Marcos Vescovi
Finansolo Software, PO Box 847, Aptos, CA 95001, U.S.A.
Flavio Varejão
Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Vitória, ES 29000, Brazil
Vagner Cordeiro
Finansolo Software, PO Box 847, Aptos, CA 95001, U.S.A.
Keywords: Agile methods, Scrum methodology, Software design, Software entropy, Change curve.
Abstract: A class of complex enterprise software including financial, taxation and supply chain management software
contains mission critical functionality and change requests are substantial and frequent. Agile
methodologies provide the adaptability but not the robustness necessary to deal with the criticality and to
avoid software entropy. Task analysis shows that a significant effort of analysis and design is required to
flatten the change curve. The Robust Agile Methodology, “R-Agile,” is proposed with the adaptability to
handle fast-changing requirements, and the design and test necessary to handle complexity and criticality.
Boehm and Turner (2003) suggest that risk analysis
be used to choose between adaptive Agile and
predictive Plan-driven methodologies. The authors
suggest that each side of the continuum has its own
home ground. The Agile methodologies are well
suited for low criticality software with frequent
change of requirements, and the Plan-driven
methodologies are well suited for high criticality
software with stable requirements. Over the past
decade we have been developing enterprise software
for Fortune 500 and e-Commerce companies
presenting both challenges: high criticality and
frequent change of requirements. Additionally, and
more importantly, we had to deal with complexity
and the risk of software entropy. Software entropy is
a state reached over time as less well designed
software becomes harder and harder to change. At a
point, the cost of certain changes can become so
high that they are not worth undertaking.
In order to cope with these challenges, we have
successfully developed an adaptation of the Scrum
Agile Methodology. We have taken advantage of the
adaptability and have added design and test to
robustify the methodology. The change curve says
that as the project runs, it becomes exponentially
more expensive to make changes. In this paper we
focus on design and argue that a substantial effort is
necessary to flatten the change curve.
In section 2, we discuss the suitability of
traditional Plan-driven and Agile methodologies. In
section 3, we present the characteristics of critical
and fast-changing complex enterprise software. In
section 4, we discuss the key role of analysis and
design for flattening the exponential change curve.
In section 5, we present the Robust Agile
Methodology “R-Agile,” a more robust and agile
methodology. We close with the conclusions.
Vescovi M., Varejão F. and Cordeiro V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003459800700079
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2011), pages 70-79
ISBN: 978-989-8425-57-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section, we briefly discuss and summarize the
advantages and drawbacks of Plan-driven and Agile
methodologies. More extensive comparisons can be
found in the work of Boehm and Turner (2003) and
Fowler (2001), who focus on design and discuss
planned vs. evolutionary design.
2.1 Plan-Driven Methodologies
Traditional Plan-driven methodologies, such as the
waterfall method (Royce, 1970), are based on the
principle that time spent early in the software
production cycle can lead to greater economy at later
stages. McConnell (1996) shows that a bug found in
the early stages (such as requirements specification
or design) is cheaper in money, effort and time to fix
than the same bug found later on in the process.
With Plan-driven methodologies, a substantial
effort of analysis and design is performed up front.
This is an important advantage of the Plan-driven
methodologies, leading towards a flatter change
curve and potentially avoiding software entropy.
Another advantage relates to the extensive testing
phase which is necessary to ensure correct
functioning of mission-critical functionality. These
advantages are well-suited to handle complexity and
criticality of functionality.
The main drawback of the Plan-driven
methodologies is related to the long release cycles.
Most of the design is performed without learning
from later phases of development and operations.
With shorter cycles, a lot can be learned from
usability and incorporated into the design. Design is
usually longer than needed and many unnecessary
features are included in the project. The project costs
more and takes a much longer time to market, which
impacts business negatively. Customers most often
get involved later in the process when a full-
packaged release is available.
Besides the above inconveniences, the Plan-
driven methodologies are not well-suited and
adaptable for fast changing requirements software.
The design and overall project is rigid and
requirement changes are not welcome.
2.2 Agile Methodologies
Larman and Basili (2003) present a brief history of
iterative and incremental development, showing that
adaptive methods have been proposed since the
1970s. The "Manifesto for Agile Software
Development" was published by Kent et al. (2001).
The Agile methods promote development,
teamwork, collaboration, and process adaptability
throughout the life-cycle of the project. Such
methods became popular in the past decade, in
particular with fast paced web development.
Agile methods propose much shorter release
cycles, allowing quick feedback and adaptation. The
process involves customers more often, which
results in increased customer satisfaction.
Developers are empowered, feel more responsible
and become better contributors. Agile methods are
particularly well-suited for fast-changing
requirements software.
The main inconvenience with the Agile methods
is associated with decreased analysis and design,
which can result in software entropy and exponential
change curve. This is especially true in the case of
complex and large software. Another drawback is
that the reduced testing phase may not be sufficient
to ensure the quality necessary for mission-critical
In summary, Plan-driven methods are better
suited for critical and complex software while Agile
methods are better suited for software requiring fast
changes. A methodology for dealing simultaneously
with complexity, criticality and adaptability is
sought. This paper proposes such a methodology.
Over the past decade we have developed enterprise
payment and financial software, supply chain
management and taxation software for several
Fortune 500 and e-Commerce companies world-
wide. The specific products and solutions developed
were functionally different but shared similar
characteristics. The most relevant characteristics are
presented below. For simplicity, we are not
discussing the additional complexity associated with
the enterprise requirements of performance,
scalability, robustness and security.
1. Large number of objects for modeling the
2. Complex relationships between the objects;
3. Complex calculations and processing methods;
4. Substantial and frequent change of
5. Tight deadlines, limited resources and pressure
from customers;
6. Mission critical operations dependent on the
The first two characteristics have implications on
the size and complexity of the objects and data
model. Without careful analysis and design, objects
and database schemas became large and overly
complex. Coding became more difficult and bugs
became more numerous and harder to find and fix.
Extensions and modifications became exponentially
expensive. Changes in data and object models were
usually deep and came at a higher cost. In our
experience, the tasks of abstraction and
generalization of concepts were necessary to
simplify the model and required substantial analysis
and design. Without this effort, complexity takes
over and the change curve becomes exponential.
The third characteristic relates to the complexity
of calculations and processes. Billing, revenue
sharing and taxation are common examples of
calculations in which the effort to define the
mathematics required as much effort as coding itself.
The consequences of careless analysis and design
were often buggy implementations requiring various
iterations to fix. The iterations were costly,
involving various releases and testing phases. In our
experience, non-modular design created the typical
scenario of gas plant complexity, which was hard to
understand, extend and fix. In order to accommodate
for customer requests, branching became the faster
and easier solution. But maintenance of the various
branches came at a prohibitive cost. The complexity
and its related costs were again exponential.
The fourth characteristic is also challenging. In
our experience, the change of requirements was
frequent and continuous for a single system and each
customer wanted something different. If there was
no change of requirements we could have
envisioned various steps of refactoring, thus
improving the design over time. But the continuous
change on top of the issues described with the first
three characteristics made development harder.
Carefully designing a system for extensive change
was the key to flatten the change curve. Besides
using well architected frameworks, in some cases we
used domain models, rule engines and workflow
engines to deal with the frequent change of
requirements. Up-front design was necessary to
develop such architectures.
The fifth and sixth characteristics simply added
stress to the development team. This paper describes
a methodology combining the best practices of the
Agile and the Plan-driven methodologies. We focus,
in particular, in adding analysis and design to the
Agile Methodology, which relates more directly to
characteristics 1 through 4 above. In order to deal
with the implications of characteristics 5 and 6,
other issues need to be examined. First, there has to
be resolution around the deadline-milestone
prevailing in the industry. Either the customers need
to agree to the more adaptable Agile methodologies
or some rigidity and predictability need to be added
to the methodologies. Another important issue
relates to the stricter testing necessary to ensure
correct functioning of critical functionality.
Although the proposed methodology contains the
necessary testing component, this paper focuses on
the need for further analysis and design and how it
has been balanced within the proposed
We have experienced an exponential change curve
on various occasions, in particular when fast
development took priority and did not allow for
careful analysis and design. This happened despite
the fact that our engineering team was composed of
talented Silicon Valley developers. In such cases,
changing or enhancing the system became
prohibitively expensive and some of the systems had
to be redesigned and rebuilt.
According to Fowler (2001), Agile methods have
rejuvenated the notion of evolutionary design with
practices that allow evolution to become a viable
design strategy. It also provides new challenges and
skills as designers need to learn how to do a simple
design, how to use refactoring to keep a design
clean, and how to use patterns in an evolutionary
style. Simplicity is at the core of the Agile
methodologies. We argue that achieving Simplicity
in a more substantial way that can avoid software
entropy requires a significant effort of analysis and
The definition of Simplicity proposed by Beck
(1999) is, in order (most important first):
1. Runs all the tests
2. Reveals all the intention
3. No duplication
4. Fewest number of classes or methods
If we further investigate the criteria above we see
that Simplicity (as defined by Beck), especially in
the case of complex enterprise software, can only be
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
achieved in a more substantial way with careful
analysis and design, contrasting with the "quick code
and test" premises of the Agile methodologies. Let’s
examine the criteria.
1. Runs all the tests
This is a Basic Requirement that a system must
verify its intended functionality. This is minimal and
required for most methodologies so we will not
analyze this any further.
2. Reveals all the intention
This is an Adequacy Requirement and should be
required for most methodologies as well. Fulfillment
of this requirement is often intuitive and is
ultimately defined by customer satisfaction. But for
a system to reveal all the intention, it must at least
have a complete model (i.e. it must cover the
functionality) that can lead to accurate enough and
precise enough results (i.e. the results must be
acceptable). In terms of coding, the underlying
model must be intuitive and clean so that
communication and collaboration can happen. In
terms of usability, careful interaction and graphical
design must also be realized. As we can see, this
criterion is not obvious to achieve and we find it
difficult to be realized without careful analysis and
3. No duplication
This is an Optimization Requirement desirable in
other methodologies as well. No Duplication
requires the creation of modular code so that it can
be reused. The idea is to have more fundamental
building blocks that are used to build the system.
If we interpret this criterion as not duplicating
code in its most strict definition, i.e. not repeating
code that is exactly the same, then the criterion is
relatively easy to understand and follow. However, a
more powerful and interesting interpretation of the
criterion is the creation of more generic and abstract
code that can be used to replace similar (and more
numerous) pieces of code.
If we perform Cognitive Task Analysis
(Chandrasekaran, 1986), (Chandrasekaran, 1990),
(Pirolli & Card, 2005), we see that the design of
modular code that is generic and abstract to be
reused, involves the following mental tasks: (1)
decomposition of the problem into smaller
functional or structural parts, (2) pattern matching to
identify sets of similar parts, (3) creativity to create
generic and abstract modular code to cope with sets
of similar problem parts, (4) synthesis for combining
and integrating the modular code, (5) analysis for
critiquing the modular code and its integration, and
(6) modification capability for adjusting the modular
code and its integration whenever necessary.
No duplication, in its more extensive
interpretation, is underlying the construction of
frameworks and is at the core of software
architecture. Except for simpler software, it is
difficult to imagine the achievement of this criterion
without careful analysis and design.
4. Fewest number of classes or methods
The most basic interpretation of this criterion is that
classes and methods that are not necessary should
not be developed in advance. Classes and methods
that might be needed in the future should not be
implemented until they are definitely needed. This
criterion accords to the fundamental principles of the
Agile methodologies and is not too difficult to
interpret and follow.
However, a different interpretation of this
criterion has a fundamental impact when dealing
with complex software. In order to cope with the
complexity associated with the large number of
classes, their relationships and their complex
methods, it is important to design fewer but more
powerful classes and methods. It is necessary to
define classes and methods that are generic and
often abstract. Fewer generic and abstract classes
can replace multiple and more numerous specific
and concrete classes, simplifying the overall
representation. Fewer modular generic and abstract
methods can replace multiple and more numerous
specific and concrete methods as well, once again,
simplifying a complex problem. Design patterns, for
example, although more complex constructs
themselves, are powerful mechanisms that simplify
the overall design.
The examples above are just a few examples of
interpreting the criterion as creating fewer but more
powerful concepts. We claim that the design of these
fewer but more powerful concepts is crucial to deal
with complexity. But this task, once again, requires
significant effort. Cognitive Task Analysis
(Chandrasekaran, 1986), (Chandrasekaran, 1990),
(Pirolli & Card, 2005), indicates that such design
involves (1) pattern matching to identify sets of
similar classes or methods, (2) creativity to create
generic and abstract classes and methods, (3) search
on the space of possible design alternatives, (4)
definition of criteria for evaluating the design
alternatives, (5) synthesis and integration of classes
and methods and (6) critique and modification of
classes and methods. This is among the hardest tasks
in complex software development and requires
careful analysis and design.
As a result, in the case of complex software,
Simplicity requires a significant amount of analysis
and design. The more complex the system, the more
analysis and design it requires. In some cases, it is
arguable that the analysis and design effort required
is comparable to, if not greater than, the coding
Fowler (2001) proposes that the practices of
continuous integration, testing, and refactoring
provide a new environment that makes the
evolutionary design of Agile methodologies become
plausible. But he adds that design is important to
flatten the curve. In Fowler´s words, "I'm sure that,
despite the outside impression, XP isn't just test,
code and refactor. There is room for designing
before coding. Some of this is before there is any
coding, most of it occurs in the iterations before
coding for a particular task. But there is a new
balance between up-front design and refactoring".
The criteria of Simplicity proposed by Beck
(1999) are clearly necessary to flatten the change
curve and avoid software entropy. In the previous
section, we examined the effort associated with
achieving Simplicity and showed that in the case of
complex software development, a significant amount
of analysis and design is necessary.
The short release cycles and the customer
involvement of the Agile methodologies provide
significant decrease in overall project effort and
increase in customer satisfaction. However, it is
important to add more analysis and design to the
methodology. But the difficulty is in finding the
right balance.
Figure 1 below shows the change curve for
options (1) Agile without additional design, (2)
Substantial upfront design, and (3) additional design
during iterations. Option 1 corresponds to the more
radical Agile methodologies with minimal design
effort. With option 2, substantial design is
performed up-front before coding. This is similar to
traditional Plan-driven methodologies in which the
software is more fully designed up-front. Option 3
corresponds to adding more design during each
iteration (release cycle) of the Agile methodologies.
Figure 1: Examples of change curves of Agile methods
based on the amount of design performed.
The curves showed in Figure 1 are qualitative
and were estimated based on our experience. Curve
(1) starts almost flat and then grows exponentially.
Curves (2) and (3) are linear approximations
assuming design was able to flatten the exponential
curve. In reality, these are flattened exponentials and
not lines. Option (1) has the advantage of short time
to market which is crucial in today’s web industry
but shows exponential behavior in the long run.
Option (2) is the most long term efficient option but
has longer time to market. Option (3) appears as a
good compromise between time to market and long
term efficiency.
The methodology that has worked best in our
experience is similar to option (3). Design has been
added to each cycle of the Scrum Agile
Methodology. Note that in our case we had
reference implementations with framework
architectures previously developed. For a
development effort starting from scratch it may be
necessary to develop a reference implementation.
The reference implementation defines architecture,
application server, framework, domain model and
whatever is necessary to cope with complexity. Such
reference implementation can be developed either in
advance, when time permits, or in parallel with
Option (1). In the latter case, an effort of integration
is necessary to move the code implemented faster
with the Option (1) model into the further
architected reference implementation. But we
strongly suggest developing the reference
implementation using the principles of Agile. If a
framework is to be developed then the necessary
functionality should be developed first. The
remaining functionality should only be developed if
necessary. Substantial refactoring of the framework
should also be considered, as suggested with Agile
This section presents the Robust Agile Methodology,
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
“R-Agile.” For the past few years, we have
successfully used this methodology to develop
critical and fast-changing complex enterprise
software. Applications of our software include:
payment, revenue sharing and billing solutions for
the telecom and e-commerce industries; and order
management, taxation, logistics and financial
solutions for the supply chain industry.
The proposed methodology is a modified version
of the Scrum Agile Methodology (Beedle et al.,
1999). The fundamental change is that we have
included additional analysis and design to make the
methodology more robust
. We have also
complemented Scrum by adding a dedicated Testing
Team. In this section we will present more details of
the methodology, mostly highlighting the points
where our methodology differs from traditional
Scrum. Notice that the parameters of the
methodology, such as sprint duration and
chronology, ratio of team members and even more
structural elements of the methodology, can be
adjusted based on the specifics of the project. For
example, the criticality of the software, whether
mission or revenue critical, importance of time to
market, availability of resources and project budget
are factors that affect the parameters of the
methodology. The methodology described below is
the one that worked best in our overall experience.
6.1 Teams and Roles
We have added dedicated Design and Testing Teams
to the more traditional Product and Coding Teams of
the Scrum Methodology. We present below the
composition and the role of each team.
6.1.1 Product Team
The company can have various scrums running in
parallel. We had the experience of running about 2
to 3 simultaneous scrums. Running Agile methods
on very large projects can be challenging, requiring
special coordination and scaling strategies. These
experiences have been reported by Talby et al.
(2006) and Chow & Cao (2008). In this paper we
will concentrate on small to mid-size projects (< 20
developers) where the methodology works fine
without special treatment. We will describe the team
composition and roles for each Scrum.
Although the company can have multiple
product managers, we used one product manager per
Scrum. The product manager is called the “product
owner” and is responsible for making sure that the
product under development fulfills the business and
company requirements. The product manager
interfaces with the customers who can be external or
internal to the organization.
We had Scrums that required more than one
product manager. In such cases, the product
managers collaborated within the same Scrum but
one of the product managers was considered the
product owner for the Scrum. The product manager
also coordinates with the product managers of the
other Scrums so that the overall product integrates
6.1.2 Design Team
The Design Team is dedicated to analysis and
design. The goal is to keep the code clean and as
simple as possible according to the definition of
Simplicity discussed in previous sections. The team
is responsible for the analysis and design required to
flatten the change curve, which is critical for
complex enterprise software development. In
addition to designing for Simplicity, the Design
Team is responsible for reviewing the code and
identifying parts that are candidates for Refactoring.
Although analysis and design are being added, it
is important to avoid overdesign. The design task
itself should follow the principles of Agile, by
designing at the necessary level. We suggest a
generalization of the suggestions proposed by
Fowler (2001). The Design Team should (1) invest
time in learning about analysis and design principles
and methods, (2) concentrate on when to apply such
principles and methods (not too early), (3)
concentrate on how to implement them in its
simplest form first, adding complexity later when
necessary, and (4) not hesitate in removing
overdesigned parts.
We have used one software designer for a team
of 4-6 developers. The exact number depends on
many factors including the maturity of the project,
the maturity of the team, the complexity of the
project and other factors. We can cite a few reasons
why we were able to design successfully using a
relatively small ratio of designer/developer: (1)
following the Agile principles and only designing
what was necessary, (2) the Coding Team was also
responsible for design, (3) often part of the Coding
Team is working on less complex or repetitive parts
of the code which do not require additional design
by the Design Team, and (4) later phases of the
project often require less design. Software architects
are a key part of the Design Team. In addition, the
team can include a few specialists, such as user
interface designers, a modeling analyst responsible
for data and process modeling, and a database
optimization analyst.
We have also experimented with rotating the
members of the Design Team. We usually strike a
balance considering the following factors: (1) level
of design and architecture experience, (2) project
phase, and (3) the need to have members of the
Coding Team also involved with design. The
rotation was interesting in many ways. It caused the
developers to feel more responsible and empowered.
It also allowed the primary designers and architects
to code, keeping them up-to-date with the
programming technologies. Learning by design is a
powerful learning tool (see research by Pappert &
Harel (1990)). In general, the rotation promoted
collaboration and avoided hierarchy and other
human relational issues.
6.1.3 Coding Team
The Coding Team has the responsibility to deliver
the product. The team is mostly responsible for
coding, but is also responsible for design, testing (in
particular unit testing), technical communication and
Continuous integration is an important activity
for Agile methods. Scripts are developed to
automate code check-out, compilation, release
generation and to run test scripts. We were not
always able to implement continuous integration,
but the activity was very rewarding when
implemented. The continuous integration was
usually executed on a daily basis. When resources
are available, a dedicated Release Team should be
responsible for the continuous integration. In our
case it was implemented collaboratively by the
Coding and Test Teams.
One important member of the Coding Team is
the Scrum Master whose primary role is to make
sure that the developers are performing according to
the plan and do not get stuck. The Scrum Master
also ensures that the Scrum process is used as
intended. The Coding Team is usually composed of
4-8 developers, plus the Scrum Master. When time
permits, the Scrum Master can also code.
6.1.4 Testing Team
The Testing Team is a team dedicated to testing, the
same as traditional quality assurance teams. In the
case of mission critical systems, it has been
challenging to apply the “do only the minimal
principle of the Agile Methodology to testing. We
were able to separate parts of the system that were
not critical, but the core required rigorous quality
assurance. We were also able to reduce the amount
of automated testing. Our Testing Team was
composed of 2 engineers for a team of 4-8
developers. Once again, this parameter will depend
on the specifics of the project at hand.
6.2 Activities and Schedule
One of the most important aspects of the Agile
methodologies is the much shorter release cycles
than traditional Plan-driven methodologies. In
Scrum, such release cycles are called Sprint. We
have had experience with both packaged releases
and incremental improvements. In the first case, we
had contractual obligations to release a particular set
of functionalities to external customers. The latter
case allowed for the release as improvements were
developed and fits more naturally with the Scrum
methodology. But even in the first case, we used the
Scrum methodology, thus generating shorter internal
releases and providing packaged releases at longer
cycles. What was important in this case was a close
relationship and agreement with the customer to
define the appropriate milestones for the packaged
releases, as the Scrum methodology avoids defining
long term plans in advance.
We have mostly worked with 2-week Sprints,
but have experimented also with 3-week Sprints.
The 2-week Sprint is more dynamic, allowing faster
time to market and market feedback. However, it
can feel tight, in particular before project
stabilization or when dealing with complex mission-
critical functions which are harder to implement and
require full testing. We experienced most difficulties
and pressure during the last two days of the 2-week
Sprint when we performed integration testing and
associated bug fixing and regression testing. When
we were able to do it, continuous integration
definitely helped to ease the process. It is also
important to check with the team in order to decide
on 2 or 3-week Sprints. The personality and style of
the team can affect the decision.
Table 1 shows the activities and schedule of the
R-Agile Robust Agile Methodology. It presents the
activities associated with each of the Product,
Design, Coding and Testing Teams and can be used
for either 2 or 3 week Sprints. The second week of a
3 week Sprint is simply a continuation of the
activities started in the first week.
A key aspect of the proposed R-Agile Scrum
Methodology is related to the temporal relationship
and sequencing of the activities. The main activities
of the Product and Design Teams, which are
Specification and Design respectively, happens one
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: R-Agile Scrum Methodology with 2-3 Week Sprint Release Cycle.
Sprint First Week
Team Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sprint n+1
Design Review
Sprint n
Sprint n+1
Design Review
Sprint n
Sprint n
Code Test
Sprint n
Sprint n
Sprint Last Week
Team Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Review and
Sprint n
Sprint n+1
Sprint n
Sprint n+1
Sprint n
Review and
Push Production
Sprint n
Sprint n+1
Final Test
Sprint n
Sprint n
Sprint n+1
Sprint before Coding. During a 2 (or 3) week period,
while the Coding Team is programming the features
of Sprint n, the Product and Design Team are
respectively specifying and designing for the
following Sprint n+1. This gives the Product and
Design Teams enough time to prepare their activities
before the beginning of Coding.
The Testing Team, on the other hand, performs
testing of the features of Sprint n during the same
Sprint n. The Testing Team starts developing the test
scripts early in the Sprint. Ideally, the test scripts get
developed before the corresponding code. This way,
the code can be tested as it gets implemented. Code
and test during the same Sprint can feel stressful, but
it allows the developers to fix bugs while the code is
still fresh in their minds. We have experimented
with testing executed one Sprint after the Coding
Sprint. It certainly provided more ease for the
Testing Team, but had the inconvenience of having
developers fixing bugs of the previous Sprint n-1
during Sprint n. In addition, we had to manage two
releases of the same features: the testing release at
the end of Sprint n and the production release at the
end of Sprint n+1.
In the remainder of this section we summarize
the main activities involved in the Scrum.
6.2.1 Specification
As described above, the Specification activity is
performed one Sprint ahead of its corresponding
Coding Sprint. Before starting the specification
activity, the product owner is responsible for
defining and prioritizing the desired product features
and adding them to the Product Backlog. Each
feature is described by a story and each story is
specified with enough details so that the Design and
Coding Team can understand it.
6.2.2 Design
Design is also performed in the previous Sprint n-1.
The Design Team chooses the stories which require
design from the Product Backlog according to their
priority. The Design Team can also spend time
reviewing the code and identifying areas for
redesign and refactoring.
6.2.3 Planning
The Planning activity sets the beginning of the
“official” Sprint. Planning is performed on a Friday.
One reason for this is so that Sprints can finish with
a Production Release on a Thursday. This allows for
any emergency repair of a release to be performed
on a Friday and not during the weekend.
An entire day is devoted to Planning and is split
into two meetings. During the first meeting the
engineers learn about the stories and choose which
ones to implement, taking into consideration the
priority set by the product owner. The chosen stories
are placed in the Sprint Backlog. During the second
meeting, the engineers break down the stories into
tasks that must be coded. The tasks are split among
the developers, making sure that they can be
completed during the Sprint.
6.2.4 Design Review
The Design Review activity is executed on a
Monday and can even be extended if necessary.
During this meeting, the Design Team discusses the
design (which was performed during Sprint n-1)
with the Coding Team. Only the developers
involved with the designed parts are mandated to
participate in the Design Review meeting. But in
some cases we involved other developers. This was
important so that more developers could learn about
the design. Developers often needed to understand
the design for a future Sprint and it saved everyone’s
time to have the design review done once. There was
also valuable feedback from the developers who, in
addition, felt more involved and empowered.
6.2.5 Coding
The Coding Team has about 7 full days (in the case
of a 2 week Sprint) to code, check in, unit test,
integrate code and fix bugs related to the tasks
committed during the Sprint Planning activity. Since
the release cycles are short, we decided that only
mission critical and revenue-affecting bugs and
feature requests could interrupt a Sprint. As
discussed, the Coding Team can also perform design
of their respective tasks, of course in coordination
with the Design Team and following the minimalist
principle of Agile.
6.2.6 Testing
The Testing Team participates on the Sprint
Planning activity. During the first meeting of the
Planning activity, the Testing Team learns about the
features to be implemented during the Sprint. This
allows the Testing Team to produce test scripts for
such features. During the second meeting of the
Planning activity, the Testing Team defines and
schedules the testing tasks to be executed during the
Sprint. These testing tasks are planned and executed
in the same way as the coding tasks of the Scrum.
The Testing Team can also participate on the
Monday Design review. This is important especially
if the Testing Team is to perform white-box testing,
which requires testing algorithm paths and their
The testing tasks are composed of tasks for
coding or for running test scripts. The Testing Team
starts coding the test scripts on Monday. Since test
scripts are usually coded faster than the actual code
to be tested, the code can be tested as soon as it gets
implemented. But we tended to spend a few days to
create a batch of test scripts before beginning code
testing around Thursday. This allowed the Testing
Team to focus on either coding or testing and
avoided too much back and forth between the two
activities. This can be planned based on what the
team feels comfortable with and also based on the
specific Sprint.
6.2.7 Review
On Thursday of the last Sprint week, an informal
Sprint Review is performed to make sure that the
implementation meets the requirements. The code is
pushed to production if signed-off by the product
owner. A Sprint Retrospective can also be organized
at times to evaluate the overall methodology and
propose improvements.
We performed Cognitive Task Analysis to show that
substantial analysis and design is necessary to create
powerful code and avoid software entropy and
exponential change curve. We have also discussed
the more extensive testing necessary for critical
functionality and the need for adaptability to handle
fast change requirements. We have presented R-
Agile which is a robust and agile methodology to
handle complexity, criticality and adaptability. We
have successfully employed R-Agile to develop
ENASE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
financial, taxation and supply chain management
enterprise software.
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