Mirko Sonntag
, Sven Hotta
, Dimka Karastoyanova
, David Molnar
and Siegfried Schmauder
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart
Universitaetsstrasse 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
{sonntag, hotta, karastoyanova}
Institute of Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials, University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 32, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Simulation workflows, Distributed simulations, BPEL, Web services, Monte-Carlo.
Abstract: Computer simulations play an increasingly important role to explain or predict phenomena of the real world.
We recognized during our work with scientific institutes that many simulation programs can be considered
legacy applications with low software ergonomics, usability, and hardware support. Often there is no GUI
and tedious manual tasks have to be conducted. We are convinced that the information technology and
software engineering concepts can help to improve this situation to a great extent. In this poster presentation
we therefore propose a concept of a simulation environment for legacy scientific applications. Core of the
concept are simulation workflows that enable a distributed execution of former monolithic programs and a
resource manager that steers server work load and handles data. As proof of concept we implemented a
Monte-Carlo simulation of precipitations in copper-alloyed iron and tested it with real data.
The importance of computer simulations increases
steadily. Due to achievements in information
technology it is possible to use more and more
complex and hence realistic simulation models. But
there is still potential to improve existing solutions.
In collaborations with scientific institutes in the
scope of our research project we perceived that
many simulation applications are based on legacy
software that was developed over years and is still in
development process.
Many authors contributed to the software and
may already have left the institute or organization.
Usually, there is no time, money or knowledge to re-
implement the tools in a modern programming
language. The software is simply enhanced with new
features. We experienced that there are many
monolithic simulation tools in use that do not benefit
from multi-core CPUs and distributed computing.
The programs often cannot deal with parallel
invocations, e.g. because they do not organize the
result files appropriately. The manual tasks that
scientists have to carry out to achieve their results
are another problem. For instance, they have to
create input files, copy result files between the
participating applications (for calculations,
visualizations, analysis, etc.), they have to start these
applications, or merge results. These and other
problems leave room for improvements of existing
scientific simulation applications.
In this poster presentation we show a concept for
a distributed simulation environment based on the
workflow technology. In the last 5 to 10 years much
research has been done to apply workflows for
scientific applications (Deelman et al., 2004; Barga
et al., 2008; Goerlach et al., 2011; Sonntag et al.,
2010). We are convinced that workflows possess
great potential to improve the tool support for many
scientists. These are the tools scientists work with
every day. There is a need to automate and optimize
simulation processes, to exploit recent developments
in hard- and software, and to improve user-
friendliness and flexibility of simulation
applications. This can be done if modern IT and
software engineering technologies and techniques
are used. At the same time, scientists do not want to
re-write existing code or re-implement applications
for simulation tasks. The proposed concept
addresses these and other requirements.
Sonntag M., Hotta S., Karastoyanova D., Molnar D. and Schmauder S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003444400910094
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 91-94
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents the use case for the simulation of solids.
Section 3 describes the infrastructure for the
distributed simulation applied to this use case.
Section 4 closes the paper with a conclusion.
The macroscopic mechanical properties of metals
strongly depend on their underlying atomistic
structures. Copper-alloyed α-iron, e. g., changes its
material behaviour during the ageing process,
especially when operated at higher temperatures of
above 300°C. In that case, precipitates form within
the iron matrix, yielding to precipitation
strengthening of the material (Kizler et al., 2000)
followed by a decrease of the material strength as
the precipitates grow further in time. This complex
behaviour is modelled with the help of a Kinetic
Monte-Carlo (KMC) approach (Schmauder and
Binkele, 2002) based on a code developed by
Soisson et al. (1996).
Figure 1: Body-centered cubic crystal lattice with a
vacancy-site and neighbour atoms for one possible atom
As starting configuration, a number of copper
atoms are placed into a fixed body-centered cubic
iron lattice by exchanging an iron with a copper
atom. A vacancy within the simulation box allows
the movement of an atom by site exchange between
the vacancy and a neighbouring atom (Fe, Cu) (Fig.
1). In every Monte Carlo (MC) step, the jump
frequencies for each of the neighbours of the
vacancy are calculated. By applying a rejection-free
residence time algorithm, one of these possibilities is
selected as the new position of the vacancy. In the
long run, a series of vacancy jumps during the
simulation yields the formation of precipitates with
mean radii above 1 nm (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: KMC simulation of precipitation. Iron atoms are
transparent for better visualization. Start configuration
with randomly distributed copper atoms (A). Precipitates
form during the thermal ageing process (B) (Molnar et al.,
At desired MC time steps the atom configuration
(i.e. a snapshot) is analyzed yielding particle size
distributions, mean radii of particles and the degree
of supersaturation of the remaining solid solution.
The existing simulation application opal
(Binkele and Schmauder, 2003) consists of five
monolithic Fortran programs where the individual
programs require manually created input data and
are started manually. Two of them build up the
starting configuration and calculate the input values
(e.g. the energies). In addition to iron and copper,
two more atom species can be incorporated. The
precipitation process is simulated by the main opal
application. After specified time intervals, snapshots
are generated. The analysis of these snapshots is
performed by the last two programs which identify
the precipitations within the matrix and determine
size distributions and mean radii. Finally, the results
are visualized, e.g. with MatLab or Gnuplot. All in
all, the overall simulation can be subdivided into
four phases: preparation, simulation, analysis and
The workflow technology (Leymann and Roller,
2000) can improve the setup and execution of
scientific simulations. With the help of workflows
scientists can adapt the simulation logic without
touching the simulation code (e.g. use another
visualization program). Fault handling features of
workflows languages increase the robustness of
simulation applications, especially if the simulation
functions are implemented with a language that
offers only restricted fault handling mechanisms.
The monitoring component of workflow engines
enables users to observe the progress of their
workflows, i.e. their simulations. BPEL and other
workflow languages enable the invocation of
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
programs in a network using Web services.
Distributed applications can thus easily be
implemented by orchestrating functions located on
different machines. Further, different application
types can be integrated and manual steps can be
automated, e.g. the invocation of a visualization tool
after a simulation run is finished.
The conceptual architecture for a distributed
simulation environment (Fig. 3) shows the
components and their dependencies needed for an
application of workflows in the scientific domain.
Figure 3: Architecture of the simulation environment.
The simulation applications are the domain
specific part of the software. A thin wrapper
publishes the programs in a network so that they can
be invoked and accessed remotely. For the use case,
we extended the interfaces of the five Fortran
applications to allow their invocation with
parameters. Furthermore, we created a WS wrapper
for them. Since there is no WS toolkit for Fortran
programs, we built a Java wrapper that invokes the
Fortran executables.
The resource manager (RM) is a simulation
application registry, data storage and supervisor of
the simulation infrastructure. Participating servers
and simulation applications are registered at the RM
prior to or during the execution of simulations. The
RM can even install software on demand on an idle
server with the help of provisioning techniques as
used in Grid or Cloud computing (Foster and
Kesselman, 2004). Clients that want to use a
simulation application have to ask the RM for
permission. Permission is granted with the help of
service tickets that warrant exclusive usage right.
This is comparable to advanced reservation
techniques in Grids (Foster and Kesselman, 2004).
The goal of the RM is to ensure load balancing.
Furthermore, it checks the availability of simulation
servers to detect network partitions. Clients get
informed so that they can react accordingly (e.g. by
requesting the service again). Finally, the resource
manager can be used as storage for simulation data
(e.g. simulation parameters, configuration, results).
Each simulation run gets its own simulation context
where data can be saved, organized and deleted. The
context correlates data items that belong to the same
simulation run. This improves reproduction of
simulations because the configurations and input
data as well as result data are assembled and can be
observed by scientists at a glance. The data items do
not have to be searched for and correlated later on,
which may not be possible at all since simulation
applications may not have a sophisticated storage
mechanism (e.g. legacy simulation applications
might overwrite simulation data of former runs).
The workflow engine is responsible for executing
the simulation workflows that implement the logic
of the simulations. We implemented the use case
with two BPEL workflows. The main workflow
acquires a service for the MC simulation, executes
the simulation, collects the results and starts the
post-processing workflow for each intermediate
result. The post-processing workflow acquires and
invokes the services for calculating the
precipitations and their radii. If post-processing is
done, the main workflow invokes Gnuplot to
visualize the results.
The simulation manager (SM) offers domain-
specific functions to configure and start simulations
and to access simulation context data. It makes use
of the resource manager as storage facility. In multi-
scale or multi-physics simulations a single
simulation can consist of multiple workflows. The
SM can be used to manage these different
participating workflows.
The simulation client is a GUI used by scientists
to interact with the simulation environment. It
provides the domain-specific functions of the SM
and the general functions of the RM to the scientists.
For the use case we have additionally implemented
functions to store input data as profile for other
simulation runs, a file explorer that shows the
context of simulation runs, and a 3D visualization of
the intermediate lattice snapshots (Fig. 4). The latter
allows observing the convergence of the simulation
results during run time.
For monitoring purposes we have implemented a
view that shows all service ticket requests that are
sent to the resource manager and a view that lists all
issued service tickets. This information enables
scientists to observe the status of the simulation
environment and existing problems (e.g. a long list
of open service requests may indicate too few
available instances of a simulation service in the
Resource Manager
Work s ta ti on
Figure 4: 3D preview of the simulation snapshots (Hotta,
In this paper we have presented a concept for an
infrastructure that enables the distributed execution
of scientific simulations. Core of the infrastructure
are simulation workflows that reflect the logic of
simulations and a resource manager that controls the
work distribution on the participating machines and
that works as storage for simulation data. The
infrastructure addresses main requirements of
scientists on a simulation environment and hence
can improve the tool support for scientific
simulations, e.g. to automate manual tasks, to enable
distributed execution of legacy software.
As a proof of concept we implemented an MC
simulation of solid bodies based on BPEL and tested
it with realistic data. The software improves the
simulation process and the former application to a
great extent. The scientists now have a GUI to start
and monitor their simulations, some of the manual
steps could be automated (e.g. start of post-
processing and visualization of results), and multiple
CPU cores and distributed computing can be
exploited. We are convinced that our consideration
can help scientists with their every day work.
The authors would like to thank the German
Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of
the project within the Cluster of Excellence in
Simulation Technology (EXC 310/1) at the
University of Stuttgart. We thank Peter Binkele who
contributed the MC simulation code opal to our
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies