Jonathan Sinclair, Benoit Hudzia, Maik Lindner
SAP Research, Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K.
Alan Stewart, Terry Harmer
School of EEECS, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K.
Compliance, Auditing, Enterprise cloud computing, Data protection.
Businesses today are required to comply with a litany of legislation, regulations and standards. However,
with an increasing utilisation of the internet for delivering products as services, challenges arise in assessing
and maintaining compliance. We propose to define an architecture that attempts to leverage the dynamism of
service-based infrastructures in order to process the real-time compliance state of a system.
With the advancement of web-based infrastructures it
is perceived that computing resource will become the
5th utility after water, electricity, gas and telephony
(Baumann et al., 2010; Buyya et al., 2008). Busi-
ness economics is the main driver of this transfor-
mation which enables companies to radically trans-
form their business processes and operations. It al-
lows them to streamline the delivery and consump-
tion of their products and solutions over a network
infrastructure. This new business model and mech-
anisms for integrating services and IT resources in a
seamless and ubiquitous is known as Internet of Ser-
vices (IoS) (Heuser et al., 2008). IoS endeavours to
reduce TCO for customers by making complex soft-
ware a commodity (Janiesch et al., 2009). IoS pro-
vides a business model in which IT is evolving into a
service driven ecosystem with outsourced distributed
computing resources, such as cloud, providing an eco-
nomical way of acquiring hardware.
However, companies willing to leverage this new
business model have to abide by the current state of
legislation which hampers its adoption even though
cloud offers benefits such as elasticity and rapid de-
ployment, improving companies’ efficiencies in times
of economic hardship. The risk and financial penalty
associated with non-compliance is too great for busi-
nesses to ignore. The main source of these legal issues
is third-party trust, as companies are ultimately res-
ponsible for demonstrating data compliance.
This research contributes to reducing the legal-
technical issues that hinder adoption of cloud-based
environments for enterprises, by addressing the assur-
ance of legal risk by way of facilitating compliance
auditing. In this paper we propose an architecture for
enabling an automated semi real time monitoring, au-
dit and compliance service (MACS) for verification
of services provided within cloud environment.
The MACS is provided with the specification of
the compliance associated with the services and is ca-
pable of observing and logging the relevant service
generated events, in order to determine if the actions,
events are consistent within the domain of compliance
associated. MACS rely on a set of rules that provides
constructs to specify what rights, obligation and pro-
hibitions become active and inactive after the occur-
rence of events related to the service lifecycle. Our
solution is specifically targeted for audit and compli-
ance verification of composite services within cloud
We will first discuss in the subsequent section the
fundamentals of auditing and compliance. Then we
will describe a simple and composite service use case
and the difficulty associated them . In Section 4, we
will identify and generalize the challenges of auditing
the compliance of regulations for distributed service
based architectures. Finally, we outline the design for
an auditing service that leverages the capabilities of
such architecture.
Sinclair J., Hudzia B., Lindner M., Stewart A. and Harmer T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003448702860292
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 286-292
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section we will first introduce the fundamental
of auditing then provide compliance background.
2.1 Background of Auditing
Auditing of information systems is the process of col-
lecting and evaluating evidence to determine whether
it safeguards assets, maintains its data integrity while
achieving organizational goals effectively and con-
sumes resources efficiently (Weber, 1998). Tradition-
ally auditing is a semi-manual operation where the
data is collected for a determined time period and
then analyzed according the legal / regulatory require-
ments in order to determine whether or not statutory
requirements have been met. This process is time-
consuming and error-prone, and for most companies,
compliance audits are carried out on static and rigid
services. However, as the IT service move to a more
dynamic and distributed environment the classic au-
diting process cannot be applied anymore.
2.2 Background of Compliance
Compliance is defined as being in accordance with
relevant government or industrial legislation, regu-
lations, and standards. Companies breaching com-
pliance rules incur either or both legal and financial
penalties. Due to this risk, compliance management
has become very important and technology is having
a ever increasing significance and impact on virtually
every phase of the audit process (Flint, 2009; Jan-
vrin, 2007). As a result it becomes critical with the
increased reliance on cloud computing for organiza-
tions and consumers to be aware of their responsibil-
ity related to determining who is accessing data, what
actions are being performed and where data is stored
(Pearson, 2009; Moreau et al., 2008; Morrison et al.,
The complexity of such compliance requirements
is increased due to the platform and infrastructure de-
tails being abstracted making them invisible to the
service model (SaaS). As a result it becomes ex-
tremely difficult to take full responsibility for who can
access data, who sees it and how it is stored, since the
premise of the cloud is that customers don’t necessar-
ily need to know or care where their data is (Wood,
2009). This paradigm being in contradiction with
compliance legislation such as the EU Directive (Par-
liament, 1995) which require companies to be aware
of the jurisdiction in which their data is processed. As
a result the necessity to provide third party complian-
ce verification system emerges in order to remove the
burden and facilitate the adoption of a service con-
sumption model.
2.3 Related Work
Current approaches to auditing involve the aspect of
managing governance, risk and compliance (Silveira
et al., 2010; Cederquist et al., 2007). Typical auditing
methodologies require the most relevant data related
to an event. However this approach does not ensure
that the legislation/regulation has been upheld. In or-
der to be able to conduct an audit of system compli-
ance it is necessary to have a machine interpretable
formalisation of the legislation, previous research has
been done in this area (Baumann et al., 2010; Con-
rad et al., 2007). Typical auditing tools, however, rely
on the manual input of data. In contrast by apply-
ing software such as complex event processing (CEP),
events can be filtered, transformed and aggregated to
provide new interpretations of data that were not pre-
viously possible (Etzion and Niblett, 2010). These
formalisations can be used in conjunction with Ser-
vice Level Agreements (SLAs) to provide input for
the compliance auditing architecture (Brandic et al.,
2010; Skene, 2007).
As the customer base only consumes the final prod-
uct over internet connection, the geographical local-
ity of services provided through cloud is relatively
limited. As a result, the cloud provider may choose
the geographic placement of data centres based on
various cost benefits, including energy. However the
physical location of data being accessed, stored, pro-
cessed or transferred is of critical importance to the
applications of data protection legislation such as EU
Directive (Parliament, 1995). Hence, cross-country
legal aspects become common place and are a ma-
jor challenge for IoS. Data transfer related legislation
may or may not be enforced or reported depending on
the source or destination of the transfer (Jaeger et al.,
2009). Geographic locality challenges audit and com-
pliance in the following forms:
3.1 Cross-jurisdictional Services
Multi-national companies experience increasing dif-
ficulty simultaneously complying with a number of
conflicting data protection requirements at the same
time. Enforcing geographical deployment of a ser-
vice within a jurisdiction that meets all requirements
requires an efficient compliance evaluation system for
the assessment of distributed services.
By example, a company may deploy a composite
CRM system. This system is split and the database
is stored separately to comply with financial com-
pliance requirement for processing and storing data
on independent physical machines within the same
geographical region (Council, 2004; 107th United
States Congress, 2002; 106th United States Congress,
1999). However, the company is also required to
backup this data in a different geographic region
(Swanson et al., 2010). As a result, the company
needs to guarantee the physical distribution of its ser-
vice and associated backup.
3.2 Performance and Availability
Services may have to be deployed in data-centres of a
particular geographical region in order to satisfy legal
conditions. The resulting deployment might restrict
the performance / availability between the deployed
service and the user which can result in breach of de-
fined SLAs.
3.3 Disaster Recovery/Backup
Legislation (Law, 2000) and regulatory requirements
for various industries (Swanson et al., 2010; on Bank-
ing Supervision, 2009) define that the data be suit-
ability backed up for disaster recovery purposes in a
different geographic region. On the other hand, other
legal conditions can restrict deployment to a solitary
geographic region, therefore a major confliction is im-
posed, in which the consumer is required to take re-
medial action.
3.4 Data Accessibility Aspects
Data access is another point of contention with re-
spect to compliance. Who can access data? What
data can be accessed? How should data be accessed?
In IoS the aspect of service auditing must consider the
compliance requirements of all consumers in terms of
both company and systems multi-tenancy (Alliance,
2009; Mell and Grance, 2009; Sotto et al., 2010).
User Multi-tenancy. A company may accept to de-
ploy their system virtually co-located on the same
physical machine as other companies’ deployments
(Li et al., 2010). This may raise concern in the
context that data from both companies is stored on
the same physical device, regulations exist forbidding
such setup for critical customer or company data.
Service and Systems Multi-tenancy. To achieve
efficiency and cost-savings, a company can co-locate
several virtual systems on the same physical re-
source. However certain regulations such as the Pay-
ment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-
DSS) (Council, 2004), specifies under requirement 3
that cardholder data needs to be stored and processed
independently in different physical devices. There-
fore as defined in the use case a composite on-demand
service would be best suited in fulfilling these require-
ments. However this scenario has many aspects of
compliance that require to be ensured. By example,
a cloud provider may migrate a virtual machine host-
ing a service to a physical server already hosting an-
other service that should not be co-located with one
another. As a result, such action undertaken without
the customer awareness will breach the compliance of
both services.
In this section we highlight the compliance aspect a
business is required to make when deciding on the
deployment method of a service. There are 3 de-
ployment scenarios, on premise, on demand and hy-
brid. On top of the deployment model, a service can
be either a single atomic service or a composition of
smaller services exposed as a unique one. Table ??
shows the various compliance areas that need to be
considered for each variation of the use case we de-
scribe in the following paragraph.
We use a typical CRM application as a founda-
tional base for our scenario. We first analyse the inter-
actions in order to determine their relevance for com-
pliance monitoring for the 3 following deployment
scenarios Figure 1:
1. The CRM and respective database is deployed on
premise. As a result, both the customer and em-
ployee interact directly with the system. All data
access, processing, storage and transfer are man-
aged within the system which makes any physical
access to the system a controlled variable by the
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
2. For hybrid deployment, the CRM and database
are deployed independently, one on premise and
the other as a remote service. In this scenario not
only does the compliance data access, processing
and physical access have to be managed in two
distributed sites but also compliance of both data
transfer between sites and the geographical local-
ity of the remote service are important.
3. Finally with full on-demand procurement there
are two scenarios to consider, deployment of the
CRM and database as a singleton, or indepen-
dently. In both scenarios compliance of data ac-
cess, processing, storage and physical access are
required, but data transfer is only important in the
case of service composition.
Figure 1: Use Case Deployment.
Service composition is seen as a key benefit for
IoS. By composing a selection of simple services to
create a more complex offering, companies can cre-
ate and offer specialized services dynamically, adding
new economic value (Blau et al., 2009). This flexibil-
ity, however, creates new legal challenges for audit-
ing compliance, as this new service has to adhere to
a composition of compliance requirements. In certain
extreme cases, two compliance regulations can have
contradictory interpretations. Therefore at the service
composition design stage an agreement for the com-
pliance requirements of the new service has to be de-
rived in order to prevent conflict in the auditing pro-
cess. Moreover, composite services inherently reduce
the visibility within the internal operation of the com-
posite. As a result the audit process suffers from an
increased complexity due to the difficulty of tracing
and verifying the origin of the information. By exam-
ple, in the use case we presented: the CRM system
stores the personal data collected by the company. As
a result, the consumer may not be able to control who
can access this information.
Figure 2 represents the architecture of MACS. MACS
architecture is comprised of ve distinct layers, each
managing a different aspect of the audit and compli-
ance engine:
Event Source. The data and logs returned from var-
ious logical, physical or virtual components in the
system. The source may be a sensor, application,
messaging framework, business process, data store,
client applications. Each source is authenticated and
uses secure means of communication. In the best
case scenario every source would be verified using a
system similar to trusted platform computing (TPC)
(Santos et al., 2009).
Event Transport. Typically an enterprise service
bus (ESB) (Schmidt et al., 2005) controls how data is
routed to the event processing engine, in a standard-
ized format. This allows the MACS system to have a
reliable and uniform delivery system that can be used
as an interface between the source and the MACS but
also for internal communication.
Event Processing Engine. This layer processes
events in three levels each with increasing process-
ing complexity but decreasing event throughput. Each
level is a filter and information enhancer for the next
one. By removing unwanted events, aggregating them
we increase the degree of information and lower the
amount of data to be processed.
Anomalous Filtering. Removes data that is not
relevant to the compliance process. The opera-
tions at this level receive a high throughput of data
or event rate but are of low complexity and will be
typically executed by complex event processing
engine (Mulo et al., 2010; Rozsnyai et al., 2007).
Temporal Filtering. Synchronizes time and event
type inconsistencies and correlates events, aggre-
gating data over a window of time. The operations
at this level receive medium throughput of data or
event rate but are of medium complexity.
Compliance Filtering. Event streams are com-
pared and evaluated against business rules that
have been derived from the legalization for which
compliance is being assessed. The operations at
this level receive low throughput of data or event
rate but are of high complexity. This level will
be using rule based engine (Chesani et al., 2009)
as well as more complex solution as case based
Table 1.
Service Type On Premise Hybrid On Demand
Singleton Physical Access, Data Access
and Retention
N/A Geographic Locality, Physical
Access, Data Access and Re-
Composite Physical Access, Data Access
and Retention
Geographic Locality (remote
service only), Physical Access,
Data Access, Data Transfer and
Geographic Locality ,Physical
Access, Data Access, Data
Transfer and Retention
Figure 2: Logical Architecture.
evaluation engine and semantics evaluation tools
- (Elgammal et al., 2010).
However as we increase the value of the informa-
tion as we move up the layer the amount of processing
increases as we decrease the throughput of informa-
tion to process. The advantage of this approach means
that we are able to efficiently handle the data storm
of events and logs pushed while intelligently filtering
and cherry picking only the relevant information for
(semi) real time auditing and compliance checks.
Event Storage. MACS stores all event data in per-
sistent storage such as Hadoop and HBase (Zhang
et al., 2010) for storage, log analysis, and pattern dis-
covery/analysis. This enables us to process historic
queries and results from event correlation which en-
able us in future works to provide predictive analysis
for early warning of compliance deviation.
Event Management and Analysis. Queries can be
defined by the user and can be compared in run-time
or on historic data. Note as mentioned in section 2.3.
We do not aim to automatically translate compliance
law and contract in rules but aim to leverage previous
work done in the field in order to apply it to our sys-
tem. Monitoring features set by users enable them to
trigger alerts if compliance is not met. These alerts
can be sent by either SMS, email or mobile appli-
cation. Finally more traditional audit reports can be
produced as well as historic data or predictive trends.
The event source, processing and storage layers in
this architecture is implemented in a distributed ap-
proach, in order to tackle the challenges highlighted
in terms of geographic locality. By example, a por-
tion of the architecture can be deployed on premise in
order guarantee the confidentiality of the data while
exposing only the necessary information to external
compliance engine.
5.1 Architecture Benefits
The CEP-based architecture offers major advantages
compared with traditional monitoring techniques.
The event-driven approach provides flexibility in it’s
loosely coupled design in which both the integration
of multiple event sources and the filtering and stan-
dardisation of different event types can be easily ad-
dressed. Integration of event sources is also eased by
use of a common event transport (enterprise service
5.2 Architecture Challenges
The management of event publication, subscription
and filtering may be difficult. Identifying the rele-
vance of the data required and retrieving it, in order
to determine the outcome of legal requirements will
be key to the accuracy of processing business rules.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
We have highlighted how businesses are under in-
creasing pressure to manage the litany of legislation
and regulation. Coupled with the adoption of web-
based infrastructures and composite services. We
propose an architecture that leverages the dynamism
of service-based infrastructures and enables real-time
compliance processing. The described architecture is
loosely based on an event-driven service-oriented ar-
chitecture (SOA). The loose coupling allows for easy
scalability and distribution of both event processing
and storage components whilst managing processing
complexity. This forms a foundation for further re-
search into a compliance-driven auditing architecture
for distributed systems.
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