according to the process framework is available.
The paper introduces a new perspective for the
process analysis and deployment named Process
Framework for EM. A model showed the issue of
processes in two perspectives, both in terms of
process-oriented methodology and in terms of
process architecture. The designed model covers the
issues of crisis management, which makes the
benefits of bridging the two different views even
more transparent. The created model is a supplement
with specifics for crisis management and is therefore
accessible not only to users of IT but also in
emergency management.
The functionality of the Process Framework is
guaranteed by continuous verification, validation
and optimization of emergency processes.
Applicability of the solution is also guaranteed by
the terrain case study that simulates the progress of
typical activities of IRS that describe the Accident of
a vehicle transporting dangerous goods in the real
To complete the Process Framework, it is
necessary to create and describe a process-oriented
methodology, which will define actions for the
support of processes in crisis management. The
second part consists of hardware and software
analysis. It is also necessary to define interfaces
between components. The use of standards in this
area considerably eases the demands for
interoperability. Functionality and efficiency of
established methodology and architecture will be
validated by case studies. Up to this point the
proposed Process Framework will be considered
final and it can be deployed in practice.
The contribution is part of the research plan no.
MSM0021622418 and the research project no.
FRVS/1035/2011, both supported by the Czech
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies