R. A. Rodr´ıguez-G´omez, G. Maci´a-Fern´andez and P. Garc´ıa-Teodoro
CITIC-Department of Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications, University of Granada
C/Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n E-18071, Granada, Spain
Botnets, Security attacks, Network security.
Among all the existent threats to cybersecurity, botnets are clearly situated in the top list. As a consequence of
this importance, the research community is enormously increasing its interest on this problem and the number
of publications on botnets is exponentially growing in the last years. We perform an analysis of botnets aimed
at giving order to all these research contributions.
This analysis is different from the previous contributions because it considers the problem of botnets from
a global perspective, and not only studying certain technical aspects like type of architecture, protocols or
detection techniques. The starting point to do this is the own botnet life-cycle, understood as the sequence of
stages that a botnet should successfully traverse in order to reach the success. As a consequence of our study,
we have deducted that the interruption of any of the stages makes it possible to thwart a botnet purpose and,
thus, make it useless.
Botnets are nowadays one of the most serious threats
to cybersecurity. The term botnet is used to define
a network of infected machines, called bots, which
are under the control of a human operator commonly
known as botmaster. Bots are used to carry out a wide
variety of malicious and harmful actions against sys-
tems and services: DoS attacks, spam distribution,
phishing and click fraud, among others (Feily et al.,
2009). As an example of the relevance of botnets de-
ployment, the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
has recently uncovered more than $20 million in eco-
nomic losses in the USA. In one case, a victim con-
firmed damages of nearly $20,000 due to denial of
service attacks committed from botnets (FBI, 2007).
Economical profits are also usually behind the de-
sign and development of botnets by botmasters. They
can reportedly make large sums of money by market-
ing their technical services. One example of that is
Jeanson Ancheta, a 21-year-old hacker member of a
group called the “Botmaster Underground”. He re-
ceived more than $100,000 from different Internet ad-
vertising companies using his botnet with more than
400,000 vulnerable PCs (Wilson, 2007).
To understand the scope and thus the threat bot-
nets represent, let us point out that Vinton Cerf, one
of the “fathers of the Internet”, estimated that between
100 million and 150 million of the 600 million hosts
on the Internet were part of a botnet (Weber, 2007).
This represents a 16–25% of the total of computers
connected to the Internet.
As a consequence of the impact of botnets, the
research community is increasing its interest in this
field. The number of publications on botnets has ex-
ponentially grown in the last decade, from only a few
in earliest 2000 to several hundreds in the last year.
Taxonomies on botnets have been proposed, e.g.
(Dagon et al., 2007). They all seem to put their focus
on the different aspects of botnets, like architecture,
communication protocols, detection techniques, etc.,
presenting a separate taxonomy for every one of these
aspects. Due to this fact, despite these taxonomies
allow to understand certain aspects of botnets, it is
difficult to get a complete vision of the problem from
For this reason, there is a need to contribute a
deep analysis that deal with the botnet problem from
a global perspective. This study should help to give
order to the huge amount of recent research efforts in
this field, while the principal concerns and challenges
in botnets are highlighted.
In this context, we suggest that it is useful to
model a botnet from a product life-cycle perspective.
As we extensively describe in this paper, the botnet
life-cycle begins with the conception of the botnet,
and has the final objective of carrying out a certain at-
tack. We claim that this life-cycle is linear composed
Rodríguez-Gómez R., Maciá-Fernández G. and García-Teodoro P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003454402570262
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of a set of different stages that are traversed during the
evolution of the botnet.
Observing a botnet from a product life-cycle per-
spective allows us not only to understand the process
of creation, development, integration and use of a bot-
net, but also to organize the huge number of efforts
from the research community in defeating botnets.
More important, as it will be explained in the rest
of the paper, this work has leaded us to understand
that any defense technique or measure should be de-
signed with this idea in mind: ”interrupting the execu-
tion of any of the stages in the botnet life-cycle makes
the whole botnet useless”.
Taking into consideration the aforementioned is-
sues, in Section 2 we show our proposal of botnet
life-cycle, describing the different stages that com-
pose it and the main conclusions and contributions of
this work are summarized in Section 3.
Although we explore here the utilization of a botnet
life-cycle as a leverage for the analysis of this prob-
lem, this concept has been already proposed in the
literature. In effect, some papers has already cited the
concept of a botnet life-cycle (Feily et al., 2009) (Liu
et al., 2009). However, these studies merely illustrate
some of the processes involved in the normal opera-
tion of a botnet and, as a result, there is no unifor-
mity either in the stages composing the life-cycle or in
the interaction between these stages. In other words,
to our knowledge, there is no deep study at this mo-
ment about which these stages are, how they should
be characterized, and how they delimit between them.
The life-cycle proposed here is a linear sequence
of stages. Thus, the end of the life-cycle, i.e., the
attack success, is reached only after all the previous
stages have been successfully carried out. Specifi-
cally, this life-cycle is compose of six stages: con-
ception, recruitment, interaction, marketing, attack
execution and attack success. There also exist a se-
ries of complementary mechanisms to the stages of
the botnet life-cycle. These mechanisms are usually
focused on trying to hide the botnet from security of-
ficer’s eyes.
It must be noticed that each stage in the life-cycle
only represents the beginning of the execution for a
specific process. It is obvious that although a bot-
net reaches the attack success stage, at the same time
new bots will continuously be recruited (recruitment
stage) and controlled (interaction stage). For this rea-
son, it should be clear in our model that any process
contained in that stage might be re-executed after-
Once that the botnet life-cycle is established, it is
important to point out that any effort in defeating a
botnet is really focused on a specific process in some
of the referred stages. Thus, it could be deduced that
an imaginary efficient measure that prevents any of
the cited stages from being executed is enough to
avoid the botnet success, e.g., if a measure avoids
the infection of bots it would be impossible to recruit
enough soldiers to carry out the attack. In summary,
we claim that interrupting the execution of only one
stage in the botnet life-cycle makes the whole botnet
In what follows, the different stages and processes
of the proposed life-cycle are described in detail, re-
ferring to the different alternatives in design and im-
plementation that botnet’s developers may follow.
2.1 Conception Stage
The first stage of the proposed life-cycle is the con-
ception of the botnet. It is important to understand
the reasons that lay behind botnets creation, as well
as their usual architectures and designs.
The botnet conception stage can be divided into
three phases or processes: motivation, design and
implementation. First, a potential botmaster (person
who manages the bots) needs a good reason to cre-
ate a botnet. The motivations of a botmaster could be
classified as (Project, 2004): Money, Entertainment,
Ego, Cause, Entrance to social groups, and Status,
which form the allegoric acronym MEECES. How-
ever, the major motivations are those related to eco-
nomical profit.
Whatever the reasons of potential botmasters are,
the process which follows the motivation is to design
and implement the desired botnet. Several aspects
should be carefully considered during this process,
especially those regarding bots infection and botnet
communications. They all will be described in the
next sub-sections. However, a key decision on the de-
sign should be introduced at this point: the architec-
ture of the botnet. This architecture could be: central-
ized, bots are managed through an unique command
and control (C&C) server, distributed, all the bots of
the botnet act simultaneously as servers and clients,
or hybrid, one or more distributed networks, each one
with one or more C&C servers.
Once the botnet is conceptually conceived and de-
signed, the last process of this stage is the own im-
plementation of the bot code, following a traditional
software development process.
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.1.1 Defenses focused on the Conception Stage
It seems clear that avoiding to give a good motiva-
tion to a potential botnet developer would be a good
defense scheme. The same happens if we would be
able to impede anybody to design or implement a bot-
net. In this line, saying that it seems uneasy to have a
direct contact with potential botmasters, we consider
that the design of legal measures trying to frustrate
people about working on botnets is a realistic mea-
sure to fight botnets at the conception stage.
2.2 Recruitment Stage
The implemented botnet software will be deployed
for its operation in a real environment. For that pur-
pose, some bots should be recruited. Indeed, the aim
of the botmaster is to to find the maximum number of
vulnerable systems, in order to install his bot. Note
that this problem is not particular of botnets, but com-
mon to many cyberattacks. In fact, the recruitment,
also known as infection, has been widely studied in
the specialized literature.
There are no special techniques used in botnets,
in difference with spreading of viruses or worms. In
fact, bot software is considered by many authors as
a worm, due to its capabilities of self-replication and
In order to increase the propagation capabilities of
a bot software, it is usually designed to incorporate
many existent exploits and even new and not reported
bugs (zero-day exploits). To be aware of this problem,
let us say that more than 16,000 vulnerabilities have
been published in the last three years (NVD, 2010).
As an example, Stuxnet botnet (Chien, 2010) was re-
cently designed for exploiting bugs in SCADA sys-
tems existing in nuclear plants. It is also remarkable
that Agobot botnet (Barford and Yegneswaran, 2007)
uses more than 10 exploits.
Botnet malware infection origins are heteroge-
neous. A user may be infected from the execution
of an attached file in a fake email, or opening a re-
source downloaded from a P2P network. Recently,
the propagation of malware through social networks
is growing enormously (Faghani and Saidi, 2009).
2.2.1 Defenses focused on the Recruitment Stage
There are many efforts from research community try-
ing to avoid the infection of hosts in the Internet.
When applied to the botnet problem, all these tech-
niques are focused on the recruitment stage. If any of
them would be completely effective, there would be
no way for botmasters to build a botnet.
2.3 Interaction Stage
This stage refers to all the interactions performed dur-
ing the botnet operation. One of the main differences
between botnets and other type of malwares is the ex-
istence of communications by using C&C messages.
These are of special relevance and a great amount of
research papers on botnets are directly related with
this aspect. This makes the botnet interaction stage a
principal concern for the research community.
The processes involved in this third stage can be
classified as internal and external.
2.3.1 Internal Interactions
Internal interactions are those carried out between
members of the botnet, i.e., from the botmaster to the
bots or vice versa, or only between bots. Here, we
find two processes: registration and C&C communi-
Registration Process. Registration is the process
through which a compromised host becomes an ef-
fective part of the botnet. Among all the techniques
observed in the different studied botnets, there exists
two types of registrations: static and dynamic.
In the static registration, all the necessary informa-
tion to become part of the botnet is hardcoded. Usu-
ally, the IP address of the C&C server is provided
(with some type of obfuscation) in the code of the
bots. GT-Bot, Agobot and SDbot (Liu et al., 2009)
are some examples of this, among others.
In the dynamic registration, bots have to explicitly
request the necessary information to become part of
the botnet to a neutral third party or network. An ex-
ample of this kind of registration is that used in Phat-
bot (Stewart, 2004c), which utilizes Gnutella cache
servers to download a list of peers that belong to the
C&C Communications. The bulk of the interac-
tions in the botnet occur after the registration process
is completed. These interactions are the C&C com-
munications, which we group attending to two char-
Direction of the Information. According to the di-
rection of the information, C&C messages can be
classified as pull or push (Gu et al., 2008). The
bots periodically request information in pull C&C
messages, while they receive the information in a
passive manner, without explicitly sending a pre-
vious request in the push C&C case.
Communication Protocol. Another relevant char-
acteristic regarding C&C messages is the protocol
or protocols involved in the communications. The
most commonly observed possibilities in this line
are IRC, HTTP, and P2P.
2.3.2 External Interactions
External interactions are those related to communica-
tions carried out between a member of the botnet and
a non-compromised host. These usually correspond
to the access to common services offered in the Inter-
The main external service used by botnets is DNS.
In a centralized botnet, bots usually launch DNS
queries to resolve the IP address of the C&C server.
This is the case of the majority of IRC botnets,
like Agobot, GT-Bot or SDBot (Barford and Yeg-
neswaran, 2007) among others. We can also find sev-
eral examples of HTTP botnets, like Bobax (Stewart,
Another common external interaction is the use of
P2P networks as an intermediate layer to hide C&C
communications. For example, Trojan.Peacomm
(Grizzard et al., 2007) carries out searches in the
Overnet network looking for files containing URLs
from which bots will download an update file.
2.3.3 Defenses focused on the Interaction Stage
As we claim, if we would be able to develop a defense
scheme able to interfere in the processes involved in
the interaction stage, the botnet would be defeated.
The principal contributions in the interaction stage
are about botnet detection. This is due to the fact that
if we detect the compromised machines we will be
able to avoid its participation in the botnet. As a ex-
ample of the detection of centralized botnets we can
cite (Goebel and Holz, 2007) (for IRC based botnets)
and (Chen et al., 2010) (for HTTP based botnets). On
the other hand, we also find several papers detecting
distributed or hybrid botnet (Kang and Song, 2010).
2.4 Marketing Stage
At this point, the botnet has been created and it is
plenty of functionality after the previous stages. Now,
the botmaster needs some motivation to use it. Al-
though there are a lot of possible reasons for that (en-
tertainment, ego, status, etc.), the most common is
that of earning money.
The expected economical profit is usually ob-
tained by (i) selling the botnet code or, most com-
monly, by (ii) renting the botnet code or its services.
In both cases, an advertisement procedure is needed,
through which the malicious user announces the ca-
pabilities and the services offered by the botnet.
The sale of the bot code is one option by botnet
developers. Any user with a minimum specialized
knowledge can create a botnet if the bot code is avail-
able. The kit of Zeus botnet is announced in the un-
derground community forums for about $700.
Other botnet marketing option is the renting of
services provided by the botnet. In this alternative,
a set of different services could be contracted. A
report from Namestnikov, Karspersky Lab (Namest-
nikov, 2009), presents a list of prices for renting ser-
vices of a botnet:
DDoS Attacks. This kind of attack costs from $50
to thousands of dollars per day, mainly depending
on the size of the botnet and, thus, the strength of
the attack.
Sending of Spam email. Sending spam email to a
list of around a million of addresses ranges from
$150 to $200.
Fast-flux Networks. Cybercriminals, mostly
phishers, pay botnet owners $1000 to $2000 per
month for hosting fast-flux services.
2.4.1 Defenses focused on the Marketing Stage
Working on defense schemes based on the marketing
stage is crucial to undermine the effects of botnets.
Obviously, legal penalties to those who advertise bot-
nets help to fight them. Furthermore, measures in
the marketing stage should also focus on capturing
botmasters activity. We can find the case of Thomas
James Frederick Smith in (FBI, 2010), who was one
of the creators of NETTICK, an IRC botnet. He posted
a public message on several forums in which he of-
fered an executable program to control his botnet for
$750. He pleaded guilty in June 10th 2010.
Therefore, we firmly think that this stage repre-
sents a key point for improving the prevention of ap-
pearance of new botnets.
2.5 Attack Execution Stage
The final goal of a botnet is the execution of an attack.
The main feature of botnet attacks is the enormous
amount of attackers that take part on them. Thus, the
principal attacks launched by botnets are:
Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS). Denial-of-
service (DoS) attacks are attempts to prevent the
legitimate use of a service or simply reduce its
availability. Distributed DoS attacks (DDoS) are
a particular case, in which multiple attacking en-
tities operate simultaneously to attain this goal
(Mirkovic and Reiher, 2004). Botnets fit perfectly
for striking DDoS attacks. Examples of botnets
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
used for DDoS are Spybot and Agobot (Barford
and Yegneswaran, 2007).
Spamming. A spam email contains certain infor-
mation crafted to be delivered to a large number
of recipients, in spite of their wishes (Cormack,
2008). The use of a botnet considerably increases
the power to send lots of spam emails in few sec-
onds. Bobax is a botnet used for this purpose
(Stewart, 2004b).
Phishing. This is a fraudulent activity defined as
the act of conning a person into divulging sensi-
tive information (Levy, 2004). This could be done
by means of a replica of an existing web page.
To hide these replicas phishers are recently using
botnets as fast-flux networks (explainedin Section
2.6). As an example, the Storm botnet (Porras
et al., 2007) implements this mechanism to hide
its binary updating.
Click Fraud. It consists of deceptively clicking
on online ads or visiting certain websites with
the intention of either increasing third-party web-
site revenues or exhausting an advertiser’s budget
(Wilbur and Zhu, 2009). The use of botnets al-
lows to simulate the behavior of millions of legiti-
mate users, thus being ideal for this kind of attack
(Daswani and Stoppelman, 2007).
2.5.1 Defenses focused on the Attack Stage
A lot of efforts have been done by the research com-
munity to deal with the aforementioned kinds of at-
tacks. Many contributions have been given in the pre-
vention, detection and response to these attacks al-
though, regretfully, this is still an open field.
2.6 Complementary Hiding
Complementary hiding mechanism are also consid-
ered as part of the proposed botnet life-cycle, al-
though they are not defined as an stage. These are
mechanisms designed for hiding the botnet and mak-
ing it difficult to discover its components (bots, bot-
master, C&C channels). Regretfully, even if we were
able to disclose a hiding mechanism we have not still
defeated the botnet. For this reason, we considerthese
mechanisms not as an stage, but complementary to
There are many possible hiding techniques stud-
ied in the literature. We now present those which are
widely used in botnets:
Ciphering. Regarding the interaction stage, C&C
communication are usually ciphered in modern
botnets to prevent them from being analyzed. The
development of liable techniques for detection of
C&C communications becomes increasingly dif-
ficult when ciphering is used. SpamThru (Stew-
art, 2006) and Zeus (Stewart, 2010) use encrypted
Polymorphism. It consists of creating differ-
ent versions of the source code of a program to
change while its functionality remains. This tech-
nique makes the signature-based detection pro-
cess used by most of current antivirus tools more
difficult. Phatbot (Stewart, 2004c) and Zeus
(Stewart, 2010) botnets use this technique.
IP Spoofing. It consists of sending IP packets with
a fake source address. It is widely used in DoS
attacks with the aim of avoiding IP filters.
E-mail Spoofing. Similarly to IP spoofing, e-mail
spoofing consists of sending an e-mail with fake
sender address (or other fields of the header). This
is commonly used in phishing attacks, like that
perpetrated by the Bobax botnet (Stewart, 2004b).
Fast-flux Network. This technique allows hiding
any final host in the network by means of a big
number of proxies that redirect the requests com-
ing from users. These proxies change very fre-
quently by the use of DNS entries with low TTL,
thus making to trace the communications difficult.
This technique could be use to hide a central C&C
server in a botnet.
As a consequence of the impact of botnets, the re-
search community is increasing its interest in this
field. In this context, we carry out an analysis of bot-
nets with a double aim: (i) to consider the botnet prob-
lem in a global scope, and (ii) to be an useful tool to
make the comprehension of the wide variety of exis-
tent botnets easier.
This study is based on a sequential life-cycle, in
which every stage is a fundamental part of the bot-
net life. In consequence, the interruption of only one
stage in the botnet life-cycle makes the whole botnet
useless. So, we claim that all the defense efforts of
the research community are focused on one or more
of these stages.
Finally, in our study we highlight the marketing
stage. This could represent a key point for improv-
ing the prevention of appearance of new botnets. In
this line, we emphasize that there is a need for studies
in this field in the sense of how a botmaster sells the
services of a botnet, the forums in which this informa-
tion is published, the way that clients access to these
forums, etc.
This work has been partially supported by Spanish
MCIN under project TEC2008-06663-C03-02.
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography