(a) LDPC DMC (b) Original DMC
(c) LDPC DMC (d) original DMC
(e) LDPC DMC (f) original DMC
Figure 9: DMC-pairs milled on the same plate of brass
and interfered with simulated water drop (a and b) and alu-
minum and interfered with simulated oil drop of size larger
than the DMC (c, d, e and f).
water 9 4
oil 8 4
total 17 8
water 10 7
oil 10 10
total 20 17
water 10 4
oil 8 3
water 97% 50%
oil 87% 57%
Total 92% 53%
Figure 10: comparison results of 60 tests.
For the decoding of LDPC-based DMCs an algo-
rithm called ED2D-algorithm was established. This
decoding-algorithm is an extension of the one-
dimensional ED-algorithm. ED2D-decoding is based
on a two-dimensional Hidden-Markov-Model that has
been constructed in order to include possible dam-
ages into the underlying channel-model. Two types
of damages that are typical in industrial environment
were simulated. Based on the damage-simulation
a testing showed a superior decoding behavior of
our LDPC-based DMCs decoded with the ED2D-
algorithm compared to the standard RS-based DMC.
This work is part of the project MERSES and has been
supported by the European Union through its Euro-
pean regional development fund(ERDF) and by the
German state Baden-W
urttemberg. We would like to
thank the reviewers for helpful comments.
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