In Web Engineering in particular, it is very
important to carry out an exhaustive work of
elicitation of requirements that meet the needs of
end users and customers in order to ensure the
quality of the developed system.
With this aim, the technical team should be able
to identify the customers and clients’ needs, both
explicit and implicit, and their expectations about
the system under development. System requirements
are taken out from the information provided by users
and customers.
The nature of the problems associated with this
activity is primarily social and psychological rather
than technological. For example, among others,
there are communicative problems caused by using
different vocabularies, or even motivated by a
different culture, or problems due to cognitive
limitations for not knowing the problem domain.
There are several specific techniques to mitigate
these problems substantially during the different
activities related to the specification of the project
requirements. For the activity of requirements
capture, there are techniques such as interviews. For
example, Joint Application Development is a
popular exploratory technique that includes users as
active participants in the development process. Some
others are brainstorming or questionnaires.
The most common techniques for requirements
validation activity in Web Engineering are
interviews or walk-through, audits and glossaries.
The research work presented in this document is
framed in this context. Particularly, this paper
focuses on the glossary of terms technique as a
suitable technique to carry out the validation
requirements of a project developed by means of
NDT methodology.
This paper presents NDT-Glossary: A tool that
implements a set of QVT transformations to
systematically generate the glossary of terms of a
project which deals with Web information system
developed using the NDT methodology. All of it is
focused on the perspective of the paradigm of
Model- Driven Engineering.
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QSimTest (TIN2007-67843-C06_03) and by the
Tempros project (TIN2010-20057-C03-02) of the
Ministry of Education and Science, Spain.
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NDT-GLOSSARY - A MDE Approach for Glossary Generation