Slawomir Gajewski, Malgorzata Gajewska, Marcin Sokol and Michal Brewka
Department or Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland
Keywords: AES, RSA, RSMAD, VPN.
Abstract: The paper discusses the software modules of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from
Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The structure of the application layer of the system has
also been analysed in details, including: purpose, structure and principles of operation of software modules
constituting this system. In addition, the paper presents and discusses the structure of security of application
layer in the RSMAD system. What is more the paper highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the
modular construction of ICT systems basing on the example of the RSMAD system.
Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of
Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short
RSMAD) allows automatic transmission of image
data (recorded by a traffic enforcement camera),
storage and processing them for the purposes of
proceedings against traffic offenders. RSMAD
specificity means that the image data stream is gen-
erated, transmitted and stored in the system continu-
RSMAD use appropriate technology solutions,
ensuring the safety of data transmitted and stored
within the system. A description of designs and
procedures is presented later in this paper.
The basic assumptions made at the design stage of
the RSMAD system were:
Mobility of the solution and openness to differ-
ent techniques and technologies of wireless data
Independence on the used transmission technol-
ogy, encryption, authentication and verification
of the integrity algorithms,
High scalability of the solution achieved by
using a modular architecture,
Secure transmission over the Internet by
subtracting the VPN (Virtual Private Network)
subnet which type and parameters have been
chosen as the result of simulation,
Centralized management of cryptographic
parameters of the selected software modules,
providing increased security and flexibility of the
Both the physical and application layers of the
RSMAD system have a modular structure. The ap-
plication layer consists of a group of functionally
advanced and co-operating applications. Technical
and functional parameters of these solutions, both
hardware and software, are designed to handle very
large amounts of data. Modular architecture of
RSMAD is shown in Figure 1. The rest of this article
will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
using this approach (Anderson, 2008).
2.1 Modules Description
RSMAD consists of five main modules. Three of
them are directly involved in data transmission.
These are RCM, RDM, RUM (Figure 1). Other
modules: RLM and RKMM support the work of the
whole system
(KSSR DT 07.100 v. 1.0.1, 2009).
2.1.1 RSMAD’s Licence Module (RLM)
RLM module is used for license management. The
appropriate license code is generated for each unit
Gajewski S., Gajewska M., Sokol M. and Brewka M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003454000890093
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication System (DCNET-2011), pages 89-93
ISBN: 978-989-8425-69-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Modular architecture of the RSMAD system.
and stored in the database along with details of the
owner of the traffic enforcement camera, the charac-
teristic parameters of the device and its identifier.
During saving of this data the license application
creates a personal FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ac-
count and the appropriate folder structure on a net-
work drive connected to the database server. The
folder names correspond to unique identifiers which
are set according to specific rules for each camera.
2.1.2 RSMAD’s Key Management Module
One of the major modules of the RSMAD system is
RKMM. It is responsible for distribution and man-
agement of cryptographic parameters. These pa-
rameters are needed to control encryption procedure
by the individual RCM.
assigns an individ-
ual vector of cryptographic parameters to each
RCM. Elements of this
vector define: the type of
encryption algorithm, its parameters and the
encryption key with a validity period
. These pa-
rameters are generated and stored by the RKMM, in
accordance to current security policies. This solution
enables the selection of an encryption algorithm
corresponding to the capacity of each terminal and
compliant with current security policy.
Database, which co-operates with RKMM, stores
all the generated cryptographic vectors which are
unambiguously associated with the appropriate traf-
fic enforcement cameras (Lam and LeBlanc and
Smith, 2004).
2.1.3 RSMAD’s Communication Module
The role of the
module is proper preparing of
a transport block which includes: a file in the JPEG
(Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, addi-
tional information about the infraction obtained
automatically from the traffic enforcement camera
and a set of data entered by the user. Each block
contains also the GPS (Global Positioning System)
position which sets out unambiguously the location
of the incident. All information except the JPEG file
is saved to XML (Extensible Markup Language)
file, to facilitate its further processing.
The next activity of the RCM module is the en-
cryption and creation of abridged messages archive
containing the JPEG and XML files. This operation
is performed in order to prepare the transport block.
Input parameters of the encryption process are de-
termined basing on the vector of cryptographic pa-
rameters. After encrypting a transport block, the
RCM application connects to an FTP server, using a
personalized account (created by the RLM applica-
tion). Thereby it obtains access to the assigned
folder on the network drive of the regional data
centre. RCM has the authorization only to record
data (Postel,1985).
2.1.4 RSMAD’s Decryption Module (RDM)
Most demanding in terms of complexity and CPU
power module is RDM. This application is responsi-
ble for the decryption of transport blocks and saving
them into database.
The realisation of the RDM module’s tasks
starts with the creation of a list of new transport
blocks stored on an FTP server. In the next step, this
module sends a request, to define a set of encryption
vectors for all received transport blocks, to the
RKMM server. A successful decryption procedure
and verification of digital signature results in separa-
tion of a pair of JPEG and XML files.
The final stage of the algorithm implemented by
the RDM module is the archiving of JPEG and XML
files on a network drive and making an entry into
DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
database cooperating with the module. This entry
contains, among others, the actual location of the
JPEG file and all the additional data obtained from
an XML file.
2.1.5 RSMAD’s User Module (RUM)
Users’s RUM module is responsible for communi-
cating with the database and other IT systems par-
ticipating in the procedure of issuance of a penal
ticket. It allows the system operator to download
photos and additional information stored in the data-
base of the system. The extensive functionality of
the application allows automatic filling in the penal
2.2 Security of RSMAD
When designing a RSMAD, it was decided to use a
VPN solution, implemented in both the network and
application layers. In turn, in the process of distribu-
tion of cryptographic vectors, it was decided to use
the proven RSA algorithm ensuring secure, asym-
metric encryption which protects it from eavesdrop-
ping in the channel (KSSR RT02.901v.1.1.0, 2009).
The RSMAD system’s security structure is multi-
layered and very complex, therefore in the rest of the
work only some aspects of security architecture of
the system will be discussed (Pieprzyk and Hardjono
and Seberry, 2003).
2.2.1 VPN Tunnelling
VPN networks have been used to secure the trans-
mission realized over the Internet. For this purpose,
the private subnet from which the communication
takes place via VPN tunnels has been isolated in the
infrastructure of the mobile network operator.
Tunnels between the server and client parts of
the RUM application are implemented basing on the
L2TP (Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol). It results
from the fact that there are many more RUM mod-
ules than the RDM modules, and they are supported
by those who are responsible for preparing penal
documentation. Using the tunnel in the connection,
which is realized by software, is much easier to
implement, and it provides much more scalable
solution (Townsley and Valencia and Rubens and
Pall and Zorn and Palter, 1999).
2.2.2 Structure of a Modified RSA
A modified structure of the RSA algorithm which
was decided to be used in the RSMAD system, is
shown in Fig. 2. It is the typical RSA algorithm,
enriched by an additional procedure of password
verification. The verification is designed to filter out
unwanted connections which would have to offload
server performance with further steps of the RSA
The procedure for determining an encrypted
Figure 2: RSA algorithm adopted for RSMAD.
connection using the RSA algorithm is to generate
public and private key on each side of the transmis-
sion. Only public keys are transmitted in the chan-
nel. After an exchange of these keys the encrypted
transmission may begin.
The principle of the RSA algorithm performance
is very simple – the sent public key allows encrypt-
ing messages. On the other hand, the complementary
(generated by the same side) private key is necessary
for decryption. Since the private key has not been
sent within the channel, it is impossible (without a
thorough analysis) for a third party to read the mes-
sage secured in this way.
The main reason why RSA is used is the need to
secure the transmission of the symmetric key used
for encryption a transport block. The implemented
solution allows the operation of the RCM and the
RDM modules independently from each other, by
using an FTP server. This means that despite the
disruption in RDM application performance (e.g.
due to an upgrade) it is not necessary to suspend the
transfer of transport blocks by the RCM modules.
This is a very important solution because it allows a
temporary exemption (partial or total) of one module
without affecting the whole system.
Because of the relatively short validity (for the
current connection) of the set RSA key, a potential
intruder does not have enough data to make an at-
tempt of breaking a message encrypted this way.
This means that the distribution of cryptographic
parameters vectors, through the central RKMM
module which is secured by RSA algorithm, can be
considered safe (Wobst, 2002).
2.2.3 Encrypted Data
Data sent by the RCM module is first transmitted
over the radio channel and then via GSM / UMTS /
TETRA links to their networks’ connection to the
Internet. Between the operator’s network and the
Data Acquisition Center (in short DAC) VPN tun-
nels that protect data transmitted over the Internet
have been compiled.
In addition, regardless of the security offered by
the technology used for data transmission, it was
decided to use the additional data encryption. En-
cryption algorithms supported by the RCM module
are: AES-128; AES-192; AES-256; Triple-DES.
These are algorithms approved by the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology and their safety is
estimated to at least 2030 (NIST, 2003-2007). There
is also an opportunity of easy migration to other
RKMM is equipped with mechanisms to improve
the security of the system. It provides, inter alia,
easy change of the data encryption algorithm in a
situation of violation of any of the used algorithms.
2.3 Modular Architecture of RSMAD
System as a Form of Securing and
Increasing the System Reliability
This section will show the benefits of the modular
system structure and policies of limited confidence
in the RSMAD system. These benefits could be
presented on examples of various types of interfer-
ence in the system: acquisition of one of the RCM
modules, acquisition of one of the RUM modules,
eavesdropping of transmission in a wireless network,
eavesdropping of transmission in the Internet. Those
are the most probable attempts to intervene in the
RSMAD system. However, there is also some prob-
ability of attempts of unauthorized physical access to
servers on which RKMM, RLM, and RDM applica-
tions run. Physical security of the RSMAD system’s
servers unfortunately exceeds the scope of this pa-
A hypothetical situation can be imagined that the
intruder steals a unit with an installed RCM module,
for its thorough analysis and to gain unauthorized
access to the RSMAD system.
The only data that can theoretically bring any
benefit to an intruder are: license number of the
RCM and IP addresses of the RKMM and the RDM
modules. Trying to use the license would not bring
any benefit, because each one is verified on-line
during its input. Address of RDM module allows
only access to the FTP server, with write-only per-
missions. RKMM IP address is useless, because this
module verifies the password which is implemented
in code of the software. Even if it would be over-
heard, in response to a query, the RCM module can
only get an encryption parameters vector containing
the information on encryption key with which the
messages are protected, but not the pictures stored
on this device.
In summary, the RCM module has been de-
signed so that a failure or attack on one traffic
enforcement camera does not endanger the safety
of the entire RSMAD system.
Solutions used in the RSMAD system, and espe-
cially its modular architecture are its major asset.
Security policy, developed specifically for the sys-
tem, provides a very high level of data security. It
should be noted that the maintenance of the RSMAD
system in continuous operation is crucial because
with the large number of supported devices, even a
brief failure could result in very large losses. Thus,
the system lets users to perform a software update on
individual devices without interrupting the operation
of the whole system. Flexibility that characterizes
this system allows its easy and sustainable develop-
ment and ensures low maintenance costs.
The project of RSMAD is realized under the re-
search - development grant R02 N 0034 06
in years 2009-2012 in the Department of Radio-
communication Systems and Networks, Faculty of
Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at
Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. It’s
funded entirely by the National Centre for Research
and Development.
KSSR DT 07.100 v. 1.0.1, 2009. General concept of
DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
RSMAD’s DAC (in Polish), Gdansk University of
Technology, Poland.
Anderson, R., 2008. Security Engineering: A Guide to
Building Dependable Distributed Systems.
Lam, K., LeBlanc, D., Smith, B., 2004. Assessing Net-
work Security.
J. Postel,1985. RFC959: File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
KSSR RT 02.901 v. 1.1.0, 2009. Security architecture of
the RSMAD system (in Polish), Gdansk University of
Technology, Poland.
Pieprzyk, J., Hardjono, T., Seberry, J., 2003.
Fundamentals of Computer Security.
Townsley W., Valencia A., Rubens A., Pall G, Zorn G.,
Palter B., 1999. RFC2661: Layer Two Tunneling Pro-
tocol "L2TP". The Internet Society.
Wobst, R., 2002. Abenteuer Kryptologie
NIST, 03-2007. Special Publication 800-57
Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1:
General (Revised).