Luis G. Martínez, Juan R. Castro, Guillermo Licea, Antonio Rodríguez-Díaz and Carlos F. Alvarez
University of Baja California, Calzada Tecnológico 14418, Tijuana, 22300, Mexico
Keywords: Software Engineering, Decision Making, Roles, Psychometrics.
Abstract: Nowadays organizations work to improve their software development process, with a purpose to reduce
costs, improve quality and increase planning reliability. That is why decision making pertaining to role
assignment in software engineering developing projects is one of the most important factors that affect the
software development process in organizations. We should not only consider individual’s abilities and
capabilities for better team performance but also consider knowing their personality traits to carry out the
most suitable role in an effective working team. Through compilation of studies with RAMSET (Role
Assignment Methodology for Software Engineering Teams) methodology some personalities and typologies
have been identified to perform certain type of roles, thus helping us build a better, cohesive and less
conflictive team. Our methodology based on personality has revealed appropriate and adequate personality
patterns for assignment of best advisable performing roles in software development, according not only to
capabilities of people and role demands but also taking into consideration personality traits, thus showing
that knowing software engineer’s personality can improve software development process.
Psychological assessment instruments have been
used for over sixty years and have reached a mature
stage for predicting career selecting and behavior.
Diverse personality tests like Jung, Myers-Briggs,
Keirsey, Big Five, among other projective tests, can
be used to know the sociopsychological
characteristics and personality of individuals besides
abilities for job placement and hiring, especially in
assigning individuals to form a working team
(Leaetta and Frederick, 2000) (Rodriguez, 2004)
(Rothstein and Goffin, 2006).
Effective use of psychometric instruments can
add value to an organization. When used in selection
and structured interview process, they enable
companies to select more accurately those people
who will perform best in a role, although the
instrument does not predict success in a role, it does,
however, identify preferences for that role
(Pittenger, 1993).
Decision making pertaining to role assignment in
software development process is one of the most
important factors an organization has to consider.
Use of effective decision making software for
everyday planning and task management is on the
rise in modern organizations. Web pages and
Decision Groups commonly offer services for
decision making and personnel selection with
diverse methodologies applying psychometrics.
This paper presents a personality trait assessment
derived from implementing different personality
tests, although software engineering attracts people
of all psychological types certain traits are clearly
more represented than others discovering personality
patterns in software engineering developers.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 is a
brief background of personality types and traits
related with software engineer’s role performance;
section 3 refers to the methodology and personality
tests used in our case studies; section 4 presents data
results of these tests obtaining personality patterns
for software engineering roles, concluding in section
5 with observations obtained from experience.
Actual studies have been focusing on integration and
building of Software Engineering Teams, addressing
different factors that influence their performance
like team abilities, team administration, efficiency,
development methods (Guinan et al., 1998),
diversity (Smith et al., 2001), size (Biffl and Halling,
Martínez L., Castro J., Licea G., Rodríguez-Díaz A. and Alvarez C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003446300990104
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 99-104
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2003), genre (Teague, 2002), personality (Gorla and
Lam, 2004) and roles (Dubinsky and Hazzan, 2006).
DeMarco and Lister (1999) make many
observations about managing software development
implying that the major problems in development
are not technical but social. Calitz et al. (1997)
outlines some of the increased demands on IT
personnel. He identifies a shift from a traditional IT
environment (programming from specifications,
little end user contact, specified delivery times) to an
environment of growing competition, fast-changing
technologies, and more sophisticated and demanding
end-users. This shift is reflected in the personality
traits of successful IT staff that are investigative,
realistic, enterprising and, more recently, social.
Some of these social skills have been identified by
Goldstein (1988), agreeing with supervisors and
employees in four factors: communication skill, job
attitude, business knowledge, and technical skill.
Five broad domains or dimensions of personality
have been scientifically discovered to define human
personality, in contemporary psychology they have
been called the "Big Five" factors of personality.
The initial model was reported by Tupes and Cristal
(1992), later Goldberg (1993) extended it to the
highest level of organization, and it is known as the
“Five Factor Model” or FFM (Costa and McRae,
1992), is a purely descriptive model of personality.
Traits Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN), are
positively related to teamwork and must be
considered to improve team’s performance.
Bernstein et al. (2008) used the Big Five personality
framework to predict the relationship between team
member personality and team effectiveness in
teamwork and decision making areas.
Neuroticism trait is sometimes referred as
Emotional Stability and Openness as Intellect.
Openness (O) is a disposition to be imaginative,
inventive, curious, unconventional and autonomous;
it has an appreciation for art, emotion, adventure and
a variety of experience. Conscientiousness (C)
comprises of two related facets achievement and
dependability, it has a tendency to show self-
discipline, to be efficient, organized and aim for
achievement, plans rather than behave
spontaneously. Extraversion (E) represents a
tendency to be sociable, outgoing and assertive, with
energy, passion and excitement. Agreeableness (A)
is a tendency to be trusting, friendly, compassionate,
cooperative, compliant, caring and gentle.
Neuroticism (N) represents a tendency to exhibit
poor emotional adjustment and experience negative
or unpleasant emotions easily, such as anxiety,
insecurity, depression and hostility.
Also Jung’s different personality dimensions are
associated to different career and jobs corresponding
to the individual personality type (United States
Department of the Interior). Jobs associated with
engineering and software are: ISTJ type is related
with engineer, programmer and chief information
officer; INTJ type includes programmer and
informational graphics; INTP type relates with
software designer, system analyst, computer
programmer, data base manager; ISTP type includes
computer repair person, programmer, software
developer; ESTP takes in entrepreneur, technical
trainer, analyst; ENTJ an administrator and program
Gorla and Lam (2004) made a personality type
analysis to describe the most effective personality
attributes for software development team roles; she
found that a team leader with (I) Intuitive
characteristics outperformed a (S) Sensing leader as
intuitive persons are picture oriented and have an
innovative ability to assess alternate solutions. Also
a (F) Feeling team leader outperformed a (T)
Thinking leader, because a feeling person is people
oriented and makes decisions based on how they
affect individuals, making him more effective.
Capretz (2003) implies that software engineers and
psychological types are clearly related, as suggested
by this study. More specifically their work suggests
that software engineers are most likely to be STs,
TJs or NTs.
Furthermore projective tests have also been used
in management (Soley and Smith, 2008) to assess
achievement motivation and other drives, in
sociology to assess the adoption of innovations, and
in anthropology to study cultural meaning. The
application of responses is different in these
disciplines than in psychology, because the
responses of multiple respondents are grouped
together for analysis by the organization’s research
commission, rather than interpreting response
meanings given by a single subject.
A projective test is a personality test designed to
let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli,
presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal
conflicts. Because the stimulus is ambiguous, the
patient must impose his or her own structure. In
doing so, thoughts, feelings, and themes, some of
which are unconscious, are projected into the
material. Projective tests can provide an interesting
source of information regarding the person’s unique
view of the world, and they can be a useful
supplement to information obtained with other
assessment tools.
The Tree Test is a projective test initiated by
Emil Jucker and Koch (1986) contributes with
formulations and interpretations related in
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
graphology as quality strokes, zone and sheet
placement. Every graphical product instates the
psychic life of an individual; trees are symbolically
associated with man’s inner person and can describe
their growth and emotional stability. The tree’s
crown represents the subject’s fantasies, mental
activities, his thoughts, spirituality and reality
conception, includes foliage and branches. The trunk
is related with affections and relationships. The
unconscious world or instincts are symbolized in the
root as it relates the material, physical, earthly life,
sexuality, and reality criteria (Griffiths 1988).
Psychodiagnostics analyzes specific characteristics
from the drawing; in Root we can select sketching
type and size as it represents the past and reflects a
person’s dependency. For Trunk we can select form,
area, height, sketch intensity and curvature, the trunk
depicts the present and reflects person’s affectivity.
For Foliage we can select form, size and extra
features, it symbolizes achievements or goals
A personality Tree Test does not define us a total
projection or whole image of the personality, but
sheds valuable information of the sketcher.
Relevance and merit of applying this test in
combination with other objective tests, like Jung’s
and Big Five can reveal appropriate and adequate
personality patterns for assignment of best advisable
performing roles to members of working teams in
software engineering development, according not
only to capabilities of the people and demands of the
role but also taking into consideration personality
Teaching of Software Engineering in the Computer
Engineering Program at the University of Baja
California, Tijuana Mexico is being conducted with
development of real software projects applying
RAMSET: a Role Assignment Methodology for
Software Engineering Teams based on personality;
what is unique about this methodology is a
combination of Sociometric techniques,
Psychometrics and Role Theory consisting of the
next steps:
a) Survey for abilities and skills.
b) Implementation of Personality Tests.
c) Carrying out Personal Interviews.
d) Implementation of Sociometric Technique.
e) Assignment of Team Roles.
f) Follow up of Team Role fulfilment.
RAMSET methodology begins with a student’s
survey enumerating related courses of software
engineering he has taken, to know which
programming languages and data base managers he
is expert in. The next step is a series of personality
tests; they could be Jung, MBTI, Big Five, Keirsey
and other projective tests.
Subsequently we make an informal interview to
know different aspects of his personality, what he
likes to do, how he perceives himself after college,
how he develops individually in the real world and
with others. After that a sociogram technique is
applied to identify affinity for integration of teams.
Based on test results and interview information a
role is recommended to the instructor so individual
members of each team develop a specific team role
with all its functions.
Adopted team roles were selected from roles
defined by Tomayko (1996): architect, responsible
for construction, coordination and supervision of the
project; analyst, responsible for finding and
following up on resources, requirement analysis and
specifications; developer, responsible for
implementation and design; and programmers,
technical specialist in charge of building code. In
addition we considered a document specialist in
charge of joining documents and skilled in writing,
and a presenter and image specialist responsible for
sales, distribution and image design.
Our case study has taken into account Jung and
Big Five objective tests, where individuals require
selecting options from multiple choice
questionnaires equating personality to collective
degrees of behaviour into Jung Types or Five Factor
types. Also a projective test is used where the test
taker is asked to draw a Tree, these drawings
provide a measure of self-perceptions and attitudes
obtaining information concerning an individual’s
sensitivity, maturity, flexibility, efficiency, degree of
integration and interaction with the environment.
Although this test throws subjective information
based on the point of view and perception of the
In a period of three years from 2007 through 2009,
work of our case studies consisted of implementing
RAMSET methodology to obtain personality
patterns related with software engineering roles
performed in team projects. Data accumulated
during this period was 88 Jung test results, 80 Big
Five test results, 74 drawing trees. With a weighted
mean method applied on frequencies of Jung and
Tree data tests, tables 1 and 2 were obtained.
Weighted mean is the number obtained by adding
the product of α
times the ith number in a set of N
numbers for i = 1,2,…,N, where α
are numbers
(weights) such that α
+ α
+ … + α
= 1.
Table 1: Jung Type Software Engineering Role Weights.
J1* .513 .524 .113 .47 .385 .233
J2 .12 .272 .101 .171 .189 .384
J3 .267 0 .031 .077 .28 .209
J4 .053 .061 .346 .068 0 0
J5 0 0 .189 .051 .056 .093
J6 .047 .054 .025 .06 .049 0
J7 0 .048 0 .043 .042 .081
J8 0 .041 .019 .034 0 0
J9 0 0 .088 .026 0 0
J10 0 0 .075 0 0 0
J11 0 0 .013 0 0 0
Table 2: Tree Test Software Engineering Role Weights.
R1 0.103 0.182 0.441 0.030 0.067 0.050
R2 0.276 0.636 0.441 0.727 0.333 0.200
R3 0.621 0.182 0.118 0.242 0.600 0.750
T1 0.174 0.174 0.25 0.091 0.097 0.316
T2 0.652 0.174 0.656 0.455 0.452 0.632
T3 0.174 0.652 0.094 0.455 0.452 0.053
F1 0.225 0.153 0.340 0.243 0.243 0.130
F2 0.6 0.307 0.545 0.540 0.162 0.695
F3 0.15 0.512 0.090 0.162 0.540 0.087
F4 0.025 0.025 0.022 0.054 0.054 0.087
*ANA=Analyst, ARC=Architect, DEV=Developer-
programmer, DOC=Documenter, TST=Tester, PRS=Image
and Presenter
R1=null, R2=none, R3=with, T1= straight, T2=wave,
T3=trapeze, F1=circular, F2=cloud, F3=fruit, F4=null
If we only consider Jung’s Test we observe that
ESTJ type is a highly qualified individual to perform
different roles, data suggests Analyst or Architect as
best roles; they are highly (E) extroverted and have
good (J) judgment, qualities favourable to relate
with other people and take important decisions. An
ISTP type is a Developer or Programmer, commonly
(I) introverted and (T) thoughtful to his work with
high logic for problem solving. An ESTJ is a Tester
although others can perform this role and for
Presenter we recommend an ENTJ, ESTJ or ESFJ.
Data also indicates that types ESFP, ISFP, ESTP or
ENTP should not be assigned as analysts, architects
or testers, as they lack traits to better perform these
From Table 2 we can analyze each attribute with
its highest value, for example, when Root (R) is null
(R1) the most probable role is Developer-
Programmer (Q3). Without visible root (R2) we can
assign Architect (Q2) or Documenter (Q4). Any
sketch of root (R3) we are talking about an Analyst
(Q1), Tester (Q5) or Presenter (Q6). Individuals
performing this later role have been related with
their own personal image, and a high percentage
draw roots (R3) even highlighting thick roots,
meaning that this individual likes to draw attention
to him; he wants to be notice and depends of what
other people say.
There are fewer differences on the Trunk (T), but
we can distinguish an Architect (Q2) from others
because he draws the trunk in a trapeze shape (T3).
The Foliage (F) distinguishes an Architect (Q2) and
a Tester (Q5) from other roles as they draw trees
with Fruits (F3), others draw cloudy (F2) type most
of the times. We can clearly distinguish two roles
from others, they are Architect (Q2) as he has the
only combination of without root (R2), trapeze (T3)
and fruits (F3); and the Tester (Q5) is the only one
with root (R3), trapeze or wavy (T3 or T2) and fruits
(F3). Drawing fruits means he has a clear view of
what he wants to do, he has achieved personal goals
in life, giving him the serenity to take charge of any
project obtaining the final product, qualities of a
leader and an architect.
Table 3: Big Five Software Engineering Role Means.
50.61 63.14 51.57 45.84 64.28
54.15 67.23 57.30 52.15 64.15
51.66 52.77 44.11 54.47 59.22
55.00 61.28 51.92 52.00 58.85
51.71 66.13 56.00 47.85 63.33
52.22 60.88 46.88 55.77 65.77
Big Five personality test results are presented in
Table 3 showing means of each trait for every role.
Each row is a personality vector unique for every
Role, no two rows have exactly the same values for
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
every one of their attributes, and this gives us a
significant difference between each Role to
recommend based on the Big Five Personality Test.
Figure 1: Big Five Personality Patterns (B5P).
We displayed them with a radar chart type in
figure 1, obtaining unique Big Five Patterns (B5P)
for Software Engineering Roles, showing significant
differences between each role. Trait (E) is high for
architect and tester, low for a developer. Trait (C) is
high for most roles except for developer. Trait (A) is
high for a presenter and developer, but low for an
analyst. This can give us a glimpse of specific traits
for a particular role. Thus one trait does not define
the personality of a role, but a personality vector
with all traits involved can give us differences
between each role.
Assessment of these results has ascertain that a
low degree of (E) is definitively recomended to
place this person as a Developer-Programmer, this
indicates a person highly Introverted, for him is
difficult to relate with others, although his high
degree in trait (A) is an asset as he is very
cooperative, trusting and compliant, attributes for a
good programmer, also the B5P figure of developer
has a high degree of (O) indicating to be imaginative
and creative, qualities for code design. Trait (N) is a
most significative trait as envelopes a wide range of
roles, those with low degree of (N) or better said
with a high degree of (ES) Emotional Stability is a
quality of a leader presenting security, reassurance
and selfconfidence. For a high degree of (E) as noted
in B5P figures, an architect, analyst and tester
present this quality, indicating that these roles are
best suited for outgoing people, they can relate
easily with others, with passion and excitement
reaching goals and objectives.
Qualitative data shows that teams have been
fulfilling their expectations and fulfilling their roles.
The majority of opinions on integrating a work team
for a software development project have been
positive. The teams formed have been successful
and cooperative; have finished their jobs with great
accomplishment. Particular opinions acknowledge
that working as a team the job gets done better.
Knowing their strengths and weaknesses gave
them more confidence and a better attitude to
approach assigned role responsibilities.
Understanding their role and knowing what qualities
they can contribute, gives them a sense of belonging
and a feeling of contribution to the team, a place and
a reason for that role in team performance dynamics.
Quantitatively we can make reference to project
time delivery, before implementing RAMSET
methodology we worked with 10 teams, where 8 of
them were late on delivery, with RAMSET we
worked with 18 teams where 5 of them were late on
delivery, a great improvement after organizing and
integrating teams based on personality as shown in
figure 2.
Figure 2: On time delivery percentage.
We know that personality is an important factor for
team performance, thus is latent the difficulty to
assign adequate roles to each member for success in
team performance. Some personalities and
typologies have been identified to perform certain
type of roles, concluding that knowing software
engineer’s personality can help us build a better,
more cohesive and less conflictive team.
Combination of personality tests gives more
valuable information for decision making as they
can help predict situations inside the working team.
If we know our software engineer’s personality,
we can assign a secure and self confident individual
leadership of the team as an architect, if he is
cooperative, trusting and compliant he can very
much perform as a developer-programmer, if he is
self-disciplined, efficient, organized, but insecured
he will be most adequate as a tester, if he is
imaginative, inventive, curious, outgoing and
autonomous role analyst is the perfect choice.
Future work consists on creating a software
supporting tool developed under a fuzzy approach,
integrating each personality test to build a decision
making model support tool. This software will
facilitate process of role assignment, which results in
a choice of role selection for individuals in working
team projects. Building a decision making model as
future work will facilitate role assignment process
for human resource personnel at selecting candidates
for software engineering jobs.
Our methodology based on personality has
revealed appropriate and adequate personality
patterns for assignment of best advisable performing
roles to members of working teams in software
engineering development, according not only to
capabilities of the people and demands of the role
but also taking into consideration personality traits,
thus showing that knowing software engineer’s
personality can improve software development
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies