Alejandro Cordero and David Fernández
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Network virtualization, ISP architectures, Future internet.
Abstract: Network virtualization is a powerful technology that has been proposed as a mean to evolve the current
Internet, allowing the introduction and testing of future network technologies over present infrastructures in
coexistence with our current production networks. However, apart from a path to the Future Internet,
network virtualization can also be a key technology that modifies and improves today ISP networks. This
paper analyses how network virtualization and all the technologies being developed around it can influence
and evolve the present ISP network architectures and business models. Starting from the well-known ISP
architecture made of access, distribution and core layer; we present and discuss the benefits that can be
achieved by introducing virtualization technologies in each layer.
Virtualization is a mature technology in the context
of computing resources, mainly in what is related to
operating systems (platform virtualization). Many
data centres nowadays are supported by
virtualization suites that allow high flexibility in
sharing physical machines and provide capabilities
like high performance, availability, energy
efficiency, load balancing, etc.
However, in the context of networking,
virtualization is a recent technology. Network
virtualization consists of creating multiple logical
networks over a common physical infrastructure
made of nodes and links. Physical nodes are shared
using platform virtualization techniques adapted to
communication nodes, taking into account their
strict real-time requirements, as well as the
reliability (carrier-class).
Network virtualization has been proposed as a
mean to allow the coexistence over the same
network infrastructure of the current Internet and the
new network architectures and protocols being
proposed for the Future Internet. In fact, several
research programs and projects are working in the
application of network virtualization to Future
Internet (e.g. GENI in USA, FIRE in EU or AKARI
in Japan). But it has also a clear role to play in the
evolution of current Internet architectures, creating
new roles and business models. All the new
technologies developed around virtualization, like
router virtualization or dynamic reconfiguration of
networks can be applied to current network
architectures, giving rise to more flexible and
efficient networks.
This paper analyses how network virtualization
and related technologies can influence and evolve
the present ISP network architectures and business
models. The paper is organized as follows. Starting
from the well-known ISP architecture (Section 2)
made of access (2.1), distribution (2.2) and core
(2.3) layers; we present and discuss the benefits that
can be achieved by introducing these virtualization
technologies in each layer. Finally, we provide some
concluding remarks in Section 3.
In order to organize our discussion about how
network virtualization can be applied to today ISP
networks, in this section we will briefly describe the
three-layer network hierarchical model
(Oppenheimer, 2004), a highly adopted “de facto”
standard for ISP (and Enterprise) network design
topologies. This model permits traffic aggregation
and filtering at three successive routing or switching
Cordero A. and Fernández D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003443400810084
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication System (DCNET-2011), pages 81-84
ISBN: 978-989-8425-69-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
levels and makes it very scalable up to large
international internetworks levels.
A typical hierarchical network topology consists
A core layer of high-end routers and switches
that are optimized for availability and
A distribution layer of routers and switches
that implement policies.
An access layer that connects users via lower-
end switches and wireless access points.
The next subsections provide some insights
about how network virtualization can be applied to
each of the layers described before.
2.1 Access Layer
The access layer provides users on local segments
the access to the internetwork. The access layer can
include a large variety of equipment, such as routers,
switches, bridges, shared-media hubs, wireless
access points, etc., using different technologies such
as xDSL, FTTH, Ethernet, DOCSIS, UMTS/3G, Wi-
Fi, WiMAX, etc, as well as different physical media
such as copper (twisted pair and coaxial), fiber and
From the point of view of traditional ISP, we
divide the access layer in three differentiated
components for analyze their virtualization
The Customer Equipment.
The Provider Equipment.
Customer Equipment: The virtualization of
customer equipment like residential or home
gateways is analyzed in (Royon, Frénot, 2007),
(Ibanez et al., 2007). OSGi is a common solution to
the CE implementation that permits a fast an easy
deployment of new services and protocols.
Virtualization of OSGi can be seen as a method for
sharing CE among providers.
Another result of the virtualization of CE is
decoupling service from devices that permits the
creation of new solutions. i.e. a Virtual Home
Environment (Berl et al., 2009) architecture created
to move and consolidate services to ensure energy
efficiency, or a service virtualizer (Häber et al.,
2009) where remote devices are presented as if they
were in local network.
However, we must not forget the hardware
needed to achieve an optimal implementation of a
CE with virtualization capabilities. Today residential
gateways are focused to Internet access as well as its
hardware. Future implementation of a CE must be
more flexible to allow joining several services in one
device. This flexibility should permit upgrading to
new protocols and implementing new services
without changing equipment.
The key of success for this approach depends on
the equipment cost versus the flexibility that it
grants, but the possibility of sharing CE cost
between providers improves the chance to win.
Therefore, from a user point of view, virtualization
can improve customer equipment allowing:
Faster deployment of new services.
Easier implementation of new protocols.
Sharing CE between providers.
Consolidating equipment to improve energy
efficiency (green compliance).
Provider Equipment: Today’s ISPs have link
layer equipment such as DSLAM, CMTS, ONT or
RNC, depending on the transmission technology
used. This equipment could be virtualized to allow it
to be shared among several VNP or to be aggregated
into one to facilitate its management. In this case, it
could be possible to easily migrate a user inside the
same equipment between VNP or upgrade link layer
protocols, but we always have the limitation
imposed by physical end-user connection.
Currently, ISP’s solve the problem of access
layer in two ways:
Deploying their own access network.
Paying traffic aggregation of their users to its
distribution layer.
Virtualization would allow the deployment of an
intermediate model, where an ISP with its own
network could become the infrastructure provider of
other ISP’s behaving as virtual network providers.
This model has two direct consequences:
The VNP has greater control over traffic at
limited cost.
The IP could share its resources and have a
new business source. This IP focused on the
virtualization of the access layer could be
called network access operator (NAO).
Another consequence of virtualization is the
faster creation of new VNP networks, where
deployment times could be significantly reduced.
Moreover, depending on the level of virtualization
of the devices, a VNP could implement different
versions of the protocols in their virtual instance, but
this would imply more resources and added
However, access technologies are not prepared
for virtualization. Today vendors only have done
some advances in Ethernet switching. FlowVisor
(Sherwood et al., 2009), is a special purpose
OpenFlow controller that acts as a transparent proxy
between OpenFlow switches and multiple
DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
controllers. This solution may have application for
today’s MetroEthernet access networks, dividing it
in a better way than traditional VLANs, but in order
to have enough capabilities for VNP, future
implementations need to have a separate control and
configuration for each virtual instance.
Therefore, from the provider point of view, the
use of virtualization has several benefits:
More network control like local loop
unbundling implementations.
Easier implementation of new solutions.
Sharing cost between providers.
2.2 Distribution Layer
The distribution layer of the network is the
demarcation point between the access and core
layers. The distribution layer controls the access to
resources and network traffic for security and
performance reasons, hiding detailed topology
information about the access layer from core routers.
Also, the distribution layer allows the core layer to
connect access layers that run different protocols or
technologies while maintaining high performance. In
summary, its key needs are traffic optimization,
security, and media transitions.
Network virtualization can improve distribution
layer in the same way as shown in the access layer
reducing costs by sharing equipment and providing a
better way to deploy new solutions and protocols.
But in the current implementations of the
distribution layer in ISP’s, mostly based in MPLS
technologies, other improvements can be derived
from the virtualization of MPLS PE (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Virtual PE at the distribution layer.
The idea of a virtual PE (vPE) is a logic step in
the evolution of virtual private networks, where
configurations and traffic are better isolated,
increasing security levels. Moreover, virtual PE
implementation gives rise to the possibility of router
migration, a similar functionality to the virtual
machines migration found in virtual computing
platforms but applied to routers. In VROOM (Wang
et al., 2008) router live migration is analyzed as a
management primitive for planned maintenance and
service deployment. Virtual PE consolidation (i.e.
grouping several vPE’s over one real node) could be
another benefit, minimizing power consumption
through the hibernation of unused real equipment.
However, new developments are needed in order
to deploy new capabilities like programmability for
new protocol deployment or mobility primitives.
The migration of virtual routers capability opens
the possibility to use dynamic reallocation
techniques in the distribution layer. This possibility
will be analyzed deeper in next section applied to
core layer.
Therefore, network virtualization can improve
distribution layer in the following way:
Improving security through isolation of clients
and processes.
Migrating virtual routers to aggregate access
layer in less physical nodes according to
network traffic.
Hibernating portions of distribution layer to
optimize power consumption, and ensure
green energy compliance.
2.3 Core Layer
The core layer is the high-speed backbone of the
internetwork. The core should have a limited and
consistent diameter, designed with redundant
components, in order to be highly reliable and to
adapt to changes quickly. Moreover, the core layer
needs to be optimized for low latency and packet
The creation of a Composable Router with
virtualization could be a good solution to implement
scalable megarouters reducing costs. With this
approach we could have high speed core routers by
reusing common routers. The basic idea consists on
separating control and data planes: in the data plane,
composed of an array of routers, traffic is managed
by and splitter that realises distribution and
aggregation features; in the control plane,
management is done by a meta-router that analyses
control packets and creates and maintains
forwarding tables.
Today ISP networks use redundancy in its design
as a solution to failure, creating complex
architectures to operate and support. Virtualization
can change the way that today designs are made,
dividing network design between IP and VNP. If
redundancy is provided by IPs, deploying a physical
redundant substrate with dynamic reallocation
capabilities triggered by network failures or resource
depletion, network design will be simplified for
Therefore, a well-designed IP network would
allow simple fault tolerant VNPs networks,
improving scalability and optimizing resource use
while minimizing cost. But, how can this be done?
Different approaches can be implemented to solve
the network-embedding problem, like restricting the
problem space (sacrificing flexibility) or proposing
heuristic algorithms (sacrificing efficiency). Some of
these approaches are taken in (Zhu, Ammar, 2006)
(Fan, Ammar, 2006) (Yu et al., 2008), but finding
the optimal solution turns out to be a NP-hard
However, today core architectures, composed by
simple topologies with a limited number of devices,
could permit the implementation of dynamic
reallocation. This controlled approach can simplify
the NP-hard problem, providing a way to create fully
meshed substrate networks based on core networks
Finally, in core layer, as in all layers, the use of
shared equipment among providers is an option. In
this case, virtual cores can be created to connect
isolated networks, having cheaper and self-managed
high-speed transport.
Therefore, network virtualization can improve
core layer in the following ways:
Creating virtual routers that aggregate several
real ones. This facilitates management having
only one interface for all devices. Also offers
scalability on demand, adding devices when
more power is needed.
Implementing virtual dynamic reallocation
support fault tolerant networks. This
simplifies VNP networks design over
redundant IP substrate networks.
Virtualization is a mature technique in the
computing environment that applied to networks can
bring new solutions and business opportunities to the
actors involved in today Internet. The first steps in
this field have been already taken by research
programs and industry vendors, creating an
environment for future development. However, there
is still much work to be done.
On the other hand, although ISP architectures are
very consolidated, virtualization can improve their
design providing new possibilities not seen before.
In this paper we have presented an analysis about the
benefits that network virtualization can bring to each
of the layers of an ISP architecture. They can be
summarized as follows:
Consolidation of equipment to improve energy
Faster and easier implementation of solutions
and protocols.
Sharing cost between providers.
Finally, we believe that network virtualization
techniques can be implemented in a near future,
improving today’s ISP networks. However, more
insights into the possibilities outlined in this article
are needed for a virtual networking environment to
become a reality.
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DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking