprehensive enough to establish sufficient
trust with all potential cloud users among the SMEs.
Therefore, the technical governance must be consid-
ered as well. Two of the most important aspects in
this respect are
1. allowing the user to fully specify the permitted
(and illicit) use of his or her data, and
2. elucidating the internals of the cloud in order to
provide the user with a means of monitoring what
processing is actually performed on that data.
An important benefit of the cloud paradigm is
the abstraction from the physical resources involved,
e. g., the actual computing or storage devices. Ab-
stract interfaces mask the underlying systems from
the user (Armbrust et al., 2010; Vaquero et al., 2009).
However beneficial this abstraction may be in many
ways, it is also the reason why many users tend not
to trust cloud services. With all internal processing
steps hidden from the users, it is impossible to trace
the actual data flows; users can only hope that the
CSPs keep their promises. In essence, they feel as
though their data were “vanishing in a black hole”.
Using the cloud, therefore, requires a large amount of
trust in the provider, an amount that most SMEs are
not willing to invest (Haselmann and Vossen, 2011).
The typical approach for getting an overview of
the internals of complex IT systems is the use of mon-
itoring software, but existing approaches in the cloud-
monitoring domain cannot provide a solution. The
systems available, such as Hyperic CloudStatus, Nim-
soft Cloud Monitoring or Rackspace’s CloudKick,
provide monitoring functionality on a different level:
they provide the user with an overview of the used ab-
stract cloud resources, analyzing and logging mone-
tary costs. Some systems also analyze or predict us-
age patterns and can react to changing demands or
resource shortage. Nevertheless, due to their nature,
these monitoring tools do not allow any insight into
the operation of the physical cloud systems.
The internals of a cloud must not be described in
too much detail because that would deprive the CSPs
of their freedom to organize the physical systems as
they see fit. One possibility that we would like to
explore is the concept of spheres of control (SOCs)
(Davies, Jr., 1973; Davies, Jr., 1978). Stemming orig-
inally from a database systems background, SOCs
have been used mainly in the context of workflow ex-
ecution in the past. They allow grouping of operations
and activities or parts of processes into semantic units
that contain both transactional and non-transactional
parts. These groups are nestable and can be rolled
back when compensating actions are specified. In the
context of cloud computing, the SOCs could be ref-
erencing parts of one or more clouds. If founded on
a suitable level of abstraction, we expect to see new
possibilities for the cloud monitoring.
A second promising approach is a modeling based
on so-called private enclaves or virtual private clouds
(VPCs) (Wood et al., 2009). In this approach, parts of
the cloud are logically separated and treated as au-
tonomous “mini-clouds in the cloud”. Currently, the
cloud users specify which systems should be part of
a VPC. However, this concept could also be used the
other way around, having the CSP identify parts of
the cloud that are similar by certain characteristics.
For example, the CSP could indicate systems with a
very high level of security or services that are partially
provided by unreliable third-party providers.
2.3 Legal Issues of Cloud Computing
The legal situation of cloud computing in the Euro-
pean Union (EU) is dominated by data protection and
copyright legislature. In practice, the strongest rea-
sons for not using the cloud are based on concerns
about data protection and security. In Germany—as
an example of a country with very strict data protec-
tion laws—, current legislature states various require-
ments to the cloud user that render the use of cloud
services under a strict interpretation of the legal code
effectively illegal. Some classic examples clarify this
The cloud user is required to provide entry and
access controls for the cloud data centers and the
IT systems therein (Schuster and Reichl, 2010).
The cloud user has to know the full nature and
extend of the data processing steps undertaken by
the CSP.
The cloud user is responsible for ensuring that
personally identifying data (PII) is not transferred
to a country with an insufficient data protection
legislature (Weichert, 2010).
It is obvious that the strict interpretation of these re-
quirements is incompatible with fundamental traits of
cloud services. Most SMEs therefore refrain from us-
ing cloud services because legal consequences are not
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The in-depth discussion of legal issues, however
important it may be in practical terms, is beyond the
scope of this paper. Instead, we focus on the organi-
zational and technical aspects of our approach.
3.1 Organizational Considerations
A cooperative community cloud focuses on the co-
operation of SMEs from a variety of industries. The
enterprises organize parts of their IT systems and pro-
cesses jointly in order to become more flexible and
cost-efficient. The service portfolio of the cooperative
can be fine-tuned to suit the needs of both the SMEs
and their customers. This reduces information asym-
metries, creates transparency and reduces the poten-
tial of exploitation. It can also lead to more competi-
tion in oligopolistic markets (Harris et al., 1996). For
the moment, there is a size mismatch between few
large CSPs and the comparably tiny SMEs. The coop-
erative community cloud can create a counterbalance
on the market, enabling the SMEs to negotiate with
the CSPs.
Cooperatives are distinguished by their gover-
nance elements, i. e., structures for incentives, deci-
sions, control and coordination. These elements pro-
vide stability and lead to mutual trust, as all coopera-
tives are designed to be long-term undertakings. This
is particularly important in light of current problems
of adoption of cloud services in SMEs. There are four
elements of cooperative governance that are particu-
larly important for the cloud computing domain:
the notion of the MemberValue,
the concept of consistent incentives,
the systemic trust of a cooperative, and
its size and locality.
These elements are described in detail in the follow-
ing subsections.
3.1.1 Strategic Orientation: The MemberValue
The MemberValue describes the economic value of
the cooperative for its members. As detailed in Sec-
tion 2.1, only members can purchase the services of
the cooperative. This aspect, the immediate Member-
Value, is the primary motive for joining the coopera-
tive, supported by aspects of sustainable investments
and (usually a very small amount of) dividends. Since
the access to the services is the primary motive, all
cooperatives are not traded on financial markets and
are statutorily protected from anonymous capital in-
vestors. Thus, negative market influences, such as
overreactions, biased valuation, and short-term rev-
enue orientation, are ruled out. Instead, the strategic
orientation of a cooperative community cloud is based
on sustainable IT operations to the benefit of its mem-
3.1.2 Consistent Incentives and Mutual Control
Although the members are in charge of the fundamen-
tal strategy of the cooperative, they appoint a profes-
sional management that takes care of the operative
business. Incentives of both management and mem-
bers are kept in alignment by a set of mutual controls
inherent in the cooperative rules and because of the
multitude of roles assumed by each participant in the
cooperative (e. g., the members are owners, investors
and customers at the same time). The incentives of all
parties are thus kept consistent, which automatically
leads to more trust between them because property
rights are well-defined and, thus, secure (Chaddad
and Cook, 2001). With regard to a cooperative cloud,
this involves, e. g., revealing inter-organizational in-
terfaces and sensitive information about the company
IT. This poses a risk for the SMEs that would usually
require mitigation by elaborate legal frameworks. In
case of a cooperative, the nature and extend of the co-
operation is already agreed upon and regulated by the
An important particularity of a cooperative cloud
is that each member has exactly one vote (one-man-
one-vote-principle). This favors smaller enterprises
which are usually not in a position to negotiate with a
CSP due to the size mismatch (Harris et al., 1996).
3.1.3 Systemic Trust
It is not necessary to use artificial mechanisms to
build trust into a cooperative. Instead, a function-
ing, economically successful cooperative will bring
this about by itself due to the aforementioned incen-
tives, the statutory regulations and the mutual con-
trols. These mechanisms can be complemented by
instruments that provide additional information. In
the case of a cooperative cloud, this could be a dash-
board showing the exact whereabouts of the users’
data. Given this situation, it is obvious that a cooper-
ative cloud can realize a level of trust that would oth-
erwise require comprehensive contracts and service
level agreements (SLAs), thus reducing both com-
plexity and transaction cost between CSP and mem-
Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises with the Cooperative Paradigm
3.1.4 Size and Locality
Being a member of a cooperative cloud is of high im-
portance particularly to smaller SMEs. The combina-
tion of a variety of smaller units results in a virtual
size that puts SMEs into a much more advantageous
position for negotiations with other CSPs. It also
allows for economies of scale with respect to bun-
dled individual needs of the members. For example,
SMEs often need to buy expensive specialized soft-
ware for some tasks even though the software is used
only rarely over the year. A cooperative cloud may
provide a suitable means of sharing such software li-
censes to the benefit of all members. The realization
of economies of scale, scope and skills notwithstand-
ing, the customer-orientation can still be provided as
before due to each member’s local anchoring.
3.2 Technical Considerations
As stated above, the abstraction from the physical
implementation of a service is one important advan-
tage of the cloud paradigm. However, in certain
cases—particularly in order to verify what processing
and transmission steps are actually taking place—it is
necessary to have an “unclouded” view on things. We
argue that it is necessary to strike a balance between
abstraction when it’s beneficial and insight when it’s
In order to provide such insight, it is necessary to
label one’s data in some manner in order to be able to
identify and track it. The solution to this problem is
divided in two parts:
1. The design of a means of labeling, identifying and
tracking data, along with a system that allows the
user to see where the data resides, in what state it
is (e. g., encrypted), and what processing is being
performed on it.
2. The design of a means of specifying what process-
ing steps are allowed and disallowed for certain
subsets of the data, along with a system run by the
CSP that ensures these specifications are followed
while the data resides in the cloud.
3.2.1 Identifying and Tracking Data
The first step is to identify the correct level of abstrac-
tion that allows both the customer to gain meaningful
insights into the cloud internals and the provider to
keep the infrastructure flexible. At first glance, this
seems to be contradictory to the basic notion of cloud
services. This is true most of the time. However, we
argue that in certain “exceptional” situations, the user
will want to dig into the details, in which case the
provider may be able to generate the required visual-
ization for the specific situation despite the abstrac-
tion usually enforced.
For a meaningful investigation, the cooperative
cloud needs to provide a means of visualizing the rel-
evant information in an aggregated way, e. g., a dash-
board. The whereabouts of one’s data are shown on a
“data map” which offers the ability to drill-down into
a more detailed view of the information. The data
map also manifests additional meta-data that the CSP
generated, such as billing information, usage statis-
tics, or indexes. Of course, these meta-data must be
treated with the same care (and under similar policies)
as the original data because they, too, can contain very
sensitive information (e. g., information giving clues
about the current business situation of the cloud user).
Even more problems arise when data is forwarded to
third-party providers outside of the scope of the coop-
erative cloud.
When designing the approach, the overall security
concept must already be taken into consideration. As
the data and meta-data that are handled and visualized
in the cloud dashboard and data map may be highly
sensitive, there must be a fine-grained access control
mechanism to protect them.
3.2.2 Data Processing Policies
In order to have a viable solution for data process-
ing policies, the CSP needs to be able to describe the
physical systems in a way that allows varying levels
of abstraction while still retaining freedom over the
design of the IT landscape. One approach might be
designed based the spheres of control (SOCs) as out-
lined in Section 2.2. The CSP could then provide a
somewhat abstract description of the cloud systems.
The cloud user, in turn, specifies processing policies
based on this description. Combined with the afore-
mentioned data tracking, the CSP can design the co-
operative cloud such that it automatically complies
with the policies.
One major show-stopper for many SMEs that con-
sider using cloud services is the lack of trust. On the
one hand, this concerns data protection and data se-
curity issues. On the other hand, this also concerns
doubts about the legal situation surrounding cloud
computing. The lack of trust is at least as much a
social and organizational problem as it is a technical
one. Therefore, we suggest to tackle this approach on
all three facets: organizational, technical, and legal. A
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
cooperative community cloud seems to be a promis-
ing approach to establish some of the required trust on
an organizational level, also contributing a good deal
of the legal certainty.
The general notion of a cooperative has been
around for many years and is well understood. How-
ever, the specific application of the concept to the do-
main of cloud computing has not yet been researched.
First, organizing a community cloud as a cooperative
requires the careful design of the “basics”, e. g., suit-
able statutes, optimal management structures, and a
viable set of checks and balances. More importantly,
however, the processes within the cooperative and
among the participating SMEs need to be designed
and optimized. In this regard, there is much to be re-
searched, such as possible synergies stemming from
shared use of resources (e. g., software) and common
processes (e. g., joint IT procurement).
From a technical point of view, the question is how
to provide sufficient means of control to the cloud
users. While some trust in the CSP certainly stems
from the fact that each SME is also owner of the co-
operative, technical measures are still required to pro-
vide a more comprehensive overview of the cloud in-
ternals. A cloud dashboard with a data map seems to
be an appealing solution. This, however, would re-
quire an approach of tracking one’s data in the cloud,
particularly also with respect to associated meta-data.
Such an approach is not yet available and it is not ob-
vious how one might tackle this problem.
Nevertheless, we are convinced that a cooperative
community cloud is an appropriate way to organize
the IT for SMEs. As it does not set any focus on a par-
ticular business area nor does it require a certain com-
pany size, SMEs from a variety of industries and of
diverse sizes can cooperate to form such a cloud. The
cooperative approach fosters trust among the mem-
bers and allows them to realize the cost-benefits of
cloud services that are so far not available to them.
We are currently working on a prototypical develop-
ment of a community cloud in order to be able to sub-
stantiate our claims even further.
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Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises with the Cooperative Paradigm