Figure 4: 3D preview of the simulation snapshots (Hotta,
In this paper we have presented a concept for an
infrastructure that enables the distributed execution
of scientific simulations. Core of the infrastructure
are simulation workflows that reflect the logic of
simulations and a resource manager that controls the
work distribution on the participating machines and
that works as storage for simulation data. The
infrastructure addresses main requirements of
scientists on a simulation environment and hence
can improve the tool support for scientific
simulations, e.g. to automate manual tasks, to enable
distributed execution of legacy software.
As a proof of concept we implemented an MC
simulation of solid bodies based on BPEL and tested
it with realistic data. The software improves the
simulation process and the former application to a
great extent. The scientists now have a GUI to start
and monitor their simulations, some of the manual
steps could be automated (e.g. start of post-
processing and visualization of results), and multiple
CPU cores and distributed computing can be
exploited. We are convinced that our consideration
can help scientists with their every day work.
The authors would like to thank the German
Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of
the project within the Cluster of Excellence in
Simulation Technology (EXC 310/1) at the
University of Stuttgart. We thank Peter Binkele who
contributed the MC simulation code opal to our
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