Utilizing our Own Bare-metal
Xin Fan, Yusuke Wada and Shigeru Kusakabe
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka city, 819-0395, Japan
Cloud computing, Private cloud, Community cluster, Hadoop, MPI.
The increasing availability of cloud computing technologies enables us to have an option we had not before:
using private cloud as well as using public cloud. In this paper, we report our ongoing work on examin-
ing effectiveness of private cloud computing in an academic setting. Many researchers have examined the
relative computational performance of commercially available public cloud computing offerings using HPC
application benchmarks. As one of the driving forces in using cloud technologies is cost effectiveness, some
researchers have examined public cloud offerings and their HPC environment, a community cluster, from a
view point of cost-performance. Part of the conclusions indicates their community cluster may be favorable
for typical community members. Due to the similar grounds of community cluster, we expect private (or com-
munity) cloud is promising in academic settings. Academic community members may also have interest in
utilization of their resources with a configuration of less constraints compared to public cloud offerings while
receiving benefit of cloud technologies. In this paper, we discuss the situation we are managing a number
of bare-metals and we are deciding whether we configure the computing resource as a cluster of bare-metal
nodes or as a cluster of virtual machines by using cloud computing technologies. According to our preliminary
evaluation results, while we can easily reinstall and change the software framework on clusters in our private
cloud, we must be ready for occurrence of unexpectedly severe performance degradation.
Cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm for
using computing resources. We do not have the single
definition of cloud computing so far, but most defini-
tions share common characteristics(Armbrust et al.,
1. The illusion of infinite computing resources avail-
able on demand, thereby eliminating the need for
cloud computing users to plan far ahead for pro-
2. The elimination of an up-front commitment by
cloud users, thereby allowing organizations to
start small and increase hardware resources only
when there is an increase in their needs; and
3. The ability to pay for use of computing resources
on a short-term basis as needed and release them
as unneeded, thereby rewarding conservation by
letting machines and storage go when they are no
longer useful.
The on-demand and pay-as-you-go style seems to of-
fer a flexible and cost-effective method to use com-
puting resources.
From the view point of academic computing,
many researchers have examined the relative compu-
tational performance of commercially available pub-
lic cloud computing offerings using a number of stan-
dard benchmarks and HPC applications. Most studies
used Amazon EC2 as the representative of commer-
cially available could offerings(Jackson et al., 2010),
while we have other options such as private cloud.
Since one of the driving forces in using cloud tech-
nologies is cost performance, some researchers have
also examined public cloud offerings and their HPC
environment, a community cluster, from a view point
of cost-performance(Carlyle et al., 2010). A commu-
nity cluster is a system obtained by a faculty group
and centrally operated by an institution, maintained
for the benefit of the many research groups that own
the nodes in the cluster. Community cluster users gain
peace of mind from the cluster’s operation by profes-
sional IT staff; low overhead from centralized power,
cooling, and data center space; and cost effective-
ness from the combined purchasing power of all clus-
ter owners and strategic sourcing of the cluster hard-
Fan X., Wada Y. and Kusakabe S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003450501270130
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 127-130
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ware. From the institutional perspective, community
clusters are cost-effective way for faculty to obtain
HPC resources. In the case-study, researchers at Pur-
due University tried to measure per node hour cost of
cloud offering and the traditional HPC environments,
their community cluster, in doing scientific comput-
ing. Part of the conclusions indicates their commu-
nity cluster may be favorable for typical community
members. The community cluster of the case study
at Purdue is configured for scientific computing. We
consider it is better to flexibly accommodate emerg-
ing computing frameworks such as Hadoop(Hadoop,
) in order to broaden and enhance the advantageous
aspects of community clusters.
Cloud computing technologies offer new styles of
computing in various activities using computing re-
sources including academic activities. The growing
availability of cloud computing technologies enables
us to have an option we had not before: using private
cloud as well as using public cloud offerings. Accord-
ing to (Armbrust et al., 2009), cloud computing is the
sum of SaaS and utility computing, but does not nor-
mally include private cloud, which is the term to refer
to internal data-centers of a business or other organi-
zation that are not made available to the public. From
the view point of economies of scale, cloud systems
of larger scale are more advantageous than those of
smaller scale. While private cloud seems less promis-
ing than public one from this view point, there exist
various factors in making a decision. Due to the sim-
ilar grounds of the community cluster, we expect pri-
vate (or community) cloud can be promising in aca-
demic settings.
In this paper, we discuss the situation we are man-
aging a number of bare-metals and we are choosing
whether we configure the computing resource as a
cluster of bare metal nodes or as a cluster of vir-
tual machines by using cloud computing technolo-
gies. One of the driving forces other than cost ef-
fectiveness in using cloud technologies is its flexi-
bility. Based on the cloud computing technologies,
we can prepare different kinds of computational envi-
ronment, deploy a specific environment as we choose
over virtual machines, and release the resource af-
ter the predefined period according to the reservation
In this paper, we introduce our ongoing work
on examining practical effectiveness of private cloud
computing in an academic setting. The rest of this pa-
per is organized as follows. Section 2 explains outline
of our private cloud. Section 3 shows our preliminary
evaluation results.
Figure 1: Overview of our private Cloud.
In our study, we use a small version of IBM Blue-
Cloud as our private cloud computing platform. Fig-
ure 1 shows the outline of our cloud. Followings are
main features of the cloud:
Virtualization. In our cloud platform, we can dy-
namically add/delete server machines to/from re-
source pool, if the bare-metal machines are x86
architecture and able to run Xen. In adding a new
server to the resource pool in cloud, we connect
the bare-metal server to the private network of the
cloud. Then, host OS Domain 0 (Dom0) of Xen is
automatically installed through the network boot
mechanism. We can deploy virtual machines over
the host OS machines.
Provisioning. When a user requests a comput-
ing platform from the cloud portal web page,
he/she can specify the virtual OS image (Domain
U (DomU) of Xen in our platform) and applica-
tions from the menu, in addition to the virtual ma-
chine specification such as the number of virtual
CPUs (VCPUs), the amount of memory and stor-
age within the capacity of the cloud resource. In
our cloud, the number of VCPUs is limited within
the number of physical CPUs in order to guaran-
tee the minimum performance of DomU. When
the request is admitted, the requested computing
platform is automatically prepared.
In addition to cloning the virtual machines of the same
machine image For example, our cloud supports auto-
matic set up of a Hadoop programming environment
in fully distributed-mode when provisioning comput-
ing resources. We usually need following steps to set
up a Hadoop environment on a cluster:
1. Installing a base machine image into nodes
2. Installing Java
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
3. Mapping IP address and hostname of each node
4. Permitting non-password login from the master
machine to all the slave machines
5. Configuring Hadoop on the master machine
6. Copying the configured Hadoop environment to
all slave machines from the master machine
We explain corresponding steps to set up a
Hadoop environment on our private cloud. First, if we
need to increase the machine resource of our cloud,
we set new bare-metal machines network-bootable
and connect them to the local network of our cloud.
The machines are automatically arranged to be a part
of our cloud. We have to prepare the desired ma-
chine image. Then, we request a Hadoop environment
through the portal, and the following process are ar-
ranged automatically. We need an extra script as a
part of preparation if we want to implement a specific
configuration in the postscript phase, such as a mas-
ter/slave configuration for the Hadoop environment.
Thus, by adopting private cloud computing, we
can use labor-reducing mechanisms that are not avail-
able in community cluster.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our private
cloud, we prepared two types of platforms: One is
a cluster of eight bare-metal servers as a representa-
tive of community cluster and the other is a cluster
of eight virtual machines in the private cloud mapped
onto eight bare-metal servers. We used Dell blade
server PowerEdge M600 with Intel Xeon L5410 pro-
cessor as bare-metal servers. We used two software
framework: MPI for numerical computation work-
loads and Hadoop for emerging non-numerical com-
putation workloads.
3.1 MPI
We evaluated a thermal convection solver with
MPICH, an implementation MPI as a numerical
parallel computation workload. The data elements
were generated by Adventure sFlow, one of modules
included in the ADVENTURE project(Kanayama
et al., 2005). ADVENTURE sFlow uses the New-
ton method as the nonlinear iteration, and to compute
the problem at each step of the nonlinear iteration a
stabilized finite element method is introduced. In this
experiment, we measured execution time in changing
the number of steps.
Figure 2: Clusters on virtual machines / bare-metals for
We show the result in Figure 3 and Table 1. As
we see from the results, performance degradation in-
curred by virtualization in our cloud for this bench-
mark are around 20% although virtualization is one
of the inevitable cloud-enabling technologies.
Figure 3: Thermal convection solver execution time.
Table 1: Thermal convection solver execution time (sec).
# steps 10 20 40 60
Bare-Metal 17.33 32.46 54.05 66.52
Virtual Machine 21.62 37.38 62.48 76.20
3.2 Hadoop
We evaluated TestFDSIO benchmark included in the
Hadoop distribution as a workload of emerging par-
allel and distributed applications. Table 2 and Figure
4 show the results. The experiment options were ran-
dom reading 1MB files, changing the number of files
10 to 50. As seen from the results, throughput of read-
ing files in the virtualized environment in our cloud
was constantly degraded to about two-third compared
to that of bare-metal environment.
As another experiment, we evaluated π calculation
included in the Hadoop distribution. We measured ex-
ecution time while changing the number of map tasks.
Table 2: Throughput of TestFDSIO benchmark (mb/sec)
(random read, file size 1MB, the number of files 10 to 50).
# files 10 20 30 40 50
Bare-Metal 32.57 35.09 33.11 34.04 34.18
Virtual Machine 20.37 21.81 20.83 21.42 20.24
Figure 4: Throughput of TestFDSIO benchmark.
As we can see from the results in Table 3 and Figure 5,
performance degradations of the private cloud version
were very severe and the situation became worse as
the number of map tasks increases. The combination
of the behavior of this MapReduce application and the
low performance of network interfaces of virtual ma-
chines is one of the potential bottleneck. Although
we have a plan of performance debugging to alleviate
the problem, such kind of extra work may degrade the
merit of labor-reducing effect in our private cloud.
Table 3: Execution time for π estimator (sec).
# map tasks 20 40 60 80
Bare-Metal 29.41 37.47 46.57 58.56
Virtual Machine 225.40 465.33 868.00 1119.08
Figure 5: Execution time for π estimator.
Due to cloud computing technologies that are not
available in community cluster, we expect private (or
community) cloud is more promising than community
cluster in some academic settings. While we can eas-
ily reinstall and change the software framework on the
cluster by using labor-reducing mechanisms in private
cloud, the performance degradation may be more se-
vere than expected. While the solution depends on the
user pattern, building cluster of bare-metal machines
seems more rewardful when users are performance-
oriented. Our future work includes automatic perfor-
mance tuning applicable to our private cloud.
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clouds: A berkeley view of cloud computing. Tech-
nical report, UCB/EECS-2009-28, Reliable Adaptive
Distributed Systems Laboratory.
Carlyle, A. G., Harrell, S. L., Smith, P. M., and Center,
R. (2010). Cost-effective hpc: The community ot the
cloud? 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud
Computing Technology and Science, pages 169–176.
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Methods in Science and Engineering XVI, pages 611–
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science