Miguel J. Monsor, Aurora Vizcaíno and Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group, Institute of Information Technologies & Systems, Escuela Superior de Informática
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Global Software Development, Distributed Software Development, Engineering Education, Educational
Environment, Teaching Model, Simulators, Virtual Agents.
Abstract: The teaching and training of Global Software Development (GSD) entails several well-known difficulties,
of which the problem of establishing environments in which students can learn by practicing in realistic
scenarios is commonly reported. In this paper we propose an educational framework that uses simulation to
train future participants to confront the principal problems encountered in GSD (cultural, language and
communication problems). Our framework therefore provides support for the design of these simulations by
means of a tool that trains its users in the typical problems that may occur during interactions between
distributed members. The simulations place learners in realistic GSD scenarios in which they will interact
with virtual participants, thus permitting them to confront the collaborative, organizational and technical
problems of GSD.
Global Software Development (GSD) is currently
being addressed in educational environments with
the aim of training software engineering students in
the challenges that it entails. The principal problems
of GSD are specifically related to the establishment
of an effective communication between the
distributed participants (Monasor et al., 2009) who
must interact with people from different cultures and
different time zones in a common language in order
to jointly develop a software project.
Participants in GSD activities therefore require
additional skills in order to minimize the impact of
the inexperience and fears that they frequently have
to confront when dealing with problematic GSD
situations (Casey and Richardson, 2008), and to
avoid costly delays in time-to-market.
Behaviour in GSD as regards communication is
different to that encountered in other environments
(Cemile et al., 2009). The ability to persuade another
and the willingness to cooperate decrease with
distance, leading to a common deception of the team
members (Bradner and Mark, 2002). It is therefore
essential for students to develop the following set of
skills (Monasor et al., 2010):
Ability to communicate effectively using a
common terminology and language.
Performance in the use of synchronous and
asynchronous means of communication.
Informal communication and improvisation
Knowledge of language, cultural and ethical
Leadership and conflict resolution skills.
Time management skills.
Managing ambiguity and uncertainty. Ability to
evaluate information critically.
Skills to gain the interlocutor’s confidence and
Knowledge of negotiation skills and contract
writing in a common language.
Collaborative work skills.
However, it is difficult for educators to prepare
students in these sorts of skills since they have to
manage distributed activities in collaboration with
distant institutions. Moreover, it is not easy to
reproduce the conditions of real GSD developments,
principally because of the resources required and the
time limitations of the courses.
We present a framework whose objective is to
provide theoretical and practical lessons that will
J. Monsor M., Vizcaíno A. and Piattini M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003459902610264
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 261-264
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
allow students to acquire communicative and
teamwork abilities through the simulation of
multicultural GSD environments.
In order to provide support for these activities,
we have developed VENTURE (Virtual
ENvironment for Training cUlture and language
problems in global softwaRe dEvelopment), a virtual
training environment that places students in a
simulated GSD scenario in which they interact with
Virtual Agents (VAs) from different cultures that
simulate realistic experiences. These simulations are
carried out by using written communication tools,
such as e-mail and instant messaging.
VENTURE consists of a platform integrated into an
e-learning system that supports the GSD educational
framework presented.
The innovative value of this framework lies in its
rigorous support for training, in that it not only
copes with cultural and linguistic differences, but
also improves attitudes for collaborative group work
without the need for real partners. The aim is to
provide theoretical lessons and simulated practices
in GSD, supported by a tool that simulates realistic
GSD collaborative environments. Teachers provide
students with the theoretical lessons on GSD
activities in class, and students can then go on to use
VENTURE to execute the training scenarios in the
VENTURE simulates GSD virtual meetings in
which students interact with VAs using a common
language (usually English). VAs communicate with
students textually and in an autonomous manner in
order to allow them to confront cultural and
linguistic problems similar to those that appear in
real environments.
Learners are placed in a virtual scenario and
work on the resolution of certain GSD activities by
interacting with VAs of different cultures. Students
can play the different roles in the process of GSD by
interacting with the VAs. The interactions are
guided by a Virtual Colleague (VC), which is
another kind of VA that will also correct the
students’ inappropriate interventions.
VENTURE introduces students to the
characteristics of the project to be developed and
their role. They are also given a software
engineering task or a responsibility that they must
Each lesson has practical materials associated
with it that must be delivered at prescribed
milestones. The students will generally have to
complete a document, or develop software in
accordance with the purpose of the scenario. They
must also answer a questionnaire at the end of the
The virtual meetings are designed to reflect the
typical problematic or controversial situations
encountered in GSD, and the students are therefore
encouraged to find a solution to the problems by
interacting in the correct manner.
The definition of these meetings is based on
VTRML (VenTuRe Markup Language), which is an
extension to the XAML (Extensible Application
Markup Language) and permits the definition of all
the elements required, including the cultural and
linguistic rules for the scenario. The principal
objective of this is to improve the students’ skills
and performance when dealing with cultural
problems during the simulated conversations.
VENTURE permits the design and development of
GSD simulators by means of a client-server
architecture which is presented in Figure 1.
On the server side, an e-learning application
provides students with the course resources and the
facilities needed to carry out the training activities.
This part is made up of the following modules:
Resource Repository (1): This contains the
theoretical lessons assigned. Each theoretical lesson
is formed of virtual meetings which can be executed
at any time.
Task Area (2): A repository including the practical
activities assigned, in which the delivery deadlines
are specified. In this area, it is also possible for the
students to upload deliverables and review the
evaluation and instructor’s comments for these
Forum and Wiki Module (3, 4): This is used by the
instructors to include global communications, and by
the students to interact with instructors and partners.
Evaluation Area (5): Continual exams and
questionnaires which serve to evaluate the students’
On the server side, the theoretical material is
stored in the Pedagogical Module (6) and is
structured with reference to the knowledge areas:
software requirements, software design, software
construction, software testing, software quality,
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Venture architecture.
software maintenance, configuration management,
software engineering management and software
engineering process.
The cultural problems database (7) consists of a
repository that contains the set of cultural problems
and recognized differences that might affect
communication in GSD scenarios. The linguistic
problems that can appear when participants interact
textually with a non-native language are stored in
the language problems database (8). The linguistic
rules considered are classified according to the kind
of problem that they deal with and include any
relevant information that may be useful for
correcting the students’ actions. The information
contained in both the cultural database and the
linguistic database is managed by the Rules Editor
interface (9), which is made available to the
instructors through its cultural management module
(10) and language management module (11).
The skills required in GSD are stored in the
database (12) which contains best practices for
training the skills needed in GSD.
The VA profile (13) can be managed through the
VA profile management module (14) which permits
new characters to be included or existing ones to be
modified, and also allows them to be incorporated
into the theoretical materials or practical scenarios.
The Workflow Engine (15) is responsible for
executing the meeting workflows by reading the
definition of the meeting, and orchestrating the
sequential execution of the corresponding phases.
The engine additionally makes it possible to save
the log through the login unit (16) of the
conversation, so that the instructor can review it
This workflow engine reads all the information
related to the simulation and makes the appropriate
transformations for each phase in order to generate
the AIML language. It does this by using the
transformation unit (17) to obtain information that is
understandable by the chatbot system (18), in the
case of synchronous interactions, and the Email
analyzer (19), in the case of asynchronous
interactions. The Evaluation unit (20) serves as a
tracking mechanism of the students actions to inform
both students and instructors of their skills and
results from the use of this framework, providing a
continuous and real-time evaluation.
The Workflow Designer (21) is a graphical tool
that the course designers use to define and modify
the virtual meetings. The virtual meetings are
structured as sequential workflows made up of a set
of phases containing the specifics details of the
conversation for that phase.
The chief advantage of using VENTURE is that
students are more independent as they do not need to
interact with distant partners and they can train at
any moment without depending on the availability of
other partners or colleagues. Students can also play
different roles while interacting with VAs and learn
about the different kinds of problems that may occur
from different perspectives. Furthermore, since the
VA controls the conversations it is not likely that
off-topic conversations will occur, which quite often
takes place when two or more students communicate
by chat. Students can therefore take better advantage
of their time than when working with other students.
In our future work we will test the framework
presented by collecting evidence that will allow its
effectiveness to be demonstrated.
We will guide our future efforts towards
answering the following research questions:
Adequacy: Do the students understand the
purpose of the simulations? Do the students feel
that they have improved their skills in GSD?
Time Requirements: How long do the students
need to complete the course and to finish the
deliverables? Do instructors appreciate a faster
organization and better performance in the GSD
Usability: What problems occur during the
interaction with VAs when using VENTURE?
What is the students’ opinion of the feasibility of
the tool?
Motivation: Do students feel motivated when
interacting with VAs? To what extent does a
student perceive the usefulness of the
With regard to the use of VAs, we intend to
study to what degree they induce a sense of social
presence in the students. This sense is increased by
the transmission of nonverbal cues showing
emotional states and gestures. In this respect, we
shall also study the following questions:
Do students identify with their roles in the virtual
Do they consider that the experience of
interacting with VAs is realistic?
From the perspective of the instructors, we must
also study the feasibility of the framework for
designing and customizing the training materials and
scenarios. In this respect, the following questions
should be answered:
What is the instructors’ opinion as regards the
use of the meeting designer? How long does it
take them to design a scenario?
Evaluation and monitoring: What is their
perception of the monitoring and evaluation
The students’ active participation in the
evaluation will be helpful in obtaining feedback with
which to improve the framework. We are also in the
process of preparing surveys, structured interviews
and in-situ observations.
Finally, we also wish to design and test practical
scenarios that will allow us to compare the
performance of students who have trained with our
framework with that of others of the same
characteristics who have not.
The results of the evaluations will eventually
help to design new training scenarios and to improve
the cultural and linguistic problems database.
This work has been funded by the PEGASO/MAGO
project (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
MICINN and Fondos FEDER, TIN2009-13718-
C02-01). It is also supported by MEVALHE (HITO-
09-126) and ENGLOBAS (PII2I09-0147-8235),
funded by Consejería de Educación y Ciencia (Junta
de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha), and co-
funded by Fondos FEDER, as well as as well as
GlOBALIA (PEII11-0291-5274), Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de
Educación y Ciencia in Spain, and ORIGIN (IDI-
2010043 (1-5)) funded by CDTI and FEDER.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies